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  • Deno in 2023

    In 2023, Deno shifted into high gear with respect to Node/npm compatibility and performance work, while continuing to move towards our goal of radically simplifying web development. Here’s a summary of what changed in 2023: Deno now understands package.json files and has the ability to import built-in Node modules using node: specifiers like node:fs and node:crypto. Read more. A new web server API

      Deno in 2023
    • 使い慣れたプログラミング言語でAWSのインフラ管理をする ~AWS CDKのススメ~ - ABEJA Tech Blog

      1. AWS CDKとは 2. AWS CDKを触ってみる 2.1 環境構築 Volta Node.js CDK 2.2. とりあえずLambdaを作成するところまでやってみる 2.2.1. プロジェクト作成 2.2.2. デプロイ用のLambda関数を書く 2.2.3. CDKのStackにLambda関数を記載する 2.2.4. デプロイしてみる 2.2.5. お片付け 2.3. CRUDっぽいAPIをAPI Gatewayで公開してみる 2.3.1. Lambda関数を用意する 2.3.2. CDKを用意する 2.3.3. デプロイして動かしてみる 2.3.4. お片付け 2.3.5. 詰まったところ 3. 感想 We Are Hiring! ABEJAでプロダクト開発をしている平原です。ABEJAアドベントカレンダー2023の6日目の記事です。皆さんはAWSでIaCを利用する時には

        使い慣れたプログラミング言語でAWSのインフラ管理をする ~AWS CDKのススメ~ - ABEJA Tech Blog
      • Extending Rust's Effect System

        Extending Rust's Effect System — 2024-02-09 introduction rust without generics why effect generics? stage i: effect-generic trait definitions stage ii: effect-generic bounds, impls, and types what are effects? stage iii: more effects outro This is the transcript of my RustConf 2023 talk: "Extending Rust's Effect System", presented on September 13th 2023 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and streamed onli

          Extending Rust's Effect System
        • NPM registry prank leaves developers unable to unpublish packages

          NPM registry prank leaves developers unable to unpublish packagesLaura FrenchJanuary 3, 2024 A prank on npm included a meme image of Gary Oldman from the film “Léon." (Photo by Patrick Camboulive / Sygma via Getty Images) Update Jan. 4, 2024: GitHub told SC Media Wednesday night that disruptions related to the "everything" package, and its registry-wide dependencies, were being resolved. "We found

            NPM registry prank leaves developers unable to unpublish packages
          • Why x86 Doesn’t Need to Die

            Hackaday recently published an article titled “Why x86 Needs to Die” – the latest addition in a long-running RISC vs CISC debate. Rather than x86 needing to die, I believe the RISC vs CISC debate needs to die. It should’ve died a long time ago. And by long, I mean really long. About a decade ago, a college professor asked if I knew about the RISC vs CISC debate. I did not. When I asked further, he

              Why x86 Doesn’t Need to Die
            • Tool Calling with LangChain

              TLDR: We are introducing a new tool_calls attribute on AIMessage. More and more LLM providers are exposing API’s for reliable tool calling. The goal with the new attribute is to provide a standard interface for interacting with tool invocations. This is fully backwards compatible and is supported on all models that have native tool-calling support. In order to access these latest features you will

                Tool Calling with LangChain
              • Stripe's monorepo developer environment - Made of Bugs

                I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that developer experience, and since leaving, I’ve found myself repeatedly describing features of that environment to friend

                • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


                    HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
                  • Inside OpenAI: How does ChatGPT Ship So Quickly?

                    👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a subscriber-only issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. In every issue, I cover challenges at Big Tech and startups through the lens of engineering managers and senior engineers. OpenAI might be the hottest company in tech right now. The company is behind the popular large language-based model, ChatGPT, and also built the GPT-3, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models which seve

                      Inside OpenAI: How does ChatGPT Ship So Quickly?
                    • The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung

                      I will often say that the so-called “C ABI” is a very bad one, and a relatively unimaginative one when it comes to passing complicated types effectively. A lot of people ask me “ok, what would you use instead”, and I just point them to the Go register ABI, but it seems most people have trouble filling in the gaps of what I mean. This article explains what I mean in detail. I have discussed calling

                        The Rust Calling Convention We Deserve · mcyoung
                      • Enshittification - Wikipedia

                        Enshittification, also known as platform decay,[1] is the pattern of decreasing quality of online platforms that act as two-sided markets. Enshittification can be seen as a form of rent-seeking.[2] Examples of alleged enshittification have included Amazon, Bandcamp, Facebook, Google Search, Quora, Reddit, and Twitter. Definition[edit] Cory Doctorow, who coined the term enshittification in 2022, ph

                        • Rails: ActiveStorageでファイルを削除するときは、単にnilで更新するだけでいい|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                          user.avatar.purge が呼び出されたときには、アプリケーションは以下の順でメソッドを呼び出し続け、最終的には実ファイルが削除されます。 ActiveStorage::Attached::One#purge ActiveStorage::Attached::Changes::PurgeOne#purge ActiveStorage::Attachment#purge : ここで active_storage_attachments テーブルのレコードを削除 ActiveStorage::Blob#purge : ここで active_storage_blobs テーブルのレコードを削除 ActiveStorage::Blob#delete ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService#delete : ここで実ファイルを削除 ActiveStorage

                            Rails: ActiveStorageでファイルを削除するときは、単にnilで更新するだけでいい|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                          • A new F# compiler feature: graph-based type-checking - .NET Blog

                            This is a guest blog post by Florian Verdonck. Florian is a freelance software craftsman. He does consultancy, training and open-source development. Currently, he is very active in the F# community, working on the compiler and tooling, improving the overall state of the F# ecosystem according to the needs of his customers. Florian is a member of the open-source division at G-Research and a maintai

                              A new F# compiler feature: graph-based type-checking - .NET Blog
                            • A faster web in 2024 - rviscomi.dev

                              Note: This blog post is a companion to a presentation I gave at DevFest NYC on November 11, 2023. The web is getting faster. In fact, according to HTTP Archive, more websites than ever before are passing the Core Web Vitals assessment, which looks at three metrics that represent different aspects of page performance: loading speed, interaction responsiveness, and layout stability. Earlier this wee

                                A faster web in 2024 - rviscomi.dev
                              • graydon2 | Some notes on Rust, mutable aliasing and formal verification

                                frog hopSome notes on Rust, mutable aliasing and formal verification Recently Boats wrote a blog post about Rust, mutable aliasing, and the sad story of local reasoning over many decades of computer science. I recommend that post and agree with its main points! Go read it! But I also thought I'd add a little more detail to an area it's less acutely focused on: formal methods / formal verification.

                                • 週刊Railsウォッチ: method_missingの引数を'...'に置き換え、JRuby Prism、Sidekiqのしくみほか(20240306)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                  週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙏 TechRachoではRubyやRailsなどの最新情報記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Rails: 先週の改修(Rails公式ニュースより) 公式更新情報: Ruby on Rails — Enhanced assert_broadcast

                                    週刊Railsウォッチ: method_missingの引数を'...'に置き換え、JRuby Prism、Sidekiqのしくみほか(20240306)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                  • Introducing Amazon RDS Extended Support for MySQL databases on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS Database Blog Introducing Amazon RDS Extended Support for MySQL databases on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS With the upcoming end-of-life of MySQL Community Version v5.7 in October 2023 (Page 24), Amazon Web Services (AWS) is actively preparing for this important transition. When MySQL 5.7 reaches community end of life, no further updates, bug fixes, or security patches will be released by the c

                                      Introducing Amazon RDS Extended Support for MySQL databases on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS | Amazon Web Services
                                    • The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language

                                      When I tell people around the world that I've been living in Japan for over a decade, many look both impressed and mystified at once. The place has a good reputation. Some folks are in awe at the temples and the gardens, others at the nature or the food. The extreme tidiness and civility of the local culture are the target of universal admiration. But many of those same people see the local langua

                                        The Beautiful Dissociation of the Japanese Language
                                      • Latest ARTwork on hundreds of millions of devices

                                        Posted by Serban Constantinescu, Product Manager Wouldn’t it be great if each update improved start-up times, execution speed, and memory usage of your apps? Google Play system updates for the Android Runtime (ART) do just that. These updates deliver performance improvements, the latest security fixes, and unify the core OpenJDK APIs across hundreds of millions of devices, including all Android 12

                                          Latest ARTwork on hundreds of millions of devices
                                        • Service Worker Static Routing API Origin Trial - Chrome for Developers

                                          Service Worker Static Routing API Origin Trial Published on Friday, November 10, 2023 Service workers are a powerful tool for allowing websites to work offline and create specialized caching rules for themselves. A service worker fetch handler sees every request from a page it controls, and can decide if it wants to serve a response to it from the service worker cache, or even rewrite the URL to f

                                            Service Worker Static Routing API Origin Trial - Chrome for Developers
                                          • GenAI Handbook

                                            William Brown @willccbb | willcb.com v0.1 (June 5, 2024) Introduction This document aims to serve as a handbook for learning the key concepts underlying modern artificial intelligence systems. Given the speed of recent development in AI, there really isn’t a good textbook-style source for getting up-to-speed on the latest-and-greatest innovations in LLMs or other generative models, yet there is an

                                            • NeRFの仕組みを1からわかりやすくまとめたい - kentaPtの日記

                                              1. はじめに NeRF (Neural Radiance Field) とは、複雑なシーンに対して、任意の視点からの3次元的なシーンを画像から再構成する技術です。以下の動画にあるように、物体に対して、様々な角度から見たときのシーンをキレイに再現することができます。反射に関しても、それぞれの角度から見たときの見え方が反映されており、角度によって同じ場所でも微妙に違う反射特性を見て取ることができます。この手法を利用して、例えば、地点AとBで画像を取得した場合、その中間地点の任意の角度から対象物体を見たときのシーンを生成可能です。 この記事では、このNeRFと呼ばれる技術と、それを実行するにあたって必要な周辺の技術について簡単にまとめたいと思います。以下に示す、NeRFの論文と照らし合わせてながら解説を行います。しかし、本記事では、NeRFを実行するまでの流れを示すため、各要素技術に関しては詳

                                                NeRFの仕組みを1からわかりやすくまとめたい - kentaPtの日記
                                              • Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string”

                                                This article is about a bit of surprising behavior I recently discovered using Python's regex module (re) while developing SBOM tooling for CPython. Folks who've worked with regular expressions before might know about ^ meaning "start-of-string" and correspondingly see $ as "end-of-string". So the pattern cat$ would match the string "lolcat" but not "internet cat video". The behavior of ^ made me

                                                  Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string”
                                                • 人類の進化は他の脊椎動物の進化傾向と完全に逆行していた!? - ナゾロジー

                                                  なぜ地球には人類以外に知的生命体がいないのでしょうか? イギリスのケンブリッジ大学(Cambridge)で行われた研究により、人類が属するホモ属の進化の道筋は、脊椎動物の進化とは真逆であることが示されました。 通常の進化過程では、まず共通先祖が出現し、その後種の分化によって多様性がうまれ、一通りの適応が済むと多様性が頭打ちになり、やがて絶滅する種も出てきます。 しかしホモサピエンスの属するホモ属では、多様化が進めば進むほど新たな種の増加速度が増している逆転が起きていたことが判明しました。 このようなパターンは島に生息する昆虫など極一部にしかみられない珍しいものとなっています。 さらに研究では、この属としての多様性の獲得が末期において、ホモサピエンス以外の絶滅という事態につながった可能性を示しています。 多様化が多様化の加速という異常を促し、その異常な多様化パターンの末路がホモサピエンス以外

                                                    人類の進化は他の脊椎動物の進化傾向と完全に逆行していた!? - ナゾロジー
                                                  • Measuring Git performance with OpenTelemetry

                                                    EngineeringMeasuring Git performance with OpenTelemetryUse our new open source Trace2 receiver component and OpenTelemetry to capture and visualize telemetry from your Git commands. When I think about large codebases, the repositories for Microsoft Windows and Office are top of mind. When Microsoft began migrating these codebases to Git in 2017, they contained 3.5M files and a full clone was more

                                                      Measuring Git performance with OpenTelemetry
                                                    • Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly | Rust Blog

                                                      The Rust compiler's front-end can now use parallel execution to significantly reduce compile times. To try it, run the nightly compiler with the -Z threads=8 option. This feature is currently experimental, and we aim to ship it in the stable compiler in 2024. Keep reading to learn why a parallel front-end is needed and how it works, or just skip ahead to the How to use it section. Compile times an

                                                        Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly | Rust Blog
                                                      • Implementing MVCC and major SQL transaction isolation levels | notes.eatonphil.com

                                                        In this post we'll build a database in 400 lines of code with basic support for five standard SQL transaction levels: Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Snapshot Isolation and Serializable. We'll use multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) and optimistic concurrency control (OCC) to accomplish this. The goal isn't to be perfect but to explain the basics in a minimal way. You don't

                                                        • Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on her legacy, China and the future | BBC News - YouTube

                                                          Taiwan will enter a new era on Monday, as President Tsai ying-Wen hands over power. She's served two terms in office. And in that time, she has faced growing pressure from Beijing, which sees the self-governing island as a breakaway province. The Chinese President, Xi Jinping, has said that what he calls 'reunification' must be fulfilled, and Taiwan has effectively become more dependent on

                                                            Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on her legacy, China and the future | BBC News - YouTube
                                                          • June 2024 Guidance regarding Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen K/KF/KS instability reports

                                                            Intel and its partners are continuing to investigate user reports regarding instability issues on Intel Core 13th and 14th generation (K/KF/KS) desktop processors. We appreciate the Intel community’s patience on the matter and will continue to share updates on the investigation as it works towards a conclusion. In the meantime, we’re sharing an update on confirmed factors leading to the reported i

                                                              June 2024 Guidance regarding Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen K/KF/KS instability reports
                                                            • Balancing Old Tricks with New Feats: AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack - Slack Engineering

                                                              Balancing Old Tricks with New Feats: AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack In the world of frontend development, one thing remains certain: change is the only constant. New frameworks emerge, and libraries can become obsolete without warning. Keeping up with the ever-changing ecosystem involves handling code conversions, both big and small. One significant shift for u

                                                                Balancing Old Tricks with New Feats: AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack - Slack Engineering
                                                              • Zoology (Blogpost 2): Simple, Input-Dependent, and Sub-Quadratic Sequence Mixers

                                                                Table 1: Perplexity of 355 million parameter models trained for 10 billion tokens on the Pile. Yet, some subquadratic gated-convolutions match attention on the non AR slice! Can we capture the strengths of both gated convolutions and attention in one purely sub-quadratic architecture? We find the AR gap is because gated convolution models (e.g. Hyena, H3, RWKV, RetNet) need model dimension that sc

                                                                  Zoology (Blogpost 2): Simple, Input-Dependent, and Sub-Quadratic Sequence Mixers
                                                                • Leaving Haskell behind

                                                                  For almost a complete decade—starting with discovering Haskell in about 2009 and right up until switching to a job where I used primarily Ruby and C++ in about 2019—I would have called myself first and foremost a Haskell programmer. Not necessarily a dogmatic Haskeller! I was—and still am—proudly a polyglot who bounces between languages depending on the needs of the project. However, Haskell was m

                                                                    Leaving Haskell behind
                                                                  • Best practices for organizations and teams using GitHub Enterprise Cloud

                                                                    EnterpriseBest practices for organizations and teams using GitHub Enterprise CloudLearn how you can structure your enterprise to get the most value out of GitHub and provide the best experience for your developers! When a new customer starts using GitHub Enterprise, one of the first questions they usually ask is: How do we structure the organizations within our enterprise? Even experienced GitHub

                                                                      Best practices for organizations and teams using GitHub Enterprise Cloud
                                                                    • CSS Mixins & Functions Explainer

                                                                      Note: 👍 The CSS Working Group has resolved to adopt this proposal, and begin drafting a new specification for CSS Mixins & Functions. Author ¶ Miriam Suzanne (Based heavily on a custom-function proposal by Tab Atkins) Intro ¶ In order to reduce code repetition, ensure consistency across a project, and encourage best practice, authors have often turned to third-party CSS pre-processors (Sass, Less

                                                                      • [アップデート] AWS Fargate の ECS タスク内で遅延読み込みするコンテナを指定可能になりました | DevelopersIO

                                                                        AWS Fargate の ECS タスク内で遅延読み込みするコンテナを指定可能になりました。遅延読み込みする場合、以前は全てのコンテナに対して遅延読み込みを設定にしなければならなかったのが、今回のアップデートで遅延読み込みするコンテナを指定できるようになりました。 こんにちは! AWS 事業本部コンサルティング部のたかくに(@takakuni_)です。 2023年11月のアップデートです。書きかけで年を越してしまいました。 Fargate 上の ECS タスクで遅延読み込みするコンテナを指定できるようになりました! SOCI について Seekable OCI (SOCI) は、コンテナイメージの遅延読み込みするための技術です。 コンテナイメージを完全にダウンロードしてからコンテナを起動するのではなく、コンテナ起動に必要最低限なインデックスからコンテナを起動し、バックグラウンドで残りのフ

                                                                          [アップデート] AWS Fargate の ECS タスク内で遅延読み込みするコンテナを指定可能になりました | DevelopersIO
                                                                        • Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire

                                                                          It’s been two decades since Rails changed the way we build web apps. As the demand for richer and richer UIs grew, teams came up with different frontends to deliver on those expectations. Client-side frameworks such as Angular, Ember, and React emerged as popular choices. One of Rails’ strengths has always been to empower individual programmers to not just contribute to, but to ship entire full st

                                                                            Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire
                                                                          • How to generate security findings to help your security team with incident response simulations | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS Security Blog How to generate security findings to help your security team with incident response simulations April 8, 2024: We have updated the post to revise the CloudFormation launch stack link to provision the CloudFormation template. Continually reviewing your organization’s incident response capabilities can be challenging without a mechanism to create security findings with actual Amazo

                                                                              How to generate security findings to help your security team with incident response simulations | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • Common I/O Tasks in Modern Java - Dev.java

                                                                              Introduction This article focuses on tasks that application programmers are likely to encounter, particularly in web applications, such as: Reading and writing text files Reading text, images, JSON from the web Visiting files in a directory Reading a ZIP file Creating a temporary file or directory The Java API supports many other tasks, which are explained in detail in the Java I/O API tutorial. T

                                                                                Common I/O Tasks in Modern Java - Dev.java
                                                                              • Applied LLMs - What We’ve Learned From A Year of Building with LLMs

                                                                                A practical guide to building successful LLM products, covering the tactical, operational, and strategic. Also published on O’Reilly Media in three parts: Tactical, Operational, Strategic. Also see podcast. It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. And they’re getting better and cheaper every ye

                                                                                  Applied LLMs - What We’ve Learned From A Year of Building with LLMs
                                                                                • 外国人「ドイツ人が気付いていないドイツ/ドイツ人あるある」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬

                                                                                  Comment by castillogo ドイツに住んでいる外国人に聞きたいんだけど、ドイツ人が気付いていないドイツ限定のあるあるってなに? まずは自分から・・・ 1:大皿にある料理を最後まで食べないこと。職場でのクッキーやケーキでも、パーティーでのカナッペでも最後の一つを食べようとしない。大体最後の一つは乾燥して食べられない状態になるまでそのままにされてゴミ箱に捨てられることになる。みんな自分が強欲だと思われるのを嫌がるから。 2:自分の誕生日に職場にケーキを持参する事。誕生日の人がケーキを貰うのではなく持ってくるw <カナッペ> カナッペ(仏: canapé、カナペとも)とは、一口大に切った食パンや 薄く切ったフランスパン、クラッカーなどに、チーズや野菜などを盛った料理。 カナッペ reddit.com/r/germany/comments/17nrroj/foreigners_li

                                                                                    外国人「ドイツ人が気付いていないドイツ/ドイツ人あるある」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬