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  • Single Page Applications using Rust

    WebAssembly (wasm) allows code written in languages other than JavaScript to run on browsers. If you haven’t been paying attention, all the major browsers support wasm and globally more than 90% of users have browsers that can run wasm. Since Rust compiles to wasm, is it possible to build SPAs (Single Page Applications) purely in Rust and without writing a single line of JavaScript? The short answ

      Single Page Applications using Rust
    • Googleがブログ記事を検閲

      私のBloggerのGMailアカウントに以下のようなメールが来ていた。 Hello, Google has been notified that content in your blog contains allegedly infringing content that may violate the rights of others and the laws of their country. The infringing content that has been made unavailable can be found at the end of this message. For more information about this removal and how it affects your blog, please visit https://support.goog

      • 失敗しないCMS移行の7つのステップ。WordPressからはてなブログMediaへ移行してみた - はてなビジネスブログ

        この記事では、WordPressでの運用に課題があり、CMSの移行を検討している方向けに、「CMS移行の7つのステップ」と「実際にWordPressから移行した方法」をお届けします。 ■この記事の対象となる人 オウンドメディアをWordPressで運用しており、現CMSへの課題が顕在化している担当者(編集長・情報システム担当) ■この記事のポイント CMS移行のタイミングを見極めよう CMS移行の7ステップの紹介 実際にWordPressからはてなブログMediaへ移行してみた 目次 CMSを移行すべきタイミングとは CMS移行の7ステップ 1.概要資料 2.要件定義書・RFP 3.新旧CMSの機能比較表 4.移行作業一覧・スケジュール 5.既存コンテンツの棚卸し 6.移行作業 7.確認作業 実際にWordPressからはてなブログMediaへ移行してみた どのような状態のWordPres

          失敗しないCMS移行の7つのステップ。WordPressからはてなブログMediaへ移行してみた - はてなビジネスブログ
        • GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.

          nb is a command line and local web note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application with: plain text data storage, encryption, filtering, pinning, #tagging, and search, Git-backed versioning and syncing, Pandoc-backed conversion, [[wiki-style linking]], terminal and GUI web browsing, inline images, todos with tasks, global and local notebooks, organization with folders, customiz

            GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
          • React TypeScript: Basics and Best Practices

            There is no single “right” way of writing React code using TypeScript. As with other technologies, if your code compiles and works, you probably did something right. That being said, there are “best practices” that you’d want to consider following, especially when writing code others will have to either read or re-use for their own purposes. So, here I’m going to list some useful code-snippets tha

              React TypeScript: Basics and Best Practices
            • 5 Reasons You Should Try the Arc Browser for Mac

              The Arc browser aims to stand out from the competition with its unique approach to web browsing. Here's why you should give it a try. You have many options when you need a web browser for your Mac. The list includes Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. You can also try productivity-focused web browsers that offer advanced features. Unfortunately, all these browsers still use a conventional design an

                5 Reasons You Should Try the Arc Browser for Mac
              • Walter BrightによるEric Engstromの思い出話

                DirectXの作者の一人であるEric Engstromが死去した。これにことよせてD言語のWalter Brightが思い出話を書いている。 I've known Eric since around 1985 or so when he came to work at Data I/O. Our fr... | Hacker News Ericは1985年から知り合いだった。Data I/Oで働いていた頃だ。次第に疎遠になっていったが、あいつは常に特別なやつだった。 今となっては私しか覚えていないであろう思い出話をひとつしてやろう。いつ思い出しても笑えるし、まさにあいつらしい話だ。 あいつが1991年か92年あたりにMicrosoftで働いていた頃、問題を抱えているマネージャーがいた。アセンブリ言語で書かれたプログラムがあった。5万行ほどのサイズだ。プログラムには修正すべき不具合があっ

                • Get More Out of Notion With These 5 Chrome Extensions

                  If you're looking to make the most out of Notion, here are five Chrome extensions to give you some extra functionality to the tool. Notion is an incredibly popular productivity software, with a truly staggering number of people using it in their workplaces. If you’re one of those people, then you have no doubt wondered at one point or another how you can get more out of it. Luckily, there are a wi

                    Get More Out of Notion With These 5 Chrome Extensions
                  • はてなブログでブックマーク時のTwitterへのシェア(連携ツイート)が出来るようになったらしい。 - おっさんのblogというブログ。

                    如何お過ごしですか? 3回連続10cmです。 当ブログにお越しいただきありがとうございます。 いつも本当にありがとうございます。 はてなブログで他のブロガー様の記事にブックマークした時、以前はtwitterへのシェアが出来てたのに最近出来なくなりましたよね。 例によって『どななってんねん!はてなブログの管理者ははよどないぞしろ!』って声も多数あったようです。知らんけどな。 私も以前の方法で他のブロガー様の記事がtwitterへシェア出来ないので、面倒くせーなー!と思いつつも、自分ではその問題を解決することが出来ないので放置して、別の方法でtwitterへシェアさせていただいていました。 それが、なんと!! ブックマーク上からtwitterへのシェアが出来るようになったらしいので、私も忙しいんですが実験してみました。 実験はブックマーク上からtwitterへのシェアだけね。忙しいから。 以前

                      はてなブログでブックマーク時のTwitterへのシェア(連携ツイート)が出来るようになったらしい。 - おっさんのblogというブログ。
                    • How browsers work  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                      How browsers work Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Preface This comprehensive primer on the internal operations of WebKit and Gecko is the result of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. Over a few years, she reviewed all the published data about browser internals and spent a lot of time reading web browser source code. She wrot

                      • Story: Redis and its creator antirez | Brachiosoft Blog

                        This article is translated from the original Chinese edition. In the world of databases, Redis stands out as unique. Instead of the usual tables or documents that are the central focus of most databases, with Redis, you interact directly with low-level data structures such as linked lists and hash tables. This is all thanks to the innovative design of Redis creator Salvatore Sanfilippo, known onli

                          Story: Redis and its creator antirez | Brachiosoft Blog
                        • 10 Apple Music Features to Use on Your iPhone

                          Apple Music boasts a variety of cool features. Here are the best Apple Music features you really need to use on your iPhone. Apple Music has a variety of features to make music streaming easier and faster. However, you might not have made use of them yet. Let us tell you, you're missing out. With this in mind, check out our list of Apple Music features to use on your iPhone. 1. Automatic Downloads

                            10 Apple Music Features to Use on Your iPhone
                          • Threadsで「ブックマーク機能」のテストが開始、好きな投稿を保存して後から読めるように

                            Metaが運営するSNSのThreadsが、お気に入りの投稿を保存して後から確認できる「ブックマーク機能」のテストを開始したことを発表しました。 Meta's Threads app is getting a bookmarking feature to save posts https://www.engadget.com/metas-threads-app-is-getting-a-bookmarking-feature-to-save-posts-194149279.html Threads tests the ability to save posts as it continues to compete with X | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/07/instagram-threads-tests-the-ability

                            • Web by Google (TM)

                              Looking at Mozilla’s finances, it’s reasonable to conclude that Google is keeping them on life support to keep the anti-trust hounds at bay. Mozilla’s deal with Google will account for at least 70% of their revenues going forward. That’s over $400 million to be the default search provider in 4% of browsers. For 1 year. I’ll bet my next paycheck that Google reupped this rather generous agreement to

                              • Better Zoom For Mac - coachgirlgema

                                Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 1075 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 4 Zoom App For Mac. Command-X: Cut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard. Command-C: Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder. Command-V: Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document or app. This also works for files in the Finder. Command-Z: Undo the previous

                                  Better Zoom For Mac - coachgirlgema
                                • NLP Year in Review — 2019

                                  2019 was an impressive year for the field of natural language processing (NLP). In this blog post, I want to highlight some of the most important stories related to machine learning and NLP that I came across in 2019. I will mostly focus on NLP but I will also highlight a few interesting stories related to AI in general. The headlines are in no particular order. Stories may include publications, e

                                    NLP Year in Review — 2019
                                  • Currl

                                    A free text-based social bookmarking website. Collect links you love from around the web. Search

                                    • File32842.zip [opera Browser For Mac

                                      Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 7247 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Embed this Program Add this Program to your website by copying the code below. Preview Preview. 2010 bmw k 1300 gt repair service and user owner s zip. Net/p3134.html 976b052433 engineering economics 3rd edition solution zip file32842 zip opera browser for mac os 9 software file71146 zip. Opera is a light-weight browser w

                                        File32842.zip [opera Browser For Mac
                                      • ホームページ制作会社が便利と思うWordPressプラグイン | ITキャピタル

                                        今回は弊社が過去に使ったことがある便利なWordpressのプラグインを紹介いたします。 ざっくりと概要をお伝えしますので細かい仕様や設定方法などは他のサイトで検索してみてください。 アイキャッチを自動的に設定する XO Featured Image Tools このプラグインはアイキャッチを自動的に設定してくれるプラグインです。 アイキャッチ画像を一括生成します。 投稿の保存時にアイキャッチ画像を自動生成します。 投稿一覧にアイキャッチ画像項目を表示します。 SNSボタンを表示 WP Social Bookmarking Light AddToAny Share Buttons 最近多くのSNSが増えてきてどのブログもイイねボタンとかシェアボタンとか配置していますよね。 各社のタグをいちいち張り付けていると大変ですよね。 そこで便利なのがこの「WP Social Bookmarking

                                          ホームページ制作会社が便利と思うWordPressプラグイン | ITキャピタル
                                        • 3 Ways to Visually Organize Your Bookmarks

                                          If you find yourself regularly bookmarking webpages, it might be worth visually organizing them. Here are our top three ways to do so. Having the option to save bookmarks within your browser is fantastic. Except when you go to find the link you need, and can't actually find it. It may have even been faster to try searching for the page again, but instead, you’re staring at a list of text and icons

                                            3 Ways to Visually Organize Your Bookmarks
                                          • Tom Pittman on HyperCard, Programming, and Operating Systems

                                            Tom Pittman on HyperCard, Programming, and Operating Systems Welcome to the first in a hopefully long and entertaining series with some of the wizards of the Macintosh programming world. Although the Mac may be the world's easiest computer for the rest of us, it has not traditionally been the easiest system to develop on. We all owe a debt to those pioneering programmers who used their time and sk

                                            • [emacs]はてなブックマーク用のconsultコマンドを作っている - ワタタツの日記!(2021-12-25)

                                              ☆ はてなブックマーク用のconsultコマンドを作っている これはemacs Advent Calendar 2021の25日目の記事です。 minad氏による、Emacsの最近のパッケージの一つ、consultをすごく気に入ったので、自分のはてなブックマークを検索するパッケージを書いています。 https://github.com/Nyoho/consult-hatena-bookmark です。 はてなブックマークはソーシャルブックマーキングサービスです。 ソーシャルなので、ブックマークするときだけでも他の人のコメントを見て勉強になります。 そんな一期一会な使い方も面白いですが、ストックしていくものとしても便利です。そこで欲しくなるのが「自分のブックマークを全部検索する」機能です。実は、サイト上でもできます。これがEmacs上でもすばやくできたら楽だし楽しいなと思います。 couns

                                                [emacs]はてなブックマーク用のconsultコマンドを作っている - ワタタツの日記!(2021-12-25)
                                              • 【Prompt All in One】プロンプトの翻訳・編集・移動・ChatGPT連携など全部入りの最強補助ツール!【Stable Diffusion】

                                                こんにちは!悠です! 今回は「Stable Diffusion WebUI」におけるプロンプトエディットの使い勝手を、信じられないレベルで楽にする最強の入力補助ツール「Prompt All in One」に関して紹介していきます。 プロンプトの自動翻訳 ChatGPTとの連携 プロンプトのドラッグアンドドロップ プロンプトの比重や強調表現の簡単編集 プロンプトの履歴機能追加 LoRA・LyCORISの簡単検索 Tag Autocompleteとの連携 など便利機能の大バーゲンセールになっています。 個人的に導入必須級の拡張機能だったので、この記事を読んでくださった方はぜひ試してみて下さい!気に入ること間違いなしです! アイキャッチ画像はモデルに「lametta_v1504」、LoRAに「flat2」を使用しています。 「Prompt All in One」の導入方法 GitHub - Ph

                                                  【Prompt All in One】プロンプトの翻訳・編集・移動・ChatGPT連携など全部入りの最強補助ツール!【Stable Diffusion】
                                                • Content-first Bookmarking - Notado

                                                  Whether you want to register a new account or log in to your existing account, all you have to do is enter your email address. No need to come up with a unique and complex password; just submit your email address, and you'll receive a personalised link in your inbox (valid for 5 minutes) that you can click to either create or log in to your account. Are you a bookmarker? Do you like saving things

                                                  • Emacs as Email Client - Part I

                                                    In earlier posts I have shared my Emacs configuration. Emailing in Emacs is a super power that I have been grateful for over the past several years. Below I will describe a simple setup that works for me and more importantly for me, it’s something I like. This setup makes me almost want to write descriptive emails simply because it moves the pain of writing emails into the same ecosystem that I fe

                                                      Emacs as Email Client - Part I
                                                    • Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good. · Reproof

                                                      Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good. We don’t write things down to remember them. We write them down to forget. Like a hunter/gatherer stashing their prey, the ideas and the links we stumble upon feel valuable, rare, something worth saving. We ascribe value to the time we spend discovering things online. Surely that time wasn’t in vain. Then we’re burdened with our findings. It’s

                                                        Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good. · Reproof
                                                      • GitHub - lencx/Noi: 🚀 Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower.

                                                        Introducing Noi: an AI-enhanced, customizable browser designed to streamline your digital experience: Browser: Noi not only includes curated AI websites but also allows the addition of any URL, providing a tailored browsing experience (Noi Configs). Prompts Management: Offers robust customization options including the addition, synchronization, batch tagging, and removal of prompts. Noi Ask: Enabl

                                                          GitHub - lencx/Noi: 🚀 Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower.
                                                        • UpNote - Official app in the Microsoft Store

                                                          UpNote is an elegant and powerful note app that works seamlessly across platforms: iOS, Mac and Windows. UpNote is designed to help you take notes easily and stay focused on what matters most. UpNote has beautiful fonts and elegant themes that you can adjust to make your writing experience most comfortable and pleasant. You can immerse yourself in writing with focus mode. The design is minimal and

                                                            UpNote - Official app in the Microsoft Store
                                                          • RSS is the Best Facebook News Alternative

                                                            This Around the Web piece is not focusing on Australia’s proposed legislation and the debate over whether it is a good law. However, I will provide a very summary overview of the events that led to Facebook’s draconian measures. Several months ago, Australia moved to amend its laws to require Google and Facebook to pay news publishers for their content. Google and Facebook were displeased, and the

                                                              RSS is the Best Facebook News Alternative
                                                            • Bootstrap 5 - Release date, Important updates and Latest Tutorial

                                                              Bootstrap 5 – Release date, Important updates and Latest Tutorial The most popular Bootstrap source is coming up with the latest version Bootstrap 5🔥. In this article, we will share information about the Bootstrap 5 release date, Important updates in the latest version, and the Bootstrap 5 tutorial. Bootstrap is the world’s most popular and widely used open-source framework for developing with HT

                                                                Bootstrap 5 - Release date, Important updates and Latest Tutorial
                                                              • Infinite Scroll UX Done Right: Guidelines and Best Practices — Smashing Magazine

                                                                Infinite scroll can be designed well. Best practices and guidelines to improve the UX of infinite scroll with bookmarks, footer reveal and pagination. We’ve all been there. You might have a long-winded list of search results, products, orders or data entries. Of course, you have all kinds of filters and sorting and search already in place. However, you also need to help customers explore relevant

                                                                  Infinite Scroll UX Done Right: Guidelines and Best Practices — Smashing Magazine
                                                                • Browser Engine Diversity | CSS-Tricks

                                                                  We lost Opera when they went Chrome in 2013. Same deal with Edge when it also went Chrome earlier this year. Mike Taylor called these changes a “Decreasingly Diverse Browser Engine World” in a talk I’d like to see. So all we’ve got left is Chrome-stuff, Firefox-stuff, and Safari-stuff. Chrome and Safari share the same lineage but have diverged enough, evolve separately enough, and are walled away

                                                                    Browser Engine Diversity | CSS-Tricks
                                                                  • Ask HN: Does anybody still use bookmarking services? | Hacker News

                                                                    I have started doing something completely different than using bookmarks. I set up yacy[1] on a personal, internal server at my home, which I can access from all my devices, since they are always on my wireguard vpn.Yacy is actually a distributed search engine, but I run in 'Robinson mode' as a private peer, to keep it isolated, as I just want a personal search of only sites I have indexed. Anytim

                                                                    • Top 10 Free RSS Readers (Browser & Desktop)

                                                                      Cut the clutter: your guide to the best free rss readers for browser & desktop. The funny thing about RSS is that it is always a topic of discussion. One day, someone is talking about the “revival” of RSS, the next – someone tries to justify why RSS is still a thing, or why it’s a must-use service. The fact of the matter is that RSS never went anywhere. It is, to this day, the best method for keep

                                                                        Top 10 Free RSS Readers (Browser & Desktop)
                                                                      • nb · command line and local web plain text note-taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application

                                                                        nb is a command line and local web note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application with: plain text data storage, encryption, filtering, pinning, #tagging, and search, Git-backed versioning and syncing, Pandoc-backed conversion, [[wiki-style linking]], terminal and GUI web browsing, inline images, todos with tasks, global and local notebooks, organization with folders, customiz

                                                                        • Introducing Amazon SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines | Amazon Web Services

                                                                          AWS Machine Learning Blog Introducing Amazon SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines Today we’re announcing Amazon SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines. This post shows how to build your first Kubeflow pipeline with Amazon SageMaker components using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK. Kubeflow is a popular open-source machine learning (ML) toolkit for Kubernetes users who want to build custom M

                                                                            Introducing Amazon SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines | Amazon Web Services
                                                                          • PropEr | PropEr

                                                                            PropEr is a tool for the automated, semi-random, property-based testing of Erlang programs. It is fully integrated with Erlang's type language, and can also be used for the model-based random testing of stateful systems. Recent releases of PropEr also contain support for targeted property-based testing, a powerful extension that brings techniques from search-based testing into property-based testi

                                                                            • GitHub - Physton/sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one: This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic tran

                                                                              This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic translation, history record, and bookmarking functions. 这是一个基于 sd-webui 的扩展,旨在提高提示词/反向提示词输入框的使用体验。它拥有更直观、强大的输入界面功能,它提供了自动翻译、历史记录和收藏等功能。

                                                                                GitHub - Physton/sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one: This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides automatic tran