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  • 【悪用厳禁】ChatGPTとGoogleDocsを連携して無限に記事を生成する方法(2.4万字)※GAS編集解説動画付き 3/7更新|チャエン | 重要AIニュースを毎日発信⚡️

    最初にアカウントを作成する必要がありますが、メールアドレスを登録すれば数分で完了します。 メールの場合は認証作業が必要です。 1.2 シークレットキー作成 続いては、以下の画面から"create new secret key"をクリックすると自動で生成されます。 先ほどのこちらのリンクから以下のページへ飛べます。 https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys シークレットキーをコピーして、別で保存しておきます。 一度OKで閉じると消えてしまうので、しっかりとメモにして残しておくことをおすすめします。 一応何度でも作成はできます。 1.3 料金体系 実は、OpenAIのAPIは無料ではありません。 なので、先ほどのシークレットキーは他人は教えないように!!! 言語モデルによって料金が異なります。 大体1記事書くのに分量にもよりますが、数円くらいです。 また

      【悪用厳禁】ChatGPTとGoogleDocsを連携して無限に記事を生成する方法(2.4万字)※GAS編集解説動画付き 3/7更新|チャエン | 重要AIニュースを毎日発信⚡️
    • Browser Dev Tools: The Ultimate Guide 🔥

      Contents (Click to expand) ↕️ Design Mode Pretty Print Command Pallet and Super Search Snippets Live Expressions Tracking Changes Console Shorthand Find Unused Code Rendering Panel Network Paint Times Network Timings Inspect Network Requests Performance Identifying Memory Leaks Raw Memory Inspection Test bfcache Full Refresh Lighthouse Page Size Breakdown Record User Flows Advanced User Flow Opera

        Browser Dev Tools: The Ultimate Guide 🔥
      • Record, replay, and measure user flows  |  Chrome DevTools  |  Chrome for Developers

        Take a glance at the new Recorder panel (preview feature) with the video below. Complete this tutorial to learn how to use the Recorder panel to record, replay, and measure user flows. For more information on how to share the recorded user flows, edit them and their steps, see the Recorder features reference. Open the Recorder panel Open DevTools. Click on More options     > More tools > Recorder.

        • 【関連書籍】戸田奈津子 金子裕子『KEEP ON DREAMING』で語った、『フルメタル・ジャケット』翻訳家降板事件の戸田氏の言い分 : KUBRICK.blog.jp|スタンリー・キューブリック

          これが戸田氏の訳だったらどんな「甘い」ものになっていたのやら・・・。 ※P144より抜粋 Q『フルメタル・ジャケット』の字幕訳者を交代した理由は? そのマシュー・モディーンが主演した『フルメタル・ジャケット』の監督、スタンリー・キューブリックは究極の完璧主義者でした。自分の映画が公開されるときは、あらゆる国のポスターデザイン、宣伝コピーなどの宣材を全て、フィルムの現像の焼き上がりチェックまで、とにかく全てに目を通します。たとえば日本で印刷したポスターは色が気に入らないと言って、自分が住んでいて目の届くイギリスで印刷させていたほどです。 じつは『2001年宇宙の旅』(1968年)、『時計じかけのオレンジ』(1972年)など、過去の作品は大先輩の高瀬鎮夫さんが字幕をつけられていて、「キューブリックは字幕原稿の逆翻訳を要求するバカげたことをなさる大先生だ」とぼやいておられました。その高瀬さんが亡

            【関連書籍】戸田奈津子 金子裕子『KEEP ON DREAMING』で語った、『フルメタル・ジャケット』翻訳家降板事件の戸田氏の言い分 : KUBRICK.blog.jp|スタンリー・キューブリック
          • Marie Kondo your software stack with open source

            As someone makes more money, expenses once considered luxuries can suddenly become seen as necessities: It’s called lifestyle creep. In the world of software development, we can suffer from a similar affliction: stack creep. Where hardware limitations once restricted developers to a minimalist approach, increased processing power, memory, and storage have led many down a more maximalist path. It’s

              Marie Kondo your software stack with open source
            • コード共有サイトCodepenで2019年に話題となったHTMLスニペット・ベスト100

              HTMLなどのコードをブラウザ上で確認ができ、公開や共有もできるCodepen。その中でも、2019年のあいだに特に人気の高かったコードを、ランキング形式でまとめた The Most Hearted of 2019 が発表されていたので、今回はその中でも特に印象的だった、クリエイティブな作品をいくつかピックアップしてご紹介します。 やはり話題性の高い、最先端テクニックを駆使した投稿が中心にまとめられています。HTML/CSSやJSなどのコードの確認や編集を行うことができるので、今後のデザイン制作に活用してみてはいかがでしょう。 詳細は以下から。 コード共有サイト Codepen で2019年に話題となったHTMLスニペット・ベスト100 99位 SVG Hamburger Menu Icon Animation Collection ハンバーガーメニューのさまざまなSVGアニメーションエフ

              • Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable

                Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today. Source control is one of the most important tools for modern developers,

                  Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable
                • Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why

                  Has Chrome, Edge, or another browser given you the option to "save password"? Here's why you shouldn't, and what to do instead. Everyone should already know how important it is to use strong passwords. Ideally, you'd have a different password for each account, and all of them would be long, complex, and contain numbers and special characters. Few abide by these rules, which is understandable. Afte

                    Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why
                  • Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust

                    Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust March 2021 Summary: I describe a simple interview problem (counting frequencies of unique words), solve it in various languages, and compare performance across them. For each language, I’ve included a simple, idiomatic solution as well as a more optimized approach via profiling. Go to: Constraints | Python Go C++ C

                    • 2022年Linux向けターミナルアプリの旅

                      why 最近macから中古のDell Workstationをヤフオクで安く入手してPop!_OSを入れて使い始めました。大体の開発環境は問題なく移行できました。しかしターミナルアプリでまだしっくりくるものがなく、旅に出てしまっています。ターミナルなしでお仕事しないわけではなく、その時々でインストールして試用しているものでお仕事しています。 いくつか試したものを書いていきます。なお、自分の shell は zsh を利用しており、所々で ~/.zshrc を修正したりしていますが、各自の shell に合わせてお使いください。また、ここでは ターミナルアプリ と表現していますが、おじさん的には ターミナルエミュレーター と呼ぶのが正しい?のではないかと思われますが、今っぽく表現しているつもりなのでそっとしておいてくださいw kitty macでも使っていた頃がありました。使い慣れているし良

                      • Python in Visual Studio Code – March 2020 Release - Python

                        We are pleased to announce that the March 2020 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available. You can download the Python extension from the Marketplace, or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code. If you already have the Python extension installed, you can also get the latest update by restarting Visual Studio Code. You can learn more about  

                          Python in Visual Studio Code – March 2020 Release - Python
                        • コーディング作業が爆速に! すぐ使える便利なHTML5スニペット15個まとめ

                          HTMLはとても簡単に作成できますが、Webページの制作となると、フォームの作成など、何度も繰り返す必要のある作業もあります。このユーザーガイドでは、コーディング作業ですぐに使えるフロントエンド向けHTMLスニペット15個をまとめてご紹介します。 HTML5基本テンプレート 新しいWebプロジェクトを開始するときは、基本となるテンプレートが必要です。HTML5の基礎として役立つ、無駄のないスッキリとしたテンプレートです。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>無名のドキュメント</title> <meta name="description" content="メタディスクリプションを記述します。"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css

                            コーディング作業が爆速に! すぐ使える便利なHTML5スニペット15個まとめ
                          • 10 Things You Didn’t Know Google Docs Could Do

                            Google Doc may seem basic on the surface but the cloud productivity tool has many overlooked features that can help you do more at work. In this article, we’ll look at several Google Doc features that you probably didn’t know about, and how you can use them to save time on creating content. Please note that these features are mostly accessible on the desktop version of the Google Docs tool. Those

                              10 Things You Didn’t Know Google Docs Could Do
                            • Payment and address form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                              Payment and address form best practices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Maximize conversions by helping your users complete address and payment forms as quickly and easily as possible. Well-designed forms help users and increase conversion rates. One small fix can make a big difference! Here is an example of a simple payment form that demonstr

                                Payment and address form best practices  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                              • More ways to keep your pull request branch up-to-date

                                February 3, 2022 The Update branch button on the pull request page lets you update your pull request's branch with the latest changes from the base branch. This is useful for verifying your changes are compatible with the current version of the base branch before you merge. Two enhancements now give you more ways to keep your branch up-to-date. Update your pull request branch by rebasing When your

                                  More ways to keep your pull request branch up-to-date
                                • Working with GitHub Actions

                                  Image credit: GitHub's Hubot from the Octodex GitHub Actions are still in beta and are changing quickly. But if you are looking to get started the possibilities are endless. This guide is mostly about pointing to documentation and exploring some fun ways to use GitHub Actions. In this post we’ll create a repository which contains a GitHub Action - built in TypeScript - and an associated workflow.

                                    Working with GitHub Actions
                                  • New – Import Existing Resources into a CloudFormation Stack | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS News Blog New – Import Existing Resources into a CloudFormation Stack With AWS CloudFormation, you can model your entire infrastructure with text files. In this way, you can treat your infrastructure as code and apply software development best practices, such as putting it under version control, or reviewing architectural changes with your team before deployment. Sometimes AWS resources initia

                                      New – Import Existing Resources into a CloudFormation Stack | Amazon Web Services
                                    • Software security starts with the developer: Securing developer accounts with 2FA

                                      ProductSecuritySoftware security starts with the developer: Securing developer accounts with 2FAGitHub will require all users who contribute code on GitHub.com to enable one or more forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) by the end of 2023. The software supply chain starts with the developer. Developer accounts are frequent targets for social engineering and account takeover, and protecting deve

                                        Software security starts with the developer: Securing developer accounts with 2FA
                                      • Replit — GitHub x Replit Workflows: Enhancing Developer Productivity

                                        As developers, we constantly seek tools that simplify our workflows and boost our productivity. We know that most code lives on GitHub, so we want to make running, maintaining, collaborating on, and deploying code from GitHub repositories effortless. Previously, importing a GitHub repository into Replit was a subpar experience. Finding the correct repository was time-consuming due to the lack of o

                                          Replit — GitHub x Replit Workflows: Enhancing Developer Productivity
                                        • Share your keyboard and mouse between computers with Barrier - Raspberry Pi

                                          Declutter your desk by sharing your mouse and keyboard across multiple computers at once, including your Raspberry Pis, with Barrier. Raspberry Pi Director of Software Engineering, Gordon Hollingworth, shows you how. Desk clutter is a given My desk is a bit untidy. Talking to people in our office, you’ll find that it’s mostly because I only clear it properly once a year, or leave it entirely until

                                            Share your keyboard and mouse between computers with Barrier - Raspberry Pi
                                          • Desktop K8s in 2021 - DZone

                                            For this article, we’ll dig into some of the options for Local Kubernetes Clusters if you are developing on a Mac. When doing microservices development, eventually you will want to start to test integrated services together. And there are several options available to run these tests: Dedicated Clusters – Larger teams typically have dev environments and you can either run lots of little clusters or

                                              Desktop K8s in 2021 - DZone
                                            • Flask’s Latest Rival in Data Science | by S Ahmad | Towards Data Science

                                              Streamlit Is The Game Changing Python Library That We’ve Been Waiting For Developing a user-interface is not easy. I’ve always been a mathematician and for me, coding was a functional tool to solve an equation and to create a model, rather than providing the user with an experience. I’m not artsy and nor am I actually that bothered by it. As a result of this, my projects always remained, well, pro

                                                Flask’s Latest Rival in Data Science | by S Ahmad | Towards Data Science
                                              • Blog - Smart diagram generation for more template diagrams

                                                When you create a new diagram with the draw.io web editor, you can now choose to use our new smart diagram generator instead of one of our existing templates. Describe your diagram in a text phrase, and the tool will generate a diagram based on what it parses. For example, this entity relationship model was generated from the phrase “a customer purchases a product from a web store”. As these smart

                                                • GitHub - mmig/text-caret-pos: xy coordinates of a textarea or input's caret

                                                  Get the top and left coordinates of the caret in a <textarea> or <input type="text">, in pixels. Useful for textarea autocompletes like GitHub or Twitter, or for single-line autocompletes like the name drop-down in Facebook or the company dropdown on Google Finance. How it's done: a faux <div> is created off-screen and styled exactly like the textarea or input. Then, the text of the element up to

                                                    GitHub - mmig/text-caret-pos: xy coordinates of a textarea or input's caret
                                                  • 6 Hidden Chrome Features That Will Make You More Productive

                                                    Though Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers worldwide, not all users are aware of some great features that make it even better. If you're not following every single update Google Chrome undergoes, it is easy to miss out on some wonderful features that can boost your productivity. With that in mind, we have compiled the six best Chrome features you should be using for a better browsing

                                                      6 Hidden Chrome Features That Will Make You More Productive
                                                    • Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products

                                                      Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products [ llm engineering production 🔥 ] · 66 min read Discussions on HackerNews, Twitter, and LinkedIn “There is a large class of problems that are easy to imagine and build demos for, but extremely hard to make products out of. For example, self-driving: It’s easy to demo a car self-driving around a block, but making it into a product takes a decade.”

                                                        Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products
                                                      • Why I use attrs instead of pydantic

                                                        This post is an account of why I prefer using the attrs library over Pydantic. I'm writing it since I am often asked this question and I want to have something concrete to link to. This is not meant to be an objective comparison of attrs and Pydantic; I'm not interested in comparing bullet points of features, nor can I be unbiased since I'm a major contributor to attrs (at time of writing, second

                                                        • Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine

                                                          Breadcrumbs UX are often neglected, but they can be extremely helpful when designing a complex navigation. We can improve them with sideways navigation, clearer breadcrumbs paths and accordions on mobile. Nobody gets particularly excited about breadcrumbs navigation. You know, those tiny little crumbles of pathways that illustrate where a user currently is in the intricate hierarchy of the website

                                                            Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine
                                                          • Compound Components In React — Smashing Magazine

                                                            A compound component is one of the advanced patterns of React which makes use of an interesting way to communicate the relationship between UI components and share implicit state by leveraging an explicit parent-child relationship. Compound components help developers build more expressive and flexible APIs to share state and logic within components. This tutorial explains how this can be achieved

                                                              Compound Components In React — Smashing Magazine
                                                            • Write queries with Gemini assistance  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud

                                                              Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Write queries with Gemini assistance You can use Gemini for Google Cloud, which offers AI-powered assistance, to help you query your data with SQL queries and Python code. Gemini in BigQuery can generate queries, complete code while you type, and explain queries. Gemini for Google Cloud doesn't use

                                                                Write queries with Gemini assistance  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud
                                                              • 4 Productivity Tips for Working in Slack

                                                                Slack is a great tool for workplace communication, and also offers a place for you to get work done. However, if you use Slack, you will know that it comes with its distractions, and can be frustrating to navigate at times. By customizing its interface and using it to its potential, you can remove these issues, and improve your productivity at the same time. Below, we explore some handy tips to ma

                                                                  4 Productivity Tips for Working in Slack
                                                                • Use Thunder Client and VSCode as an alternative to Postman

                                                                  Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular code editor that can be used as an alternative to Postman for API testing. With the right extensions, developers can easily create, manage, and test APIs within the VSCode environment. Using Thunder Client with VSCode for API testing can streamline the development workflow and save time by using a single tool for coding and testing, as this article will sho

                                                                    Use Thunder Client and VSCode as an alternative to Postman
                                                                  • Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine

                                                                    You might think you know all the tricks when it comes to browser DevTools, but did you know that there are dozens of panels and hundreds of features waiting to supercharge your debugging workflow? Whatever your debugging use case is, there’s probably a tool that’s right for the job. Let’s discover the most popular DevTools tips that can boost your productivity. When it comes to browser DevTools, w

                                                                      Useful DevTools Tips and Tricks — Smashing Magazine
                                                                    • How to Easily Remove Bloatware From Windows 10

                                                                      Windows 10 comes with its own set of pre-installed apps. Here are the methods you can use to remove bloatware on your PC and debloat Windows 10. Bloatware is a scourge for technology owners. Manufacturers fill your shiny new laptop, phone, or tablet with pre-installed applications to put an extra dollar in their pocket. You are left with bundles of oft-useless programs taking up the already limite

                                                                        How to Easily Remove Bloatware From Windows 10
                                                                      • How browsers work  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                        How browsers work Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Preface This comprehensive primer on the internal operations of WebKit and Gecko is the result of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. Over a few years, she reviewed all the published data about browser internals and spent a lot of time reading web browser source code. She wrot

                                                                        • FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki

                                                                          Introduction These release notes for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) provide an overview of the release and document the known issues with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and its flavors. For details of the changes applied since 20.04, please see the 20.04.6 change summary. The release notes for 20.04, 20.04.1, 20.04.2, 20.04.3, 20.04.4 and 20.04.5 change summary are available as well. Support lifespan Maintenanc

                                                                          • 17 Navigation Menus Made With Only CSS (No JavaScript) - 1WD

                                                                            We’ve been on a kick lately here at 1WD, looking at ways to code things in pure CSS without utilizing JavaScript, not because we don’t like JavaScript, but when you can avoid using it and still accomplish what you set out to do, why not? So today we’ve gathered 17 examples of navigation menus coded this way. Have a gander and see if there are any you can use in your future projects. Your Web Desig

                                                                              17 Navigation Menus Made With Only CSS (No JavaScript) - 1WD
                                                                            • WordPressサイトに自動計算フォームやシミュレーターを設置できるプラグイン 「Calculated Fields Form」 – ワードプレステーマTCD

                                                                              自動計算フォームや料金シミュレーターを無料で自社サイトに設置できるWordPressプラグイン「Calculated Fields Form」を紹介します。 単純な足し算や掛け算であればだれでも簡単に設置できるほか、エクセルの関数計算ができる人であれば、年利や金利などの複雑な計算式を設置することも可能です。サイトに計算フォームが設置されていることで、ユーザーの離脱率を減らし、満足度を大きく高めることが可能です。 この記事では、Wordpressプラグイン「Calculated Fields Form」の基本的な使い方を解説します。イメージしやすいように、実際に計算フォームを作成しながら解説しますので、参考にしてください。 Calculated Fields Formの特徴 自動計算フォームを生成できる エクセルの関数を応用して複雑な計算も可能 Calculated Fields Formの

                                                                                WordPressサイトに自動計算フォームやシミュレーターを設置できるプラグイン 「Calculated Fields Form」 – ワードプレステーマTCD
                                                                              • Game Porting Toolkit - Gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs and MacBooks, bugs, fixes, compatiblity and troubleshooting guides - AppleGamingWiki

                                                                                Game Porting Toolkit is Apple's new translation layer released on 6th June, 2023. Game Porting Toolkit (GPTK) combines Wine with Apple's own D3DMetal which supports DirectX 11 and 12[1]. This is a less user-friendly method of installing Windows games on Apple Silicon Macs compared to CrossOver or Parallels, however it unlocks the ability to play many DirectX 12 games. A lot more games work using G

                                                                                • How to build a Raspberry Pi cluster - Raspberry Pi

                                                                                  Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Why would you build a physical cluster? Today you can go to Amazon, or Digital Ocean, or any of the other cloud providers, and spin up a virtual machine in seconds. But the cloud is just someone else’s computers: a Raspberry Pi cluster is a low-cost, versatile system you can use for all kinds of clustered-computing related technologies, and you have total control over the

                                                                                    How to build a Raspberry Pi cluster - Raspberry Pi