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among usの検索結果521 - 560 件 / 16765件

  • 銃乱射事件の連続発生に際して、共和党議員らがゲームの悪影響を強く懸念。「ゲームが人を非人間化させる」と発言し議論に - AUTOMATON

    現地時間8月3日から4日にかけて、アメリカにて銃乱射事件が立て続けに発生した。最初の事件はテキサス州エルパソにあるウォルマートで発生し、20人が死亡。オハイオ州デイトンでは、9人が死亡、少なくとも26人が負傷。容疑者は警察に撃たれて死亡したと報告されている(ロイター)。痛ましい事件が発生し人々が悲しみに暮れる中、共和党議員らがFox Newsとのインタビューで、ゲームの影響を強く懸念している。 共和党の下院少数党院内総務であるKevin McCarthy氏は、同インタビューにてビデオゲームの関連性について問われ、ビデオゲームは個人を非人間化させると懸念。銃撃ゲームは未来の子どもたちにも問題をもたらすのではないかとコメントしている。惨劇の状況などを見るとゲームなどの影響を感じるだろうと関連付けている。 また、テキサス州の副知事Dan Patrick氏がこの銃撃事件に際して、同じくFox Ne

      銃乱射事件の連続発生に際して、共和党議員らがゲームの悪影響を強く懸念。「ゲームが人を非人間化させる」と発言し議論に - AUTOMATON
    • 声優・今井麻美さんのVTuber“詩趣ミンゴス”インタビュー。3Dモデルや配信イベントの制作費はすべて自腹!? デビュー経緯、オリジナル楽曲や今後の活動について直撃 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

      ――最初にVTuberとして活動しようと思った経緯から教えていただけますか? 詩趣ミンゴス2年以上前のことになりますが、もともとは私の音楽活動のバンドメンバーとして参加してくれているベーシストの竜くん(川村竜さん)の配信にお邪魔させていただいたときに、当時、VTuberの神宮寺さんの『Among Us』配信にハマって毎日観ていたので、そのことをお話したんです。 すると、竜くんと神宮寺さんが知り合いだったということが判明しまして。私もその配信に参加させていただくことになって、そこでいづみちゃん(ななしいんく所属のVTuberの柚原いづみさん)と出会ったことが始まりです。 ――スマートフォンでPCのモニターを直撮りして配信していたときですね。 詩趣ミンゴスそうです(笑)。当時、私はMacのPCを使っていたので、『Among Us』をプレイするためにBoot CampでWindowsを起動してい

        声優・今井麻美さんのVTuber“詩趣ミンゴス”インタビュー。3Dモデルや配信イベントの制作費はすべて自腹!? デビュー経緯、オリジナル楽曲や今後の活動について直撃 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
      • Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix

        Welcome to ProgrammableWeb's Research Center; your one stop shop for the various charts and research that we maintain regarding the API economy. In recognition of how ProgrammableWeb's audience members like to re-use our charts in their presentations and whitepapers, we offer some of our charts as PowerPoint decks that can be downloaded from Slideshare.net (further below). Other articles (also lis

          Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix
        • jQuery Fubar – How To Create A Website Toolbar From Scratch And Add Widgets To It | AddyOsmani.com | Where Web Businesses Grow

          Over the past year, we’ve seen website toolbar’s become an increasingly popular way for site-owners to offer users a consistent set of powerful social features, regardless of what page they’re on – Share, Subscribe, Tweet, Talk – you name it and chances are there’s a toolbar out there that offers some variation of these features. Facebook were one of the first companies to introduce this toolbar c

          • IEEE GET Program™

            The subsidized sponsorship of standards via the IEEE GET Program helps expand the global reach of technical knowledge developed by industry, accelerates adoption of IEEE standards, contributes to an open knowledge community, promulgates open information exchange to foster innovation, and connects the IEEE brand with the development of world-changing technologies for the benefit of humanity. As a S

              IEEE GET Program™
            • A Year in Computer Vision

              A Year in Computer Vision Edited for The M Tank by Benjamin F. Duffy & Daniel R. Flynn The M Tank Also on Medium: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Introduction Computer Vision typically refers to the scientific discipline of giving machines the ability of sight, or perhaps more colourfully, enabling machines to visually analyse their environments and the stimuli within them. This process typically i

              • YappoLogs: WassrPodというMacからwassrを快適に使うツールを作ったよ

                WassrPodというMacからwassrを快適に使うツールを作ったよ 空前のwassrブームの中皆様いかがおすごしでしょうか。 ついにあのTwitがTwit4WSとしてwassr対応して面白い感じですが、Mac用のいいツールが無さげです。 先週末の、はてなハイククライアント制作者の集いにdrkinさんもいらしてたのでwassr対応を聞いてみたのですが、ちょっと面倒くさそうな感じだったので、僕が勝手にTwitterPodをwassr対応しちゃいました。 かいつまむと「wassr APIをtwitter APIを使うクライアントからアクセスできるコンバータ付きproxy」です。 Macのターミナルとperlが使える環境の人前程ですが、物凄く簡単にwassr対応が出来ます。 TwitterPodをアプリケーションディレクトリに入れておいて下さい。 そして、ここからターミナル操作です。 まずは

                • Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain | HackerNoon

                  Too Long; Didn't Read(Sequel here: <a href="https://medium.com/@kaistinchcombe/decentralized-and-trustless-crypto-paradise-is-actually-a-medieval-hellhole-c1ca122efdec" target="_blank"><em>Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future.</em></a>) Everyone says the blockchain, the technology underpinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, is going to change EVERYTHING. And

                    Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain | HackerNoon
                  • HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts — Smashing Magazine

                    After almost five years in development, the new HTTP/3 protocol is nearing its final form. Earlier iterations were already available as an experimental feature, but you can expect the availability and use of HTTP/3 proper to ramp up over in 2021. So what exactly is HTTP/3? Why was it needed so soon after HTTP/2? How can or should you use it? And especially, how does it improve web performance? Let

                      HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts — Smashing Magazine
                    • 「信じるな、疑え」の果てに

                      [Statistical release P0441 -- Gross Domestic Product --Annual estimates per region 1995 – 2007, THE NATIONAL HIV AND SYPHILIS PREVALENCE SURVEY SOUTH AFRICA 2007] ひとりあたりのGDPもCIA Factbookによれば$9963で世界61位、東南アジア諸国やロシアやブラジルやトルコや中国などよりも上位にある。豊かさの基準である1万ドルにほぼ到達している[Nation Master]。これはNelson Mandela政権もThabo Mbeki政権も経済運営を間違っていないことを示している。 もちろん、南アフリカには貧困問題がある。Nelson Mandela政権もThabo Mbeki政権もこれを重視し対策してきた。その結果、ゆ

                      • Japan PM Shinzo Abe jeered at Battle of Okinawa ceremony

                        The jeering of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is ''almost unheard-of behaviour'' at a war commemoration in Japan, as Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has been heckled at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa. Mr Abe was shouted at by locals, angry about the size of the US military presence on their island. Mr Abe and US officials were among thousands who

                          Japan PM Shinzo Abe jeered at Battle of Okinawa ceremony
                        • microformatique - a blog about microformats and “data at the edges”

                          RDFa is a syntax for expressing this structured data in XHTML. The rendered, hypertext data of XHTML is reused by the RDFa markup, so that publishers don’t repeat themselves. The underlying abstract representation is RDF, which lets publishers build their own vocabulary, extend others, and evolve their vocabulary with maximal interoperability over time. The expressed structure is closely tied to t

                          • WebFX - What you never thought possible!

                            No matter if you're a site builder or just someone surfin' for something cool, you've reached the right place. On this page you'll be able to find Dynamic HTML samples that you can use on your own pages, all the samples may be used freely for personal use or you may change the source code for your own applications. This page was designed and tested in IE5, Mozilla and Opera. Other W3C compliant br

                            • PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips - Python Wiki

                              This page is devoted to various tips and tricks that help improve the performance of your Python programs. Wherever the information comes from someone else, I've tried to identify the source. Python has changed in some significant ways since I first wrote my "fast python" page in about 1996, which means that some of the orderings will have changed. I migrated it to the Python wiki in hopes others

                              • [C#][Twitter]Twitter Web APIを使ってみよう その1

                                using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Com.Wankuma.Kazuki.Twitter; using System.Globalization; namespace TwitterClientTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string user = Console.ReadLine(); string pass = Console.ReadLine(); var twitter = new TwitterApi { UserAccount = new Account { UserID = user, Password = pass } }; var ret =

                                • 360gameszone

                                  The allure of the Philippines’ vibrant casino scene continues to grow, offering both locals and tourists a chance to win big in 2024. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or a novice looking to try your luck, here are some essential tips to maximize your chances of winning at jiliko: 1. Choose Your Casino Wisely Not all casinos are created equal. Some are known for their high payouts, while others o

                                  • RAMBleed

                                    RAMBleed is a side-channel attack that enables an attacker to read out physical memory belonging to other processes. The implications of violating arbitrary privilege boundaries are numerous, and vary in severity based on the other software running on the target machine. As an example, in our paper we demonstrate an attack against OpenSSH in which we use RAMBleed to leak a 2048 bit RSA key. Howeve

                                    • Working With TypeScript: A Practical Guide for Developers

                                      TypeScriptWorking With TypeScript: A Practical Guide for DevelopersTypeScript Practical Introduction What is TypeScriptTypeScript is a popular JavaScript superset created by Microsoft that brings a type system on top of all the flexibility and dynamic programming capabilities of JavaScript. The language has been built as an open-source project, licensed under the Apache License 2.0, has a very act

                                        Working With TypeScript: A Practical Guide for Developers
                                      • Vue.js: the good, the meh, and the ugly - Pier Bover - Medium

                                        Picking up new frameworks and libraries is exciting but also stressful. Even after some evaluation you never really know what skeletons you’re going to find out down the road. My honeymoon period is long over. After about 2 years of using Vue almost daily I can finally write about it with some perspective. DANGER: Opinions ahead. The GoodReactivityData binding is a big deal in the front end world.

                                          Vue.js: the good, the meh, and the ugly - Pier Bover - Medium
                                        • Rewriting the War, Japanese Right Attacks a Newspaper (Published 2014)

                                          Takashi Uemura, a former journalist, is under attack for his reporting on “comfort women.”Credit...Ko Sasaki for The New York Times SAPPORO, Japan — Takashi Uemura was 33 when he wrote the article that would make his career. Then an investigative reporter for The Asahi Shimbun, Japan’s second-largest newspaper, he examined whether the Imperial Army had forced women to work in military brothels dur

                                            Rewriting the War, Japanese Right Attacks a Newspaper (Published 2014)
                                          • Spider Solitaire - Play It Free Online

                                            Spider Solitaire Online - Free with from urban imp. Welcome to Little Solitaire, a free full screen online spider solitaire game offering 1 suit, 2 suit and 4 suit spider solitaire. With intuitive gameplay and stunning graphics, Little Solitaire is the perfect way to unwind and challenge your mind with the beloved classic game. Featuring multiple levels of difficulty, you can can enjoy the thrill

                                            • 心理作戦班日本人捕虜尋問報告(Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report)四九号 - 誰かの妄想・はてなブログ版

                                              法華狼さんやApemanさんが既に指摘済みですが、20年も前から知られている資料を今さら新発見であるかのように否認派が紹介しています。日本人捕虜尋問報告49号という従軍慰安婦問題を多少でも真面目に調べたことのある人ならほとんど誰でも知っているような極めて有名な資料です。 これまでも産経の古森氏のような歴史修正主義者らによって、否認論に使われてきてその度に史実派から指摘され呆れられてきた経緯もあります*1。 否認論者は基本的に勉強しませんので、過去の知識の蓄積ができず、まるで痴呆のように同じ否認論を繰り返しますが、この現象は意図的にデマを流している職業的歴史修正主義者以外に、レイシズムに惹かれて新規参入するにわか否認論者、いわゆる「ネットde真実」の人たちが少なくないからでしょう。 困ったことに、この日本人捕虜尋問報告49号について、原文や訳文をネットにアップしている否認論者はかなりたくさん

                                                心理作戦班日本人捕虜尋問報告(Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report)四九号 - 誰かの妄想・はてなブログ版
                                              • Evolution of the Heroku CLI: 2008-2017

                                                Resources What is Heroku? Help Customers Careers Events Podcasts Compliance Center Heroku is for Developers CTOs Team Collaboration Startups Enterprises Agencies Students See More Languages Node.js Ruby Java PHP Python Go Scala Clojure See More Latest News from the Heroku Blog Heroku Blog Find out what's new with Heroku on our blog. More news View all blog posts Over the past decade, millions of d

                                                  Evolution of the Heroku CLI: 2008-2017
                                                • Notes on Programming in C - bell labs - pikestyle | /sys/doc/ Documentation archive

                                                  Rob Pike February 21, 1989 Introduction Kernighan and Plauger's The Elements of Programming Style was an important and rightly influential book.  But sometimes I feel its concise rules were taken as a cookbook approach to good style instead of the succinct expression of a philosophy they were meant to be.  If the book claims that variable names should be chosen meaningfully, doesn't it then follow

                                                  • How Dwango Scaled Live Streaming With Play And Akka | @lightbend

                                                    Written by Soichiro Yoshimura Translated by Eugene Yokota Download Japanese Version PDF (1MB) About Niconico Niconico is among the most popular video sharing websites in Japan. At the time of its launch in 2006, it was called Niconico Douga (means smiling videos). The most distinctive feature is its commenting, which allows the users to post comments along the time axis of the broadcasted videos.

                                                      How Dwango Scaled Live Streaming With Play And Akka | @lightbend
                                                    • Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

                                                      Abstract: In recent years, academic research and investigative reports have brought to light several cases of computational propaganda (i.e. orchestrated attempts to manipulate public opinion or the outcome of elections via social media), as well as proof that filter algorithms amplify right-wing conservative content on Japanese social media. Piecing together the scattered pieces of a puzzle, this

                                                        Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
                                                      • FFmpeg

                                                        Converting video and audio has never been so easy. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi News June 2rd, 2024, native xHE-AAC decoder FFmpeg now implements a native xHE-AAC decoder. Currently, streams without (e)SBR, USAC or MPEG-H Surround are supported, which means the majority of xHE-AAC streams in use should work. Support for USAC and (e)SBR is coming soon. Work is also ongoing to improve its stabil

                                                        • Secrets Behind the ALL-TIME 100 Movies List

                                                          All-TIME 100 Movies TIME's Richard Corliss updates our All-TIME 100 list of the greatest films made since 1923 — the beginning of TIME — with 20 new entries Everett (6)You like us, you really like us. You also hate us. Anyway, you click on us, which is the surest way a website has of measuring interest in its content. The All-TIME 100 Movies feature—compiled by Richard Schickel and me, and handsom

                                                            Secrets Behind the ALL-TIME 100 Movies List
                                                          • 10 Easy jQuery Tricks for Designers

                                                            President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. There are plenty of jQuery tricks and

                                                              10 Easy jQuery Tricks for Designers
                                                            • 15+ Brilliant Admin Panel Template Designs Based On Twitter Bootstrap | Tripwire Magazine

                                                              In this article you will find an up-to-date collection of powerful admin panel template designs based on Twitter Bootstrap. Bootstrap has become a quite popular collection of free HTML and CSS-based web development tools. It is a responsive framework based on design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts, navigation and more. The fully customizable admin templates available today has als

                                                              • Modern IDEs are magic. Why are so many coders still using Vim and Emacs? - Stack Overflow

                                                                Developers are a finicky bunch. Like a dog refusing to walk on wet grass, there always seemed to be a bit of resistance to changing up a routine. We love what we grew up with, be it Star Trek jokes, Vim, or Emacs. The origins of this war harken back to Usenet groups in the 1980s, a time when Vi and Emacs were the primary tools used for coding. Emacs, as we well know, is a “maze of twisty little pa

                                                                  Modern IDEs are magic. Why are so many coders still using Vim and Emacs? - Stack Overflow
                                                                • 2000円以内で買える! 年末年始におすすめのSwitch向けタイトル。サクッと楽しめるものから,じっくり遊べるものまで

                                                                  2000円以内で買える! 年末年始におすすめのSwitch向けタイトル。サクッと楽しめるものから,じっくり遊べるものまで ライター:蒼之スギウラ 近年,SteamをはじめとするPCプラットフォームにて販売されたインディーズゲームのコンシューマ進出が盛んになってきている。その中でも特に存在感を見せているプラットフォームがNintendo Switchだ。 持ち運びを前提としたSwitchは手軽に遊べるインディーズゲームと相性が良く,現在は安価でも高いクオリティを備えたダウンロードソフトが多くリリースされている。この時期,年末年始に向けてSwitchで遊ぶゲームを探している人も多いのではないだろうか。 本稿ではインディーズゲームを中心に「年末に遊びたいNintendo Switch向けDLゲーム」と題して,全国のコンビニエンスストアなどで広く取り扱われている「ニンテンドープリペイドカード 15

                                                                    2000円以内で買える! 年末年始におすすめのSwitch向けタイトル。サクッと楽しめるものから,じっくり遊べるものまで
                                                                  • PHP Benchmarks: Real-World Speed Tests for Versions 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3

                                                                    PHP Benchmarks: Real-World Speed Tests for Versions 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 PHP is one of the most-used server-side programming languages, powering about 76% of active websites. Every year, we release our in-depth performance benchmarks for various PHP frameworks to see how different PHP versions stack up against each other. In December 2023, we benchmarked PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 across 11 content manage

                                                                      PHP Benchmarks: Real-World Speed Tests for Versions 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3
                                                                    • Android アプリはアマゾンに乗っ取られる

                                                                      《Update 2:アマゾンがスマートフォンに手を出したら》 《Update:鳥小屋に入ってきたキツネ》 [Amazon Appstore for Android:image] Marco Arment がこんどはアマゾン Appstore について注目すべき発言をしている。 Marco.org: “Amazon will take over Android app distribution” by Marco Arment: 22 November 2011 *     *     * Kindle Fire が売れたら・・・ Kindle Fire が非常によく売れると仮定してみよう。改善すべき部分が多々あるとしてもだ。 Assume the Kindle Fire will sell very well, even though it needs a lot of help. *  

                                                                        Android アプリはアマゾンに乗っ取られる
                                                                      • Feature Column from the AMS: Pagerank

                                                                        Imagine a library containing 25 billion documents but with no centralized organization and no librarians. In addition, anyone may add a document at any time without telling anyone. You may feel sure that one of the documents contained in the collection has a piece of information that is vitally important to you, and, being impatient like most of us, you'd like to find it in a matter of seconds. Ho

                                                                          Feature Column from the AMS: Pagerank
                                                                        • About the sqlite3 WASM/JS Subproject

                                                                          WebAssembly, a.k.a. WASM, is a standard defining a low-level programming language suitable (A) as a target for cross-compilation from many other languages and (B) for running via a virtual machine in a browser. Designed with scriptability via JavaScript in mind, it provides a way to compile C code (among others) to WASM and script it via JavaScript with relatively little friction despite the vast

                                                                          • Marke Style -

                                                                            People moving to Florida think they are entering a new world of “freedom,” sunshine, and a world of low taxes. But that is not entirely accurate. They also are entering a state where low taxes mean fewer public services. The state also has some of the highest fraud rates in the U.S., higher home insurance expenses, rising homeowners association (HOA) expenses for people living in gated communities

                                                                            • candle night 2008summer

                                                                              Turn off your lights for two hours from 8 to 10 p.m. on the evening of June 21. Do something special . . . Read a book with your child by candlelight. Enjoy a quiet dinner with a special person. This night can mean many things for many people. A time to save energy, to think about peace, to think about people in distant lands who share our planet. Pulling the plug open the window to a new

                                                                              • Steamにてお絵かきゲーム『Draw & Guess』が謎の大ブームを巻き起こす。お絵描き伝言ゲームの同接プレイヤー数が150人から3万人へ爆発 - AUTOMATON

                                                                                お絵描き伝言ゲーム『Draw & Guess』がSteamの新たなトレンドになっている。ピーク時の同時接続プレイヤー数は3万5000人を超えて、直近24時間以内の同時接続プレイヤー数では25位以内にランクインするなど好調な作品だ。お絵描きゲームは国内外問わず、ブラウザやアプリゲームなどで数多く存在しているジャンル。そんななか、本作は謎の盛り上がりを見せている。 『Draw & Guess』は独立系開発会社Acureusが開発・販売をおこなうお絵描きゲームだ。今年3月21日にSteamで正式リリースされた作品で、伝言ゲームとクイズの2種類のゲームモードをプレイすることができる。日本語にも対応済みだ。 伝言ゲームは4~16人でプレイ可能。各プレイヤーには単語でお題が与えられ、絵だけでお題を描写する。描き終わったら右隣の人に絵を回して、自分は左のプレイヤーから回ってきた絵を受け取る。受け取った絵

                                                                                  Steamにてお絵かきゲーム『Draw & Guess』が謎の大ブームを巻き起こす。お絵描き伝言ゲームの同接プレイヤー数が150人から3万人へ爆発 - AUTOMATON
                                                                                • ゲーマーがテレビゲームにあまりお金を使わなくなってきていることが判明

                                                                                  調査企業のNPDグループが、2022年第2四半期(4~6月)におけるアメリカの消費者によるビデオゲーム関連支出をまとめたレポートを公開しました。このレポートによると、アメリカ市民の同期におけるゲーム関連支出は前年同期比で13%減の123億5000万ドル(約1兆6500億円)となっています。 The NPD Group: Second Quarter 2022 US Consumer Spending on Video Game Products Decreased 13% to $12.35 Billion - The NPD Group https://www.npd.com/news/press-releases/2022/the-npd-group-second-quarter-2022-us-consumer-spending-on-video-game-products-decr
