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文章生成AIであるChatGPTは自然な対話ができるだけではなく、難しい試験にクリアしたり複雑な文章を生成することもできるため、レポートや論文の作成に使われたり、試験のカンニングに使われたりといった問題がしばしば報告されています。教育現場での生成AIへの批判を受けて、ChatGPTを開発したOpenAIが公式に「ChatGPTを使ったライティングの学生向けガイド」を公開しました。 A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT https://openai.com/chatgpt/use-cases/student-writing-guide/ OpenAIは「ChatGPTの使用方法の中には、自分で書くべき文章をAIに生成させるなど、学習に逆効果となるものもあります。しかし、アイデアを熟考する助けになったり、複雑な概念をわかりやすく教えてくれたり、下書
このコーナーでは、2014年から先端テクノロジーの研究を論文単位で記事にしているWebメディア「Seamless」(シームレス)を主宰する山下裕毅氏が執筆。新規性の高い科学論文を山下氏がピックアップし、解説する。 X: @shiropen2 イタリアのボローニャ大学に所属する研究者らが発表した論文「Seals and signs: tracing the origins of writing in ancient South-west Asia」は、最初期の文字体系の一つである原楔形文字の起源について、それ以前から使用されていた円筒印章(メソポタミアで所有者などを示すために使われた印章)との関連性を示した研究報告である。 原楔形文字は紀元前3350~3000年にかけてメソポタミアで使われた初期の記録システムで、後の楔形文字に発展する。 研究チームは、円筒印章が導入された紀元前3700年頃か
AWS Lambda turns 10: A rare look at the doc that started itNovember 14, 2024 • 5460 words One of our strengths at AWS has always been our ability to get primitives into the hands of our customers and observe what they do. In nearly every instance, someone uses these building blocks in interesting ways that we didn’t expect. Sometimes it’s domain-specific innovation, but other times it’s customers
The Go Blog Go Turns 15 Austin Clements, for the Go team 11 November 2024 Thanks to Renee French for drawing and animating the gopher doing the “15 puzzle”. Happy birthday, Go! On Sunday, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Go open source release! So much has changed since Go’s 10 year anniversary, both in Go and in the world. In other ways, so much has stayed the same: Go remains committed
【速報】Rails 8.0.0がリリースされました Rails 8.0(v8.0.0タグ)は、7.2.0リリースから半年後のリリースということもあり、メジャーリリースとしてはChangelogの変更件数が少なめなのが特徴です。機能面では、Strong Parametersのexpect追加や、MySQL 5.5のサポート廃止が目につきます。大きなbreaking changesも今のところ見当たりません。 rails/rails at v8.0.0 以下、Rails 8.0のChangelogを件数の多い順に見ていきます。なお、原則として削除のChangelogは、その項目が非推奨化されたときのプルリク情報にリンクしています。 なお、以下の機能にはChangelogがありません。 Action Mailbox Action Mailer 🔗 Active Record(56件) Rail
AWS News Blog Introducing resource control policies (RCPs), a new type of authorization policy in AWS Organizations Today, I am happy to introduce resource control policies (RCPs) – a new authorization policy managed in AWS Organizations that can be used to set the maximum available permissions on resources within your entire organization. They are a type of preventative control that help you esta
F# has been my favorite language since I first encountered it in uni. F# was/is waaaay out ahead of C# with features like unions, null safety, pattern matching, records, more powerful type inference and generic constraints.Over the years C# has been implementing these features too, which is good, but they have been implementing them in incompatible ways, which isn't very good. Since the investment
F# 9 introduces a range of enhancements that make your programs safer, more resilient, and performant. This article highlights the major changes in F# 9, developed in the F# open source code repository. F# 9 is available in .NET 9. You can download the latest .NET SDK from the .NET downloads page. Nullable reference types Although F# is designed to avoid null, it can creep in when interfacing with
A haka led by Te Pāti Māori has interrupted voting for the Treaty Principles Bill, with Opposition MPs and the public gallery standing to perform Ka Mate. Labour and Green MPs stood, appearing to support the haka, which started after Te Pāti Māori was called to vote on the bill. Hauraki Waikato MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke stood to deliver her party's vote, against the bill, and then continu
AWS Database Blog Build scalable, event-driven architectures with Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda Amazon DynamoDB is a Serverless, NoSQL, fully managed database with single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. It excels in scenarios where traditional relational databases struggle to keep up. Event-driven architectures, common in microservices-based applications, use events to invoke actions
Can we currently reason about Rust code with absolute certainty? Not really, but we should be able to. In this article, we dive into the reasons why it may be time for a Rust specification. A simple C++ questionIf you know a little bit of C++: can you tell me what the output of the following program is? #include <stdio.h> struct Foo { ~Foo() { puts("Goodbye!"); } // runs when Foo is destructed };
Get full access to The Engineering Executive's Primer and 60K+ other titles, with a free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. There are also live events, courses curated by job role, and more. Chapter 12. Building Personal and Organizational Prestige Most months I get at least one email from an Engineering leader who believes they’d be a candidate for significantly more desirable roles if their personal bran
As AI turns labor into software, the opportunity to productize external professional services (e.g., in legal or accounting) has become a hot topic. However, we believe there is also substantial opportunity in productizing internal work within organizations. These responsibilities often fall under the umbrella term of “operations” and can range from full-time data entry and front desk roles, to ro
I started learning Rust about 3 or 4 years ago. I am now knee-deep in several very complex Rust projects that keep slamming into the limitations of the Rust compiler. One of the most common and obnoxious problems is hitting a situation the borrow-checker can’t deal with and realizing that I need to completely re-architect how my program works, because lifetimes are “contagious” the same way async
There’s a neat paper Type Systems as Macros by Chang, Knauth, and Greenman [1] that describes how to implement a typed language using an untyped host language and macro expansion. The paper is neat, but I found the code hard to follow—the paper uses a compact notation that’s convenient for print, but not so much for reproducing on one’s own. This post is my attempt to implement and explain in more
概要 MITライセンスに基づいて翻訳・公開いたします。 英語記事: solid_cable/README.md at main · rails/solid_cable 原文更新日: 2024/09/25(354e67a) ライセンス: MIT Solid Cableは、データベースを用いるAction Cableアダプタです。メッセージをデータベースのテーブルに保存して、更新があるかどうかを定期的にポーリングします。 これにより、それ以外の目的でRedisが不要な場合に、Redisへの一般的な依存を削除できます。Action Cableの機能でRedisが必須でなくなれば、Railsアプリをデプロイしやすくなります。 注 Solid Cableは、MySQL、SQLite、PostgreSQLで動作することがテストされています。 Action Cableには既に専用のPostgreSQLア
I have shipped a lot of different projects over the last ~10 years in tech. I often get tapped to lead new ones when it’s important to get it right, because I’m good at it. Shipping in a big tech company is a very different skill to writing code, and lots of people who are great at writing code are terrible at shipping. Here’s what I think about when I’m leading a project and what I’ve seen people
Today, we are excited to announce the launch of .NET 9, the most productive, modern, secure, intelligent, and performant release of .NET yet. It’s the result of another year of effort on the part of thousands of developers from around the world. This new release includes thousands of performance, security, and functional improvements. You will find sweeping enhancements across the entire .NET stac