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constantlyの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1457件

  • Design for the iPadOS pointer - WWDC20 - Videos - Apple Developer

    Streaming is available in most browsers, and in the WWDC app. Bring the power of the pointer to your iPad app: We'll show you how Apple's design team approached designing the iPadOS pointer to complement touch input, and how you can customize and refine pointer interactions in your app to make workflows more efficient and gratifying. Discover how the pointer's adaptive precision enables people to

      Design for the iPadOS pointer - WWDC20 - Videos - Apple Developer
    • 2021 年振り返り - yoheimuta’s blog

      今年も一年の振り返りを簡単にまとめました。 私生活 体調管理 1 日も風邪をひくことなく元気に過ごせました 仮にコロナにかかると、子どもが濃厚接触者になります。その間仕事は休まないといけなくなるので、市中感染が多いときは積極的に在宅するようにしてました。 お手伝い 12/31 にコミックマーケット99(通称、冬コミ)の手伝いに行きました。二年ぶりでオペレーションを忘れているかと緊張しながらスペース設営に望みましたが、だんだんと勘を取り戻せて無事一年を締めくくれました。入場者数に制限がかかっていたため、常に怒号が鳴り響くこともなく、また、間違って人流に逆らった瞬間命の危険を感じることもなく、例年に比べると随分と落ち着いたイベントでした。 サークル入場開始直後の東ホール NFTs and a Thousand True Fans[1] で引用されている a Thousand True Fans

        2021 年振り返り - yoheimuta’s blog
      • DEV-0537 criminal actor targeting organizations for data exfiltration and destruction | Microsoft Security Blog

        April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather. DEV-0537 is now tracked as Strawberry Tempest. To learn about how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and to get a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor namin

          DEV-0537 criminal actor targeting organizations for data exfiltration and destruction | Microsoft Security Blog
        • Waifu Labs - How we built the Waifu Vending Machine

          Try waifulabs.com out here!!!! On the weekend of Anime Expo, an artist promised the humanly impossible ⁠—- custom art commissions with a five-minute turnaround time. The not-so-hidden catch? The artist wasn’t a human at all, but an AI exposed to millions of anime images. Over the next four days, what started as a simple experiment would go on to become a cult attraction in the artist alley, drawin

            Waifu Labs - How we built the Waifu Vending Machine
          • OpenAI API

            We’re releasing an API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI. Unlike most AI systems which are designed for one use-case, the API today provides a general-purpose “text in, text out” interface, allowing users to try it on virtually any English language task. You can now request access in order to integrate the API into your product, develop an entirely new application, or help us explore

              OpenAI API
            • From Lambda to Lambda-less: Lessons learned

              Co-authors: Xiang Zhang and Jingyu Zhu Introduction The Lambda architecture has become a popular architectural style that promises both speed and accuracy in data processing by using a hybrid approach of both batch processing and stream processing methods. But it also has some drawbacks, such as complexity and additional development/operational overheads. One of our features for Premium members on

                From Lambda to Lambda-less: Lessons learned
              • When life gives you lemons, write better error messages

                Error messages are part of our daily lives online. Every time a server is down or we don’t have internet, or we forget to add some info in a form, we get an error message. “Something went wrong” is the classic. But what went wrong? What happened? And, most importantly, how can I fix it? We encounter error messages all the time, but how often do they actually help us understand what went wrong and

                  When life gives you lemons, write better error messages
                • 蓮舫「新聞記者素晴らしい」⇒ガーディアン紙「幼稚な見解 単なるメロドラマ」Netflix「海外でも高評価」の実際 - 事実を整える

                  フィクションですから。 蓮舫「新聞記者素晴らしい」 ガーディアン紙「幼稚な見解 単なるメロドラマ」…「海外でも高評価」の実際 Netflixドラマの評価の実際と映画版「新聞記者」の興行収入 蓮舫「新聞記者素晴らしい」 新聞記者 話題の番組を観ました。 素晴らしい俳優陣の危機迫る演技はさすがです。 ドラマの本題は「事実」起こったことです。国政調査権さえも否定、公文書さえも改ざん。 国会で取り上げると「他にやることがある」と激しい批判がSNSに集中との異常な空気。 終わっていません。 質します。 — 蓮舫🙋‍♀️RENHO (@renho_sha) 2022年1月18日 Netflixで放送中のドラマ「新聞記者」について立憲民主党の蓮舫議員が賞賛。 2019年の映画公開当時、登場人物のモデルであり原案を作った望月衣塑子記者は以下ツイート。 映画 #新聞記者 #cinemacafe 評判は海外

                    蓮舫「新聞記者素晴らしい」⇒ガーディアン紙「幼稚な見解 単なるメロドラマ」Netflix「海外でも高評価」の実際 - 事実を整える
                  • 広告配信が停止!?ポリシー違反は見つからないが、原因は? - すまてくブログ

                    さて、突然、広告配信が停止されました。 何の前触れ(警告通知)もなく。 『ポリシー違反は見つからないのに、広告配信が停止。』 こいつはまたネタが出来たぞ!と喜ぶ気持ちと、なんてこったいという気持ちがごちゃまぜです。 オンライン ビジネス - ウェブサイトの収益化 | Google AdSense – Google こんなときは、先人の知恵を借ります。 さっそく有益な情報が見つかりました。 ポリシー違反は見つからないのに広告の配信が停止されました。 - AdSense ヘルプ かんたんに言うと・・・ 他の広告を貼りすぎ 価値のない記事を書きすぎ トラフィック品質が悪い です。 広告配信の停止の理由は? 今後の対策は? 表示回数/ページビュー 広告配信の停止の理由は? 広告配信停止になる理由は、思い当たるところが多々あります♪ アマゾンプライムデーでアソシエイト広告を貼り付けすぎた 突発的な流

                      広告配信が停止!?ポリシー違反は見つからないが、原因は? - すまてくブログ
                    • macOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたdGPU搭載のiMacやMacBook Proでスリープ復帰後にMacが再起動している不具合やMac mini 2018に接続されたeGPUからの映像が真っ白になる不具合。

                      macOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたGPU搭載のMacでスリープから復帰後に画面が映らなくなったり、iMacがクラッシュを繰り返す、Mac miniに接続されたeGPUからの映像が真っ白になる不具合が報告されています。詳細は以下から。 AppleはiMacやMacBook Proの上位モデルにRadeon dGPUを搭載し、macOS 10.13.4 High SierraからはThunderbolt 3接続でeGPUをサポートしていますが、これらのGPUを搭載/接続したMacをmacOS 10.15 Catalinaへアップグレードしたところ、以下のような不具合が確認されているとしてApple Support CommunitiesのユーザーやベンダーがmacOS Catalinaへアップグレードしないように注意を促しています。 macOS CatalinaとGP

                        macOS 10.15 CatalinaへアップグレードしたdGPU搭載のiMacやMacBook Proでスリープ復帰後にMacが再起動している不具合やMac mini 2018に接続されたeGPUからの映像が真っ白になる不具合。
                      • Project LightSpeed: Rewriting the Messenger codebase for a faster, smaller, and simpler messaging app

                        Project LightSpeed: Rewriting the Messenger codebase for a faster, smaller, and simpler messaging app We are excited to begin rolling out the new version of Messenger on iOS. To make the Messenger iOS app faster, smaller, and simpler, we rebuilt the architecture and rewrote the entire codebase, which is an incredibly rare undertaking and involved engineers from across the company. Compared with th

                          Project LightSpeed: Rewriting the Messenger codebase for a faster, smaller, and simpler messaging app
                        • Performance of WebAssembly runtimes in 2023 | Frank DENIS random thoughts.

                          Using libsodium in a web browser has been possible since 2013, thanks to the excellent Emscripten project. Since then, WebAssembly was introduced. A more efficient way to run code not originally written in JavaScript in a web browser. And libsodium added first-class support for WebAssembly in 2017. On web browsers supporting it, in allowed contexts allowing it,this gave a nice speed boost. Like Ja

                          • Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure

                            Marking a major investment in Meta’s AI future, we are announcing two 24k GPU clusters. We are sharing details on the hardware, network, storage, design, performance, and software that help us extract high throughput and reliability for various AI workloads. We use this cluster design for Llama 3 training. We are strongly committed to open compute and open source. We built these clusters on top of

                              Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure
                            • HTML and CSS techniques to reduce your JavaScript

                              Anthony Ricaud (@anthony_ricaud) is a web engineer helping teams ship efficient products at a sustainable pace. With a broad understanding of web protocols and browsers, he likes to design simple but fast web architectures. Longer page load times Page is unusable until the JavaScript loads and if it does so without any errors Usability, reactivity and accessibility can be lacking without a team wi

                                HTML and CSS techniques to reduce your JavaScript
                              • Laurence Tratt: Which Parsing Approach?

                                We all know that parsing is an important part of designing and implementing programming languages, but it’s the equivalent of Brussels sprouts: good for the diet, but a taste that only a select few enjoy. Unfortunately, I’ve come to realise that our general distaste for parsing is problematic. While many of us think that we’ve absorbed the advances of the 1960s into our collective understanding, I

                                • Twitter 2.0: Our continued commitment to the public conversation

                                  Company Twitter 2.0: Our continued commitment to the public conversation Twitter’s mission is to promote and protect the public conversation--to be the town square of the internet. We have always understood that to reach this goal we must give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information, instantly without barriers. Today, we are a new company embarking on a new chapter, but our st

                                    Twitter 2.0: Our continued commitment to the public conversation
                                  • Watching a film about communism, I realised I had been lied to as a child in China

                                    I was born in north-east China in a province that was particularly heavy-handed with party propaganda. I learned to march in formation before knowing how to write, and maybe even count. Every morning at school started with a flag ceremony and obligatory salutes to Mao Zedong. Textbooks were illustrated with watercolour Lenins and Stalins, drawn to look much more handsome than they actually were. T

                                      Watching a film about communism, I realised I had been lied to as a child in China
                                    • Highlights from Git 2.45

                                      The open source Git project just released Git 2.45 with features and bug fixes from over 96 contributors, 38 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.44 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here is GitHub’s look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time. Preliminary reftable support Git 2.45 introduces preliminar

                                        Highlights from Git 2.45
                                      • LAION-5B: A NEW ERA OF OPEN LARGE-SCALE MULTI-MODAL DATASETS | LAION

                                        The metadata files are parquet files that contain the following attributes: URL, TEXT, the cosine similarity score between the text and image embedding and height and width of the image. Watermark and safety tags can be joined with the metadata prior to downloading by using this script. Once that is done, they can easily be filtered upon with a probability threshold at your choice (we recommend 0.

                                          LAION-5B: A NEW ERA OF OPEN LARGE-SCALE MULTI-MODAL DATASETS | LAION
                                        • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

                                          The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

                                            The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
                                          • In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership

                                            Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher and the bestselling author of Sapiens, Homo Deus and Unstoppable Us. Many people blame the coronavirus epidemic on globalization, and say that the only way to prevent more such outbreaks is to de-globalize the world. Build walls, restrict travel, reduce trade. However, while short-term quarantine is essential to stop epidemics, long-term isolationism will le

                                              In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership
                                            • How we built the GitHub globe

                                              EngineeringHow we built the GitHub globeGitHub is where the world builds software. More than 56 million developers around the world build and work together on GitHub. With our new homepage, we wanted to show how… GitHub is where the world builds software. More than 56 million developers around the world build and work together on GitHub. With our new homepage, we wanted to show how open source dev

                                                How we built the GitHub globe
                                              • Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack

                                                Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack Last week, our automated risk detection platform alerted us to some suspicious activity in dozens of newly published PyPI packages. It appears that these packages are a more sophisticated attempt to deliver the W4SP Stealer on to Python developer’s machines by hiding a malicious __import__

                                                  Phylum Discovers Dozens More PyPI Packages Attempting to Deliver W4SP Stealer in Ongoing Supply-Chain Attack
                                                • iPhone 15 Proの向きによってアクションボタンの機能を変えられるショートカットが話題

                                                  iPhone 15 Proの向きによってアクションボタンの機能を変えられるショートカットが話題 「通常時は複数機能のリスト表示、右向きはカメラ、左向きは内向きカメラ」といったカスタマイズが可能に iPhone 15 ProとiPhone 15 Pro Maxには、ミュートスイッチの代わりとなるアクションボタンが搭載されている。アクションボタンには、ミュート機能のほかに、カメラ、フラッシュライト、集中モード、ボイスメモ、拡大鏡、翻訳、アクセシビリティ、ショートカットが指定できるが、割り当てられる機能は1つのみ。複数の機能を呼び出せる”便利ボタン”化するには、作成したショートカットを指定する必要がある。 ショートカットを活用するところまでは多くの人は思いつくが、さらに上をいくカスタマイズ方法が話題だ。iPhone本体の向きによってアクションボタンの起動内容を変更できるという。 God mode

                                                    iPhone 15 Proの向きによってアクションボタンの機能を変えられるショートカットが話題
                                                  • 対話型チャットAI「ChatGPT」の精度をまざまざと実感させられる秀逸な回答例を集めた「LearnGPT」

                                                    OpenAIが発表した対話型AI「ChatGPT」は、まるで人間のようにチャットや議論ができるとして世界的に話題を呼び、大学生レベルのコンピューターサイエンスの自由記述問題に合格したり、駐車違反の罰金に異議を唱える文書を生成したりすることが可能です。そんなChatGPTの秀逸な回答例を集めたデータベースが「LearnGPT」です。 The best ChatGPT examples from around the web https://www.learngpt.com/ LearnGPTにアクセスすると、以下のようにさまざまなChatGPTの回答例が一覧表示されます。デフォルトの状態では「Hot(人気上昇中)」順に並んでいるとのことで、まずは一番人気の回答例をクリック。 命令文の全体は、「Write a letter from the perspective of [a criminal

                                                    • Emacs is very special regarding UIs

                                                      Hi. To me, there is one thing that Emacs implements that no other program I know of manages to do. I seldomly hear this property mentioned by anyone else, so even if it scratches OT-ness, I wanted to get this out to people to ponder over, or even be proud of. Emacs is the only serious program I know which manages to be truely user interface independent, in addition to being platform-independent. E

                                                      • Announcing Stellate has acquired FastQL, the first GraphQL CDN

                                                        Three years ago Zach was building an app and ran into a problem — there was no easy way to cache the GraphQL API he was working with. He decided to pivot from the app and focus on solving GraphQL at the edge, creating FastQL, the first GraphQL CDN. As a side project, FastQL powered many production apps, but Zach knew that there was a bigger opportunity to expand beyond just caching. When we showed

                                                          Announcing Stellate has acquired FastQL, the first GraphQL CDN
                                                        • Replicate ChatGPT Training Quickly and Affordable with Open Source Colossal-AI

                                                          February 14, 2023 Replicate ChatGPT Training Quickly and Affordable with Open Source Colossal-AI We recently released new open source code for Colossal-AI, which enables you to use it as a framework for replicating the training process of OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT application optimized for speed and efficiency. With Colossal-AI's efficient implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human F

                                                          • Announcing Nexus 1.0: Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs | Prisma

                                                            December 14, 2020 Nexus 1.0: A Major Release for Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs Prisma is a core contributor to Nexus, a library for building code-first and type-safe GraphQL APIs. Nexus has just reached 1.0. In this post, we'll recap what Nexus is and the value it brings and what's new at 1.0. Nexus is a library originally authored by Tim Griesser that allows developers to build code-first an

                                                              Announcing Nexus 1.0: Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs | Prisma
                                                            • A message about iOS security

                                                              Last week, Google published a blog about vulnerabilities that Apple fixed for iOS users in February. We’ve heard from customers who were concerned by some of the claims, and we want to make sure all of our customers have the facts. First, the sophisticated attack was narrowly focused, not a broad-based exploit of iPhones “en masse” as described. The attack affected fewer than a dozen websites that

                                                                A message about iOS security
                                                              • I Am No Longer Speaking at RustConf 2023

                                                                I will no longer be speaking at RustConf 2023 about A (Possible) Future for Compile-Time Programming. What? The decision happened after I was reached out to by RustConf 2023 organizers in a call on May 26, 2023 around 11:45 AM US Pacific Time. The call was about taking my talk and degrading it from a “Keynote” to a “Regular Talk”. I figured this was for scheduling or timeslot reasons or because th

                                                                • Hello from Ruby Jard | Ruby Jard

                                                                  MIT LicenseRuby Jard is open-source, built for community. All contributions are welcome. Powered by Byebug and PryRuby Jard's core is Byebug, combine with Pry REPL power. This brings battle-tested reliability, flexibility, and tons of cool features. Pure Ruby and minimal dependenciesJard is written in pure Ruby, with a slim set of dependencies, compatible with a wide range of systems. Easy to UseY

                                                                    Hello from Ruby Jard | Ruby Jard
                                                                  • Stop using Brave Browser

                                                                    The Brave web browser has carved out a niche over the past few years as an alternative to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other mainstream web browsers. Some of that has come from its marketing as a privacy-preserving web browser, and it has also been repeatedly evangelized by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. If someone recommends Brave to you, you should ignore them, because they are wrong. Brave

                                                                      Stop using Brave Browser
                                                                    • React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down

                                                                      Dear React.js, We've been together for almost 10 years. We've come a long way. But things are getting out of hand. We need to talk. It's embarrassing, I know. Nobody wants to have that conversation. So instead, I'll say it in songs. You Were The OneI'm not a first-time JS lover. I've had long adventures with jQuery, Backbone.js, and Angular.js before you. I knew what I could expect from a relation

                                                                        React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
                                                                      • Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform

                                                                        Andreas Andreakis, Falguni Jhaveri, Ioannis Papapanagiotou, Mark Cho, Poorna Reddy, Tongliang Liu OverviewIt is a commonly observed pattern for applications to utilize multiple datastores where each is used to serve a specific need such as storing the canonical form of data (MySQL etc.), providing advanced search capabilities (ElasticSearch etc.), caching (Memcached etc.), and more. Typically when

                                                                          Delta: A Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform
                                                                        • Bringing the power of AI to Windows 11 – unlocking a new era of productivity for customers and developers with Windows Copilot and Dev Home

                                                                          Bringing the power of AI to Windows 11 – unlocking a new era of productivity for customers and developers with Windows Copilot and Dev Home The team and I are pumped to be back at Build with the developer community this year. Over the last year, Windows has continued to see incredible growth fueled by Windows 11 adoption. In fact, one of the most exciting areas driving that growth for Windows has

                                                                            Bringing the power of AI to Windows 11 – unlocking a new era of productivity for customers and developers with Windows Copilot and Dev Home
                                                                          • ECMAScript 2019 and beyond...

                                                                            Newsletter Subscribe to keep up-to-date with the latest content! Last month - June 2019 - 10th edition of ECMA-262 standard was officially published. What does it mean? - Well, ECMAScript 2019 is here! The latest and greatest specification for JavaScript and other derivatives languages to follow. And while you may already have heard of some of its new features, we'll recall all of them! Plus some

                                                                              ECMAScript 2019 and beyond...
                                                                            • diziet | MessagePack vs CBOR (RFC7049)

                                                                              tl;dr: Use MessagePack, rather than CBOR. Introduction I recently wanted to choose a binary encoding. This was for a project using Rust serde, so I looked at the list of formats there. I ended up reading about CBOR and MessagePack. Both of these are binary formats for a JSON-like data model. Both of them are "schemaless", meaning you can decode them without knowing the structure. (This also provid

                                                                              • WiFi Routers Used to Produce 3D Images of Humans

                                                                                Simple Wi-Fi routers can be used to detect and perceive the poses and positions of humans and map their bodies clearly in 3D, a new report has found. With the help of AI neural networks and deep learning, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University were also able to create full-body images of subjects. This proof-of-concept would be a breakthrough for healthcare, security, gaming (VR), and a host of

                                                                                  WiFi Routers Used to Produce 3D Images of Humans
                                                                                • 'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'

                                                                                  The first season of Japan's J-League began in May 1993, with Lineker one of a selection of overseas stars signed to sell the sport to the publicThe day of my J-League debut for Nagoya Grampus Eight began with an earthquake where our whole hotel shook… and then we lost 5-0 and I didn't get a kick. It was not exactly a dream start. It was half a lifetime ago for me now, but going there felt like a b

                                                                                    'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'