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dyingの検索結果1 - 26 件 / 26件


dyingに関するエントリは26件あります。 COVID-19音楽災害 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Google Search Is Dying』などがあります。
  • Google Search Is Dying

    (There is good discussion on this article on Hacker News and Reddit) Reddit is currently the most popular search engine. The only people who don’t know that are the team at Reddit, who can’t be bothered to build a decent search interface. So instead we resort to using Google, and appending the word “reddit” to the end of our queries. Paul Graham thinks this image means Reddit as a social media sit

      Google Search Is Dying
    • .Noso on Twitter: "Kobe is going to end up dying in a helicopter crash"

      Kobe is going to end up dying in a helicopter crash

        .Noso on Twitter: "Kobe is going to end up dying in a helicopter crash"
      • New Zealand euthanasia: Assisted dying to be legal for terminally ill people

        Matt Vickers, whose late wife fought for the law, calls it "a victory for compassion and kindness".

          New Zealand euthanasia: Assisted dying to be legal for terminally ill people
        • Perl is dying quick. Could be extinct by 2023.

          Some personal reflections about the evolution and death or programming languages. By the forces a circumstances, I had to reverse engineer and decommission a few Perl scripts in an old company earlier this year. That makes one wonder about who else is still using Perl? if any? Can’t remember the last time I’ve heard about it. What is Perl? If you want to see the numbers right away, scroll down to

            Perl is dying quick. Could be extinct by 2023.
          • camera dying for I'm that | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

            単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル5)「camera dying for I'm that」「あのカメラが欲しくてたまらない。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

              camera dying for I'm that | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
            • dying I'm see to you | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

              単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル5)「dying I'm see to you」「死ぬほどお会いしたい。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                dying I'm see to you | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
              • Why TensorFlow for Python is dying a slow death

                Future of work Why TensorFlow for Python is dying a slow death PyTorch is easier to use and beloved by more developers Religious wars have been a cornerstone in tech. Whether it’s debating about the pros and cons of different operating systems, cloud providers, or deep learning frameworks — a few beers in, the facts slide aside and people start fighting for their technology like it’s the holy grai

                  Why TensorFlow for Python is dying a slow death
                • The Beths(ザ・ベス)「Expert In A Dying Field 」意訳~生にひたむきであれ~ - 語る、また語る

                  ニュージーランドの インディーロックバンド The Beths(ザ・ベス)の 「Expert In A Dying Field 」、意訳です。 3rdアルバム「Expert In A Dying Field」の タイトル・トラック。 かなり自由にやりました。 Expert In A Dying Field lyrics : Elizabeth Stokes Can we erase our history? Is it as easy as this? Plausible deniabilty I swear i've never heard of it And I can close the door on us But the room still exists And I know you're in it Hours of phrases i've memorised Thousa

                    The Beths(ザ・ベス)「Expert In A Dying Field 」意訳~生にひたむきであれ~ - 語る、また語る
                  • South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 ‘not real’

                    A South Dakota emergency room nurse on Monday expressed frustration that many of her patients don’t believe they are dying of COVID-19. Jodi Doering’s tweet went viral on social media over the weekend after she tweeted about patients who “don’t believe the virus is real … while gasping for breath on 100% Vapotherm.” “It wasn’t one particular patient, it’s just a culmination of so many people,” Doe

                      South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 ‘not real’
                    • 「Hongkong Is Dying」と映画『ゴジラ-1.0 』 - 特別な1日

                      いよいよ11月も終盤です。 11月は仕事絡みの宴会が2回もあって気分がブルーでしたが、今のところ12月は忘年会の予定が入っていません。口を開けば宴会の悪口を言い続けてきて、とうとう誘われなくなったのか(笑)。このまま行ってくれれば実に嬉しいです。残り少ない人生、宴会なんかで無為な時間を過ごすのはお断りです。 勤務先で香港に行ってきた人の話を聞きました。 あちらでは中国共産党の政治を嫌ってイギリスなどへ移住する人がどんどん増えているそうです。香港の基幹産業だった金融はシンガポールへ移ってしまったのもありますが、脱出するのは特に高学歴・高収入の人や若い人が多いそうです。香港の経済面でもかなりの打撃でしょう。 www.nikkei.com 既に小学校では広東語ではなく北京語が教えられているそうで、共産党は言論の自由どころか、文化ごと香港を破壊しようとしている。ガザのように廃墟になっている訳ではあ

                        「Hongkong Is Dying」と映画『ゴジラ-1.0 』 - 特別な1日  
                      • Astronomers spot dying star just before it explodes and record supernova

                        Astronomers spot dying star just before it explodes and record supernova The discovery reveals new details about how red supergiants evolve just before going supernova, potentially allowing astronomers to detect them in the future.

                          Astronomers spot dying star just before it explodes and record supernova
                        • The process of dying

                          What is the process of dying? Dying can be a gradual process when someone has a terminal illness. If someone is receiving good palliative care, it can be quite a peaceful time — a time during which the body lets go of life. Palliative care aims to keep those with a terminal illness comfortable and includes treatments to relieve pain. In most people who are dying, the body's normal systems start to

                            The process of dying
                          • How America’s once great department stores became a dying breed | CNN Business

                            Macy’s announcement Tuesday that it will close 150 stores, or nearly a third of its total, is the result of a once-great department store industry in decades of decline. The gradual demise of the American department store can be blamed on many factors: competition from big box retailers, a shift to online shopping and activist shareholders fighting for control of the company’s board. Another key p

                              How America’s once great department stores became a dying breed | CNN Business
                            • Enhanced Interplay of Neuronal Coherence and Coupling in the Dying Human Brain

                              Raul Vicente1,2† Michael Rizzuto3† Can Sarica4 Kazuaki Yamamoto4 Mohammed Sadr3 Tarun Khajuria2 Mostafa Fatehi3 Farzad Moien-Afshari5 Charles S. Haw3 Rodolfo R. Llinas6 Andres M. Lozano4 Joseph S. Neimat7 Ajmal Zemmar1,4,7* 1Department of Neurosurgery, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Henan University People’s Hospital, Henan University School of Medicine, Zhengzhou, China 2Institute of Compute

                                Enhanced Interplay of Neuronal Coherence and Coupling in the Dying Human Brain
                              • NVIDIA、Dying Light 2の性能が2倍になる最新ドライバ。その他多数のタイトルに効果

                                  NVIDIA、Dying Light 2の性能が2倍になる最新ドライバ。その他多数のタイトルに効果
                                • 【Drum ’n’ Bass】Dying Light - #DanceWithEuro

                                  こんにちは。 以前、Drum 'n' Bassにハマっているという記事(下記リンク参照)を書きましたが、それからも割と継続して聴いています。下記リンクの記事が7月上旬に作成とのことで、それから4ヶ月経つという事実に驚いています。Eurobeatなどと同じぐらいに好きなジャンルを見つけられたかもしれません。 onevia.hatenablog.com 今回は、以前と同様にMetrikというDJの楽曲をピックアップします。 「Dying Light / Metrik」 収録CD: ・Ex Machina (2022/11/08現在、音楽系サブスクなどでの入手・視聴の方がお手軽かと思います。) 以前、Metrikの楽曲としてピックアップした「Gravity」は、少しマイナー調(悲壮感)がありつつも、まるで宇宙のような壮大な雰囲気があるものとしてご紹介しました。 今回の「Dying Light」は

                                    【Drum ’n’ Bass】Dying Light - #DanceWithEuro
                                  • ゲチ on Twitter: "South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 'not real' | TheHill サウスダコタの看護師によると、入院しているコロナ患者の… https://t.co/uaHQ3qx6sf"

                                    South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 'not real' | TheHill サウスダコタの看護師によると、入院しているコロナ患者の… https://t.co/uaHQ3qx6sf

                                      ゲチ on Twitter: "South Dakota nurse says many dying patients still insist COVID-19 'not real' | TheHill サウスダコタの看護師によると、入院しているコロナ患者の… https://t.co/uaHQ3qx6sf"
                                    • Satoshi Kirishima: DNA test confirms dying man was one of Japan's most wanted

                                      Satoshi Kirishima is alleged to have planted a bomb which destroyed part of a building in Tokyo in 1975 A DNA test has revealed a dying man who claimed to be one of Japan's most wanted criminals was telling the truth.

                                        Satoshi Kirishima: DNA test confirms dying man was one of Japan's most wanted
                                      • Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying?

                                        The UK government's scientific advisers believe that the chances of dying from a coronavirus infection are between 0.5% and 1%. This is lower than the rate of death among confirmed cases - which is 4% globally in WHO figures and 5% in the UK as of March 23 - because not all infections are confirmed by testing. Each country has its own way of deciding who gets tested, so comparing case numbers or a

                                          Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying?
                                        • Why vaccinated people dying from Covid-19 doesn’t mean the vaccines are ineffective | CNN

                                          " data-check-event-based-preview="" data-is-vertical-video-embed="false" data-network-id="" data-publish-date="2021-10-18T23:02:28Z" data-video-section="health" data-canonical-url="https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/10/18/coronavirus-vaccine-colin-powell-leana-wen-nr-sot-vpx.cnn" data-branding-key="" data-video-slug="coronavirus vaccine Colin Powell Leana Wen nr sot vpx" data-first-publish-slu

                                            Why vaccinated people dying from Covid-19 doesn’t mean the vaccines are ineffective | CNN
                                          • ‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital | NYT News

                                            An emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, gives a rare look inside a hospital at the center of the coronavirus pandemic. “We don’t have the tools that we need.” Subscribe: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n More from The New York Times Video: http://nytimes.com/video ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific

                                              ‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital | NYT News
                                            • Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying of strokes

                                              Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying of strokes Doctors sound alarm about patients in their 30s and 40s left debilitated or dead. Some didn’t even know they were infected.

                                                Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying of strokes
                                              • PJ Harvey - I Inside the Old I Dying (Official Video)

                                                ‘I Inside the Old I Dying’ is taken from the new album ‘I Inside the Old Year Dying’, out now on Partisan Records: https://pjharvey.lnk.to/iinsidetheoldyeardyingID Directed by Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña Produced by Catalina Vergara Production Assistant: Nina Salvador A production of Diluvio, Globo Rojo, Pista B Art and Animation: Francisco Visceral, Francisco Schultz, Trinidad Santibañez,

                                                  PJ Harvey - I Inside the Old I Dying (Official Video)
                                                • One Year From PHP “dying” This Decade

                                                  Almost exactly one year ago I published an article that titled itself “PHP could fade away in the next decade”. The summary of the article I published is like a A Christmas Carol, but instead of Ebenezer Scrooge, it’s PHP: In the past, PHP didn’t fix its problems, so other languages gained traction.In the present, PHP lacks features needed for the Internet of today.In the future, PHP still won’t h

                                                    One Year From PHP “dying” This Decade
                                                  • Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil?

                                                    As the pandemic rages in Brazil, hundreds of babies and young children are dying of Covid.

                                                      Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil?
                                                    • No Longer ‘Hidden Victims,’ Children Are Dying as Virus Surges in Indonesia (Published 2021)

                                                      No Longer ‘Hidden Victims,’ Children Are Dying as Virus Surges in Indonesia Hundreds have died from Covid-19 in recent weeks, many of them under the age of 5. National leaders face mounting criticism that they have been unprepared. A woman and her twin 7-year-old daughters in Jakarta, Indonesia, this month. Children make up 12.5 percent of Indonesia’s confirmed Covid-19 cases, a leading doctor sai

                                                        No Longer ‘Hidden Victims,’ Children Are Dying as Virus Surges in Indonesia (Published 2021)
