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_Complexityに関するエントリは28件あります。 programmingonline sport開発 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Cognitive Complexityを400以上減らすまでに何をしたか 〜 コード品質改善の具体的なプラクティス』などがあります。
  • Cognitive Complexityを400以上減らすまでに何をしたか 〜 コード品質改善の具体的なプラクティス

    ヤフー株式会社は、2023年10月1日にLINEヤフー株式会社になりました。LINEヤフー株式会社の新しいブログはこちらです。LINEヤフー Tech Blog こんにちは。Yahoo!広告 ディスプレイ広告エンジニアの安田です。私たちの開発チームでは広告配信の起点となるJavaScript(TypeScript)ライブラリを提供しています。今回はこのライブラリのデプロイ失敗率を改善できた、コード品質改善の取り組みについてご紹介します。 コード品質を定量的に測る指標の1つにCognitive Complexityがあります。Cognitive Complexityは人間視点での複雑性を評価する指標で、例えばネストが深くなるほど複雑と判断される特徴があります。複雑なコードは変更に多くの時間を要し、テストが難しくなるので要改善なシグナルといえるでしょう。私たちが今回実施した品質改善の取り組みで

      Cognitive Complexityを400以上減らすまでに何をしたか 〜 コード品質改善の具体的なプラクティス
    • フロントエンドの複雑さに立ち向かう / Tackling Complexity of Front-end Software with DDD and Clean Architecture

      フロントエンドの複雑さに立ち向かう 〜 DDD と Clean Architecture を携えて 〜 さくらのテックランチvol.6 〜ローストチキンのフロントエンドパスタとクリスマスFigmaケーキ〜 https://sakura-tokyo.connpass.com/event/303232/ YouTube配信アーカイブ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usmLmI1bj74&t=472s ドメイン駆動設計(Domain-Driven Design)や Clean Architecture をヨイショもディスもせずフラットな立場で評価し、現実解を探りながらフロントエンドの複雑さに立ち向かった半年間の軌跡

        フロントエンドの複雑さに立ち向かう / Tackling Complexity of Front-end Software with DDD and Clean Architecture
      • 関数型言語で DDD - Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F# - Shin x Blog

        オブジェクト指向言語でドメインモデルを実装することが当然のように行われていますが、Go で開発したり、Haskell で遊んだりしている中で、他のパラダイムの言語で実装するのはどうなんだろうかという想いがありました。 そんな時に出会ったのが、Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F# という本です。 概要 構成 ドメインを理解し、モデリングする 端的なフレーズ Database-Drive-Design や Class-Driven-Design との違い 型、型、型 関数型言語による実用例 恐怖のモナド さいごに 参考 概要 本書は、とある会社の受注とその関連業務をドメインとし、モデリングして、実装していくという内容です。紙ベースで行われている業務

          関数型言語で DDD - Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F# - Shin x Blog
        • Tackling Complexity

          設計ナイト2022 「トランザクションスクリプト」でのディスカッション枠スライドです。Read less

            Tackling Complexity
          • ボードゲームのデータ解析その2:BGGの複雑さに関するバイアス(An analysis of board games: Part II - Complexity bias in BGG)|べよ

            本記事は、Dinesh Vatvani氏が2018年12月8日に投稿した「An analysis of board games: Part II - Complexity bias in BGG」の翻訳である。引き続き、BGGのデータ分析の話である。今回の記事は、BGGの上位100ゲームにメスを入れた話となっている。 BGGの上位100ゲームのリストは、私たちボードゲーマーにとって有益な指標となっているし、出版社・ボードゲームデザイナーにとってもステイタスになっている。ただ、上位100ゲームを見ると、複雑なゲーム、いわゆる重ゲーが圧倒的に多い。裏を返せば、少なくとも、BGG上の評価を得るためには、重ゲーを製作する必要があるように思えてしまう。 このように、BGGには複雑なゲームを好む傾向があるのか(複雑さバイアス)ということをデータから分析してみようというのが本記事の内容である。その上で、

              ボードゲームのデータ解析その2:BGGの複雑さに関するバイアス(An analysis of board games: Part II - Complexity bias in BGG)|べよ
            • What does United States import? (2020) | The Observatory of Economic Complexity

              Have questions, comments, or concerns? Send us an e-mail: [email protected]

                What does United States import? (2020) | The Observatory of Economic Complexity
              • The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy

                Docker is an invaluable tool for managing containers, but it can be challenging to grasp its inner workings, especially for newcomers. While modern hosting platforms like Vercel and Netlify often eliminate the need for writing Dockerfiles for NodeJS processes, understanding Docker optimization becomes crucial when handling your infrastructure. By achieving optimal efficiency, you can save both tim

                  The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy
                • The #1 bug predictor is not technical, it's organizational complexity

                  (Higher numbers are better. A more detailed description follows.) That's pretty interesting! Organizational structure has the highest precision, and the highest recall. (Again, more on the details later). That's pretty interesting, isn't it? The distance to decision makers and the number of developers working on a project is clearly and unambiguously the issue that is the best predictor of future

                  • TailwindCSS: Adds complexity, does nothing.

                    If you work in the front-end, you've probably heard a lot about TailwindCSS, a CSS library, much like Bootstrap. Much unlike Bootstrap, however, Tailwind takes a different approach - it is all "utility classes". And I am not a fan. I got a whiff of it and quickly learned the name is appropos: it was as welcome and useful as passed gas. Before we start, let me try to explain what a utility class is

                      TailwindCSS: Adds complexity, does nothing.
                    • Cognitive Complexity で、コードの読みやすさを定量的に計測しよう - Qiita

                      自分のプロジェクトで Code Climate を使ってみた時の話をします。 Code Climate とは? コードの品質とかを測れるサービス OSS なら無料で利用可能 使ってみた結果 私のコードに対して、下記のような指摘が来ました。 Function toCommandSections has 29 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). (toCommandSectionsメソッドが29行あるから、25行以下にしてくれ) About 1 hr to fix (1時間あれば直せる) こちらは分かりやすい指摘です。 ただ"1時間で直せる"とは誰がどういう見解で言っているのか納得行きません。 Function read has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). (readメソッドの Cogni

                        Cognitive Complexity で、コードの読みやすさを定量的に計測しよう - Qiita
                      • The Intel 12th Gen Core i9-12900K Review: Hybrid Performance Brings Hybrid Complexity

                        The Core i9-12900K, the focus of this review today, is listed at a tray price of $589. Intel always lists tray pricing, which means ‘price if you buy 1000 units as an OEM’. The retail packaging is often another +5-10% or so, which means actual retail pricing will be nearer $650, plus tax. At that pricing it really sits between two competitive processors: the 16-core Ryzen 9 5950X ($749) and the 12

                          The Intel 12th Gen Core i9-12900K Review: Hybrid Performance Brings Hybrid Complexity
                        • GitHub - vmware-archive/octant: Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - vmware-archive/octant: Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.
                          • Amazon.co.jp: Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#: Wlaschin, Scott: 本

                              Amazon.co.jp: Domain Modeling Made Functional: Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#: Wlaschin, Scott: 本
                            • GitHub - minimaxir/simpleaichat: Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.

                              simpleaichat is a Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps like ChatGPT and GPT-4 with robust features and minimal code complexity. This tool has many features optimized for working with ChatGPT as fast and as cheap as possible, but still much more capable of modern AI tricks than most implementations: Create and run chats with only a few lines of code! Optimized workflows which minimi

                                GitHub - minimaxir/simpleaichat: Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.
                              • Three Decades of Agile – Manage Complexity

                                The Agile Manifesto [1], created in 2001, brought about a significant shift in the development of (software) products. The values and principles in the manifesto have since evolved and expanded, and we continue to discover better ways to implement them. Overall, the changes have been positive and continue to benefit the industry. This article discusses the journey we have collectively taken over t

                                • AWS IAM Roles, a tale of unnecessary complexity

                                  Posted Nov 11, 2022 2022-11-11T07:00:00+01:00 by Xavier Garceau-Aranda This is going to be a highly opinionated blog post. I think AWS is great and use it daily, but their implementation of IAM is unnecessarily complicated. If you can’t tolerate critics, don’t do anything new or interesting. Jeff Bezos Let’s get started. The policy evaluation logic reads like a James Joyce novel: Does it need to b

                                  • Complexity Explained

                                    Complexity science, also called complex systems science, studies how a large collection of components – locally interacting with each other at small scales – can spontaneously self-organize to exhibit non-trivial global structures and behaviors at larger scales, often without external intervention, central authorities or leaders. The properties of the collection may not be understood or predicted

                                    • In Search of a Stack That Monitors the Quality and Complexity of CSS | CSS-Tricks

                                      In Search of a Stack That Monitors the Quality and Complexity of CSS Many developers write about how to maintain a CSS codebase, yet not a lot of them write about how they measure the quality of that codebase. Sure, we have excellent linters like StyleLint and CSSLint, but they only help at preventing mistakes at a micro level. Using a wrong color notation, adding a vendor prefix when you’re alrea

                                        In Search of a Stack That Monitors the Quality and Complexity of CSS | CSS-Tricks
                                      • Avoiding complexity with systemd

                                        Unix machines, since the early days of the operating system, have been designed for multiple users to use concurrently. Traditionally there is a set of “unprivileged” users used by people and system services, and the root account which can generally do anything. Because of the concept that most things in Unix are represented by a file, users could be allowed to perform various operations by adding

                                          Avoiding complexity with systemd
                                        • Linformer: Self-Attention with Linear Complexity

                                          Large transformer models have shown extraordinary success in achieving state-of-the-art results in many natural language processing applications. However, training and deploying these models can be prohibitively costly for long sequences, as the standard self-attention mechanism of the Transformer uses $O(n^2)$ time and space with respect to sequence length. In this paper, we demonstrate that the

                                          • From complexity to clarity: The strategic value of AWS—What you missed at re:Invent 2020 | Amazon Web Services

                                            AWS Public Sector Blog From complexity to clarity: The strategic value of AWS—What you missed at re:Invent 2020 At re:Invent 2020, Teresa Carlson, vice president and leader of Amazon Web Services (AWS) public sector and industry business units, shared stories of how cloud technology has proven critical for organizations to move fast and respond to a new reality shaped by COVID-19. Teresa also welc

                                              From complexity to clarity: The strategic value of AWS—What you missed at re:Invent 2020 | Amazon Web Services
                                            • Watch BIG vs compLexity Gaming Counter Strike Dreamhack Spring live streaming — Teletype

                                              Competition: BIG - compLexity Gaming live BIG eSports - compLexity Gaming eSports live stream BIG eSports - compLexity Gaming eSports live stream Evil Geniuses - Cloud9 match overview, prediction&tips Two teams are playing changeable. Recently opponents have a series of guest games. In this match Evil Geniuses is a favorite.Last 8 head-to-head matches Evil Geniuses won 3 matches, drawn 0 matches,

                                                Watch BIG vs compLexity Gaming Counter Strike Dreamhack Spring live streaming — Teletype
                                              • NaVi vs compLexity Gaming (Live)"liveStream" - sportstreams2018

                                                Visiteurs depuis le 15/08/2019 : 24860 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 32 MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:Counter Strike Esl Pro League Season 11 23.03.2020 When/Date: 23.03.2020 Time: 5:00 pm Watch here >>>NaVi - compLexity Gaming live Online here >>>NaVi vs compLexity Gaming live NaVi vs compLexity Gaming [livestream] Short Preview The game of competitors is shaky now. Recentl

                                                • Riot Squad - compLexity Gaming LIVE Stream# - sierraanderson242120’s diary

                                                  MATCH DETAILS: Location : Upcoming Information:Counter Strike Championship Series Season 8 21.10.2019 When/Date: 21.10.2019 Time: 9:00 pm Watch here >>>Riot Squad v compLexity Gaming live Online here >>>Riot Squad v compLexity Gaming live Riot Squad v compLexity Gaming Live'Stream[Free] Short Preview Recent matches compLexity Gaming is playing unstable (in the last 5 games wins - 3). Riot Squad co

                                                    Riot Squad - compLexity Gaming LIVE Stream# - sierraanderson242120’s diary
                                                  • A developer’s second brain: Reducing complexity through partnership with AI

                                                    EngineeringA developer’s second brain: Reducing complexity through partnership with AIAs we look to empower developers with AI tools, we inadvertently integrate AI deeper into the way developers work. How do developers feel about that? And what are the most impactful ways to introduce more AI into workflows? We recently conducted 25 in-depth interviews with developers to understand exactly that. A

                                                      A developer’s second brain: Reducing complexity through partnership with AI
                                                    • Complexity in Operating Systems

                                                      Over the last years I’ve been working on very different operating systems. Operating systems are usually incredibly complex beasts. I think there are mainly three drivers of this complexity. Surprisingly enough, neither of these is having to deal with hardware. The first one is resource discovery, i.e. figuring out what the computer the OS is running on actually looks like. On x86, this involves p

                                                      • GitHub - awslabs/aws-saas-boost: AWS SaaS Boost is a ready-to-use toolset that removes the complexity of successfully running SaaS workloads in the AWS cloud.

                                                        AWS SaaS Boost provides organizations with ready-to-use core software elements for successfully running SaaS workloads in the cloud. Software builders can focus on preserving core intellectual property by removing the complexities of building SaaS solutions using AWS SaaS Boost. SaaS Boost provides tenant management, deployment automation, analytics dashboards, billing and metering, an administrat

                                                          GitHub - awslabs/aws-saas-boost: AWS SaaS Boost is a ready-to-use toolset that removes the complexity of successfully running SaaS workloads in the AWS cloud.
                                                        • The Google May 2022 Broad Core Update – 5 micro-case studies that once again underscore the complexity of broad core algorithm updates

                                                          The Google May 2022 Broad Core Update – 5 micro-case studies that once again underscore the complexity of broad core algorithm updates Google’s May 2022 broad core update rolled out on May 25, 2022 and the rollout completed on June 9, 2022 (taking about 15 days to fully roll out). It was a massive algorithm update with many sites seeing a ton of volatility early in the rollout. But that was just t

                                                            The Google May 2022 Broad Core Update – 5 micro-case studies that once again underscore the complexity of broad core algorithm updates
