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  • Perlの最新動向 2021 - Mobile Factory Tech Blog

    こんにちは、エンジニアの id:mp0liiu です。 8月28日(土)の Learn Languages 2021 というイベントの Language Update というセッションで@charsbarさんと一緒に2018年以降のPerl5やPerlコミュニティの最新動向について話してきたので、そのとき話した内容に補足などしつつ記事にしていきたいと思います。 配信アーカイブはこちらから見れます。 時系列 2019/5/22 Perl5.30 リリース 2020/6/20 Perl5.32 リリース 2020/6/24 Perl7の発表 2021/5/21 Perl5.34 リリース Perl5.30 の変更点 正規表現や文字周りの細かい改善などはありますが、正直めぼしい変更点が見られないです。 Perl5.32 の変更点 isa 演算子の実装 値があるクラスのインスタンスもしくはそのサブ

      Perlの最新動向 2021 - Mobile Factory Tech Blog
    • The forgotten mistake that killed Japan's software industry - Disrupting Japan

      This is our 200th episode, so I wanted to do something special. Everyone loves to complain about the poor quality of Japanese software, but today I’m going to explain exactly what went wrong.  You’ll get the whole story, and I’ll also pinpoint the specific moment Japan lost its way. By the end, I think you’ll have a new perspective on Japanese software and understand why everything might be about

        The forgotten mistake that killed Japan's software industry - Disrupting Japan
      • 最短でWeb業界で給与を得るための最小知識2020 - Qiita

        分野別の知識/技術スタック ハードウェア IOPS 大きければ大きいほど良いものです 課金で増やせます 1 ストレージサイズ 大きければ大きいほど良いものです 課金で増やせます 1 CPU(論理)コア数 CPUには種類がありますが AMD64 とか X86_64 ってやつだけ使ってれば外しません もしiOS/AndroidアプリケーションやIoTなどの分野に興味がある場合は追加で ARM というやつが登場します クラウドなら課金で増やせます、物理だと課金だけでは増やせないこともある 1 メモリサイズ 大きければ大きいほど良いものです クラウドなら課金で増やせます、物理だと課金だけでは増やせないこともある 1 ネットワークの帯域 大きければ大きいほど良いものです クラウドなら課金で増やせます、物理だと課金だけでは増やせないこともある 1 仮想マシン/コンテナ 言葉だけ知っておきましょう EC

          最短でWeb業界で給与を得るための最小知識2020 - Qiita
        • Confusing git terminology

          Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it. So I asked people on Mastodon: what git jargon do you find confusing? thinking of writing a blog post that explains some of git’s weirder terminology: “detached HEAD state”, “fast-

          • Speculation in JavaScriptCore

            This post is all about speculative compilation, or just speculation for short, in the context of the JavaScriptCore virtual machine. Speculative compilation is ideal for making dynamic languages, or any language with enough dynamic features, run faster. In this post, we will look at speculation for JavaScript. Historically, this technique or closely related variants has been applied successfully t

            • Cloudflare Workers + Hono ワークショップ - ServerlessDays Tokyo 2023

              Cloudflare Workers + Hono ワークショップ 資料はこちら => workshops.yusuke.run #serverlessdays Yusuke Wada 2023-09-24 ServerlessDays Tokyo 2023 workshops.yusuke.run アジェンダ ワークショップについて Workers イントロダクション Hono イントロダクション 基本編 プロキシ編 Web API編 フルスタック編 AI編 Honoをより深く知る その他 1. ワークショップについて 1.1 対象 対象者 Cloudflareでのアプリケーション作成に興味のある方 Honoを使ってみたい方 フロント、バックエンド問いません 前提条件 Wranglerが動く環境をつくっておく npx wrangler が動く JavaScriptに対する知識があるとよい

                Cloudflare Workers + Hono ワークショップ - ServerlessDays Tokyo 2023
              • GitHub - AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI

                Detailed feature showcase with images: Original txt2img and img2img modes One click install and run script (but you still must install python and git) Outpainting Inpainting Color Sketch Prompt Matrix Stable Diffusion Upscale Attention, specify parts of text that the model should pay more attention to a man in a ((tuxedo)) - will pay more attention to tuxedo a man in a (tuxedo:1.21) - alternative

                  GitHub - AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI
                • State of GUI 2022 - KAS blog

                  Rust: state of GUI, December 2022 There was a recent call for blogs about Rust GUI. So, Are we GUI yet? Contents: Categorised listing of toolkits State of KAS State of GUI Categorised listing of toolkits Lets start by categorising entries from Are we GUI yet, ignoring those which appear abandoned or not very functional. Bindings Wrappers around platform-specific toolkits: Mac OS / iOS - cacao - Ru

                  • module bundler を作った

                    このフロントエンドの魔境に生まれたからには一度は俺が考えた最強の module bundler を作りたい。みんなそう思ってると思う。作った。 mizchi/bundler: hobby bundler tldr このコードが // foo.js export default 1; // index.js import foo from "./foo.js"; console.log(foo); export const index = 1; こうなる // @mizchi/bundler generate const _$_exported = {}; const _$_import = (id) => _$_exported[id] || _$_modules[id]((_$_exported[id] = {})); const _$_modules = { "/foo.js": (_

                      module bundler を作った
                    • BashPitfalls - Greg's Wiki

                      Bash Pitfalls This page is a compilation of common mistakes made by bash users. Each example is flawed in some way. 1. for f in $(ls *.mp3) One of the most common mistakes BASH programmers make is to write a loop like this: for f in $(ls *.mp3); do # Wrong! some command $f # Wrong! done for f in $(ls) # Wrong! for f in `ls` # Wrong! for f in $(find . -type f) # Wrong! for f in `find . -type f` # W

                      • twitter-textのPerl実装 Twitter::Text を公開した - 私が歌川です

                        Twitter::Text - Perl implementation of the twitter-text parsing library - metacpan.org Perlでツイートをバリデーションしたいときに使うことができます。どうぞご利用ください。 いろいろ学びがあったので、実装方針などについて書いていきます。 動機 そもそも既存ライブラリはなかったのか、と思うのですが、どうやら9年前から存在しなかったようです。 ツイートを読んでPerlのデータ構造にするText::Twitterってモジュールを見た記憶があるんだけど、そんなものはCPANになかった。なにを見たんだろう……。— 栗林健太郎 (@kentaro) 2011年1月24日 GitHubで twitter text perl で検索すると、以下のリポジトリがヒットしますが、どれも要件を満たさなかったです。 GitHu

                          twitter-textのPerl実装 Twitter::Text を公開した - 私が歌川です
                        • 2023年のはてなスタッフのアウトプットまとめ - Hatena Developer Blog

                          こんにちは、id:onk です。 2023年は、インパーソンの技術カンファレンスが戻ってきた 1 年だったなぁと思います。私が参加した 100 名程度以上の規模のものだけでも、以下のように参加していました。 2023/02/18 福岡Rubyist会議03 2023/03/04 鹿児島Ruby会議02 2023/03/19 YAPC::Kyoto 2023 2023/05/11-13 RubyKaigi 2023 2023/07/13 開発生産性Conference 2023/08/03 CloudNative Days Fukuoka 2023 (病欠) 2023/09/09 Osaka RubyKaigi 03 2023/09/29 PIXIV MEETUP 2023 2023/10/15 大江戸Ruby会議 10 2023/10/27-28 Kaigi on Rails 2023 2

                            2023年のはてなスタッフのアウトプットまとめ - Hatena Developer Blog
                          • Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript

                            Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript August 21, 2023 “Reactivity” is how systems react to changes in data. There are many types of reactivity, but for this article, reactivity is when data changes, you do things. Reactivity Patterns are Core to Web Development We handle a lot with JavaScript in websites and web apps since the browser is an entirely asynchronous environment. We mu

                              Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript
                            • Tooling for Tooling

                              We’ve seen a boom in programming language tooling in the past few years. Language servers, formatters, and linters have become commonplace in most languages. I’d call it a golden age, but I suspect this is only the beginning. Fulfilling Developer Expectations This explosion has in turn raised the bar for developer experience. No longer is it satisfactory to provide a basic syntax highlighting sche

                              • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                                I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                                • GitHub - Juanpe/About-SwiftUI: Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.

                                  Since past Apple's keynote, where SwiftUI was announced, tons of docs, examples, videos and tutorials have appeared. The goal of this repository is to gather all this information having a unique place where looking for info about SwiftUI. SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any App

                                    GitHub - Juanpe/About-SwiftUI: Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
                                  • Appleは極小バーコードを使用してディスプレイガラス製造の失敗を追跡し数百億円規模のコスト削減に成功

                                    AppleはiPhoneのディスプレイをカバーするガラスに極小のバーコードをエッチングすることで、サプライヤーから廃棄された欠陥のあるディスプレイガラスの数を正確に追跡できるようにしているとThe Informationが報じています。 How a Hidden Bar Code in iPhone Screens Saved Apple Hundreds of Millions of Dollars — The Information https://www.theinformation.com/articles/how-a-hidden-bar-code-in-iphone-screens-saved-apple-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars Apple hides barcodes in every iPhone screen https://app

                                    • PC/macOSのマイクがミュート状態か入力中かを表示するアプリを書いた

                                      mic-mutebarというPCのマイクがミュート状態か入力中(話している状態)かを表示するシンプルなアプリを書きました。 マイクの状態を表示するシンプルなアプリを書いた。 ミュートした状態で話してしまう問題を回避する目的 -- azu/mic-mutebar: mic mute status barhttps://t.co/GiYHoccZEY pic.twitter.com/jM2auYWWfG — azu (@azu_re) November 27, 2021 シンプルな棒状のアプリで、透明ウィンドウになっているので任意の位置に移動してマイクの状態を表示できます。 作った理由 前のMacbook ProではTouchbarがあったのですが、MacBook Pro (14”, 2021)に変えたらTouchbarがありませんでした。 Touchbarでは、Mutify for Macを

                                      • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                        Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                          The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                        • Dear Google Cloud: Your Deprecation Policy is Killing You

                                          God dammit, I didn’t want to blog again. I have so much stuff to do. Blogging takes time and energy and creativity that I could be putting to good use: my novels, my music, my game, and so on. But you get me riled enough, and I have to blog. Let’s get this over with, then. I’ll begin with a small but enlightening story from my early days at Google. For the record, I know I’ve said some perhaps unk

                                          • WSL2+Microk8s: the power of multinodes :: ~/wsl.dev — Get your Linux On

                                            IntroductionDuring the first ever WSLConf, which went from an onsite to online event, I did showcase Canonical Kubernetes cluster Microk8s on WSL2 The demo told a story of going from the usual local one node k8s cluster to a multi-node in WSL2. And it ended with a (huge?) surprise: everything was running on Windows Server 2019 Insider Now it’s your turn and while in the demo the first parts were a

                                            • Announcing Scala.js 1.0.0

                                              Feb 25, 2020. We are thrilled to announce the General Availability release of Scala.js 1.0.0! Scala.js is a close dialect of Scala compiling to JavaScript, featuring great portability wrt. Scala/JVM, interoperability with JavaScript, and performance. After 7 years of development, including 5 years of stability within the 0.6.x series, we are finally ready to present Scala.js 1.0.0. Quoting Antoine

                                                Announcing Scala.js 1.0.0
                                              • Perlで、少しの記述ミスでよく起こるエラーの意味とその対処と予防 - Blog::kobaken

                                                Perlに限らない話ですが、プログラミングをしているとセミコロンが抜けた、タイポなど些細な記述ミスでエラーが出ますよね。エラーメッセージから、原因を明確に特定できれば対処はしやすいですが、現実は、そうではなく、この辺が怪しい...くらいしか分からないことも多々。慣れたプログラミング言語でなければ、当然、土地勘がなくエラーの意味を汲み取れず、逆に慣れていれば「あーそれね」とすぐ解決に辿り着くのものです。 この記事では、Perlの初学者を対象に、Perlでよくある記述ミスとエラー、その対処方法、そして、そもそもエラーを起きにくくするための予防策をできる限り書きます。 いろんな記述ミスを紹介する前に perldiagを利用する use strict; use warnings あるいは use VERSIONを利用する can't use string as a hash ref Global

                                                  Perlで、少しの記述ミスでよく起こるエラーの意味とその対処と予防 - Blog::kobaken
                                                • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                                                  transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                                                    My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                                                  • 第646回 Raspberry PiをIoTデバイスとして活用できるUbuntu Core | gihyo.jp

                                                    Ubuntuはデスクトップ向け・サーバー向けだけでなく、IoT向けの用途にも注力しています。その中核となるのが、普通のLinuxディストリビューションとは異なる「Ubuntu Core」です。今回はRaspberry PiにUbuntu Coreをインストールして、その片鱗を味わってみましょう。 SnappyとかSnapとか言われてきたUbuntu Core もともと「Ubuntu Core」は「Snappy Ubuntu Core」と呼ばれていた時期がありました。「⁠Snappy」はUbuntuがまだ「第三のモバイルOS四天王」の一角を占めていたころに登場した仕組みで、Ubuntu Phoneの開発で得られた知見を元に、よりIoT・コンテナ向けのシステムを構築するためのプラットフォームとなることが目的でした。 当時の「目論見」の詳細はUbuntu Weekly Topicsの2014年1

                                                      第646回 Raspberry PiをIoTデバイスとして活用できるUbuntu Core | gihyo.jp
                                                    • Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line

                                                      “Command line interfaces. Once that was all we had. Then they disappeared, replaced by what we thought was a great advance: GUIs. GUIs were - and still are - valuable, but they fail to scale to the demands of today's systems. So now command line interfaces are back again, hiding under the name of search. Now you see them, now you don't. Now you see them again. And they will get better and better w

                                                        Replit — CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line
                                                      • The iOS 16 Design Guidelines: An Illustrated Guide

                                                        *display on phone is technically 2.61x Frame size. This is the “point size” or “@1x” size of a given device. I strongly recommend designing on frames of this size for a given device. (Here’s an explanation of points vs. pixels) Export scaling. This is how much bigger to make a raster image (PNG, JPG) when exporting to take maximum advantage of the higher resolution of some devices. What size frame

                                                          The iOS 16 Design Guidelines: An Illustrated Guide
                                                        • We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found | Sam Curry

                                                          Between the period of July 6th to October 6th myself, Brett Buerhaus, Ben Sadeghipour, Samuel Erb, and Tanner Barnes worked together and hacked on the Apple bug bounty program. Sam Curry (@samwcyo) Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Ben Sadeghipour (@nahamsec) Samuel Erb (@erbbysam) Tanner Barnes (@_StaticFlow_) During our engagement, we found a variety of vulnerabilities in core portions of their infras

                                                            We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found | Sam Curry
                                                          • Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine

                                                            Breadcrumbs UX are often neglected, but they can be extremely helpful when designing a complex navigation. We can improve them with sideways navigation, clearer breadcrumbs paths and accordions on mobile. Nobody gets particularly excited about breadcrumbs navigation. You know, those tiny little crumbles of pathways that illustrate where a user currently is in the intricate hierarchy of the website

                                                              Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine
                                                            • Details of the Cloudflare outage on July 2, 2019

                                                              Details of the Cloudflare outage on July 2, 201907/12/2019 Almost nine years ago, Cloudflare was a tiny company and I was a customer not an employee. Cloudflare had launched a month earlier and one day alerting told me that my little site, jgc.org, didn’t seem to have working DNS any more. Cloudflare had pushed out a change to its use of Protocol Buffers and it had broken DNS. I wrote to Matthew P

                                                              • Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows

                                                                Can you believe it's been 6 years since my last Tools list? Tools have changed, a lot are online, but honestly, it's just a LOT OF WORK to do the tools list. But here's one for 2020-2021. These are the tools in my Utils folder. I made a d:\dropbox\utils folder and I added it to my PATH. That way it's on all my computers and in my path on all my computers and I can get to any of them instantly. Thi

                                                                  Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
                                                                • Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”

                                                                  I recently joined a startup to run an engineering org of about 40 engineers. My title is VP Engineering. However, I have been having lots of ongoing conflict with the CEO (a former engineer) around whether or not I am allowed to have or hire any dedicated engineering managers. Right now, the engineers are clustered into small teams of 3-4, each of which has a lead engineer — someone who leads the

                                                                    Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”
                                                                  • Tkrzw: a set of implementations of DBM

                                                                    In general, if you want a key-value storage with the highest performance, choosing the file hash database is recommended. If you need ordered access of records, choosing the file tree database is recommended. If you need scalability of ordered databases, choosing the file skip database is recommended. If you need extreme performance, the on-memory hash database and the on-memory tree database are

                                                                    • Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything

                                                                      Update: this piece was featured on the NBTV YouTube Channel Manifest v3 may have taken some of the juice out of browser extensions, but I think there is still plenty left in the tank. To prove it, let’s build a Chrome extension that steals as much data as possible. I’m talking kitchen sink, whole enchilada, Grinch-plundering-Whoville levels of data theft. This will accomplish two things: Explore t

                                                                        Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
                                                                      • iOS/macOSオンデバイスで爆速で動作する音声認識モデルWhisperKit - Sansan Tech Blog

                                                                        iOSエンジニアの堤です。先日3月28日に開催された弊社主催のLTイベントで、「WhisperKitがだいぶ良いので紹介する」というタイトルで発表しました。 スライドはこちら: www.docswell.com 本記事は、同発表をベースとしつつ、(LTでは時間が足りないので)発表ではカットした内容を盛り込んで記事として再構成したものになります。 WhisperKitとは iOS/macOSオンデバイスで動く音声認識のすごいやつ デモ:標準の音声認識フレームワークSpeechとの比較 Speech WhisperKit なぜ速いのか - WhisperKitの系譜 OpenAI Whisper whisper.cpp Core ML とは whisper.cpp から WhisperKitへ argmax社とApple モデルサイズとメモリ消費量 各モデルのファイルサイズ一覧 メモリ使用量

                                                                          iOS/macOSオンデバイスで爆速で動作する音声認識モデルWhisperKit - Sansan Tech Blog
                                                                        • The definitive guide to profiling React applications

                                                                          Knowing how to profile a React application to improve real-world performance is a good tool in any front-end developer’s toolkit. The Profiler API allows us to do just that with insights on why and how long our components are rendering for. We can use the profiling data to find unnecessary and expensive renders that may be impacting performance negatively. Thankfully, it’s not that complicated. Le

                                                                            The definitive guide to profiling React applications
                                                                          • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

                                                                            The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

                                                                              The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
                                                                            • 0.8.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

                                                                              Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

                                                                              • Design tool canvas handles

                                                                                Design tools often pack a lot of functionality around the bounding box of selected objects. Some of this functionality is represented by handles or icons, but a lot of it is hidden. This can make learning the behaviour and interacting with objects pretty tricky. The only way to know if you can perform an action is to hover near the edge of a selected shape and note cursor changes. It’s like inspec

                                                                                  Design tool canvas handles
                                                                                • Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU Instance

                                                                                  The main takeaway from this post should be an appreciation for the tools and techniques that can help you to profile and improve the performance of your systems. Should you expect to get 5x performance gains from your webapp by cargo-culting these configuration changes? Probably not. Many of these specific optimizations won't really benefit you unless you are already serving more than 50k req/s to

                                                                                    Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU Instance