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  • プログラマーのための行動経済学 (自信過剰とリーダブルコード) - techtekt

    はじめに サマリー 記憶に対する自信過剰 対策 チームや組織で失敗を防ぐには? 1. 読みやすいコードを書くためのコストを下げる 2. 読みやすいコードを書くことを(ゆるく)強制する まとめ 参考文献 ※三浦は退職していますが、本人の同意を得て、掲載を継続しています。 はじめに こんにちは。パーソルキャリア株式会社でデータアナリストとして働いている三浦です。 私はデータアナリストとしてこの会社で働いておりますが、それと同時に行動経済学の研究もしています。 行動経済学は端的に言えばより「人間くさい」仮定をとりいれて経済学的な分析を行う分野です。 例えば、先延ばしをするとか、楽観的な予想をするとか、情報を無視するとか、人の目を気にするとか、色々です。 修士から数えるとプログラミングは 9 年ぐらい行ってきました。 その過程で、様々な失敗もしてきました。 中には、誰もがしたことのある失敗もあるか

      プログラマーのための行動経済学 (自信過剰とリーダブルコード) - techtekt
    • The forgotten mistake that killed Japan’s software industry - Disrupting Japan

      This is our 200th episode, so I wanted to do something special. Everyone loves to complain about the poor quality of Japanese software, but today I’m going to explain exactly what went wrong.  You’ll get the whole story, and I’ll also pinpoint the specific moment Japan lost its way. By the end, I think you’ll have a new perspective on Japanese software and understand why everything might be about

        The forgotten mistake that killed Japan’s software industry - Disrupting Japan
      • 分かれ目はどこ? 成功する人と成功しない人、16の違い

        マーク・キューバン氏は、世界で最も成功している投資家の1人だ。 Mike Windle / Getty Images ニューヨーク・タイムズのベストセラー『The Art of People』の著者デイブ・カーペン(Dave Kerpen)氏は2014年、成功する人とそうでない人の特徴や行動を説明した1枚のハガキを受け取った。 送り主はカーペン氏同様、起業家機構(Entrepreneurs' Organization)のメンバーで、ビジネスコーチング・サービスを手掛けるペトラ・コーチ(Petra Coach)のCEOアンディー・ベイリー(Andy Bailey)氏だった。2人は実際に会ったことはなかったが、このハガキが自身に大きな影響を与えたと、カーペン氏はリンクトイン(LinkedIn)に書いている。 ハガキは、成功する人と成功しない人との16の大きな差を挙げている。Business I

          分かれ目はどこ? 成功する人と成功しない人、16の違い
        • GitHub for Startups is generally available

          EnterpriseProductGitHub for Startups is generally availableWe’re launching GitHub for Startups to give your startup the tools needed to go from idea to unicorn status on the world's largest developer platform. Startups are building the future, and we know they require a unique set of resources and support to grow. As of today, GitHub for Startups is available to startups globally, and you can appl

            GitHub for Startups is generally available
          • The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem

            The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem After reviewing the proposed Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Act, the PSF has found issues that put the mission of our organization and the health of the open-source software community at risk. While we support the stated goals of these policies of increasing security and accountability for European soft

              The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem
            • Okta Hack Blamed on Employee Using Personal Google Account on Company Laptop

              CISO Strategy Okta Hack Blamed on Employee Using Personal Google Account on Company Laptop Okta is blaming the recent hack of its support system on an employee who logged into a personal Google account on a company-managed laptop. Okta is blaming the recent hack of its support system on an employee who logged into a personal Google account on a company-managed laptop, exposing credentials that led

                Okta Hack Blamed on Employee Using Personal Google Account on Company Laptop
              • Advice from the CEO of an All-Remote Company

                Share GitLab’s Sid Sijbrandij on building a company with no offices and employees spread around the world. September 27, 2022 Most organizations have now accepted that the days of all their knowledge workers coming into the office full time are over. So what’s next?  Sid Sijbrandij, CEO and cofounder of Gitlab, thinks all-remote can be the answer. His open-source software development company took

                  Advice from the CEO of an All-Remote Company
                • Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

                  English | Chinese (simplified) 简体中文 | Chinese (traditional) 繁體中文 | Japanese 日本語 | Korean 한국어 Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics Please click here to sign this letter Frequently Asked Questions and More resources Statements by Al Roth and Paul Milgrom, Pinelopi Goldberg, Roger Noll, the twelve editors of

                  • Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs

                    Make Something WonderfulSteve Jobs in his own wordsThere’s lots of ways to be, as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. And you never meet the people. You never shake their hands. You never hear their story or tell

                      Make Something Wonderful | Steve Jobs
                    • Deploying Code Faster with Serverless Framework and AWS Service Catalog | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Deploying Code Faster with Serverless Framework and AWS Service Catalog By Chris Chapman, Partner Solutions Architect at AWS By Edward Abrams, Sr. Director – Software Development at GoDaddy Serverless Framework is an open source project and popular choice for many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers who wish to quickly construct and deploy serverless applications usi

                        Deploying Code Faster with Serverless Framework and AWS Service Catalog | Amazon Web Services
                      • ロボット開発エンジニア会議ー農業用自動収穫ロボットの製品紹介ーAREX2021 winter

                        農業用の自動収穫ロボットの商品発表イベント テクノロジーで農業課題を解決するAGRIST株式会社 AREX / AGRIST Robot Engineer X-Conference 製品紹介 ロボット開発のAGRISTについて AGRIST株式会社は、テクノロジーで農業課題を解決するベンチャー企業です。 農家の平均年齢67才。高齢化が進み農産物の収穫の担い手不足の課題を、自動収穫ロボットで解決します。 2017年から宮崎県新富町の農家らと勉強会を開催し、現場の農家らからロボットの必要性を聞いてきました。 2019年には試作機を開発し、資金調達は地域金融機関やベンチャーキャピタルなどから実施しました。 2020年には国のスマート農業実証実験で6台のロボットを農研機構に販売しました。国内のビジネスプランコンテストで8の賞を受賞しました。 2021年からは宮崎県から全国に販路

                          ロボット開発エンジニア会議ー農業用自動収穫ロボットの製品紹介ーAREX2021 winter
                        • Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported

                          Barbara Campbell was walking through a New York City subway station during rush hour when her world abruptly went dark. For four years, Campbell had been using a high-tech implant in her left eye that gave her a crude kind of bionic vision, partially compensating for the genetic disease that had rendered her completely blind in her 30s. “I remember exactly where I was: I was switching from the 6 t

                            Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported
                          • Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap

                            The Internet Computer is the world’s first blockchain that runs at web speed and can increase its capacity without bound. DFINITY Status Update, New Year 2021I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS.On December 18, 2020, a crucial initial stage of Internet Computer blockchain’s decentralization occurred. This means that the Internet Computer’s mainnet now exists, and is hosted by standardized “node machines” tha

                              Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap
                            • Gene pool engineering for entrepreneurs | Khosla Ventures

                              Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION A. Why first hires are important B. Background on traditional (functional) recruiting C. Functional hiring II. ENGINEERING THE GENE POOL A. Benefits of gene pool engineering B. Step 1: Identity the five largest risks C. Step 2: Define the skill-set necessary to address those risks D. Step 3: For each risk, locate the centers of excellence E. Step 4: List the top t

                              • Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture

                                Programming note: this week, there will be no The Pulse on Thursday. I’m attending Craft Conference in Budapest, Hungary and delivering my annual conference talk the same day. My keynote is titled “What’s Old is New Again.” I’ll share the recording in the newsletter, once it will become available. I hope you enjoy this detailed deepdive on a lean and nimble startup (Bluesky) for the week! Bluesky

                                  Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture
                                • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Platforms Want To Be Utilities, Self-Govern Like Empires

                                  With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Platforms Want To Be Utilities, Self-Govern Like Empires Believe the Hype After decades of hype, it’s only natural for your eyes to skate over corporate mission-statements without stopping to take note of them, but when it comes to ending your relationship with them,  tech giants’ stated goals take on a sinister cast. Whether it’s “bringing the world cl

                                    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Platforms Want To Be Utilities, Self-Govern Like Empires
                                  • How to maintain engineering velocity as you scale | Y Combinator

                                    Engineering is typically the function that grows fastest at a scaling startup. It requires a lot of attention to make sure the pace of execution does not slow and cultural issues do not emerge as you scale. We’ve learned a lot about pace of execution in the past five years at Faire. When we launched in 2017, we were a team of five engineers. From the beginning, we built a simple but solid foundati

                                      How to maintain engineering velocity as you scale | Y Combinator
                                    • Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime-change network seeking the ‘fall of China’ - The Grayzone

                                      Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime-change network seeking the ‘fall of China’ While posing as a grassroots human rights organization, the World Uyghur Congress is a US-funded and directed separatist network that has forged alliances with far-right ethno-nationalist groups. The goal spelled out by its founders is clear: the destabilization of China and regime change i

                                        Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime-change network seeking the ‘fall of China’ - The Grayzone
                                      • With 10x growth since 2023, Llama is the leading engine of AI innovation

                                        With 10x growth since 2023, Llama is the leading engine of AI innovation Llama models are approaching 350 million downloads to date (more than 10x the downloads compared to this time last year), and they were downloaded more than 20 million times in the last month alone, making Llama the leading open source model family.Llama usage by token volume across our major cloud service provider partners h

                                          With 10x growth since 2023, Llama is the leading engine of AI innovation
                                        • Advanced RAG — Improving retrieval using Hypothetical Document Embeddings(HyDE)

                                          Any SourceWhat is HyDE ?HyDE uses a Language Learning Model, like ChatGPT, to create a theoretical document when responding to a query, as opposed to using the query and its computed vector to directly seek in the vector database. It goes a step further by using an unsupervised encoder learned through contrastive methods. This encoder changes the theoretical document into an embedding vector to lo

                                            Advanced RAG — Improving retrieval using Hypothetical Document Embeddings(HyDE)
                                          • Burnout From an Organizational Perspective (SSIR)

                                            Instead of pressuring already-stressed individuals to fix themselves, true wellness requires organization-level interventions. The term “burnout” first came into use in the early 1970s in the context of air traffic control, after an increase in human error-precipitated collisions was linked to frustrations with increased traffic, poor human-machine interfaces, and the general monotony of the work.

                                              Burnout From an Organizational Perspective (SSIR)
                                            • Okta Completes Acquisition of Auth0 | Okta

                                              San Francisco, CA — May 3, 2021 — Okta, Inc. (NASDAQ:OKTA), the leading independent identity provider, today announced the successful completion of its acquisition of Auth0, a leading identity platform for application teams. Together, Okta and Auth0 address a broad set of digital identity use cases, providing secure access and enabling everyone to safely use any technology. The stock transaction,

                                                Okta Completes Acquisition of Auth0 | Okta
                                              • Holiday Book Recommendations for Software Engineers, Engineering Managers and Product Managers

                                                Books perfect as reading or gifts during the end-of-year break for those working in tech. More than 100 book recommendations. I’ve always found books are an underrated way to learn something new. Great books contain years of hard-earned experiences compressed into what you can read in hours. However, you do need to give hours-long attention to them. This allows books to convey ideas that shorter-f

                                                  Holiday Book Recommendations for Software Engineers, Engineering Managers and Product Managers
                                                • Finding Your Internal Champion (Startup Founder Sales Series, Part 9) | Amazon Web Services

                                                  AWS Startups Blog Finding Your Internal Champion (Startup Founder Sales Series, Part 9) Most people do not know that I started my career as a developer. I quite enjoyed the role, which sent me traveling all across the US to help customers implement our development environment. Then one day, all the sales people resigned and the VP of Sales told me I was now in sales. I mention this because early o

                                                    Finding Your Internal Champion (Startup Founder Sales Series, Part 9) | Amazon Web Services
                                                  • Bullshit Jobs

                                                    Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

                                                      Bullshit Jobs
                                                    • Microsoft teams up with OpenAI to exclusively license GPT-3 language model - The Official Microsoft Blog

                                                      All Microsoft Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support Software Windows Apps AI Outlook OneDrive Microsoft Teams OneNote Microsoft Edge Skype PCs & Devices Computers Shop Xbox Accessories VR & mixed reality Certified Refurbished Trade-in for cash Entertainment Xbox Game Pass Ultimate PC Game Pass Xbox games PC and Windows games Movies & TV Business Micro

                                                      • Growing as a Product Owner: Five Product Owner Maturity-Levels

                                                        Growing as a Product Owner: Five Product Owner Maturity-Levels The Product Owner role is implemented in organizations in various different ways. The responsibilities and authorities of Product Owners vary across organizations, departments, teams and Product Owners. This can be explained to some extend, because it is a role that people need to grow into. The role requires some specific competences

                                                          Growing as a Product Owner: Five Product Owner Maturity-Levels
                                                        • Minimal Gallery – Website Design Inspiration

                                                          About Minimal Gallery is a curated source of website design inspiration aiming to support people in their creative process. Running since 2013. Minimal Gallery was originally brought to life when I started collecting websites as inspiration for client projects, screenshotting and categorizing them for better organization. It became one of the leading web design galleries, followed by tens of thous

                                                            Minimal Gallery – Website Design Inspiration
                                                          • 成長過程には強いCFOが不可欠 ネオキャリアの「戦局を変える一手」

                                                            2020年1月14日、株式会社ネオキャリア代表取締役の西澤亮一氏と、CFOに就任した桑内孝志氏による対談が行われました。桑内氏は金融業界で長くIPO部門を担当し、有名ITベンチャーを中心に、約60社もの上場を支えてきた“影の立役者”。上場を視野に成長を続けるネオキャリアが、財政戦略のプロをCFOとして迎えるに至った経緯と、桑内氏の素顔に迫ります。そして、「強いCFO」が就任することによって、今後会社がどのように変わっていくのか。ネオキャリアの展望について、CEOとCFOにお聞きしました。 起業を志す学生エンジニアが、金融業界で出会った「天職」 ――長く金融業界での経験を積まれてきた、桑内様のご経歴を教えてください。 桑内孝志氏(以下、桑内):私はもともとちょっと変わった経歴で、学生時代にエンジニアをやっていたんです。当時はバブルの時代で、独学でコンピュータを勉強して、学生でも納期さえ守れば

                                                              成長過程には強いCFOが不可欠 ネオキャリアの「戦局を変える一手」
                                                            • Finding International Communities in Japan

                                                              Knowing about various international communities in Japan is helpful once you move here. Making friends and expanding one’s network in a new country is always challenging, but knowing about the relevant communities one can join can ease those pains. Why the Need to Find Foreign CommunitiesBetween your busy work schedule and making personal time to explore the country or even relax on the weekend, i

                                                                Finding International Communities in Japan
                                                              • あなたの声がチカラになります

                                                                ENGLISH #CeasefireNow: 今起きている人道危機と罪のない人々のさらなる犠牲を防ぐため、ガザ地区とイスラエルにおける即時停戦を求めます! いま、私たちは、ガザ地区とイスラエルにおける、耐え難い多くの死と破壊を目の当たりにしています。数千人が殺害され、負傷し、避難し、子どもや高齢者を含む200人近くが人質となっています。 国連によると、ガザ地区では水、食料、燃料、医薬品、さらには遺体袋までもがイスラエルによる包囲のために不足している状態です。また、ガザ地区の人々、特に幼い子どもたちが、まもなく深刻な脱水症状で死に追いやられるだろうと警告もしています。街は破壊され瓦礫の山と化し、安全を求めるガザ地区のパレスチナ人は行き場を失っています。イスラエル軍による避難命令の後、ガザ北部から南部に移動したパレスチナ人の多くは、ガザ南部に到着したとたんに爆撃を受けたとも伝えられています。

                                                                • Trump Should Have Never Been Allowed Rap Relevance

                                                                  Donald Trump tried to grab headlines one more time on his way out of office this week. And yet again, it involved rappers. The former president issued 70 commutations and 73 pardons, including two to Lil Wayne and Kodak Black. There had been speculation that this would happen, after both rappers endorsed him in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Kodak will soon be home from a f

                                                                    Trump Should Have Never Been Allowed Rap Relevance
                                                                  • Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics

                                                                    WT Microelectronics buys Future Electronics for $3.8bn Taiwan's WT Microelectronics has completed its acquisition of Canada's Future Electronics to create "a global electronic components distribution powerhouse". It's a bold claim, but the two firms can each boast considerable market strength. WT is a global top three electronic components distributor with reach across Asia Pacific, the Americas a

                                                                      Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics
                                                                    • A Guide to Starting a Business in Japan

                                                                      Japan is a great place to start a business for foreigners because of the size of the economy, business stability, the void created by the aging population, and governmental support and reforms to encourage new businesses. In this guide, we will discuss all the nitty-gritty of establishing your company to do business in Japan as a foreigner. However, before we discuss all the details of setting up

                                                                        A Guide to Starting a Business in Japan
                                                                      • Reimagining China in Tokyo

                                                                        A new community of expats is opening bookstores, attending lectures, and imagining alternatives to Xi from the relative safety of Japan. As a teacher in his early twenties, Zhang felt the premonition of a crisis. The new millennium had dawned, and Zhang (who asked that I use only his last name, for fear of government retaliation) was living in a middling city in central China drilling vocabulary t

                                                                          Reimagining China in Tokyo