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  • [Swift] Protocolの名前の付けかたのお話 | DevelopersIO

    命名論は各エンジニアの思うスタイルがあると思うので「こうあるべき」というお話はしません。 名前付けに迷うことが多い方の参考になればと思います。 はじめに CX事業本部の中安です。まいどです。 以前に社内でコードレビューをしてもらった際に「プロトコルの命名」についての指摘をいただきました。その時に自分の中で「けっこう曖昧に名前を付けていたなぁ」と反省しました。 では、プロトコルの命名とはどういうものがベターなのか。 今回は「プロトコルの名前の付けかた」に絞って少し調べてみたものを、まとめてみたいと思います。 ドキュメントから読み解いてみる まずは、Appleが公開している「Cocoa向けコーディングガイドライン」を見ていくと Protocols should be named according to how they group behaviors: プロトコルは振る舞いのグループ化の方法

      [Swift] Protocolの名前の付けかたのお話 | DevelopersIO
    • Phantom Types

      UPDATE Wed 24th, 2024: This article was originally called “Nominal Types”. A few people on lobste.rs and r/programming pointed out that naming this Nominal Types is incorrect. A better description would be Phantom Types or maybe Tagged Types. Quick overview of using nominal types to encode semantic differences between types in an efficient and elegant way The Problem#Let’s say we’re writing a prog

        Phantom Types
      • Zig Makes Go Cross Compilation Just Work

        See also the followup post: https://zig.news/kristoff/building-sqlite-with-cgo-for-every-os-4cic For the last couple of months I worked on a redesign of https://ziglang.org. Among other things, the site was ported to Hugo, a popular static site generator written in Go. Everything went smoothly, but I did encounter a snag when setting up the deploy pipeline: I could not build Hugo for x86_64 Linux

          Zig Makes Go Cross Compilation Just Work
        • Rust for JavaScript Developers - Pattern Matching and Enums

          This is the fourth part in a series about introducing the Rust language to JavaScript developers. Here are all the chapters: Tooling Ecosystem Overview Variables and Data Types Functions and Control Flow Pattern Matching and Enums Pattern MatchingTo understand Pattern Matching, let’s start with something familiar in JavaScript - Switch Case. Here’s a simple example that uses switch case in JavaScr

            Rust for JavaScript Developers - Pattern Matching and Enums
          • Haskell vs OCaml

            haskell Published on December 6, 2019, last updated December 11, 2019 This is a comparison between the two languages by someone who has written code professionally in both. That said, I’m much more familiar with Haskell than with OCaml, so if you think there is a mistake in the text, let me know. Background and users Haskell is a niche, rarely used language. The situation is changing, but make no

            • Rails: Active RecordでRepositoryパターンを実装する(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

              概要 元サイトの許諾を得て翻訳・公開いたします。 英語記事: Repository implementation on ActiveRecord | Arkency Blog 原文公開日: 2023/12/28 原著者: Paweł Pacana Repositoryは本質的に、ドメインオブジェクトをその永続化方法から切り離して、それらにアクセスするための限定的なインターフェイスを提供します。Repositoryは戦術的なパターンの一種であり、本記事の導入部で私が説明したい内容よりずっと詳しくMartin FowlerやEric Evansが解説しています。Repositoryパターンが推し進めるものは、いわゆるActive Recordパターンと真逆です。なぜパターンをわざわざ別のものに変換するのでしょうか? Active Recordパターンは両刃の剣であり、その問題はまさに最大の長所

                Rails: Active RecordでRepositoryパターンを実装する(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
              • Node.js 18 Introduces Prefix-Only Core Modules • Stateful

                Stateful recently shared a Node.js announcement about the new test runner module coming to Node.js 18.0.0, which is scheduled for release on April 19, 2022. While the test runner module is a notable change to Node.js, it brings a potentially more significant change along with it: prefix-only core modules. This post explains what prefix-only core modules are and what you need to know about them. Be

                  Node.js 18 Introduces Prefix-Only Core Modules • Stateful
                • 100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS - Manuel Matuzovic

                  100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS posted on 26.09.2022 It’s time to get me up to speed with modern CSS. There’s so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I’ve started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS. Why more or less modern CSS? Because some topics will be about cutting-edge features, while other stuff has been around for quite a while already, but I just have little to no ex

                    100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS - Manuel Matuzovic
                  • Thoughts on how to structure Go code

                    App structure is complicated. Good app structure improves the developer experience. It can help you isolate what they are working on without needing to keep the entire codebase in your head. A well structured app can help prevent bugs by decoupling components and making it easier to write useful tests. A poorly structured application can do the opposite; it can make testing harder, it can make it

                      Thoughts on how to structure Go code
                    • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20210112前編)Active Recordの範囲指定バリデーション改善、soleとfind_sole_byメソッド、AlgoliaとRailsほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                      2021.01.12 週刊Railsウォッチ(20210112前編)Active Recordの範囲指定バリデーション改善、soleとfind_sole_byメソッド、AlgoliaとRailsほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。今年も週刊Railsウォッチをよろしくお願いします🎍🙇。 各記事冒頭には⚓でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙇 TechRachoではRubyやRailsの最新情報などの記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願い

                        週刊Railsウォッチ(20210112前編)Active Recordの範囲指定バリデーション改善、soleとfind_sole_byメソッド、AlgoliaとRailsほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                      • Technical Writing for Developers | CSS-Tricks

                        HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C++, Dart — there are so many programming languages out there and you may even be totally fluent in several of them! But as we aim to write more and better code, the way we write and communicate in everyday language becomes more and more important… and perhaps even overlooked. The way we write about and around code is arguably as important as the code itself. An

                          Technical Writing for Developers | CSS-Tricks
                        • Best practices for using Terraform  |  Google Cloud

                          Send feedback Best practices for using Terraform Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This document provides guidelines and recommendations for effective development with Terraform across multiple team members and work streams. This guide is not an introduction to Terraform. For an introduction to using Terraform with Google Cloud, see Get started

                            Best practices for using Terraform  |  Google Cloud
                          • Try LAMBDA: Custom functions without code

                            Dec 3, 2020 Try LAMBDA: Custom functions without codeFeature deep diveChris Gross Hello, Office Insiders! My name is Chris Gross, and I am a Program Manager on the Excel team. I am happy to announce a new function in Excel: LAMBDA. It allows you to take a formula and turn it into your own named custom function. Do you make use of repeated calculations you wish you could define once and reuse? Have

                              Try LAMBDA: Custom functions without code
                            • CUE is an exciting configuration language — Bitfield Consulting

                              You may already be familiar with JSON or YAML data, possibly to the point of exasperation. It might represent Kubernetes services, API schemas, or cloud infrastructure of some kind. Configuration data specifies how things should behave or be arranged, and there's plenty of it around these days. So what's my problem? The problemJSON is easy for machines to generate or parse, but it seems verbose an

                                CUE is an exciting configuration language — Bitfield Consulting
                              • [登壇レポート]「Terraformあれやこれ」という内容で登壇してきました #jawsug_asa #jawsug | DevelopersIO

                                仕事で Terraform を使うことになり、勉強中に奮闘した内容をまとめています。Terraform を使ったことがない方、使い始めたばかりの方に参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。 コーヒーが好きな emi です。 JAWS-UG朝会 #56 で「Terraformあれやこれ」というタイトルで 20 分登壇してきました。 仕事で Terraform を使うことになり、勉強中に奮闘した内容をまとめています。Terraform を使ったことがない方、使い始めたばかりの方に参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。 登壇資料 発表のダイジェスト 当日は 60 ~ 70 名程度の方が視聴くださいました。はじめに普段一番よく利用する IaC ツールを伺ったところ、 CloudFormation CDK Serverless Framework を使われる方が多く、あまり Terraform を使っている方

                                  [登壇レポート]「Terraformあれやこれ」という内容で登壇してきました #jawsug_asa #jawsug | DevelopersIO
                                • Biases in AI Systems - ACM Queue

                                  May 12, 2021 Volume 19, issue 2 PDF Biases in AI Systems A survey for practitioners Ramya Srinivasan and Ajay Chander A child wearing sunglasses is labeled as a "failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person." This is just one of the many systemic biases exposed by ImageNet Roulette, an art project that applies labels to user-submitted photos by sourcing its identification system from the origin

                                  • The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs

                                    Watch videos of Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the wildly successful book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and you will hear him being asked the most astonishing questions. “A hundred years from now, do you think we will still care about being happy?” — Canadian journalist Steve Paikin, on the “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” “What I do, is it still relevant, and how do I prepare for my futu

                                      The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs
                                    • Revolutionizing Micro Frontends with Webpack 5, Module Federation and Bit

                                      Finally, we can use React.lazy and React.suspense to provide a fallback should the imported code fail for some reason, making sure the user experience won’t be disrupted because of the failing build. Module Federation in actionTo see how module federation actually works, you will need to download the Webpack 5, which is still in beta. You can clone this sample repo that I have created for this art

                                        Revolutionizing Micro Frontends with Webpack 5, Module Federation and Bit
                                      • AppleがEpic Gamesによるサードパーティーモバイルアプリストア「Epic Games Store」の申請を複数回拒否したのち突如受理、iPhoneでのフォートナイト復活が近づく

                                        Epic GamesはAppleと長きにわたる法廷闘争を繰り広げ、ついにEUでのサードパーティーアプリストアの開設にこぎつけました。Epic GamesもiOS端末で利用できるサードパーティーアプリストアとして、Epic Games Storeの開設を目指しているのですが、AppleはEpic Games Storeの開設申請を複数回にわたって拒否しています。しかし、Epic GamesがEUの政策執行機関である欧州委員会(EC)に異議申し立てを行うと発表したところ、AppleがEpic Games Storeの開設申請を突如受理しました。 Apple approves Epic Games Store for iOS https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/07/05/apple-green-lights-epic-games-store-in-rapi

                                          AppleがEpic Gamesによるサードパーティーモバイルアプリストア「Epic Games Store」の申請を複数回拒否したのち突如受理、iPhoneでのフォートナイト復活が近づく
                                        • Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot AI

                                          Version 1.92 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from July. March 30, 2023 by Chris Dias, @chrisdias AI did not write this blog post, but it will make your development experiences incredible. Note: If you like to learn about the latest GitHub Copilot experience in Visual Studio Code, go to the GitHub Copilot in VS Code topic, where you'll find details on the Copilot editor inte

                                            Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot AI
                                          • ActiveModel::Model で DBに依存しないモデルを作ろう - What is it, naokirin?

                                            もう使い古されたネタという感じですが、Railsを使わずとも ActiveSupport だけを利用してRubyのコードを書くことは結構多いのではないでしょうか。 blank? , present? であったり、 pluralize や try 、 1.year.ago のような呼び出しなど、ヘルパーメソッドはRubyの標準ライブラリだけではなかなかスッキリとかけないところに手が届き、非常に重宝します。また ActiveSupport::Concern は Mix-in をする際に非常に便利です。 が、今回はRailsの ActiveRecord インスタンスのように扱えるようになる ActiveModel::Model に注目してみることにしました。 ちなみに、ActiveSupport の Core Extensions については、以下を参考にするのが良いかと思います。 Active

                                              ActiveModel::Model で DBに依存しないモデルを作ろう - What is it, naokirin?
                                            • OpenTelemetry is Officially in Beta!

                                              Co-authored by maintainers, community contributors, and members of the OpenTelemetry governance committee. OpenTelemetry has just begun its first wave of beta releases, starting with the Collector, Java auto-instrumentation agent, and the Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, and Python SDKs, followed by the .Net SDK. This means that you can begin integrating OpenTelemetry into your applications and clien

                                              • Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See

                                                Bong Joon Ho has long been one of South Korea’s best filmmakers thanks to acclaimed movies such as “Memories of Murder,” “Mother,” and “The Host,” but it wasn’t until 2019 that Bong become a worldwide cinema superstar. With “Parasite,” Bong vaulted himself into the topmost echelon of the world’s best directors working today. “Parasite” premiered to the world at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, where

                                                  Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See
                                                • The Original PySimpleGUI Cookbook - PySimpleGUI Documentation

                                                  Demo Screenshots FAQ The Original PySimpleGUI Cookbook Welcome to the PySimpleGUI Cookbook! It's provided as but one component of a larger documentation effort for the PySimpleGUI package. Its purpose is to give you a jump start. You'll find that starting with a Recipe will give you a big jump-start on creating your custom GUI. Copy and paste one of these Recipes and modify it to match your requir

                                                  • MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment | Microsoft Security Blog

                                                    April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather. MERCURY is now tracked as Mango Sandstorm and DEV-1084 is now tracked as Storm-1084. To learn more about the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, to get complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft s

                                                      MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment | Microsoft Security Blog
                                                    • Write a Simple REST API in Golang

                                                      Hello there 😀 In this brief article I will explain how I write a REST API using Golang trying to follow some best practices. The source code to follow along if needed is here. Let's do this 👍🏻 As an example we'll be creating a very simple Post API. Structure the project Let's jump to our terminal and create a new directory for our project and then init a go module. Note: Best practice for modul

                                                        Write a Simple REST API in Golang
                                                      • 指導者のテロとの戦いにおいては良きコミュニケーションが最善の武器 - himaginary’s diary

                                                        安倍元首相の銃撃事件についてニュージーランドのアーダーン首相の言葉が引用されるのを目にしたので、英語圏ではその言葉はどのように受け止められているのか知りたいと思ってぐぐったところ、Carmen Jacquesという人の1年前の表題の論説(原題は「Good communication the best weapon in a leader’s war on terror」)に行き当たった。以下はそこからの引用。 In response to the recent stabbing attack in a shopping centre in New Zealand, Prime Minister Ardern said: "What happened today was despicable, it was hateful it was wrong. It was carried out b

                                                          指導者のテロとの戦いにおいては良きコミュニケーションが最善の武器 - himaginary’s diary
                                                        • New – Serverless Streaming ETL with AWS Glue | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS News Blog New – Serverless Streaming ETL with AWS Glue When you have applications in production, you want to understand what is happening, and how the applications are being used. To analyze data, a first approach is a batch processing model: a set of data is collected over a period of time, then run through analytics tools. To be able to react quickly, you can use a streaming model, where dat

                                                            New – Serverless Streaming ETL with AWS Glue | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Bottleneck #03: Product v Engineering

                                                            Friction Between Product and Engineering; Lack of trust and collaboration slowing down product growth 19 October 2022 Richard is the North American Head of Modern Application and Platform Services for Thoughtworks with nearly 30 years of technology leadership experience Kennedy is the Head of Product and Design for Thoughtworks NA’s Central Market, where he helps clients understand how technology

                                                              Bottleneck #03: Product v Engineering
                                                            • auto_route | Flutter package

                                                              AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you. More... Introduction Installation Setup and Usage Generated routes Navigation Navigating Between Screens Passing Arguments Returning Results Nested navigation Tab Navigation Using PageView Using TabBar Finding The Right Router Navigating Without Context Deep Linking Declarative N

                                                                auto_route | Flutter package
                                                              • 老人ホームに持参する物品の名前書き - 1000spring's blog

                                                                はるねこです。 91歳の母が老人ホームに入居 そのために必要な品物を 指定され準備しました。 準備のために渡された資料 まず、普段着・・ って母がいつも着ている洋服? 母はどちらかと言うと スカート派。 ワンピースが多いです。 でも老人ホームでは ズボンを指定されました。 ザブザブ洗える素材です。 少し寒い時用に カーディガンを準備しました。 ですが、ベストの方が良いと。 ニットのベストを用意したら 返されました。 やはりザブザブ洗える フリースのような素材で 前が閉められる物で襟なし が、良いそうです。 全て一時が万事 確認しないとわからないですねぇ。 (≧∀≦) 全ての物に名前を書きます。 洋服は襟のブランドダグとか 内側の左脇あたりに付いている 素材ダグに書きました。 肌着も同様。 タグの無い肌着は マジックで直接書いたり。 書けない物には 白いリボンを切って 名前を書き、縫いつけま

                                                                  老人ホームに持参する物品の名前書き - 1000spring's blog
                                                                • Optimizing the size of the Go binary - Prog.World

                                                                  If you have ever written in Go, then the size of the resulting binaries could not escape your attention. Of course, in the age of gigabit links and terabyte drives, this shouldn’t be a big problem. Still, there are situations when you want the size of the binary to be as small as possible, and at the same time you do not want to part with Go. The options for how to make the Go binary “lose weight”

                                                                    Optimizing the size of the Go binary - Prog.World
                                                                  • Very good layered architecture in Flutter

                                                                    This article is an extension of my talk: Layering your Flutter App Architecture from Flutter Festival London. Structuring code is one of the big – if not the most important – challenges when building large-scale applications. The decisions you make regarding architecture will impact how fast you can deliver new features in the future and how well you can maintain the existing functionality with th

                                                                      Very good layered architecture in Flutter
                                                                    • Googleに“まともな”AI検索は作れない | p2ptk[.]org

                                                                      以下の文章は、コリイ・ドクトロウの「Even if you think AI search could be good, it won’t be good」という記事を翻訳したものである。 Pluralistic 検索に関する今週のビッグニュースは、Googleが「AI検索」へのシフトを続けていることだ。検索ワードを入力してウェブサイトへのリンクが表示されるのではなく、Googleに質問をすると、AIがウェブ上で見つけたものに基づいて回答を生成するという方向に進みたいらしい。 https://blog.google/products/search/generative-ai-google-search-may-2024 Googleはこれを「Googleにググらせよう(let Google do the googling for you.)」と宣伝している。自分でウェブを検索するのではなく

                                                                        Googleに“まともな”AI検索は作れない | p2ptk[.]org
                                                                      • Basic Music Theory in ~200 Lines of Python | Manohar Vanga

                                                                        Note: all the code for this article can be found here as a Github gist. There’s also a nice discussion on Hacker News with lots of comments that might be of interest. I’m a self-taught guitarist of many years, and like a lot of self-taught musicians, am woefully inept at (Western) music theory. So naturally, I decided to write some code. This article explains the very basics of Western music theor

                                                                          Basic Music Theory in ~200 Lines of Python | Manohar Vanga
                                                                        • Understanding "Solorigate"'s Identity IOCs - for Identity Vendors and their customers.

                                                                          Microsoft recently disclosed a set of complex techniques used by an advanced actor to execute attacks against several key customers. While we detected anomalies by analyzing requests from customer environments to the Microsoft 365 cloud, the attacks generalize to any Identity Provider or Service provider. For this reason, we want to detail what we know about these attacks from an Identity specific

                                                                            Understanding "Solorigate"'s Identity IOCs - for Identity Vendors and their customers.
                                                                          • Frontend Architecture at Scale for Large Organizations

                                                                            Hi! I want to discuss with you how to manage Frontend architecture in large organizations. It feels to me that there are not many articles about this topic and it is not explained well. By large organization in this article, I mean companies, in which the number of front-end engineers starts to be bigger than 15 and the company has at least multiple frontend projects. I don't want to discuss manag

                                                                              Frontend Architecture at Scale for Large Organizations
                                                                            • JEPでは語れないJava 17

                                                                              恒例の半年ぶりのblog更新です。 アメリカ西海岸時間の9月14日にJava SE 17がリリースされました。今回のJava 17は多くのディストリビュータがLTSにするバージョンなので、注目度も高いのではないでしょうか。 まぁ、常に新しいバージョンに移行している身にとってみては、LTSはあんまり関係ないんですけどねw また、Oracle JDKが無償で使えるとか、LTSが2年周期になるとかいろいろ話題はあるようですが、ここでは触れないでおきます。 Java 17では17のJEPが導入されました。その中でPreviewがProject Amberによるパターンマッチング、IncubatorがProject Panama関連の2つがあります。 文法ではSealed ClassがPreviewが外されて、正式に導入されました。その他に注目すべきJEPとしてはMacのM1チップ用の移植があります

                                                                              • Feature #16986: Anonymous Struct literal - Ruby master - Ruby Issue Tracking System

                                                                                Abstract¶ How about introducing anonymous Struct literal such as ${a: 1, b: 2}? It is almost the same as Struct.new(:a, :b).new(1, 2). Proposal¶ Background¶ In many cases, people use hash objects to represent a set of values such as person = {name: "ko1", country: 'Japan'} and access its values through person[:name] and so on. It is not easy to write (three characters [:]!), and it easily introduc

                                                                                • Brief Overview of Caching and Cache Invalidation

                                                                                  Caches are present everywhere: from the lowest to highest levels: There are hardware caches inside your processor cores (L1, L2, L3), Page/Disk cache that our Operating Systems Caches for databases such as using MemCached, Redis or DAX for DynamoDB API caches Layer-7 (Application layer) HTTP caches like Edge level caching in CDNs DNS caching Cache in your browser Microservices can have internal ca

                                                                                    Brief Overview of Caching and Cache Invalidation