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S-Photoshopの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 217件

  • PhotoshopとSAIの作業スピードが格段に上がる、便利なショートカットまとめ | お絵かき速報!萌え絵上達法

    PhotoshopやSAIを効率良く操作するための機能「ショートカット」。 「Ctrl+Alt+Z」で戻る、「B」でブラシ、「E」で消しゴムと、ここら辺は誰もが使う キーボードショートカットだと思います。 今回は、覚えておくと作業スピードが数倍アップする、便利なショートカットキーとその使い道を紹介します。 ツールボックスやメニューバーをいちいちクリックしながら絵を描いている人は損してますよ! [便利度S] これがないと始まらない、というレベルで便利 【1段階戻る/元に戻す】 Ctrl+Alt+Z(Photoshop) Ctrl+Z(SAI) 1つ前の工程に戻る機能。 綺麗な線が引けるまで何回でもやり直せる、とても便利な機能。 アナログで絵を描くときに欲しい機能ベスト1。 【1段階進む/やり直し】 Shift+Ctrl+Z(Photoshop) Ctrl+Y(SAI) 「1段階戻る」や「ヒス

    • 52 Cool Photoshop Illustrator Effects and Tutorials | The Jotform Blog

      It’s always fun to experiment different techniques and learn how to work with various aspects of Adobe Photoshop to spice up boring pictures and make them into works of arts and masterpieces. So, if you’re interested in learning some new skills, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced user, these Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials are for you. Below you will find an incredible amount

        52 Cool Photoshop Illustrator Effects and Tutorials | The Jotform Blog
      • 2000 Free Photoshop Patterns - DesignM.ag

        Today I have put together the largest collection of free Photoshop patterns DesignM.ag has ever offered. Enjoy! Flowers Patters for Photoshop (6) Charcoal Damask Photoshop Pattern (1) Dotted Photoshop Patterns (29) Photoshop Patterns (15) Splatter Photoshop Patterns (10) Photoshop Patterns Photoshop Patterns (12) Victorian – PS Patterns (45) Vintage Patterns (12) Arabic Patterns for Photoshop (4)

          2000 Free Photoshop Patterns - DesignM.ag
        • The Plugin Site - Free Photoshop-compatible Plugins

          means recently added. means that the software is available for the Mac. means that the software is available for Windows. means very useful means useful means less useful No star means that it wasn't tested yet. Categories From This Web Site (4) Image Effects (49) Photo Enhancement (37) Web Design (6) Patterns / Textures (5) Painting & Drawing (3) 3D (5) Various (25) Image Format / Importing (20)

          • Macaw: The Code-Savvy Web Design Tool

            Stop writing code, start drawing it. Macaw provides the same flexibility as your favorite image editor but also writes semantic HTML and remarkably succinct CSS. It's time to expect more from a web design tool. "The superhot web design tool of the future." Built for today's web designer Responsive Set breakpoints and optimize your site for all devices. Typography Pull in web fonts or use system fo

            • 5 Interesting New Photo Viewing and Editing Apps to Download

              When you think of editing images, Adobe Photoshop is the first name to pop into anyone's head. But it costs a pretty penny and might not be worth it for a lot of regular folks. Thankfully, there are good free alternatives. Recently, the world of photo-editing programs has seen several new contenders crop up, both on desktop and mobile. And we don't just mean apps to turn photos into paintings. Fro

                5 Interesting New Photo Viewing and Editing Apps to Download
              • photoshop • 1stWebDesigner

                One of the biggest hurdles to becoming a web or graphic designer is the cost. Professional design software takes time to learn and is expensive on top. Photoshop may be… We know, how hard it is to stand out from the crowd. But with our collection of the best free Photoshop actions, you are going to be able to achieve just that. Whether you’re a photographer, artist or designer, Photoshop brushes c

                  photoshop • 1stWebDesigner
                • 人や動物のシルエット

                  Imagine transforming your digital canvas into a vibrant watercolor masterpiece. That’s the magic of watercolor brushes for Photoshop. It’s like having an endless array of colorful, wet brushes at your fingertips, without the mess! As someone who’s navigated the vast sea of digital art supplies, I know finding the right tools can be overwhelming. This article dives into the world of watercolor brus

                  • Microsoft MS-DOS early source code

                    Software Gems: The Computer History Museum Historical Source Code Series IBM did something very unusual for their 1981 personal computer Rather than using IBM proprietary components developed for their many other computers, the IBM PC used industry standard commercial parts. That included adopting the Intel 8088 microprocessor as the heart of the computer. This “outsourcing” attitude extended to t

                      Microsoft MS-DOS early source code
                    • Du hast nach photoshop gesucht - Dr. Web

                      Quick Tip (vom 25.3.2020): Alle modernen Browser unterstützen mittlerweile SVG-Favicons. Ergo kann man jedes Emoji wie folgt in ein favicon.svg umwandeln: <svg xmlns = “http://w3.org/2000/svg” Das bekommst du Der Dr. Web-Newsletter bietet dir exklusive Informationen, gelegentlich auch Schnäppchen. Exklusive Informationen können Tool-Tipps oder sogar Langform-Artikel sein, die es auf drweb.de Hier

                      • High Quality Patterns Resources - noupe

                        When used well, patterns can be a great way to add an extra element to your designs that take them to the next level in terms of aesthetics. Creating your own repeating patterns is one way to go about this, but it's not always something you want to spend a lot of time on, especially if you're working with a tight budget. And why reinvent the wheel when there are thousands of patterns out there tha

                          High Quality Patterns Resources - noupe
                        • Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe Photoshop Plugins | PhotoshopSupport.com

                          Our free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials and videos have been separated into 6 collections: Photoshop Tutorials for CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, and CS1. If you own an earlier version of Photoshop, the tutorials for later versions will include features you might not have. 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How To Do In Photoshop CC In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows you how to get s

                          • Grunge Photoshop brush roundup

                            We'll be starting a regular series of roundups of the best free Photoshop brushes, in various themes; this week's Photoshop brush roundup is on the Grunge theme. Grunge is a very bold style choice, and is characterized by its gritty style, dark, washed-out colors, and irregular shapes. Grunge textures can be so varied, from wood to metallic surfaces, fabric, paper and more as far as textures go, b

                              Grunge Photoshop brush roundup
                            • Photoshopの全コマンドを配置した巨大キーボード「SHORTCUT-S」が出資募集中

                              超多機能なPhotoshopを使いこなすには、非常にたくさんのキーボードショートカットを使いこなさなければなりませんが、この巨大キーボード「SHORTCUT-S」を使えばもうそんな苦労は必要ありません。 1. Photoshopは業界標準のフォトレタッチアプリ。ものすごく多機能ですが、このようにメニューの階層も非常に多く、中にはアクセスしにくい機能もあります。 2. そのためキーボードショートカット本当にたくさん覚えなければ仕事になりません。そしてそのキーボードショートカットも、モノによっては非常にムリな態勢で使うことになります。 3. そこでこちらの「SHORTCUT-S」。Photoshopのすべての機能を1枚の大きなキーボードの上に配置したというもの。人によってはPOSレジ用の「プログラマブルキーボード」なんかを導入している人もいますが、「SHORTCUT-S」はとにかく「全部」乗っ

                              • 3月4日放送 | これまでの放送 | スーパープレゼンテーション|Eテレ NHKオンライン

                                3.4 ON AIR Clay Shirky クレイ・シャーキー How the Internet will (one day) transform government 「インターネットが(いつの日か)政治を変える その方法とは」 A new form of arguing has been invented in our lifetimes, in the last decade, in fact. It's large, it's distributed, it's low-cost, and it's compatible with the ideals of democracy. 新しい議論の形がこの10年の間に生まれました―それは大規模で 分散型で低コストで 民主的なものなのです。 The question for us now is: Are we going to let

                                • WEB職人へのなが~い道のり Photoshopの勉強用サイト

                                  何やら最近、Photoshop関係の検索ワードでお越し頂いている方が多いようです。 でもご覧の通り、自分は修行中の身であまりお役に立てる情報がないので申し訳ない今日この頃。 そこで、自分のブックマークの中から「Photoshop勉強用サイト」として 登録しているサイトを、ご紹介しようかと思います。 とりあえず今日は半分、初歩から学べる系のサイトさんを。 ・Artistic Laboratory TOPページタイトル上部(イメージ)の”Photoshop"のところから入ります。 基礎・応用・Tipsと、初めての方でも一つずつ学べる内容です。 ・PhotoShop入門 簡単な画像処理やテキスト入力についても学べます。 ・Photoshop暗闇講座~インデックス~ 有名サイトさんですね。凝ったテクスチャの作り方も参考になります。 ・www.fmod.jp:あなたのPhotoshopとセンスを拡張

                                  • 75 Essential Tools for iOS Developers

                                    If you were to go to a master woodworker’s shop, you’d invariably find a plethora of tools that he or she uses to accomplish various tasks. In software it is the same. You can measure a software developer by how they use their tools. Experienced software developers master their tools. It is important to learn your current tools deeply, and be aware of alternatives to fill in gaps where your curren

                                    • GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop — Smashing Magazine

                                      This article is the fourth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts. Today we are happy to present Cam

                                      • Microsoft MS-DOS early source code

                                        Software Gems: The Computer History Museum Historical Source Code Series IBM did something very unusual for their 1981 personal computer Rather than using IBM proprietary components developed for their many other computers, the IBM PC used industry standard commercial parts. That included adopting the Intel 8088 microprocessor as the heart of the computer. This “outsourcing” attitude extended to t

                                          Microsoft MS-DOS early source code
                                        • Adobe Photoshop: Summary from the Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats

                                          Usage Storage of images altered or manipulated in the Adobe Photoshop environment. Comments A flexible format that is easily read and written but lacks a superior compression scheme. It provides specially good support for different color storage schemes. Vendor specifications are available for this format. Sample images are available for this format. Adobe's Photoshop is probably the fullest featu

                                          • 【初心者向け】Illustratorのショートカットを覚えて倍速で作業をする | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作

                                            Illustratorは主に、アイコンやこの記事のアイキャッチのような細かい装飾が必要な場合に使用しています。SVGを出力するときにも「アセットの書き出し」で一括管理できるので便利ですね。 Photoshopとまったく同じショートカットもありますので、使っているとたまに混同しますが、イラレは細かい作業が多く、特にショートカットの恩恵をあずかれるので積極的に使って行きましょう。 ツール系 保存 Command+S Photoshopほど気まぐれではありませんが、Illustratorとの別れも突然です。 とにかく暇さえあれば押しておくと良いと思います。 ダイレクト選択ツール A パスの微調整をしたり、ハンドルを掴んで曲線を微調整したりするときに使うショートカットです。 Illustratorでは曲線をよく扱うのでパスを個別に選択できるダイレクト選択ツールはめちゃめちゃ使います。特に線を描く時

                                              【初心者向け】Illustratorのショートカットを覚えて倍速で作業をする | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作
                                            • Macaw: The Code-Savvy Web Design Tool

                                              Stop writing code, start drawing it. Macaw provides the same flexibility as your favorite image editor but also writes semantic HTML and remarkably succinct CSS. It's time to expect more from a web design tool. "The superhot web design tool of the future." Built for today's web designer Responsive Set breakpoints and optimize your site for all devices. Typography Pull in web fonts or use system fo

                                              • 15+ high quality, free pattern sets

                                                As web designers, we spend most of our time praising web designs for their sleek interfaces and their awesome typography or even just the random design work, but truly, the unsung hero of design is the pattern. The pattern is popular, not just online, but offline too—we love a good pattern because it's design in its purest form. Patterns allow us the ability to interpret good designs and rely on a

                                                  15+ high quality, free pattern sets
                                                • Best Android Apps Useful for Web Designers

                                                  It is mesmerizing to see such high end developments in the field of technology. Perhaps one of the most scintillating advancements has taken place in the field of web services for mobile phones. Earlier it was considered as a luxury to own mobile phones and now even the young adolescents boasts off their iPhone and Android handhelds and what not. The market for smartphones has turned into a highly

                                                    Best Android Apps Useful for Web Designers
                                                  • Learn the Basics of Design This Weekend

                                                    Last weekend we looked at resources to teach you how to code, but writing your app is only half the battle. It needs to look good, too. Here are resources to help you learn the basics of design this weekend. The BasicsTo get started, you’re going to need two things: a basic understanding of design and Adobe Photoshop. Of course, not everyone wants to drop hundreds of dollars on Photoshop (or the e

                                                      Learn the Basics of Design This Weekend
                                                    • How I Designed CodeYear.com in 1 Hour | SachaGreif.com

                                                      Code Year is a great initiative by the folks behind Codecademy. The concept is simple: sign up to Code Year, and each week you’ll receive a new coding exercise. By the end of the year, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a coder. So far more than 75,000 people have signed up for the newsletter, making this one of the most quickly successful projects I’ve ever been involved with by far! Here’s h

                                                      • Free Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe Photoshop Tips | PhotoshopSupport.com

                                                        Try a 30-day trial of Photoshop or any Adobe Creative Suite product. More info. Looking for Photoshop CS6 info? See our CS6 Resource Page for the latest news. Topaz Plugins Super Crazy Sale - 35% Off All Products I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. As we near the end of 2015, Topaz wants to spread a little cheer with a sale on the entire line of their products. From December 17th through D

                                                        • Photoshop Tips & Tricks

                                                          Professional Web Site Critiques & Make-overs: If you're really serious about your web site, let us show you how to make it even better! In 1990, I had the great pleasure of introducing Russell Brown and a new software package from Adobe to several hundred attendees of my Great Graphics Tips session at Macworld. Photoshop Tips & Tricks has been part of DT&G ever since. High dynamic range, HDR WOW T

                                                          • Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe Photoshop Plugins | PhotoshopSupport.com

                                                            Our free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials and videos have been separated into 6 collections: Photoshop Tutorials for CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, and CS1. If you own an earlier version of Photoshop, the tutorials for later versions will include features you might not have. 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How To Do In Photoshop CC In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows you how to get s

                                                            • Photoshop Cs4 Crack For Mac

                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 6731 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 First off I shouldn't have downloaded a pirated version of Adobe's Photoshop CS4, and followed the insructions on how to get around the serial number by using terminal, because now, I'm sorry I did. And it doesn't even work. Even the trial version, which I will use until I can afford the real edition, says that it is 'not

                                                                Photoshop Cs4 Crack For Mac
                                                              • Passion For The Future: もうPhotoshopは要らない? PictBear Second Edition

                                                                もうPhotoshopは要らない? PictBear Second Edition スポンサード リンク ・PictBear Second Edition デジタルカメラの写真や、Webの素材画像の処理に最適な、高機能ペイント&フォトレタッチソフト。作者は有名なタブブラウザSleipnirの開発者でもあり、ユーザビリティの洗練度の高いアプリケーション開発で定評のある人。ペイント系の基本機能に、レイヤー管理、各種フィルタを搭載し、一般ユーザの求める画像処理ならばこれ一本で完結できる。 フリーの高機能ペイントというと、オープンソースのGIMPも人気だが、操作性が独特で癖があった。本来がLinux系であるためか、Windows版の安定性に少し不安もあるように感じている。 ・Gimp http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/art/se190877.html 一方、P

                                                                • 35 Awesome and New Photoshop Brushes to Enhance your Designs | Web Design Tutorials and Inspiration | Learn Photoshop Online | Creative Inspiration | Web Resources

                                                                  In addition to enhancing your design brushes can revamp your style, give you new ideas and allow you try elements that you could not have previously.Out of all the potential add ons, free and premium for Adobe Photoshop, a good assortment of brushes are probably one of the most useful for any designer.  In addition to enhancing your design brushes can revamp your style, give you new ideas and allo

                                                                  • Adobe Breach Impacted At Least 38 Million Users – Krebs on Security

                                                                    The recent data breach at Adobe that exposed user account information and prompted a flurry of password reset emails impacted at least 38 million users, the company now says. It also appears that the already massive source code leak at Adobe is broadening to include the company’s Photoshop family of graphical design products. In a breach first announced on this blog Oct. 3, 2013, Adobe said hacker

                                                                      Adobe Breach Impacted At Least 38 Million Users – Krebs on Security
                                                                    • kaigainocm

                                                                      Belajar untuk menargetkan frase kata kunci dan termotivasi untuk tiga dan menyimpan dari 5 sampai 15% pada pendinginan.Jika Anda memiliki semangat seperti itu, Anda mungkin bagi istirahat mengecilkan seseorang berpikir untuk mengambil risiko. Jika Anda menawarkan lebih dari memotong tikus sebuah sebuah know untuk mengatasi ngerumpi tampaknya mustahil. perencanaan keluar bisa dibuat jauh lebih muda

                                                                      • 75 Best Photoshop tutorials from 2018 | Creative Nerds

                                                                        November 5th, 2018 Photoshop If you want to become better Photoshop, if you’re a designer or photographer a great way to enhance your skills is constantly be seeking out knowledge and the discovering the latest techniques. In this blog post we have rounded up the very best Photoshop tutorials, which where all created throughout 2018. The post includes a range of tutorials from unique text effects

                                                                          75 Best Photoshop tutorials from 2018 | Creative Nerds
                                                                        • Alpaca - Generative art tools that work alongside you

                                                                          Introducing Alpaca Chroma for the Web Generative art tools that work alongside youBring your boldest ideas as far as possible, as fast as possible. At Alpaca, we prioritize aligning our generative A.I. toolset with the goals, workflows, and preferences of our community of artists. We strive to seamlessly integrate technology with human creativity, empowering users to bring their imaginative vision

                                                                            Alpaca - Generative art tools that work alongside you
                                                                          • B3TA : WE LOVE THE WEB

                                                                            Pink Floyd We've done challenges on The Beatles, ABBA, and Queen, so let's Photoshop the FOURTH greatest band of all time... it's your dad's favourite - Pink Floyd! See all 4 images (open) set by monkeon on 21st Mar at 12pm F it up - Louis Cole See all 20 popular links (1 made popular today) linked to by cumquat may on 20th Mar at 10pm B3ta newsletter 900, out now "THE ONLY NEWSLETTER LEGALLY OLD

                                                                            • Photoshopで押さえておくべき基礎ショートカットキー15選

                                                                              Photoshopのような高機能なツールを使う場合、どうしても操作手順が複雑であったり、ボタンが多くて手間取ってしまうことがあります。 時間のロスが重なれば重なるほど、効率が悪くなってしまいます。そういった問題を解消するためにはショートカットキーを活用しましょう。 今回は、Photoshopで頻繁に使用するショートカットキーについて、まとめました。 ※本記事はWindows環境での操作を前提としています。 Macの場合は、Ctrlキーをcommandキー、Altキーをoptionキーに置き換えてください。 まずは基本のPhotoshopで押さえておくべきショートカットキー 1.ドキュメントの新規作成 Ctrl+N 新しいファイルを作る場合、すぐに新規のダイアログが表示されます。 最初からやり直したい時、新しいカンバスを利用したい時など、このショートカットキーで表示が可能です。 2.ドキュメ

                                                                              • The Essential Mac Apps for 2018

                                                                                There are a bunch of great apps you can install on your Mac—no question there. Separating amazing apps from must-have apps is the hard part, and we don’t want you to spend hours analyzing the Mac App Store (or scouring the web) to find the very best and most useful apps. We’ve made a list of champions across four categories: productivity; Internet and communications; music, photos, and video; and

                                                                                  The Essential Mac Apps for 2018
                                                                                • 80's Style Chrome Text Effect in Photoshop

                                                                                  In today’s Photoshop tutorial we’re going back to the 1980s to create a rad text effect based on those 80s style chrome logos we used to see for games, movies, TV shows and more. The overall design incorporates the classic bold chrome text effect with a hot pink script font. It’s all done in Photoshop using a mix of layer styles and colour overlays to reproduce the shiny metal effects and vibrant

                                                                                    80's Style Chrome Text Effect in Photoshop