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design-patternの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 474件

  • Time is the only real currency we have

    Time is the only real currency we have Suggestions on spending it on things that matter and avoiding things that don't A Note on ‘Software Engineering Stuff’ Stressed And Struggling For Time Things That Matter (Time Savers) Learn to type Fast TurboCharge your Dev Environment Automate Know your infrastructure Things That Don’t Matter (Time Sinks) My Language is the best (Or, your language sucks) ‘X

    • Design Patterns In JavaScript

      I was recently asked by a developer friend of mine what design patterns I use in my job. The question threw me off a bit because I didn't actually know the answer, even though I know that there are definitely patterns that I've used. Do those patterns have names? And why are the patterns I have been using better than others? For today's post, I will be writing down my notes and thoughts as I learn

        Design Patterns In JavaScript
      • Dark Patterns: Past, Present, and Future - ACM Queue

        May 17, 2020 Volume 18, issue 2 PDF Dark Patterns: Past, Present, and Future The evolution of tricky user interfaces Arvind Narayanan, Arunesh Mathur, Marshini Chetty, and Mihir Kshirsagar Dark patterns are user interfaces that benefit an online service by leading users into making decisions they might not otherwise make. Some dark patterns deceive users while others covertly manipulate or coerce

        • Second-Class References

          Graydon Hoare, the creator of Rust, wrote an article: The Rust I Wanted Had No Future (HN, Lobsters). It’s an interesting discussion of programming language evolution, the competing pressures of expedience and technical perfection, and the social consequences of technical decisions. He concludes that the language he would have built, given absolute creative control, would not have been as popular

            Second-Class References
          • The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond

            When you think about building fluid layouts these days isn’t about having fixed-width breakpoints anymore. Instead, the layouts we build today need to work on nearly any device size. To my surprise, I still see websites follow the adaptive design pattern, where it has a container that gets a new max-width value as per the viewport width. The term “responsive” means a lot of things now. We have med

              The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond
            • 【初心者向け】「無地」って英語でなんて言う?服の柄の英語フレーズ☆ - ママは朝型ブロガー バイリンガル教育101

              こんにちは!トーフーです! 少し涼しくなりましたね。 そろそろ長袖の服を用意しようかな・・・。 「無地のシャツ」とか、「柄物」って 英語でなんというのでしょうか? 「無地」「ボーダー」など、服のデザインの英語表現☆ 服のデザインの英語表現 ①無地 ②ボーダー ③水玉 ③チェック柄 ④「○○模様」の説明 ⑤「~がプリントされたシャツ」という英語表現 まとめ 「無地」「ボーダー」など、服のデザインの英語表現☆ 男の子の服って、「無地」「ボーダー」「恐竜柄」の どれかになるのではないでしょうか(笑) そして、ユニクロだと、保育園で他の子と被りまくりますね~💦 服のデザインの英語表現 よくあるデザイン5タイプの英語表現を紹介します☆ ①無地 Plain といいます。 プレーンって、パンの種類でもシンプルで具が入っていないタイプのパンなので、 覚えやすいですね💛 Do you want to w

                【初心者向け】「無地」って英語でなんて言う?服の柄の英語フレーズ☆ - ママは朝型ブロガー バイリンガル教育101
              • A list of Haskell articles on good design, good testing | William Yao

                A list of Haskell articles on good design, good testing November 24, 2019 « Previous post Next post » For a language that's beloved for its ability to guide the structure of programs into being easier to understand, easier to maintain, and easier to get correct, there's not a lot of resources on how to best use the tools that Haskell provides. Lots of terms and buzzwords, not a lot of in-depth pra

                • 33 GitHub projects I have bookmarked and you should

                  GitHub isn't only a rendition control administration; it is a marvelous substance asset for all-things-advancement. From free digital books and instructional exercises, to talk with planning material and 'amazing' bullet point articles, GitHub is the go-to learning center for Developers anxious to up-expertise themselves and stay important. A great deal of designers love to invest energy on GitHub

                    33 GitHub projects I have bookmarked and you should
                  • Ruby2JS: an extensible Ruby to modern JavaScript transpiler

                    Ruby2JS Ruby2JS is an extensible Ruby to modern JavaScript transpiler you can use in production today. Get Started Try It Online! Ruby2JS is for Ruby developers who want to produce JavaScript that looks hand-crafted, rather than machine generated. You can convert Ruby-like syntax and semantics as cleanly and “natively” as possible. This means that (most of the time) you’ll get a line-by-line, 1:1

                    • Typestate - the new Design Pattern in Swift 5.9 | Swiftology

                      SwiftologyMonthly articles on advanced Swift topics, functional programming, and software design. written byAlex Ozun This article will teach you 3 ideas: 1. Typestate Design Pattern. 2. The power of generic constraints. 3. Swift 5.9 new Noncopyable types and consuming functions. What is a Typestate design pattern?Typestate is a powerful design pattern that emerged in languages with advanced type

                        Typestate - the new Design Pattern in Swift 5.9 | Swiftology
                      • Using the circuit breaker pattern with AWS Step Functions and Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS Compute Blog Using the circuit breaker pattern with AWS Step Functions and Amazon DynamoDB This post is written by Anitha Deenadayalan, Developer Specialist SA, DevAx Modern applications use microservices as an architectural and organizational approach to software development, where the application comprises small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. When multiple micr

                          Using the circuit breaker pattern with AWS Step Functions and Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services
                        • Railsのデザインパターン: Queryオブジェクト

                          Queryオブジェクトとは以下、ActiveRecord::Relationを単にRelationと表記します。Queryオブジェクトは「Relationに対し結合や絞り込み、ソートなどの操作を定義し、Relationを返すクラス」です。ActiveRecordモデルのscopeとして設定することで、チェーンの一部として使用できるようになります。 よく見られるQueryオブジェクトの例として、Relationではなく配列などほかのクラスを返すものがあります。ただ、クラスやデザインパターンからはインタフェースや返り値が予想できるべきです。「QueryオブジェクトはRelationを返す」というルールのもとに設計することで、コードの品質が保たれることにつながります。 Queryオブジェクトの必要性Queryオブジェクトは「コントローラからクエリ操作の責務を分離し、ActiveRecordモデル

                            Railsのデザインパターン: Queryオブジェクト
                          • Solution Design Pattern - プロダクト別 参考セッション

                            プロダクト別 参考セッション2022 年に開催された Google Cloud 主催イベント / ウェビナーから、各ソリューションごとのプロダクトに関するセッションのアーカイブ動画やスライドを公開しています。プロダクトのさらなる活用にお役立てください。 ※情報は随時更新していきます。また、こちらのページは PC での閲覧を推奨しております。

                            • Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine

                              In this series of articles, we highlight design patterns and techniques to design better interfaces. You can find more examples in “Smart Interface Design Patterns”, a 10h-video course with 100s of hand-picked examples, curated by Vitaly. Carousels don’t have a good reputation, and rightfully so. They have plenty of accessibility issues, they often exhibit low click-through rates, can be very disr

                                Usability Guidelines For Better Carousels UX — Smashing Magazine
                              • Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL | Amazon Web Services

                                AWS Database Blog Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL This is a guest post from Tulika Shrivastava, Software Architect from Autodesk, in partnership with Rama Thamman from AWS. In their own words, “Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software. If you’ve ever driven a car, admired a towering skyscraper, used a

                                  Migrating Autodesk’s mission-critical database from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora MySQL | Amazon Web Services
                                • Value object - Wikipedia

                                  この項目は内容が専門的であり、一般の閲覧者にはわかりにくくなっているおそれがあります。専門用語をわかりやすい表現にするための修正をして下さる協力者を求めています。(2022年5月) コンピュータサイエンスでは、Value Object(値オブジェクト)は、同等性がアイデンティティに基づいていない単純なエンティティを表す小さなオブジェクトである。つまり、2つの値オブジェクトは、同じ値を持つ場合は等しく、必ずしもそれらが同一のオブジェクトである必要はない[1][2]。 値オブジェクトの例としては、金額や日付範囲を表すオブジェクトなどが挙げられる。 小さいので、同じエンティティを表す同じ値オブジェクトの複数のコピーを持つことが可能である。単一のインスタンスに依存してそのオブジェクトを共有するよりも、新しいオブジェクトを作成する方が簡単な場合がよくある[2]。 値オブジェクトは不変である事が好まし

                                  • Patterns.PDF

                                    Robert C. Martin Copyright (c) 2000 by Robert C. Martin. All Rights Reserved. www.objectmentor.com 1 Design Principles and Design Patterns Robert C. Martin www.objectmentor.com What is software architecture? The answer is multitiered. At the highest level, there are the architecture patterns that define the overall shape and structure of software applications1 . Down a level is the architecture th

                                    • Solution Design Pattern

                                      2022 年に開催された Google Cloud 主催イベント / ウェビナーから、各ソリューションごとのプロダクトに関するセッションのアーカイブ動画やスライドを公開しています。プロダクトのさらなる活用にお役立てください。 ソリューション デザインパターンでは、 ワークロードごとに Google Cloud のアーキテクチャを 2 つの観点でまとめています。 1 つ目は、様々な業界で利用できる共通のソリューション デザインパターンとして「エンタープライズ向けの組織、 IAM、請求管理」、「インフラストラクチャとマイグレーション」、「アプリケーションおよびデータベースのモダナイゼーション」などを用意しています。 2 つ目は、ゲーム業界や小売業といった、業種ごとのワークロードに適したデザイン パターンです。皆様が Google Cloud を活用するときのガイドブックとしてご活用ください。

                                      • Handling errors like a pro in TypeScript

                                        Error handling in Type/JavaScript is a topic that doesn’t get the importance it deserves. It’s crucial to the longevity of any project to catch and log errors. As I’ve started working with TypeScript more over the years, I started to realize that I didn’t really understand error handling. I would often run into this problem: error is type unknown, so we can’t perform any actions with error until w

                                          Handling errors like a pro in TypeScript
                                        • How TypeScript design patterns help you write better code - LogRocket Blog

                                          Eslam Hefnawy Serverless Architect at Serverless, Inc. Co-creator of the Serverless Framework and the lead architect of Serverless Components. TypeScript is a language that has seen a lot of exposure in the modern world of software engineering. Its powerful, strict type system reduces the likelihood of running into errors during runtime or hidden bugs in production due to the lack of strong types

                                            How TypeScript design patterns help you write better code - LogRocket Blog
                                          • How not to learn Rust

                                            I've seen too many good programmers struggle learning Rust, or even give up. Here are the mistakes I've seen which may make you fail at learning Rust. I hope this list will help you avoid them. Mistake 1 : Not be prepared for the first high step The worst possible way to learn Rust is by vaguely looking at it, or trying some small stuff, in short scattered sessions at night after your demanding wo

                                              How not to learn Rust
                                            • Using ES modules in Node.js - LogRocket Blog

                                              LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every session, surfacing impactful user struggle and key behavior patterns. Editor’s note: This article was updated on 3 March 2021. Introduction “Before software can be reusable, it first has to be usable.” – Ralph Johnson Modules are independent building blocks of a software program. They are basically a design pattern that implements features of modular design in

                                                Using ES modules in Node.js - LogRocket Blog
                                              • React JS— Architecture + Features + Folder structure + Design Pattern

                                                Complete corporate standard React JS boilerplate Last updated on Nov 04, 2021. Trying my best to keep the story up-to-date. (react-v17.0.2, MUI-v5.0) Git repo: SAURABH SHAH / ReactJS myapp · GitLab (wip) Code-sandbox live (playgroud embeded at bottom) If you like the story, buy me a coffee! fig-1. ReactJS app architecture modulesThis story will cover all the aspects of a react js web app architect

                                                  React JS— Architecture + Features + Folder structure + Design Pattern
                                                • Industrial Empathy

                                                  This is Malte Ubl's personal blog. I write very occasionally about large-scale software design, AI, and web development. New on the web Software design and architectureRefactoring podcast: How Vercel Works (refactoring.fm) 29 Jun 2024Malte Handbook 17 Jun 2024Why all software migrations should be incremental (vercel.com) 30 Aug 2023Frontend & Backend Defined 08 Aug 2023Version Skew 21 Jun 2023Prin

                                                    Industrial Empathy
                                                  • How to Learn Software Design and Architecture - a Roadmap

                                                    This article is a summary of what I'm writing about in my newest project, solidbook.io - The Handbook to Software Design and Architecture with TypeScript. Check it out it you like this post. It's crazy to me to consider the fact that Facebook was once an empty text file on someone's computer. Lol. This past year, I've been going hard in software design and architecture, Domain-Driven Design, and w

                                                      How to Learn Software Design and Architecture - a Roadmap
                                                    • The Gateway Pattern

                                                      Use gateway classes to organize external API integrations and establish a clearer separation of concerns. The problem When building a Rails app, chances are you’ll have to integrate with one or more external APIs: processing payments, sending push notifications, and firing analytics events are just a few examples. At first, these integrations might be one-liners sprinkled into controllers or model

                                                      • Web: How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You

                                                        User experience designers guide, How to document the screen reader user experience User experience designers are responsible for designing the user experience. Period. A visual is not enough. This doesn't ensure a good user experience (UX) for all users. Accessible design process includes documenting the non-visual UX, for screen reader users. This also helps in achieving a good user experience fo

                                                        • Introduction to Event Loop Utilization in Node.js

                                                          In the last year, I've spent many hours writing patches for libuv and Node to collect new metrics. The goal of this was to indirectly infer the state of the application without introducing measurable overhead. I've run a few hundred hours of benchmarks and collected over one million data points to make sure my analysis was correct. Eventually, I plan to write about all aspects of my research, but

                                                            Introduction to Event Loop Utilization in Node.js
                                                          • GitHub - samber/do: ⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics.

                                                            ⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics. This library implements the Dependency Injection design pattern. It may replace the uber/dig fantastic package in simple Go projects. samber/do uses Go 1.18+ generics and therefore offers a typesafe API. See also: samber/lo: A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics samber/mo: Monads based on Go 1.18+ Generics (Option, Result

                                                              GitHub - samber/do: ⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics.
                                                            • Unlocking performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency of Zomato’s Billing Platform by switching from TiDB to DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS Database Blog Unlocking performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency of Zomato’s Billing Platform by switching from TiDB to DynamoDB This post is co-authored with Neha Gupta & Kanica Mandhania from Zomato. Zomato, an India-based restaurant aggregator, food delivery, and dining-out company, operates in over 1,000 cities and lists more than 350,000 restaurants. Since its inception in 2008, Zoma

                                                                Unlocking performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency of Zomato’s Billing Platform by switching from TiDB to DynamoDB | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Bridge pattern in TypeScript

                                                                José Miguel Álvarez Vañó Posted on Nov 27, 2022 • Updated on Dec 21, 2022 • Originally published at jmalvarez.dev Introduction The Bridge pattern is a structural design pattern that allows you to separate a big class or set of related classes into two different domains: abstraction (also called interface) and implementation (also called platform). The abstraction layer is the one that the client w

                                                                  Bridge pattern in TypeScript
                                                                • The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide

                                                                  As JavaScript developers we strive towards clean, healthy, and maintainable code. We strive towards solving challenges eloquently. While these challenges may each, within themselves, be unique - we don't necessarily require unique solutions for each individual one of these new challenges we face. "If you've used a solution that is not a unique solution to solve a challenge that is in of itself a u

                                                                    The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide
                                                                  • AIエンジニアのための機械学習システムデザインパターン | 翔泳社

                                                                    機械学習システム構築に必要な デザインパターンがここにある! 【本書の背景】 Pythonを用いた機械学習のモデル開発事例は多数ありますが、 そのモデルをビジネスやシステムに組み込み、運用する事例や方法論は多くありません。 そのため、AIを組み込んだ実装モデルをまとめた、 「機械学習システムのデザインパターン」に注目が集まっています。 【対象読者】 ・AIエンジニア ・システムエンジニア ・機械学習を本番システムとして使うための開発、運用方法で悩んでいるエンジニアの方 【本書の概要】 本書は機械学習を有効活用するためにはシステムに組み込むための設計や 実装が必要と考え、機械学習システムのデザインパターンを集めて解説した書籍です。 機械学習システムのグランドデザインおよびPythonによる機械学習システムの実装例を説明しつつ、 機械学習を本番活用するための方法論や、運用、改善ノウハウについて

                                                                      AIエンジニアのための機械学習システムデザインパターン | 翔泳社
                                                                    • オブジェクト指向のイベント: Object-Oriented Conferenceにオンライン参加したレポート - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ

                                                                      2/16に開催されオブジェクト指向に関するカンファレンスObject Oriented Conference(OOC)のレポートです。 私はYoutube配信でオンライン参加しました。 この記事では今回のカンファレンスに参加して面白かったセッションや勉強になったセッションについてご紹介します。 ちなみに最初に自己紹介をしますと、私は普段は主にRuby on Railsを使ってWebサービスを開発しています。未経験から新卒でサーバーワークスに入社して、プログラミング経験はそろそろ2年くらいになります。 オブジェクト指向については昨年まであまりよくわかっておらず、ググればググるほど難しいキーワードが出てきて諦めて放置していました。 昨年夏ごろにRubyによるオブジェクト指向を解説した『オブジェクト思考設計実践ガイド』を読み、その後Javaでデザイパターンの根底にある考え方を学ぶ『オブジェクト指

                                                                        オブジェクト指向のイベント: Object-Oriented Conferenceにオンライン参加したレポート - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ
                                                                      • Facade Pattern in Rails for Performance and Maintainability | AppSignal Blog

                                                                        academy Facade Pattern in Rails for Performance and Maintainability In today's post, we will be looking into a software design pattern called Facade. When I first adopted it, it felt a little bit awkward, but the more I used it in my Rails apps, the more I started to appreciate its usefulness. More importantly, it allowed me to test my code more thoroughly, to clean out my controllers, to reduce t

                                                                          Facade Pattern in Rails for Performance and Maintainability | AppSignal Blog
                                                                        • Master React in 2024: 4 Design Patterns You Need to Know - Java Code Geeks

                                                                          Want to supercharge your React skills and become a coding master in 2024? Buckle up! This guide will unveil the 4 essential design patterns that will unlock the true power of React and propel your applications to the next level. We’ll break down complex concepts into clear, actionable steps, so you’ll be crafting clean, maintainable, and scalable React projects like a pro in no time. Let’s dive in

                                                                            Master React in 2024: 4 Design Patterns You Need to Know - Java Code Geeks
                                                                          • ml-system-design-pattern

                                                                            Skip to the content. Japanese Korean Machine learning system design pattern This repository contains system design patterns for training, serving and operation of machine learning systems in production. Objectives The main objective of this document is to explain system patterns for designing machine learning system in production. This document is not the design patterns for developing machine lea

                                                                            • Hugo で人気記事ランキング機能を AWS のノーコードなサービスで作ったで

                                                                              どうもやで。はまーんです。 Hugo で作った本ブログに、人気記事ランキング(閲覧数ランキング)を追加しました!この記事ページからじゃわかりませんね!ぜひトップページに行ってみてください。こんな感じになりました。 Hugo はあくまで静的サイトジェネレーターでしかないので、閲覧数を保持したりそれに応じてコンポーネントを出し分けることはできません。人気記事ランキングは Hugo は機能として持っていません。なので自分で作りました。 この記事では Hugo に追加した人気記事ランキングウィジェットについてその設計や実装について概要やこだわりを解説していきます。詳細な構築手順などは、6月に公開予定の builders.flash という AWS のブログにて公開する予定です。 開発要件 要件ですが、そもそも個人が趣味で運用している弱小ブログでしかないので、複雑なことはせずできる限りシンプルな要件

                                                                                Hugo で人気記事ランキング機能を AWS のノーコードなサービスで作ったで
                                                                              • The Circuit Breaker Pattern

                                                                                How does your application handle failure? Your first level of response might focus on logging and displaying errors, but it merely captures the problem rather than resolving it. What happens if a vital service is offline or under heavy load? What about simply not performing at the standards you might expect? As your application relies more on services that you don't control, like third-party APIs,

                                                                                  The Circuit Breaker Pattern
                                                                                • A Smart Feature Flagging System for iOS – Tech Blog

                                                                                  Overview At Just Eat we have experimentation at our heart, and it is very much dependent on feature flagging/toggling. If we may be so bold, here’s an analogy: feature flagging is to experimentation as machine learning is to AI, you cannot have the second without the first one. We’ve developed an in-house component, named JustTweak, to handle feature flags and experiments on iOS without the hassle