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DIDの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 310件

  • BlueskyがActivityPubを採用しなかった3つの理由 | Bam

    Copy permalink (strict) WhiteWind will show `Contents changed` badge if contents are edited Q. BlueskyはなぜActivityPubを採用しなかったのか A. 一言で言うなら時代がそれを許さなかった Twitterのメタクソ化と分散型SNS Elon Musk氏によるTwitter(現X)の買収後、サードパーティーアプリの排除やインプレゾンビの発生など、さまざまな改悪が行なわれました。このような巨大プラットフォームの品質低下は「メタクソ化」と呼ばれます。 メタクソ化とは、元々有益だったサービスが時間の経過とともに利益追求を優先し、ユーザーにとって不便で使いにくくなる現象を指します。ユーザーはそのプラットフォームで築き上げた関係性(ソーシャルグラフ)を人質に取られているため、改悪が行なわれても

      BlueskyがActivityPubを採用しなかった3つの理由 | Bam
    • 「初期人類が海に拡散していった図」を見るといつも途方もない思いに囚われちゃう「そこに触れてはいけない…」

      Archaeo - Histories @archeohistories What is the Austronesian Expansion ? The mass migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples thousands of years ago still has an impact on modern countries of the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Around 3000 BC, a mass migration spurred by population growth launched from the coast of modern-day Taiwan. The migrants crossed the oceans of the Indo-Pacific over hundred

      • なぜインターネットはどんどん劣化しているのか、昔の良かった頃に戻す方法はあるのか?

        「近年のインターネットは昔ほど楽しいものではなくなった」という意見について、メルボルン大学のコンピューティングおよび情報システム学部の情報システム上級講師であるマーク・チャン氏、メルボルン大学のメディアおよびコミュニケーション学者であるウォンスン・シン准教授が解説しています。 The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back? https://theconversation.com/the-internet-is-worse-than-it-used-to-be-how-did-we-get-here-and-can-we-go-back-236513 インターネットにアクセスすることでさまざまな情報に瞬時にアクセスしたり、離れたところにいる見知らぬ他人と簡単にコミュニケーショ

        • Unixの歴史の起源を伝説のゲーム「スペース・トラベル」で遊んで学ぼう! - Qiita

          ちなみに Space Travel にスコア機能やゲームのなにかを記録する機能はありません。描画は点と線だけで画像ファイルの読み込みなどは行いません。オリジナルの Space Travel は紙テープから起動してオンメモリで動くはずです。何が言いたいかというと Space Travel を動かすためにファイルシステムを作る理由はないということです。紙テープからの起動なんて時間がかかるのでは? と思ったあなたは鋭い。1980 年頃の音楽用のカセットテープをコンピュータの記憶媒体として使っていた時代では、実際にゲームを始める前のロード時間に何分も待っていました。 初期の Unix 開発の技術は Space Travel から学んだ さて、この記事は Space Travel を通して Unix 開発の初期の歴史や、なぜケン・トンプソンは Unix を開発するに至ったのかを知ろうというのが趣旨の

            Unixの歴史の起源を伝説のゲーム「スペース・トラベル」で遊んで学ぼう! - Qiita
          • OpenFreeMap

            What is OpenFreeMap? OpenFreeMap lets you display custom maps on your website and apps for free. You can either self-host or use our public instance. Everything is open-source, including the full production setup — there’s no ‘open-core’ model here. Check out our GitHub. The map data comes from OpenStreetMap. Using our public instance is completely free: there are no limits on the number of map vi

            • The Disappearance of an Internet Domain

              Gareth is a digital strategist, writer, and historian. He unearths Silicon Valley’s tech history in his monthly column, The Crazy Ones. Today we have something a little different from Gareth Edwards, who typically chronicles the forgotten history of Silicon Valley in his column, The Crazy Ones. When the British government announced last week that it was transferring sovereignty of an island in the

                The Disappearance of an Internet Domain
              • Tauri 2.0 Stable Release

                import CommandTabs from '@components/CommandTabs.astro'; import TableCompatibility from '@components/plugins/TableCompatibility.astro'; import Cta from '@fragments/cta.mdx'; import FeaturesList from '@components/list/Features.astro'; We are very proud to finally announce the stable release for the new major version of Tauri. Welcome to Tauri 2.0! What is Tauri? :::note[Definition] Tauri is a frame

                  Tauri 2.0 Stable Release
                • The Intelligence Age

                  In the next couple of decades, we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents. This phenomenon is not new, but it will be newly accelerated. People have become dramatically more capable over time; we can already accomplish things now that our predecessors would have believed to be impossible. We are more capable not because of genetic change, but because we bene

                    The Intelligence Age
                  • ビットコイン開発者「サトシ・ナカモト」の正体を名指しするドキュメンタリーが配信されるも当該人物は完全否定

                    ビットコインは「サトシ・ナカモト」と名乗る謎の人物によって発明されたもので、記事作成時点でもサトシ・ナカモトの正体は不明です。2024年10月8日にHBOで配信されたドキュメンタリー「Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery」ではビットコイン開発コミュニティに参加していたピーター・トッド氏がサトシ・ナカモトの正体として名指しされたのですが、本人は完全に否定しています。 Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery | Official Website for the HBO Original | HBO.com https://www.hbo.com/movies/money-electric-the-bitcoin-mystery Former Bitcoin Dev Peter Todd Denies He's Satoshi H

                    • JavaScript™

                      Deliver to: Oracle Corporation 2300 Oracle Way Austin, TX 78741 United States of America You have long ago abandoned the JavaScript trademark, and it is causing widespread, unwarranted confusion and disruption. JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, powering websites everywhere. Yet, few of the millions who program in it realize that JavaScript is a trademark you, Oracle, con

                      • Shigeru Ishiba on Japan’s New Security Era: The Future of Japan’s Foreign Policy

                        Shigeru Ishiba exclusively shared his views on the future of Japan’s foreign policy in response to a request from Hudson Institute’s Japan Chair before Mr. Ishiba was elected the president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan on September 27. The following is an unofficial translation of Mr. Ishiba’s personal opinion as a member of the Diet and does not necessarily reflect his view as the next

                          Shigeru Ishiba on Japan’s New Security Era: The Future of Japan’s Foreign Policy
                        • Rails 8.0 Beta 1: No PaaS Required

                          Deploying modern web apps – with all the provisions needed to be fast and secure while easily updateable – has become so hard that many developers don’t dare do it without a PaaS (platform-as-a-service). But that’s ridiculous. Nobody should have to pay orders of magnitude more for basic computing just to make deployment friendly and usable. That’s a job for open source, and Rails is ready to solve

                            Rails 8.0 Beta 1: No PaaS Required
                          • Terminal colours are tricky

                            Yesterday I was thinking about how long it took me to get a colorscheme in my terminal that I was mostly happy with (SO MANY YEARS), and it made me wonder what about terminal colours made it so hard. So I asked people on Mastodon what problems they’ve run into with colours in the terminal, and I got a ton of interesting responses! Let’s talk about some of the problems and a few possible ways to fi

                            • 施策実行支援でデータアナリストが考えていること

                              はじめに データアナリストとして仕事を始めて3年が経ちました。この3年間で、施策の立案やテストの設計、効果測定といったデータを活用とした施策実行支援のプロセスを数多く経験させていただいた中で、自分がデータアナリストとして気をつけていることをまとめてみました。自分の考えていることをほぼ全て書き起こしたので、少し冗長かもしれません。 想定読者はデータアナリスト1年目と施策立案や企画を行うビジネスマンを想定しています。 また、これは筆者の働くWeb系企業の自社プロダクト改善における話になりますので、予めご了承ください。 まとめ 思いのほか長文になってしまったので、時間のない人向けに先にまとめを書いておきます。 データアナリストは施策設計から積極的に関与すべし。後から効果測定依頼だけもらっても手遅れになることが多い。 施策設計の際には、施策によるKPIリフトが大きくなるように、また効果測定が精度良

                              • How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%

                                At Discord, we’re always thinking about ways to improve our services and increase performance. After all, the faster our app gets, the sooner you can return to your friends and conversations! Over the last six months, we embarked on a quest to support this endeavor, working to reduce the amount of bandwidth our clients use, especially on iOS and Android, hoping that decreasing bandwidth usage woul

                                  How Discord Reduced Websocket Traffic by 40%
                                • Web Components Are Not the Future

                                  A few years ago I wrote an article suggesting that Web Components might not be the most beneficial direction for Web development to head. It was a soft-handed look at where they made sense and where things fall apart. It wasn't geared as a "us against them" argument and I hoped people would come to reasonable conclusions for themselves. But over the past few years, I've only seen the situation wor

                                    Web Components Are Not the Future
                                  • Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk

                                    Musk’s now-deleted post questioning why no one has attempted to assassinate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris renews concerns over his work for the US government—and potential to inspire extremist violence. Shortly following reports of an apparent second assassination attempt against former US president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Elon Musk decided to speak up. “And no one is

                                      Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk
                                    • Nobel Peace Prize: Japanese atomic bomb survivors Nihon Hidankyo win

                                      Co-chair Toshiyuki Mimaki, who survived the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, was tearful after it was announced Nihon Hidankyo had won Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese group of atomic bomb survivors, has won the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Known as hibakusha, the survivors of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been recognised by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for efforts to rid the world of nu

                                        Nobel Peace Prize: Japanese atomic bomb survivors Nihon Hidankyo win
                                      • GitHub Notification Emails Hijacked to Send Malware

                                        As an open source developer I frequently get emails from GitHub, most of these emails are notifications sent on behalf of GitHub users to let me know that somebody has interacted with something and requires my attention. Perhaps somebody has created a new issue on one of my repos, or replied to a comment I left, or opened a pull request, or perhaps the user is trying to impersonate GitHub security

                                          GitHub Notification Emails Hijacked to Send Malware
                                        • Introducing Contextual Retrieval

                                          For an AI model to be useful in specific contexts, it often needs access to background knowledge. For example, customer support chatbots need knowledge about the specific business they're being used for, and legal analyst bots need to know about a vast array of past cases. Developers typically enhance an AI model's knowledge using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is a method that retrieve

                                            Introducing Contextual Retrieval
                                          • Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta - TypeScript

                                            Today we are announcing the availability of TypeScript 5.7 Beta. To get started using the beta, you can get it through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@beta Let’s take a look at what’s new in TypeScript 5.7! Checks for Never-Initialized Variables For a long time, TypeScript has been able to catch issues when a variable has not yet been initialized in all prior branches. le

                                              Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta - TypeScript
                                            • Patched fetch did not work

                                              So you want to write a User-Defined Function for Flink? @ Current 2024 - Austin, TX

                                                Patched fetch did not work
                                              • 美しいイラストと詩的な言葉で魅せる!「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」で親子英語学習

                                                「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」は、花との五感を通した触れ合いを通して、生命の力強さ、世界の美しさ、そして自分自身の存在の不思議さを、詩的な言葉と鮮やかなイラストで表現した絵本で、2022 Caldecott受賞作品です。 ここでは「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話の内容この絵本は、「花を見たことがありますか?」というシンプルな問いかけから始まります。 読者は、主人公の子供と一緒に、花の色、香り、感触を、五感をフルに使って体験していきます。 花の中に入り込んだような、不思議な感覚。 花びらの奥底に広がる、生命の神秘。 そして、私たち自身の体の中にも、同じように生命が脈打っていることに気づかされます。 英語学習のポイン

                                                  美しいイラストと詩的な言葉で魅せる!「Have You Ever Seen a Flower?」で親子英語学習
                                                • Node.js 20 upgrade: a journey through unexpected HEAP issues with Kubernetes

                                                  This summer, I upgraded a project from Node 18 to Node.js 20. The code was not that old, and I did not expect any problems... But as with every Node.js upgrade, unexpected behaviors happened. Why upgrade?It is common practice to keep projects up to date. Lagging behind too much may increase the work needed to upgrade when the choice isn’t yours anymore. I could have waited, but I had some time to

                                                    Node.js 20 upgrade: a journey through unexpected HEAP issues with Kubernetes
                                                  • The Fastest Mutexes

                                                    Cosmopolitan Libc is well-known for its polyglot fat binary hack that lets your executables run on six OSes for AMD64 / ARM64. What may surprise you is that it could also be the best C library for your production workloads too. To demonstrate this point, let's compare Cosmo's mutex library with other platforms. We'll do this by writing a simple test that spawns 30 threads which increment the same

                                                      The Fastest Mutexes
                                                    • Hezbollah pagers and walkie-talkies: How did they explode and who did it?

                                                      At least 32 people, including two children, were killed and thousands more injured, many seriously, after communication devices, some used by the armed group Hezbollah, dramatically exploded across Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the latest round of blasts on Wednesday, exploding walkie-talkies killed 20 and injured at least 450 people, according to Lebanon's health ministry. The explosions o

                                                        Hezbollah pagers and walkie-talkies: How did they explode and who did it?
                                                      • Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public!

                                                        Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public!2024-10-02 Back in February, we celebrated our victory at trial in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas against patent trolls Sable IP and Sable Networks. This was the culmination of nearly three years of litigation against Sable, but it wasn’t the end of the story. Today we’re pleased to announce that the lit

                                                          Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public!
                                                        • 心温まる英語絵本『The Smartest Giant in Town』- 楽しみながら学ぶ英語表現

                                                          「The Smartest Giant in Town」は、思いやりと優しさの大切さを教えてくれる心温まる絵本です。ジュリア・ドナルドソンの魅力的な文章と、アクセル・シェフラーの楽しいイラストで、お子さんと一緒に英語を楽しみながら学べる素晴らしい作品です。 ここでは「The Smartest Giant in Town」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話のあらすじジョージは町で一番だらしない巨人でしたが、ある日新しい服を買って町で一番おしゃれな巨人に変身します。しかし、帰り道で困っている動物たちに出会い、次々と新しい服を分け与えていきます。最後には元の姿に戻りますが、動物たちから「町で一番親切な巨人」として感謝されます。 英語学習のポイント“Cheer up!”この表現は「元気出して!」という意味で、誰

                                                            心温まる英語絵本『The Smartest Giant in Town』- 楽しみながら学ぶ英語表現
                                                          • China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sank earlier this year, US official says | CNN Politics

                                                            China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sank pierside in the spring and the Chinese Navy tried to conceal the loss, according to two US defense officials. The attack submarine was the first of its new Zhou-class line of vessels, the official said, under construction at a shipyard near the city of Wuhan. The Zhou-class submarines have a distinctive X-shaped stern, designed to improve maneuverabili

                                                              China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sank earlier this year, US official says | CNN Politics
                                                            • 英語で秋を満喫!「Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn」の心温まるストーリー

                                                              「Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn」は、秋の魅力を再発見する心温まる絵本です。ピートと一緒に、秋の楽しみを探る旅に出かけてみませんか? ここでは「Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話のあらすじ夏が終わり、秋が始まったばかりのある日。ピートは夏の楽しい思い出を懐かしみ、少し寂しい気持ちになります。ママの提案で、秋の楽しみを探す旅に出かけたピート。パンプキンパイ作り、トウモロコシ畑の迷路、編み物、干し草乗り、りんご狩り、フットボール、そして紅葉と、次々に秋の魅力に出会っていきます。 旅の終わりに、ピートは集めた秋の思い出の品々を感謝祭の飾りとして使うことに。家族や友人と囲む食卓を見渡したピートは、季節に関係なく一番大

                                                                英語で秋を満喫!「Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn」の心温まるストーリー
                                                              • Detecting and Mitigating Active Directory Compromises

                                                                Detecting and Mitigating Active Directory Compromises First published: September 2024 Detecting and Mitigating Microsoft Active Directory Compromises ii Introduction This guidance – authored by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), the New Zealand Nati

                                                                • Rearchitecting: Redis to SQLite | Wafris

                                                                  Pssst - want to skip right to the chart? click here Background We're Wafris, an open-source web application firewall company that, among other frameworks, ships a Rails middleware client. At launch, the v1 client required a local Redis datastore to be deployed with your app. We're now releasing v2 of our Rails client which uses SQLite as the backing datastore. This article covers the decision-maki

                                                                  • What Happened to the Japanese PC Platforms? - The Future Is Now

                                                                    (This was originally posted on a social media site; I’ve revised and updated it for my blog.) The other day a friend asked me a pretty interesting question: what happened to all those companies who made those Japanese computer platforms that were never released outside Japan? I thought it’d be worth expanding that answer into a full-size post. A quick introduction: the players It’s hard to remembe

                                                                    • 1907年のニューヨークの銀行恐慌の国際的な波及についての実証結果 - himaginary’s diary

                                                                      というスイス国立銀行論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Evidence on the international financial spillovers of the New York Bankers' Panic of 1907」で、著者は同行のThomas Nitschka。 以下はその要旨。 Using a unique dataset of daily returns on all Swiss stocks traded on the Zurich exchange, I use event study methods to show that the New York Bankers' Panic of 1907 affected foreign stock markets earlier than previous studies of the i

                                                                        1907年のニューヨークの銀行恐慌の国際的な波及についての実証結果 - himaginary’s diary
                                                                      • 著名神経科学者でアメリカ国立老化研究所の部門長でもあるエリーザー・マスリアの論文に画像偽造の疑い、アルツハイマー病とパーキンソン病で世界中で引用されまくる論文に疑惑

                                                                        アメリカ国立衛生研究所(NIH)の27の研究センターのひとつであるアメリカ国立老化研究所(NIA)で部門長を務め、神経科学分野の権威として知られる著名学者のエリーザー・マスリア氏の数百本にもおよぶ論文で、画像が偽造された可能性があると科学誌のScienceが指摘しています。 Did a top NIH official manipulate Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s studies for decades? | Science | AAAS https://www.science.org/content/article/research-misconduct-finding-neuroscientist-eliezer-masliah-papers-under-suspicion Fraud, So Much Fraud | Science | AAAS ht

                                                                        • Rewriting Rust

                                                                          The Rust programming language feels like a first generation product. You know what I mean. Like the first iPhone - which was amazing by the way. They made an entire operating system around multitouch. A smart phone with no keyboard. And a working web browser. Within a few months, we all realised what the iPhone really wanted to be. Only, the first generation iphone wasn't quite there. It didn't ha

                                                                          • Don’t build your castle in other people’s kingdoms – How To Market A Game

                                                                            In the past couple of months a couple of big social media sites have changed their terms or introduced suspicious paid plans and it has caught content creators off guard. For instance, last week Twitch introduced a new “Boost” program where streamers can pay to get more viewers to see their stream. Read here Twitch Adds New Boost Stream Feature Twitch Tests Paid Boost Feature OnlyFans ALMOST banne

                                                                            • Introducing TanStack Router – Frontend Masters Boost

                                                                              TanStack Router is an incredibly exciting project. It’s essentially a fully-featured client-side JavaScript application framework. It provides a mature routing and navigation system with nested layouts and efficient data loading capabilities at every point in the route tree. Best of all, it does all of this in a type-safe manner. What’s especially exciting is that, as of this writing, there’s a Ta

                                                                                Introducing TanStack Router – Frontend Masters Boost
                                                                              • Worldcoin×博報堂:AIと人間を区別する新時代のデジタルID戦略 - イノベトピア

                                                                                Last Updated on 2024-10-11 07:40 by admin 株式会社博報堂は、2024年10月10日、OpenAIの共同創業者サム・アルトマン氏が関与する「Worldcoinプロジェクト」の主要企業Tools for Humanityと提携したことを発表した。 Worldcoinプロジェクトは、人間とAIを区別するデジタルID「World ID」を発行し、オンライン上の信頼性を向上させることを目的としている。World IDの取得には、Tools for Humanityが開発した虹彩認証装置「Orb」を使用する。 現在、世界で約600万人以上がWorld IDを認証している。博報堂は2023年12月からTools for Humanityと実証実験を行っており、今回の提携を通じてWorld IDの日本での普及拡大に取り組む。 博報堂は、AI時代における重要なツール

                                                                                  Worldcoin×博報堂:AIと人間を区別する新時代のデジタルID戦略 - イノベトピア
                                                                                • 今日の行動が2週間後の脳に影響を与えるという研究結果、特に注意力・記憶力・認知機能に影響大

                                                                                  「運動や夜更かしなどの日々の行動が脳に与える影響は2週間後まで続く」とフィンランドのアールト大学の研究チームが発表しました。 Longitudinal single-subject neuroimaging study reveals effects of daily environmental, physiological, and lifestyle factors on functional brain connectivity | PLOS Biology https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002797 Your Brain Changes Based on What You Did Two Weeks Ago - Newsweek https://www.newsweek.
