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  • Google Pixel 9はどこで安く買える?最安値で買う7つの方法を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠

    Google Pixel 9は最新チップ「Google Tensor G4」に対応したAI機能を持つ、最先端の人気Androidスマートフォンです。そのGoogle Pixel 9を安くお得に買う方法は以下です。 この記 […] The post Google Pixel 9はどこで安く買える?最安値で買う7つの方法を徹底解説 first appeared on 安く買う匠.

    • Aerotwist - The Anatomy of a Frame

      I'm often asked by other developers about parts of the pixel workflow, and what fires when and why, so I figured it might be worth putting up a little reference for what's involved in shipping pixels to screen. Last updated: 15 Feb 2016 Est. Read Time: 10 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #pixels Caveat: this is a Blink / Chrome view of the world. Most of the main thread tasks are "shared" in some f

        Aerotwist - The Anatomy of a Frame
      • How Microsoft’s bet on Azure unlocked an AI revolution  - Source

        About five years ago, artificial intelligence research organization OpenAI pitched Microsoft on a bold idea that it could build AI systems that would forever change how people interact with computers. At the time, nobody knew it would mean AI systems that create pictures of whatever people describe in plain language or a chatbot to write rap lyrics, draft emails and plan entire menus based on a ha

          How Microsoft’s bet on Azure unlocked an AI revolution  - Source
        • Apache HBase Write Path - Cloudera Blog

          Apache HBase is the Hadoop database, and is based on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HBase makes it possible to randomly access and update data stored in HDFS, but files in HDFS can only be appended to and are immutable after they are created.  So you may ask, how does HBase provide low-latency reads and writes? In this blog post, we explain this by describing the write path of HBase —

            Apache HBase Write Path - Cloudera Blog
          • Latest Firefox Rolls Out Enhanced Tracking Protection | The Mozilla Blog

            At Firefox, we’re always looking to build features that are true to the Mozillia mission of giving people control over their data and privacy whenever they go online. We recently announced our approach to Anti-tracking where we discussed three key feature areas we’re focusing on to help people feel safe while they’re on the web. With today’s release, we’re making progress against “removing cross-s

              Latest Firefox Rolls Out Enhanced Tracking Protection | The Mozilla Blog
            • Moji Pest Control

              When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

              • How to travel around the world for a year.

                Ruby/JavaScript developer & entrepreneur. O'Reilly writer and open source developer. Working for Stripe. I'm @maccman on Twitter. I'm maccman on Github. I'm oldmanorhouse on Skype. I'm here on Linked in. I'm here on Delicious. Current OS projects: Spine Holla Juggernaut SuperModel SuperApp Bowline Nestful ROAuth Books/Sites/App's I've created/written: JavaScript Web Apps Book Little Book on Coffee

                • The Performance of Open Source SoftwareWarp

                  The Performance of Open Source Software Warp Kazu Yamamoto, Michael Snoyman, and Andreas Voellmy Warp is a high-performance HTTP server library written in Haskell, a purely functional programming language. Both Yesod, a web application framework, and mighty, an HTTP server, are implemented over Warp. According to our throughput benchmark, mighty provides performance on a par with nginx. This artic

                  • Google Pixel 8aを安く買う6つの方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠

                    Google Pixel 8aは最新のAI機能と「Google Tensor G3」搭載した、前ハイエンドモデルPixel 7/7 Proに迫る性能が魅力なAndroidスマートフォンです。そのGoogle Pixel […] The post Google Pixel 8aを安く買う6つの方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 first appeared on 安く買う匠.

                      Google Pixel 8aを安く買う6つの方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠
                    • Guided Tour

                      Getting started with xmonad This is a guided tour of the core features of the xmonad window manager, allowing you to gain an understanding of the motivation, and use of a tiling window manager, and learn how to achieve the kind of screen configuration you want, simply and easily. If you’re already familiar with the basics and want to learn how to configure xmonad and customize it to your liking, h

                      • 【Cartier】タンク フランセーズ SM 18KWGは超高額タイプをお得に購入できる正統派モデル - Φ-GRID:ファイグリッド

                        【Cartier】タンク フランセーズ SM 18KWGは超高額タイプをお得に購入できる正統派モデル PG編集:道長 Brand Shooting, Cartier, European Brand, Luxury Watch Brands Leave a comment 5,986 Views CARTIER TANK FRANCAISE 18KT WHITE GOLD DIAMOND BEZEL CARTIER TANK FRANCAISE Second-hand market in Japan. Among Cartier brands, it is a legendary watch “tank series” designed by Louis Cartier in 1916. Its universal design, faithfully preserving the orig

                          【Cartier】タンク フランセーズ SM 18KWGは超高額タイプをお得に購入できる正統派モデル - Φ-GRID:ファイグリッド
                        • 赤ちゃん 英語教育 おすすめ【赤ちゃん 英語 教材おすすめ】

                          英語を話せない私の子どもが、バイリンガルのように英語を話し始めた! 「子どもが小さいうちから英語に慣れ親しんでほしい」 「小学生の子どもが英語の授業に苦手意識を持っている」 「私は英語ができないので、子どもには英語を話せるようになって欲しい」 という方には「英語の音声ペン」がおすすめです。 初めて英語を学ぶときには、子どもに「英語は楽しい」と思ってもらうことが重要だからです。楽しいと自分でどんどん勉強するようになります。 冗談に聞こえるかもしれませんが、うちの子もある音声ペンを使うようになってから英語を話し始めるようになりました。 ⇒うちの子が使った音声ペンはこちら 子どもに英語を話せるようになってほしい 私は学生時代に英語が苦手で、もちろん英会話なんててきませんでした。就職した会社も英語が必須のところではありませんでした。 しかし会社が外資系の子会社となってしまい、上司も外国人の方に代わ

                            赤ちゃん 英語教育 おすすめ【赤ちゃん 英語 教材おすすめ】
                          • Moji Pest Control

                            When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                            • AWS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

                              Background AWS is one of the most popular cloud computing platforms. It provides everything from object storage (S3), elastically provisioned servers (EC2), databases as a service (RDS), payment processing (DevPay), virtualized networking (VPC and AWS Direct Connect), content delivery networks (CDN), monitoring (CloudWatch), queueing (SQS), and a whole lot more. In this post I'll be going over som

                              • Geeking with Greg

                                Misinformation and disinformation are the biggest problems on the internet. To solve a problem, you need to understand the problem. In Algorithms and Misinformation: Why Wisdom of the Crowds Failed the Internet and How to Fix It, I claim that the problem is not that misinformation exists, but that so many people see it. I explain why algorithms amplify scams and propaganda, how it easily can happe

                                • Stuff

                                  July 2007 I have too much stuff. Most people in America do. In fact, the poorer people are, the more stuff they seem to have. Hardly anyone is so poor that they can't afford a front yard full of old cars. It wasn't always this way. Stuff used to be rare and valuable. You can still see evidence of that if you look for it. For example, in my house in Cambridge, which was built in 1876, the bedrooms

                                  • Moji Pest Control

                                    When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                    • Moji Pest Control

                                      When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                      • Blosc Main Blog Page

                                        NumPy is widely recognized for its ability to perform efficient computations and manipulations on multidimensional arrays. This library is fundamental for many aspects of data analysis and science due to its speed and flexibility in handling numerical data. However, when datasets reach considerable sizes, working with uncompressed data can result in prolonged access times and intensive memory usag

                                        • The Magazine

                                          The Magazine Ceased Publication, But Our Archives Live On The Magazine published nearly 300 non-fiction stories across its 28 months in existence as a fortnightly electronic periodical. We produced 58 issues from October 2012 to December 2014 — over 500,000 words from 150 authors. We’ve unlocked our archives, and you can read any article on the site. However, you can also purchase this entire body

                                          • Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy

                                            October 2008 The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid seventies. When Microsoft and Apple were founded. As those examples suggest, a recession may not be such a bad time to start a startup. I'm not claiming it's a particularly good time either. The truth is more boring: the state of the economy doesn't matter much either way.

                                            • Moji Pest Control

                                              When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                              • 【Python】ファイルの行数を数える高速なプログラム(mmap:メモリマップトファイルを用いる手法)

                                                Linux系は、wcコマンドによってテキストファイルの行数を取得することができるが、Windows系には、そのようなコマンドが存在しない。Windows系のfindコマンドで代用しようとする試みを見つけたのだが、そこまでするぐらいならプログラムで実現した方が早いと考え、Pythonによるファイルの行数カウントプログラムについて調べた。 ◇Linuxコマンド集 - 【 wc 】 テキスト・ファイルの行数、単語数、バイト数を表示:ITpro ◇コマンドプロンプトでファイルの行数を数える方法 - コスパ重視! ◇Windowsコマンド集 - find:ITpro ファイルの行数カウントについては、Stack Overflowの以下のリンクが詳しく、結論だけ述べると、メモリマップトファイルを用いた行数カウントが最速であった。 次項には、自身が行った実行確認結果を掲載する。 ◇text files

                                                • Lezer

                                                  I keep coming across people who consider parser technology a forbidding, scary field of programming. This is nonsense—a small parser can be very, very simple, and provide a wholesome exercise in recursive thinking. At the same time, it is true that you can make parsing extremely complicated. Mostly, this tends to happen when you generalize parsing techniques to work for different grammars. Since c

                                                  • Google Pixel 8aを安く買う!投げ売りとキャンペーンは?最安値は?どこで買う?7つの方法を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠

                                                    Google Pixel 8aは最新のAI機能と「Google Tensor G3」搭載した、前ハイエンドモデルPixel 7/7 Proに迫る性能が魅力なAndroidスマートフォンです。そのGoogle Pixel […] The post Google Pixel 8aを安く買う!投げ売りとキャンペーンは?最安値は?どこで買う?7つの方法を徹底解説 first appeared on 安く買う匠.

                                                      Google Pixel 8aを安く買う!投げ売りとキャンペーンは?最安値は?どこで買う?7つの方法を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠
                                                    • 【2024年6月最新】OPPO Reno9 Aはどこで安く買える?最安値で買う6つの方法を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠

                                                      OPPO Reno9 A 【新規契約・他社からののりかえ(MNP)】 31,680円 → 9,800円(21,880円引き) ※シンプルM/L、一括払いが対象 \ 6月30日までの限定価格 /

                                                        【2024年6月最新】OPPO Reno9 Aはどこで安く買える?最安値で買う6つの方法を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠
                                                      • One Club / Best of the Digital Decade > Top 10

                                                        Overview: BMW Films, a series of short films directed by and staring A-list Hollywood talent, revolved around a central character call The Driver, the world's best when it came to transporting people out of dangerous situations. The Driver's character traits—youthfulness, integrity, passion and willingness to take risks—reflected on the brand and the audience. From the Team: When you were working

                                                        • Ten Products Google Should Develop

                                                          1) Google TV According to comScore, 1 out of 3 adults regularly watch TV while surfing the internet. Why not have personalized television ads tailored specifically for each user? Google TV links online search habits to TV advertisement to deliver personalized television ads to each viewer as they watch their shows. Instead of seeing irrelevant commercials aimed at a location and age demographic, G

                                                          • Default Alive or Default Dead?

                                                            October 2015 When I talk to a startup that's been operating for more than 8 or 9 months, the first thing I want to know is almost always the same. Assuming their expenses remain constant and their revenue growth is what it has been over the last several months, do they make it to profitability on the money they have left? Or to put it more dramatically, by default do they live or die? The startlin

                                                            • Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued | Kalzumeus Software

                                                              Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued [Editor’s note: At nearly 7,000 words, you probably don’t want to try reading this on an iDevice.  Bookmark it and come back later.] Imagine something a wee bit outside your comfort zone.  Nothing scandalous: just something you don’t do often, don’t particularly enjoy, and slightly more challenging than “totally trivial.”  Maybe reciting poetry w

                                                              • [Withdrawn] Password guidance: executive summary

                                                                © Crown copyright 2015 This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: psi@nationalarchives.gov.uk. Where we have identified any third party copyright

                                                                  [Withdrawn] Password guidance: executive summary
                                                                • Cheapest cities in Asia - 31 Major cities compared by price for 2024

                                                                  The Asia Backpacker Index debuted in 2011 and has been expanded and updated every year since then. The 2024 update continues to show that Asia is the best place for travel bargains in the world as a few great destinations are still under US$20 per day for a hostel bed, 3 meals, 3 drinks, 2 transportation rides, and one attraction each day. Laos now dominates the cheap part of the list as you can g

                                                                    Cheapest cities in Asia - 31 Major cities compared by price for 2024
                                                                  • 2 Japanese Bankers at Heart of Olympus Fee Inquiry

                                                                    By Ben Protess October 23, 2011 9:01 pm October 23, 2011 9:01 pm Alex Smith/ReutersMichael C. Woodford, the former Olympus chief, has said he was forced out because he planned to expose the huge advisory fee the company paid. For two decades, a pair of Japanese bankers toiled away in relative anonymity on Wall Street, hopping from firm to firm. Now the two — Hajime Sagawa and Akio Nakagawa — are a

                                                                      2 Japanese Bankers at Heart of Olympus Fee Inquiry
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                                                                      • Scan This Book! (Published 2006)

                                                                        Correction Appended In several dozen nondescript office buildings around the world, thousands of hourly workers bend over table-top scanners and haul dusty books into high-tech scanning booths. They are assembling the universal library page by page. The dream is an old one: to have in one place all knowledge, past and present. All books, all documents, all conceptual works, in all languages. It is

                                                                          Scan This Book! (Published 2006)
                                                                        • Lesson #4: Smart Pointers

                                                                          One big change to modern C++ style that comes with C++11 is that you should never need to manually delete (or free) anymore, thanks to the new classes shared_ptr, unique_ptr and weak_ptr. Note that before C++11, C++ did have one smart pointer class – auto_ptr. This was unsafe and is now deprecated, with unique_ptr replacing it. To use these classes, you'll need to #include <memory> (and also add u

                                                                            Lesson #4: Smart Pointers
                                                                          • 【2024年8月最新】AirPods/AirPods Proを安く買う10の方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠

                                                                            大人気Bluetoothイヤホン/ヘッドホンのAirPodsは、高い品質でバランスの取れたApple製品ブランドの1つです。そのAirPodsを安く買う方法は以下です。 この記事ではAirPods/AirPods Pro […] The post AirPods/AirPods Proを安く買う10の方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 first appeared on 安く買う匠.

                                                                              【2024年8月最新】AirPods/AirPods Proを安く買う10の方法とは?最安値は?どこで買う?を徹底解説 | 安く買う匠
                                                                            • Geolocation API - Gears API - Google Code

                                                                              Geolocation API The Geolocation API enables a web application to obtain a user's geographical position. Contents Overview Example Classes Geolocation class Position class PositionOptions class PositionError class Address class Overview The Geolocation API enables a web application to: Obtain the user's current position, using the getCurrentPosition method Watch the user's position as it changes o

                                                                              • MRI's Method Caches | James Golick

                                                                                tl;dr Method resolution is expensive, so method caches are crucial to invocation performance. Your Ruby code probably calls methods kind of often, so invocation performance matters. MRI's method cache invalidation strategy is quite naive, leading to very low hit rates in most Ruby code. I wrote some patches that substantially improve the situation. This blog post is surprisingly uninflammatory. Th

                                                                                • The Rise of Test Impact Analysis

                                                                                  Test Impact Analysis (TIA) is a modern way of speeding up the test automation phase of a build. It works by analyzing the call-graph of the source code to work out which tests should be run after a change to production code. Microsoft has done some extensive work on this approach, but it's also possible for development teams to implement something useful quite cheaply. 22 August 2017 Paul Hammant

                                                                                    The Rise of Test Impact Analysis