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  • Writing better release notes

    31st January 2022 Release notes are an important part of the open source process. I’ve been thinking about these a lot recently, and I’ve assembled some thoughts on how to do a better job with them. Write release notes. Seriously—if you want people to take advantage of the work you have been doing to improve your projects, you need to tell them about it! Include the date. The date matters a lot, b

      Writing better release notes
    • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

      Watch Our Google Algorithm Leak Webinar Replay Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to the Google algorithm leak. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has been discovered. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document

        Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
      • A Modern C Development Environment

        Webinar: How New IoT Security Regulations Will Shape the Industry’s Future - Tuesday, Sept. 17th @ 9AM PT | 12PM ET | 6PM CET | RSVP Now Sometimes, C/C++ projects have a long development cycle. When working on such a project, it can be easy to take our development environment for granted, and forget about the effort invested in its bring-up. The build environment works like magic, the test framewo

          A Modern C Development Environment
        • TabFS

          Going through the files inside a tab's folder. For example, the url.txt, text.txt, and title.txt files tell me those live properties of this tab (Read more up-to-date documentation for all of TabFS's files here.) This gives you a ton of power, because now you can apply all the existing tools on your computer that already know how to deal with files -- terminal commands, scripting languages, point-

          • Function calling and other API updates

            We’re announcing updates including more steerable API models, function calling capabilities, longer context, and lower prices. July 20, 2023 update: We previously communicated to developers that gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, gpt-4-0314 and gpt-4-32k-0314 models were scheduled for sunset on Sept 13, 2023. After reviewing feedback from customers and our community, we are extending support for those models unt

              Function calling and other API updates
            • NEC’s Tetris Processor

              Tetris is a classic time-waster, both in and outside of the office. What good is any computing device if it can’t play this game? Tokyo System House certainly thought so, and ported it to the NEC mini5 line of CP/M-based word processors. Let’s preserve it for future generations and then see what it’s like! I’ve been trying to get this game for a bit. First, I had been looking at the online old-gam

                NEC’s Tetris Processor
              • Don't Use Kubernetes, Yet

                Early-stage startups shouldn't run on Kubernetes yet. But eventually, growth-stage and large companies should be running on Kubernetes in some form. Kubernetes Maximalism doesn't mean one-size-fits-all. Infrastructure should progressively grow with your workloads and team. How can you choose the right technology now so that you can maximize growth and minimize pain later when you inevitably outgro

                  Don't Use Kubernetes, Yet
                • Announcing Flutter 2- Google Developers Blog

                  Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail Our next generation of Flutter, built for web, mobile, and desktop Today, we’re announcing Flutter 2: a major upgrade to Flutter that enables developers to create beautiful, fast, and portable apps for any platform. With Flutter 2, you can use the same codebase to ship native apps to five operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux; as well as we

                    Announcing Flutter 2- Google Developers Blog
                  • OpenFreeMap

                    What is OpenFreeMap? OpenFreeMap lets you display custom maps on your website and apps for free. You can either self-host or use our public instance. Everything is open-source, including the full production setup — there’s no ‘open-core’ model here. Check out our GitHub. The map data comes from OpenStreetMap. Using our public instance is completely free: there are no limits on the number of map vi

                    • エイプリルフールに便乗しているサイトまとめ2023年版

                      By ほしのるる 毎年おなじみのエイプリルフールが今年も始まってしまいましたー!どれが本当でどれが実はウソなのか、どこからどこまでがネタなのか、いや、もしかしたらこれはネタのふりをしているだけでマジなのでは?というような感じで混沌としていくカオスな一日の始まりです~! ◆エイプリルフールのネタのタレコミのやり方 この記事中に未掲載のネタで「エイプリルフールやってる!」というのを発見したときや「うちもエイプリルフールをやってます!」という自薦の連絡はネタのタレコミ用メールフォームから送信してもらえればOKです!掲載されやすくなる押さえるべきポイントとして、GIGAZINE編集部員がサイトを見に行っても「どれがエイプリルフールのネタなのだ……?」ということで瞬時に判断できない&ネタの意味がわからず記事化をあきらめてしまうしかない……となったり、「どこかがいつもと違うらしいが元のサイトの状態を知

                      • Consider SQLite

                        If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

                        • The forgotten mistake that killed Japan’s software industry - Disrupting Japan

                          This is our 200th episode, so I wanted to do something special. Everyone loves to complain about the poor quality of Japanese software, but today I’m going to explain exactly what went wrong.  You’ll get the whole story, and I’ll also pinpoint the specific moment Japan lost its way. By the end, I think you’ll have a new perspective on Japanese software and understand why everything might be about

                            The forgotten mistake that killed Japan’s software industry - Disrupting Japan
                          • Twitterが数百人退職のため本社を一時閉鎖へ

                            2022年11月1日にCEOに就任したイーロン・マスク氏によって、大規模な人員整理が行われているTwitterで、従業員に対して本社オフィスが21日まで一時的に閉鎖され、バッジへのアクセスが停止されると告知が行われていることがわかりました。 Briefing: Twitter Temporarily Closes Offices as Hundreds Depart Company — The Information https://www.theinformation.com/briefings/twitter-temporarily-closes-offices-as-hundreds-depart-company ‘Sabotage’-Shy Elon Musk Boards Up Twitter Offices Until Monday as Remaining Staff Flo

                            • How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy

                              In this blogpost we’ll talk about the old Nginx-based traffic infrastructure, its pain points, and the benefits we gained by migrating to Envoy. We’ll compare Nginx to Envoy across many software engineering and operational dimensions. We’ll also briefly touch on the migration process, its current state, and some of the problems encountered on the way. When we moved most of Dropbox traffic to Envoy

                                How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy
                              • Modern CSS Solutions

                                Providing Type Definitions for CSS with @property Write safer CSS using `@property`, which enables defining types for custom properties. Learn why traditional fallback values can fail, and how `@property` features improve the resilience of custom property definitions. 12 Modern CSS One-Line Upgrades Sometimes, improving your application CSS just takes a one-line upgrade or enhancement! Learn about

                                  Modern CSS Solutions
                                • Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web

                                  By reading this, you are a participant of the web. It's amazing that we can write this blog and have it appear to you without operating a server or writing a line of code. In general, the web of today empowers us to participate more than we could at any point in the past. Last year, we mentioned the next phase of the Internet would be always on, always secure, always private. Today, we dig into a

                                    Web3 — A vision for a decentralized web
                                  • Building a Simple DB in Rust - Part 1 - Parsing

                                    This article is part of the Building a Simple DB in Rust series. While I've used rust for a while and have had a few small projects in it, I felt like I was missing a truly "systems" project. So when I came across this series for making a simple DB in C, I figured why not try to make my basic DB in rust. I will roughly follow the structure of that series at first, but I will most likely deviate an

                                    • Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web

                                      People often see passwords are the original sin of authentication on the web. Passwords can be easy to guess and vulnerable to breaches. Frequent reuse of the same password across the web makes breaches even more profitable. As passwords are made stronger and unique, they can quickly become unusable for many users. Passwords indeed look notorious, but are passwords themselves the problem, or is it

                                        Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web
                                      • Marie Kondo your software stack with open source

                                        As someone makes more money, expenses once considered luxuries can suddenly become seen as necessities: It’s called lifestyle creep. In the world of software development, we can suffer from a similar affliction: stack creep. Where hardware limitations once restricted developers to a minimalist approach, increased processing power, memory, and storage have led many down a more maximalist path. It’s

                                          Marie Kondo your software stack with open source
                                        • Introducing Yarn 2 ! 🧶🌟

                                          Hi everyone! After exactly 365 days of very intensive development, I'm extremely happy to unveil the first stable release of Yarn 2. In this post I will explain what this release will mean for our community. Buckle up! If you're interested to know more about what will happen to Yarn 1, keep reading as we detail our plans later down this post: Future Plans. If you just want to start right now with

                                            Introducing Yarn 2 ! 🧶🌟
                                          • Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+

                                            September 6, 2021 Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+ Rails has been unapologetically full stack since the beginning. We've continuously sought to include ever-more default answers to all the major infrastructure questions posed by modern web development. From talking to a database, to sending and receiving emails, to connecting web sockets, to rendering HTML, to integrati

                                              Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+
                                            • core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita

                                              core-jsとは core-jsをみなさんご存知だろうか。直接は知らなくてもbabelでpolyfillを当てているなら間接的にお世話になっているはずだ。 メンテされない そのcore-jsは当分メンテされないらしい。というか2020/01/14を最後にパタッと活動が途絶えている。 なんとこの巨大projectはzloirockというたった一人によってメンテされてきた。 ここで彼のコメントをいくつか引っ張っておこう。 https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/548#issuecomment-494112872 2019年5月21日 4:06 JST Dear @jpike88! Almost 5 years almost every day I spend some hour for maintenance core-js. It's not

                                                core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita
                                              • Draw SVG rope using JavaScript

                                                This is an interactive article. To fully experience it, you'll need to turn JavaScript on. Today, I'll take you through the process I came up with in regard to transforming an SVG path into a vector rope drawing. We'll learn how to turn the path on the left into the rope on the right: The problem popped up on a project my colleagues were working on, and it stuck with me. I thought about it and sta

                                                  Draw SVG rope using JavaScript
                                                • Deep Learning ideas that have stood the test of time

                                                  Deep Learning is such a fast-moving field and the huge number of research papers and ideas can be overwhelming. The goal of this post is to review ideas that have stood the test of time. These ideas, or improvements of them, have been used over and over again. They’re known to work. If you were to start in Deep Learning today, understanding and implementing each of these techniques would probably

                                                  • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript

                                                    Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, added functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundlers, provided new ways for library authors to control generic inference, expanded our JSDoc functionality, simplified con

                                                      Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript
                                                    • </> htmx - high power tools for html

                                                      NEWS: htmx 2.0 has been released! It is not currently marked as latest in NPM so that people using the 1.x line are not accidentally upgraded. We will mark 2.0 as latest at some point in 2025. introduction htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hyp

                                                      • 僕の個人開発を成功に導いてくれた本たち

                                                        A must read for anyone building a web app. Getting Real is packed with keep-it-simple insights, contrarian points of… この本は僕が個人開発者として進むべき方向を照らしてくれました。今でも繰り返しメモを読み返しています。かつての僕はアントレプレナーシップやスタートアップ文化に強く影響されていて、「スティーブ・ジョブズみたいにビッグになるぞ!」とか「facebookみたいな世界を席巻するサービスを作らなきゃ!」と息巻いていました。イタイ。同書は世界を獲ってビッグになることだけが成功の道ではなく、他にもソフトウェア開発で人生を謳歌できる方法がある事を教えてくれました。これはSaaSビジネスの立ち上げを、より少なく、本当に重要な事にだけ取り組む事で成功に導く方法について解説した本で

                                                        • Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know

                                                          Coming up with a title that explains the full story here was difficult, so I'm going to try to explain quickly. Yesterday, Docker sent an email to any Docker Hub user who had created an "organisation", telling them their account will be deleted including all images, if they do not upgrade to a paid team plan. The email contained a link to a tersely written PDF (since, silently edited) which was mi

                                                            Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know
                                                          • セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change | メルカリエンジニアリング

                                                            セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change * English version follows after the Japanese こんにちは。メルカリのProduct Securityチームでセキュリティエンジニアをしている@gloriaです。ブログを書くのが随分お久しぶりなのですが、前にQAと自動化テストについて記事をフォローしていた方がいらっしゃったら、当時に自動化テストエンジニアとして書いたISTQBテスト自動化エンジニア認定資格、STARWESTカンファレンス、とAQA POP TALKの記事を読んだことがあるかもしれません。 今回は、自動化テストエンジニアからセキュリティエンジニアへのキャリアチェンジについてお話して、キャリア

                                                              セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change | メルカリエンジニアリング
                                                            • The new wave of React state management

                                                              The new wave of React state managementUnderstand the core problems state management libraries need to solve. And how the proliferation of modern libraries address them in new ways. IntroductionAs React applications grow in size and complexity, managing shared global state is challenging. The general advice is to only reach for global state management solutions when needed. This post will flesh out

                                                                The new wave of React state management
                                                              • xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

                                                                xz-backdoor.md FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything about what's going on. Background On March 29th, 2024, a backdoor was discovered in xz-utils, a suite of software that gives developers lossless compression. This package is commonly used for c

                                                                  xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)
                                                                • Generating UUIDs at scale on the Web

                                                                  TL;DR can you trust every browser to generate globally unique identifiers at scale? At Teads, we have tried, and the answer is yes, with a few caveats. This article describes the experiments we’ve run and the discoveries we made along the way. Why we need client-side unique identifiersGenerating unique identifiers is a common need that third-party scripts integrated on Web pages and e-commerce sit

                                                                    Generating UUIDs at scale on the Web
                                                                  • Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS Machine Learning Blog Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of scalable compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across industries are transforming their businesses. Just recently, generative AI app

                                                                      Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • Remix vs Next.js

                                                                      Easily the biggest question we get asked is something like: How is Remix different from Next.js? It appears we have to answer this question! We'd like to address it directly and without drama. If you're a fan of Remix and want to start tweeting smug reactions to this article, we kindly ask that you drop the smugness before hitting the tweet button 🤗. A rising tide lifts all boats. We've been frie

                                                                        Remix vs Next.js
                                                                      • Announcing Pub/Sub: Programmable MQTT-based Messaging

                                                                        Announcing Pub/Sub: Programmable MQTT-based Messaging2022-05-12 This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Español. One of the underlying questions that drives Platform Week is “how do we enable developers to build full stack applications on Cloudflare?”. With Workers as a serverless environment for easily deploying distributed-by-default applications, KV and Durable Objects for caching and coordin

                                                                          Announcing Pub/Sub: Programmable MQTT-based Messaging
                                                                        • Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約

                                                                          Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約 はじめに 10 月 26 日に Next.js Conf が開催されましたが、それと前後して Kent C. Dodds (以下 kentcdodds と呼びます) と Lee Robinson (以下 leerob と呼びます) がそれぞれ という記事を公開しました。前者はタイトルの通り、Testing Library の作者であり、Remix の共同創業者の一人でもある開発者兼教育者 kentcdodds が、Next.js を使わない理由について述べたものです。そして後者は、Vercel の VP of Developer Experience である leerob が、主に前者に対する反論を述べたものです。筆者は両方の記事を公開後すぐに面白く読み、そしてどちらにも頷けるところ

                                                                            Next.js に対する Kent C. Dodds の批判と、Lee Robinson のアンサーの要約
                                                                          • Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down: From a Real Twitter SRE

                                                                            Twitter supposedly lost around 80% of its work force. What ever the real number is, there are whole teams with out engineers on it now. Yet, the website goes on and the tweets keep coming. This left a lot wondering what exactly was going on with all those engineers and made it seem like it was all just bloat. I’d like to explain my little corner of Twitter (though it wasn’t so little) and some of

                                                                              Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down: From a Real Twitter SRE
                                                                            • Rust concepts I wish I learned earlier

                                                                              This past month, I have been enthralled by the Rust programming language given its unique edge for writing memory-safe, modern programs. Over the years, several languages have emerged as the most preferred by engineers to write resilient, backend software. The tides have shifted from Java/C++ into Go and Rust, which combine decades of programming language theory to build tools that are effective i

                                                                                Rust concepts I wish I learned earlier
                                                                              • Merging Remix and React Router

                                                                                We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

                                                                                  Merging Remix and React Router
                                                                                • The Future of the Web is on the Edge

                                                                                  Except Singapore, we’ve got a world of sub-100 millisecond TTFBs. This is because instead of heading off to Virginia to get the site, each of these locations can use an edge server nearest to them. The edge is about getting 50ms response times vs 150ms response times. You can test this for yourself with a VPN. If you: curl -I https://deno.landYou’ll get the server nearest your location: server: de

                                                                                    The Future of the Web is on the Edge