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Memoryの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 364件

  • ChatGPTに過去のやりとりを記憶する「Memory」機能

    • 『Bright Memory アーリーアクセス版』をほぼひとりで作り上げたFYQD-Studioの超絶クオリティーを実現したヒミツに迫る | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

      どの業界によらず、日々新たな才能が登場してくるのは活気があってうれしいもの。さてゲーム業界では……ということで2019年を振り返ると、ひときわ印象的だったのが、『Bright Memory』を開発した中国のデベロッパーFYQD-Studio(Zeng Xiancheng氏)。同作が日本で明らかにされたのが、東京ゲームショウ2019の会期に合わせて行われた“PLAYISM New Game 2019 TGS 新作発表会”にて。

        『Bright Memory アーリーアクセス版』をほぼひとりで作り上げたFYQD-Studioの超絶クオリティーを実現したヒミツに迫る | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
      • Avoiding race conditions and memory leaks in React useEffect

        Let us take a look at an implementation of getting data from an API request and see if there is any possibility of race conditions happening in this component: import React, { useEffect} from 'react'; export default function UseEffectWithRaceCondition() { const [todo, setTodo] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const fetchData = async () => { const response = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.

          Avoiding race conditions and memory leaks in React useEffect
        • An Open Letter on the Misuse of Holocaust Memory | Omer Bartov

          We the undersigned are scholars of the Holocaust and antisemitism from different institutions. We write to express our dismay and disappointment at political leaders and notable public figures invoking Holocaust memory to explain the current crisis in Gaza and Israel. Particular examples have ranged from Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan donning a yellow star featuring the words “Never Agai

            An Open Letter on the Misuse of Holocaust Memory | Omer Bartov
          • Reducing Memory Allocations in Golang

            Go’s place between C and Python in terms of abstraction and garbage collection memory management model has made it attractive to programmers looking for a fast but reasonably high level language. However, there is no free lunch. Go’s abstractions, especially with regards to allocation, come with a cost. This article will show ways to measure and reduce this cost. Measuring On posts about performan

            • 「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Memory Snow」地上波で初放送。第2期は4月から

                「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Memory Snow」地上波で初放送。第2期は4月から
              • GitHub - knrt10/gRPC-cache: In memory Key/Value store in go using gRPC.

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                  GitHub - knrt10/gRPC-cache: In memory Key/Value store in go using gRPC.
                • GitHub - small-tech/jsdb: A transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for Small Web applications that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.

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                    GitHub - small-tech/jsdb: A transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for Small Web applications that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.
                  • Memory management in Python | Artem Golubin

                    This article describes memory management in Python 3.6. If you are interested in GC details, you can read my article about Garbage collection in Python. Everything in Python is an object. Some objects can hold other objects, such as lists, tuples, dicts, classes, etc. Because of dynamic Python's nature, such an approach requires a lot of small memory allocations. To speed-up memory operations and

                    • 南スペイン!思い出を巡る旅〜Memory Lane〜:「白い村」ミハス:picturesque - Bossの英語旅

                      南スペインの白い村、ミハス 日本人英語講師のBossです。 初めに これまでの「Bossのゆる旅英単語」旅編 今回から、新章「Memory Lane」! Mijas(ミハス) 位置&行き方(Boss旅の場合) ①バルセロナ→マラガ(飛行機) ②マラガ→ミハス(小型バス) ミハスは絵のように美しい村 写真①:picturesque 写真②:whitewashed 写真③:vivid 写真④:epic 最後に 今回の英単語(おさらい) こんな「Boss流旅ブログ」 P.S.「旅ブログ」のお約束 初めに 今回から気分も新たに 英単語を交えて 写真で巡る思い出の旅:スペイン旅行編 スタート! これまでの「Bossのゆる旅英単語」旅編 →ドタバタ劇の「旅ブログ」 www.yurutabieigo.com 「生ハマ?」事件発生! →キャンセル交渉はcompromise(エアー代)編vol.1 www.

                        南スペイン!思い出を巡る旅〜Memory Lane〜:「白い村」ミハス:picturesque - Bossの英語旅
                      • GitHub - dgraph-io/ristretto: A high performance memory-bound Go cache

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                          GitHub - dgraph-io/ristretto: A high performance memory-bound Go cache
                        • GitHub - emeryberger/scalene: Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python

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                            GitHub - emeryberger/scalene: Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python
                          • GitHub - stackframe-projects/pgmock: In-memory Postgres for unit/E2E tests

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                              GitHub - stackframe-projects/pgmock: In-memory Postgres for unit/E2E tests
                            • MemLab: An open source framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks

                              MemLab: An open source framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks We’ve open-sourced MemLab, a JavaScript memory testing framework that automates memory leak detection. Finding and addressing the root cause of memory leaks is important for delivering a quality user experience on web applications. MemLab has helped engineers and developers at Meta improve user experience and make significant imp

                                MemLab: An open source framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks
                              • SWE Internship@Chrome Memory Tokyo|naho

                                2021/07/19 - 2021/10/01にGoogle SWEインターンに参加しました! 2年前のSTEP教育プログラム,STEPインターンを経て,Returning Offerを受けて戻ってきた形になります. 今回はオープンソースのChromeへの配属だったということで,「社外への公開についてですが〜オープンソースなので全部大丈夫です😊」と言われました.せっかくの良い機会なので,記憶が鮮明なうちに成果をまとめてみたいと思い,初めてnoteを書いています. メモリチーム周りでは,Partition Alloc EverywhereとかMiraclePtrとか色んなプロジェクトが動いているみたいですが,私が取り組んだプロジェクトは主に2つです. - Converting ListHashSet to LinkedHashSet - Making ImageResourceObserv

                                  SWE Internship@Chrome Memory Tokyo|naho
                                • Hunting down a C memory leak in a Go program

                                  What it feels like when your app is leaking memoryIntroductionOver the last few years at Zendesk, both Go and Kafka have been increasingly growing in importance in our architecture. It was of course inevitable that they should meet, and so various teams have been writing Kafka consumers and producers in Go of late. There are a few different library options for building Kafka apps in Go, but we’ve

                                    Hunting down a C memory leak in a Go program
                                  • 【C#】SpanとMemory - Annulus Games

                                    今回の記事はC#のSpan<T>とMemory<T>について。 現代のC#ではパフォーマンス向上のためにSpanが用いられる機会が非常に多くなっています。.NETでも多くのAPIがSpan<T>を受け入れるようになってきており、パフォーマンスに気を遣ってコードを書く場面ではもはやSpanの活用は必須と言えます。 また、C#ではSpanとは別に似たような型としてMemory<T>も存在しています。こちらは利用する上での制約がSpanと比べて少なく、Spanの代替として主にasyncメソッド内で用いられることが多いです。 そこで今回は、Span<T>やMemory<T>の利用方法や使い分け、またMemory<T>を適切に扱うための指針やIMemoryOwner<T>による所有権の管理についてまでをまとめていきたいと思います。基本的にはSpan<T>の利用のみで事足りますが、Memory<T>が

                                    • Javaの-XmsはMemory Startingの略? - きしだのHatena

                                      Javaのメモリ確保指定のオプションで、最大メモリは-Xmx、初期メモリは-Xmsで指定します。 -XmxのほうはMemory maXimumかなーと感じるのだけど、-Xmsのほうはminimumでもないしなんだろーと思いながら「まぁ気にしてもしかたない」と25年くらい放置してたわけです。 それがちょっとTwitterで話題になってて、調べてみたらStack Overflowにそれっぽいものがありました。 Yes, ms = minimum heap size / heap memory start size and mx = maximum heap size. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58164083/why-did-java-chose-xmx-and-xms-naming-convention-for-heap-sizes -Xmsは

                                        Javaの-XmsはMemory Startingの略? - きしだのHatena
                                      • GitHub - vekatze/neut: A dependently-typed programming language with static memory management

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                                          GitHub - vekatze/neut: A dependently-typed programming language with static memory management
                                        • NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages

                                          C/C++ on the bench, as US snoop HQ puts its trust in Rust, C#, Go, Java, Ruby, Swift The NSA has released guidance encouraging organizations to shift programming languages from the likes of C and C++ to memory-safe alternatives – namely C#, Rust, Go, Java, Ruby or Swift. "NSA recommends that organizations use memory safe languages when possible and bolster protection through code-hardening defense

                                            NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages
                                          • KAMEN RIDER memory of heroez | バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式サイト

                                            2020.10.29 本日発売! 「KAMEN RIDER memory of heroez」、本日発売!

                                              KAMEN RIDER memory of heroez | バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式サイト
                                            • YJIT Is the Most Memory-Efficient Ruby JIT

                                              This year, the YJIT team and I have gotten a paper accepted at MPLR 2023 (Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes), which is now freely available through ACM open access. The paper, titled “Evaluating YJIT’s Performance in a Production Context: A Pragmatic Approach”, goes into details of the strategy taken to evaluate YJIT’s performance in a production context. One of our key findings, when com

                                                YJIT Is the Most Memory-Efficient Ruby JIT
                                              • Memory and new controls for ChatGPT

                                                We’re testing the ability for ChatGPT to remember things you discuss to make future chats more helpful. You’re in control of ChatGPT’s memory. We’re testing memory with ChatGPT. Remembering things you discuss across all chats saves you from having to repeat information and makes future conversations more helpful. You’re in control of ChatGPT’s memory. You can explicitly tell it to remember somethi

                                                  Memory and new controls for ChatGPT
                                                • VTuberの異端児 ピーナッツくん、初アルバム『False Memory Syndrome』リリース

                                                  POPなポイントを3行で ピーナッツくん、1stアルバムリリース 動画や生放送でたびたび言及していた ヒップホップ愛が強すぎる豆 ショートアニメーション作品/バーチャルYouTuber・オシャレになりたい!ピーナッツくんが初のアルバム『False Memory Syndrome』を6月30日(火)にリリースすると発表した。 これまでのファンシーでポップな雰囲気を払拭するような、手術台の上に寝そべるピーナッツくんが印象的なジャケットに仕上がっている。全11曲を収録。 【重大告知】 ピーナッツくんの初アルバム「False Memory Syndrome」(フォールスメモリーシンドローム)を6/30にリリースするナッツ! お待たせしたナッツ! たくさん時間をかけて作ったから、ぜひお楽しみにナッツ✨ ミックスマスタリングはワニのヤカ(@c_yaca )さんナッツ🐊#フォルメモ pic.twitt

                                                    VTuberの異端児 ピーナッツくん、初アルバム『False Memory Syndrome』リリース
                                                  • Detached window memory leaks  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                    Detached window memory leaks Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. What's a memory leak in JavaScript? A memory leak is an unintentional increase in the amount of memory used by an application over time. In JavaScript, memory leaks happen when objects are no longer needed, but are still referenced by functions or other objects. These references prev

                                                    • Blender Bot 2.0: An open source chatbot that builds long-term memory and searches the internet

                                                      Blender Bot 2.0: An open source chatbot that builds long-term memory and searches the internet Facebook AI Research has built and open-sourced BlenderBot 2.0, the first chatbot that can simultaneously build long-term memory it can continually access, search the internet for timely information, and have sophisticated conversations on nearly any topic. It’s a significant update to the original Blend

                                                        Blender Bot 2.0: An open source chatbot that builds long-term memory and searches the internet
                                                      • 『葬送のフリーレン』"旅の記憶"スペシャルビデオ/Frieren:Journey's memory Special Video

                                                        アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』で描かれた、 フリーレンの“人の心を知る旅路”。 その旅の記憶を綴るスペシャル映像を公開! 『葬送のフリーレン』 全28話 各動画配信サービスで配信中 Blu-ray&DVD全7巻順次発売中 【スタッフ】 原作:山田鐘人・アベツカサ(小学館「週刊少年サンデー」連載中) 監督:斎藤圭一郎 シリーズ構成:鈴木智尋 キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:長澤礼子 コンセプトアート:吉岡誠子 魔物デザイン:原科大樹 アクションディレクター:岩澤亨 デザインワークス:簑島綾香/山﨑絵美/とだま。/長坂慶太/亀澤蘭/松村佳子/高瀬丸 美術監督:高木佐和子 美術設定:杉山晋史 色彩設計:大野春恵 3DCGディレクター:廣住茂徳 撮影監督:伏原あかね 編集:木村佳史子 音響監督:はたしょう二 音楽:Evan Call 第1クールオープニングテーマ:「勇者」YOASOBI 第2オー

                                                          『葬送のフリーレン』"旅の記憶"スペシャルビデオ/Frieren:Journey's memory Special Video
                                                        • 【Alive Inside】映画「パーソナル・ソング 」の勧め A Story of Music and Memory 認知症や高齢になる前に「大好きだった音楽」で予防と対策を - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                                                          「大好きだった音楽(曲)」をつかって、(年をとっても、認知症になっても)「昔の記憶を呼び起こし」「幸せな気持ちに」なろう というのが、このブログのメインテーマです キッカケとなった、 エビデンスに基づいたいくつかの本と映画がありますが、 今回は、ドキュメンタリー映画「パーソナルソング」について書かせてください こんなことをしています 【実験】「認知症の予防」に関連して「幸せを感じる」ための10か月の実験結果報告 (若い頃の曲、若い頃の服) - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」 本文は下の方になります ↓ 大昔のレザージャンパーと記憶 (手離し) このレザージャンパー、革ジャンは、若かった頃、(何十年前?!) 友達の結婚式のために、夫と香港に行った時に買ったものです 豚の革ですし安価なものですが、買った店の様子、試着した時の光景、結婚式のあれこれ、

                                                            【Alive Inside】映画「パーソナル・ソング 」の勧め A Story of Music and Memory 認知症や高齢になる前に「大好きだった音楽」で予防と対策を - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                                                          • GitHub - proullon/ramsql: In-memory SQL engine in Go sql/driver for testing purpose

                                                            RamSQL has been written to be used in your project's test suite. Unit testing in Go is simple, create a foo_test.go import testing and run go test ./.... But then there is SQL queries, constraints, CRUD...and suddenly you need a PostgresSQL, setup scripts and nothing is easy anymore. The idea is to avoid setup, DBMS installation and credentials management as long as possible. A unique engine is ti

                                                              GitHub - proullon/ramsql: In-memory SQL engine in Go sql/driver for testing purpose
                                                            • GitHub - stuxnet999/MemLabs: Educational, CTF-styled labs for individuals interested in Memory Forensics

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - stuxnet999/MemLabs: Educational, CTF-styled labs for individuals interested in Memory Forensics
                                                              • When your data doesn’t fit in memory: the basic techniques

                                                                When your data doesn’t fit in memory: the basic techniques by Itamar Turner-Trauring Last updated 06 Jan 2023, originally created 08 Nov 2019 You’re writing software that processes data, and it works fine when you test it on a small sample file. But when you load the real data, your program crashes. The problem is that you don’t have enough memory—if you have 16GB of RAM, you can’t load a 100GB fi

                                                                  When your data doesn’t fit in memory: the basic techniques
                                                                • GOMEMLIMIT is a game changer for high-memory applications | Weaviate - Vector Database

                                                                  Intro​Running out of memory is never fun, but it's incredibly frustrating when you've already taken some precautions and calculated your exact memory needs. "My application requires 4GB of memory. How is it possible I ran out of memory on my 6GB machine!?". As it turns out, this was a real possibility in a garbage collected ("GC") language like Golang. The emphasis is on the word "was" because Go

                                                                    GOMEMLIMIT is a game changer for high-memory applications | Weaviate - Vector Database
                                                                  • Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App

                                                                    Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js AppJanuary 12th, 2023 — 15 min read A few months ago, I wrote about my migration from Postgres to SQLite. I ended that with a "to be continued" because I had a number of issues related to memory and CPU spikes that I couldn't really explain. For a while I thought it was bugs in LiteFS (which I'm using to get distributed SQLite for my distributed node ap

                                                                      Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App
                                                                    • Memory@Hélène Grimaud | MusicArena

                                                                      DGの昨年のリリースで、エレーヌ・グリモーのメモリーと題したコンセプト・アルバムから。 https://tower.jp/item/4774055/ Hélène Grimaud: Memory 1. Valentin Silvestrov: Bagatelle Op.1/1 2. Claude Debussy: Arabesque No.1 3. Valentin Silvestrov: Bagatelle Op.1/2 4. Erik Satie: Gnossienne No.4 5. Frédéric Chopin: Nocturne In E Minor Erik Satie: 6. Gnossienne No.1 7. Gymnopédie No.1 8. Danse De Travers No.1 9. Claude Debussy: La Plus Que Lente Fré

                                                                        Memory@Hélène Grimaud | MusicArena
                                                                      • GitHub - jakekgrog/GhostDB: GhostDB is a distributed, in-memory, general purpose key-value data store that delivers microsecond performance at any scale.

                                                                        GhostDB stemmed from a University project. Due to the nature of these projects (time constraints etc.), we feel some corners were cut. For example, we opted for the memcached model of distribution to save on time as it was easier to implement. However, this wasn't the original vision of GhostDB. Myself and Connor also started new jobs and these took up a good chunk of our time. This combined with

                                                                          GitHub - jakekgrog/GhostDB: GhostDB is a distributed, in-memory, general purpose key-value data store that delivers microsecond performance at any scale.
                                                                        • How Much Memory Do You Need to Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks? | Piotr Kołaczkowski

                                                                          In this blog post, I delve into the comparison of memory consumption between asynchronous and multi-threaded programming across popular languages like Rust, Go, Java, C#, Python, Node.js and Elixir. Some time ago I had to compare performance of a few computer programs designed to handle a large number of network connections. I saw huge differences in memory consumption of those programs, even exce

                                                                          • Tracking a memory leak in one a Go microservice - Blog Detectify

                                                                            How we tracked down (what seemed like) a memory leak in one of our Go microservices Detectify is driving the future of internet security with appsec solutions powered by automation and crowdsourcing of web vulnerabilities. Detectify is a cloud-native security solution built upon microservices and here comes a blog post from the tech team’s adventures. The developer team at Detectify has been worki

                                                                              Tracking a memory leak in one a Go microservice - Blog Detectify
                                                                            • Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim… https://t.co/1KhT776DPw"

                                                                              ....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim… https://t.co/1KhT776DPw

                                                                                Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim… https://t.co/1KhT776DPw"
                                                                              • New General Purpose, Compute Optimized, and Memory-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances with Higher Packet-Processing Performance | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                The r6in and r6idn instances are available in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) regions in On-Demand and Spot form. Savings Plans and Reserved Instances are available. Inside the Instances As you can probably guess from these specs and from the blog post that I wrote to launch the c6in instances, all of these new instance types have a lot in common. I’ll do a

                                                                                  New General Purpose, Compute Optimized, and Memory-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances with Higher Packet-Processing Performance | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • Debugging memory corruption: who the hell writes “2” into my stack?! | Unity Blog

                                                                                  Hi, my name is Tautvydas and I’m a software developer at Unity working in the Windows team. I’d like to share a story of debugging an elusive memory corruption bug. Several weeks ago we received a bug report from a customer that said their game was crashing when using IL2CPP scripting backend. QA verified the bug and assigned it to me for fixing. The project was quite big (although far from the la

                                                                                    Debugging memory corruption: who the hell writes “2” into my stack?! | Unity Blog