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41 - 80 件 / 237件

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Recommendationの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 237件

  • Problem-Solving using Graph Traversals: Searching, Scoring, Ranking, and Recommendation

    1. Problem-Solving using Graph Traversals Searching, Scoring, Ranking, and Recommendation Marko A. Rodriguez Graph Systems Architect http://markorodriguez.com http://twitter.com/twarko AT&Ti Technical Talk - Glendale, California – July 27, 2010 July 26, 2010 2. Abstract A graph is a data structure that links a set of vertices by a set of edges. Modern graph databases support multi-relational graph

      Problem-Solving using Graph Traversals: Searching, Scoring, Ranking, and Recommendation
    • How does LinkedIn's recommendation system work?

      Answer (1 of 9): I gave this talk earlier this week at Hadoop World(http://www.hadoopworld.com/session/linkedin-products-you-may-like/), a conference that is evangelizing Hadoop by way of highlighting how people across the industry are solving big business challenges by leveraging Hadoop. I am po...

        How does LinkedIn's recommendation system work?
      • Movie Recommendation with MLlib

        In this chapter, we will use MLlib to make personalized movie recommendations tailored for you. We will work with 10 million ratings from 72,000 users on 10,000 movies, collected by MovieLens. This dataset is pre-loaded in the HDFS on your cluster in /movielens/large. For quick testing of your code, you may want to use a smaller dataset under /movielens/medium, which contains 1 million ratings fro

          Movie Recommendation with MLlib
        • Amazon Personalize – Real-Time Personalization and Recommendation for Everyone | AWS News Blog

          AWS News Blog Amazon Personalize – Real-Time Personalization and Recommendation for Everyone Machine learning definitely offers a wide range of exciting topics to work on, but there’s nothing quite like personalization and recommendation. At first glance, matching users to items that they may like sounds like a simple problem. However, the task of developing an efficient recommender system is chal

            Amazon Personalize – Real-Time Personalization and Recommendation for Everyone | AWS News Blog
          • Potential for cervical cancer incidence and death resulting from Japan’s current policy of prolonged suspension of its governmental recommendation of the HPV vaccine - Scientific Reports

            In May of 2018, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a global call-to-action towards the elimination of cervical cancer1. In January of 2019, a global strategy for doing just that was announced at the 144th Session of the WHO Executive Board2. They listed the known barriers to the worldwide elimination of cervical cancer, such as a Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vacci

              Potential for cervical cancer incidence and death resulting from Japan’s current policy of prolonged suspension of its governmental recommendation of the HPV vaccine - Scientific Reports
            • マイクロブログの文脈付き投稿情報の体系化に基づく 重要ユーザ推薦と情報集約支援への応用 User Recommendation and Information Collection Using Context of the Micro-blog 阿部 剛大 1 豊田 哲也 1,2 延原 肇 1

              マイクロブログの文脈付き投稿情報の体系化に基づく 重要ユーザ推薦と情報集約支援への応用 User Recommendation and Information Collection Using Context of the Micro-blog 阿部 剛大 1 豊田 哲也 1,2 延原 肇 1 Kodai Abe1 Tetsuya Toyota1,2 Hajime Nobuhara1 1 筑波大学 大学院システム情報工学研究科 1 University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering 2 日本学術新興会 特別研究員 2 Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Abstract: The quantity

              • Page Visibility (W3C Recommendation 14 May 2013)

                Will not be rendered, but content inside will be accessible to find-in-page and fragment navigation. The attribute's missing value default is the not hidden state, and its invalid value default is the hidden state. When an element has the hidden attribute in the hidden state, it indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, directly relevant to the page's current state, or that it is bei

                • Film recommendation engine

                  Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from multiple data sources

                  • GitHub - davidcelis/recommendable: :+1::-1: A recommendation engine using Likes and Dislikes for your Ruby app

                    Please note that you currently must need to place Recommendable below your ORM and queueing system in the Gemfile. If you are using Sidekiq and ActiveRecord, please place gem recommendable below both gem 'rails' and gem 'sidekiq'. After bundling, you should configure Recommendable. Do this somewhere after you've required it, but before it's actually used. For example, Rails users would create an i

                      GitHub - davidcelis/recommendable: :+1::-1: A recommendation engine using Likes and Dislikes for your Ruby app
                    • HTML5 が勧告案 (Proposed Recommendation) に。DataCue / Drag and drop は仕様から削除

                      HTML5 が勧告案 (Proposed Recommendation) に。DataCue / Drag and drop は仕様から削除 HTML5 仕様が、2014年 9月 16日をもって勧告案 (Proposed Recommendation) として公開されました。At risk 扱いだった、「DataCue」 および 「Drag and drop」 は削除。「input type="time"」、「ruby 関連要素 (新仕様)」 は仕様に残されました。 2014年 6月 17日付けで一旦、最終草案 (Last Call Working Draft) に差し戻されていた HTML5 仕様ですが、2014年 9月 16日をもって勧告案 (Proposed Recommendation) として公開されました。 At risk 扱いだった、「DataCue」、「input type

                        HTML5 が勧告案 (Proposed Recommendation) に。DataCue / Drag and drop は仕様から削除
                      • Quick Guide to Build a Recommendation Engine in Python & R

                        Overview Deep dive into the concept of recommendation engine in python Building a recommendation system in python using the graphlab library Explanation of the different types of recommendation engines Introduction This could help you in building your first project! Be it a fresher or an experienced professional in data science, doing voluntary projects always adds to one’s candidature. My sole re

                          Quick Guide to Build a Recommendation Engine in Python & R
                        • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) brings a new language to the Web as WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation

                          Following HTML, CSS and JavaScript, WebAssembly becomes the fourth language for the Web which allows code to run in the browser Read testimonials from W3C Members https://www.w3.org/ — 5 December 2019 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced today that the WebAssembly Core Specification is now an official web standard, launching a powerful new language for the Web. WebAssembly is a safe, po

                            World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) brings a new language to the Web as WebAssembly becomes a W3C Recommendation
                          • HTML 5.1 is a W3C Recommendation

                            The Web Platform Working Group has published a W3C Recommendation of HTML 5.1. This specification defines the 5th major version, first minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing author

                              HTML 5.1 is a W3C Recommendation
                            • Retty recommendation project

                              [DL輪読会]Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data (NeurIPS 2021) 表形式デー...

                                Retty recommendation project
                              • Building the Next New York Times Recommendation Engine

                                By Alexander Spangher August 11, 2015 11:27 am August 11, 2015 11:27 am The New York Times publishes over 300 articles, blog posts and interactive stories a day. Refining the path our readers take through this content — personalizing the placement of articles on our apps and website — can help readers find information relevant to them, such as the right news at the right times, personalized supple

                                  Building the Next New York Times Recommendation Engine
                                • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 (W3C Recommendation 20 March 2014)

                                  Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.2 W3C Recommendation 06 June 2023 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/REC-wai-aria-1.2-20230606/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.2/ Latest editor's draft:https://w3c.github.io/aria/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/wai-aria-1.2 Commit history Implementation report: https

                                  • Open Web Platform Milestone Achieved with HTML5 Recommendation

                                    Open Web Platform Milestone Achieved with HTML5 Recommendation Next Generation Web Technologies Build on Stable Foundation Read below what W3C Members have to say about HTML5 28 October 2014 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published a Recommendation of HTML5, the fifth major revision of the format used to build Web pages and applications, and the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform. For app

                                      Open Web Platform Milestone Achieved with HTML5 Recommendation
                                    • Recommendation and Ratings Public Data Sets For Machine Learning

                                      gistfile1.md Movies Recommendation: MovieLens - Movie Recommendation Data Sets http://www.grouplens.org/node/73 Yahoo! - Movie, Music, and Images Ratings Data Sets http://webscope.sandbox.yahoo.com/catalog.php?datatype=r Jester - Movie Ratings Data Sets (Collaborative Filtering Dataset) http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~goldberg/jester-data/ Cornell University - Movie-review data for use in sentiment-

                                        Recommendation and Ratings Public Data Sets For Machine Learning
                                      • SUGGEST: Recommendation Engine | Karypis Lab

                                        SUGGEST is a Top-N recommendation engine that implements a variety of recommendation algorithms. Top-N recommender systems, a personalized information filtering technology, are used to identify a set of N items that will be of interest to a certain user. In recent years, top-N recommender systems have been used in a number of different applications such to recommend products a customer will most l

                                        • Introduction to behavior based recommendation system

                                          Conditional random fields (CRFs) are probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data. CRFs address limitations of previous models like hidden Markov models (HMMs) and maximum entropy Markov models (MEMMs). CRFs allow incorporation of arbitrary, overlapping features of the observation sequence and label dependencies. Parameters are estimated to maximize the conditional log-likelihood

                                            Introduction to behavior based recommendation system
                                          • CiNiiExt | CiNii Recommendation Extension for Google Chrome

                                            CiNii Recommendation Extensionは、CiNiiを閲覧している際に関連する類似論文を表示するChromeの機能拡張です。 CiNii Recommendation Extensionは、Chromeウェブブラウザの拡張機能です。 本機能は、学術情報ナビゲータ CiNii ( http://ci.nii.ac.jp )の利用者に対して、「その論文の類似論文」を提供します。論文の調査を行う場合や、研究資料を収集する場合などに役立ちます。 提供する類似論文の情報源は順次追加していく予定です。 (連絡先: ciniiext (at) nii.ac.jp)

                                            • SP 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 2, Recommendation for Key Management, Part 1: General (Revised) | CSRC

                                              Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( Locked padlock icon ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

                                              • Recommendation System --Theory and Practice

                                                This document provides an overview of recommendation systems and collaborative filtering techniques. It discusses using matrix factorization to predict user ratings by representing users and items as vectors in a latent factor space. Optimization techniques like stochastic gradient descent can be used to learn the factorization from existing ratings. The document also notes challenges of sparsity

                                                  Recommendation System --Theory and Practice
                                                • CSS Containment Module Level 1 (W3C Candidate Recommendation, 8 August 2017)

                                                  CSS Containment Module Level 2 W3C Working Draft, 17 September 2022 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-css-contain-2-20220917/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-contain-2/ Editor's Draft: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-2/ Previous Versions: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-css-contain-2-20201216/ https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-css-conta

                                                  • Flickr Tag Recommendation based on Collective Knowledge

                                                    Abstract本論文では我々は人々がどのようにタグを付けるのか、あるいはどのような情報がタグに含まれるのかを調査・分析して人々にタグを推薦するシステムを構築し評価を行う。 1.はじめに 近年Web上の様々なリソース(画像や動画、Webページなど)にタグを付ける事が一般的になってきた。タグは意味のある記述をオブジェクトに与え、ユーザがコンテンツを整理することができる。特に大規模なリッチメディア(例えば動画や画像)の検索システムには不可欠なものと言えるだろう。 この論文での貢献は2つある。1つ目:どのようにユーザは写真にタグを付けるのか?(1つの写真にどれくらいのタグがあるのか?あるいはあるタグがフリッカー中でどれくらいの頻度でつかわれているのかなど)またどのような種類(例えば位置や建物名)のタグをユーザは付けるのかを5200万枚の代表的なスナップショットに基づいて分析する。2つ目:4つの異

                                                    • ブロガーは要チェック!サイト滞在時間と直帰率が約10%改善するって噂の「Recommendation Bar」を導入しました。 | 男子ハック

                                                      @JUNP_Nです。ブログを読んでいると画面右下からニョキッと記事をオススメしてくれる「Slide for SimpleReach」導入しているブロガーさん、Facebookが同じ系統のソーシャルプラグイン「Recommendation Bar」のβ版をリリースしてますよ。 導入にかかる時間は数分です。興味のある人は試してみてはいかがでしょうか?現段階ではβ版とのことで、Facebook公式のSocial Pluginsのページには掲載されていませんので、コードの入手はこちらからどうぞ。Recommendations Bar – Facebook開発者設定することができる項目は以下の画像の通り。各項目の簡単な説明は以下の様な感じ。記事のURLを記入。表示されるタイミングをどこにするか。何秒後に表示させるか。最短10秒から設定できる。文言を「いいね」か「おすすめ」か選択。スライドしてくるのが

                                                      • WebDriver is now a W3C Recommendation

                                                        The Browser Testing and Tools Working Group has published WebDriver as a W3C Recommendation. WebDriver is a powerful technology for enabling automated cross-browser testing of Web applications and more. The WebDriver specification defines a set of interfaces and a wire protocol that are platform-neutral and language-neutral and that allow out-of-process programs to remotely control a browser in a

                                                          WebDriver is now a W3C Recommendation
                                                        • TrustWalker: a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation(KDD 2009) 読んだ - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶

                                                          TrustWalker: a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation タイトルに釣られて読んだ.内容がシンプルなだけでなく,いちいち添字を略す理由だのが書いてあり,非常に読みやすかった. 概要 協調フィルタリングでのコールドスタート問題(評価がほとんどないユーザにアイテムを推薦できない)に対応したい 新規ユーザであっても,他のユーザとの信頼関係のデータ(trust network)があれば対応できる しかしそのネットワークは離れるほど信頼性が薄くなるし近すぎると今度は対象アイテムが少ない このトレードオフを解決するランダムウォークを提案 notation ユーザ及びアイテムについて,ユーザがアイテムについてと評価した(大抵これは[1,5]の整数値である)アイテム集合がある.また,ユー

                                                            TrustWalker: a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation(KDD 2009) 読んだ - 糞糞糞ネット弁慶
                                                          • 【レビュー】「お勧め」機能が新しいフィードリーダー「SocialFeed」を体験 (1) SearchからRecommendationへの流れ | ネット | マイコミジャーナル

                                                            SocialFeedとは? リアルコムが11日にβ版サービスを開始したWebアプリケーション「SocialFeed」は、「ユーザの嗜好」に焦点を当て、「レコメンデーション(お勧め)」機能を前面に押し出した、新しいコンセプトのフィードリーダーだ(「フィード」というのはRSSやAtomなどのこと)。 このサイトによって「お勧め」されるものは、もちろん、フィードによって配信される記事情報だ。つまり、サイトが「この記事はいかがですか?」とユーザに提案してくるというわけだ。気になるのは、その「お勧め」が実際、的を射たものかどうかという点。つまり、SocialFeedはお勧めする記事をどう判定しているのだろうか、というのが問題だ。 説明によればSocialFeedは、ユーザが読んだ記事の履歴を元に、似た嗜好のユーザを探し出し(これを「隠れたコミュニティ」と呼ぶ)、それらのユーザが同じく興味を持ち、多く

                                                            • User Recommendation in Instagram (WWW 2016) - Google Drive

                                                              Not your computer? Use a private browsing window to sign in. Learn more

                                                                User Recommendation in Instagram (WWW 2016) - Google Drive
                                                              • Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) transforms the communications landscape; becomes a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation and multiple Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards

                                                                WebRTC enables rich, interactive, live voice and video communications anywhere on the Web, boosting global interconnection Read testimonials from W3C Members. https://www.w3.org/ and https://www.ietf.org/ — 26 January 2021 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) announced today that Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC), which powers myriad services, is

                                                                  Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) transforms the communications landscape; becomes a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation and multiple Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards
                                                                • 英語で推薦状を書く 英文推薦状 letter of recommendation letters college admission job hunting application

                                                                  英文推薦状 How to write/get a letter of recommendation 英語で推薦状を書く/書いてもらう人のために。大学、大学院入学、留学、奨学金、就職のために必要です。米国では転職の際、前の職場の上司の推薦状を提出することが求められます。これが提出できると、前の職場で高く評価され、今でもよい人間関係を保っている証拠となります。米国に帰った同僚たちに私は時々頼まれて書いています。 ■まずは手紙の書き方の基本 Guide to Basic Business Letters 基本。英語が外国語である人用の説明 Writing a letter Q&A ■推薦状の書き方 Writing a letter of recommendation    構成 Sample Letter of Recommendation  Lett

                                                                  • FluRS: A Python Library for Online Item Recommendation

                                                                    Last week, I introduced a Julia package for recommender systems: Recommendation.jl: Building Recommender Systems in Julia. However, its functionality is still low, and I argued that implementing more powerful recommendation techniques and update() function is important. Thus, this article provides FluRS, another open-sourced library for recommendation. Unlike Recommendation.jl, this recommender-sp

                                                                      FluRS: A Python Library for Online Item Recommendation
                                                                    • Kaggle WSDM Music Recommendation Challenge参加記録 - Studio Ousia Engineering Blog

                                                                      こんにちは、インターンの玉木です。 昨年9月まで電気通信大学修士課程で対話システムの研究をしながら、Studio Ousiaのインターンプログラムに参加していました。大学院の修士課程はすでに修了しましたが、現在もインターンを続けています。 先日までKaggleで開催されていたWSDM KKBox's Music Recommendation Challengeに参加していました。 結果は1081チーム中47位でした。本記事ではこのコンペティションと参加した感想を紹介したいと思います。 KKBox's Music Recommendation Challenge 今回のコンペティションではKKBOXという音楽配信サービスのデータを使い、各ユーザーが一度聴いた曲を再度聴くかどうかの2値分類の精度を競いました。評価指標はAUCです。 与えられたデータの説明は記事の最後にあります。 実際の流れ モ

                                                                        Kaggle WSDM Music Recommendation Challenge参加記録 - Studio Ousia Engineering Blog
                                                                      • Factorization Machines for Recommendation Systems

                                                                        As a Data Scientist that works on Feed Personalization, I find it it important to stay up to date with the current state of Machine Learning and its applications. Most of the time, using some of the better-known recommendation algorithms yields good initial results; however, sometimes a change in the model is essential to provide customers with that extra boost that helps increase engagement in th

                                                                          Factorization Machines for Recommendation Systems
                                                                        • Add yarn and webpack recommendation from bower.io to readme Fixes #2298 by graingert · Pull Request #2458 · bower/bower

                                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                            Add yarn and webpack recommendation from bower.io to readme Fixes #2298 by graingert · Pull Request #2458 · bower/bower
                                                                          • Comparative Recommender System Evaluation: �Benchmarking Recommendation Frameworks

                                                                            Comparative Recommender System Evaluation: �Benchmarking Recommendation Frameworks Video available here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jHxGCl8RXc Recommender systems research is often based on comparisons of predictive accuracy: the better the evaluation scores, the better the recommender. However, it is difficult to compare results from different recommender systems due to the many options in de

                                                                              Comparative Recommender System Evaluation: �Benchmarking Recommendation Frameworks
                                                                            • GitHub - facebookresearch/dlrm: An implementation of a deep learning recommendation model (DLRM)

                                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                GitHub - facebookresearch/dlrm: An implementation of a deep learning recommendation model (DLRM)
                                                                              • A Simple Content-Based Recommendation Engine in Python - Untrod

                                                                                Let's pretend we need to build a recommendation engine for an eCommerce web site. There are basically two approaches you can take: content-based and collaborative-filtering. We'll look at some pros and cons of each approach, and then we'll dig into a simple implementation (ready for deployment on Heroku!) of a content-based engine. For a sneak peak at the results of this approach, take a look at h

                                                                                • WCAG 2.1 Recommendation (勧告) | Accessible & Usable

                                                                                  公開日 : 2018年6月8日 (2020年4月16日 更新) カテゴリー : アクセシビリティ W3C の WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) の新バージョンである WCAG 2.1 が、2018年6月5日に正式な Recommendation (勧告) になりました。旧バージョン (2.0) で十分にカバーできていなかったとされる領域 (ロービジョン、モバイル、認知/学習障害への配慮) が強化されています。 この勧告のひとつ前の段階として、先に「WCAG 2.1 Proposed Recommendation (勧告案)」という記事を書きましたが、そこで挙がっていた達成基準と内容的には同じです。(細かいところでは、新達成基準 2.5.3 で若干の言い回しの変更がありますが、文意には影響ありません。) なお、旧バージョン (2.0) と

                                                                                    WCAG 2.1 Recommendation (勧告) | Accessible & Usable