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241 - 280 件 / 4560件

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listの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 4560件

  • Secrets Behind the ALL-TIME 100 Movies List

    All-TIME 100 Movies TIME's Richard Corliss updates our All-TIME 100 list of the greatest films made since 1923 — the beginning of TIME — with 20 new entries Everett (6)You like us, you really like us. You also hate us. Anyway, you click on us, which is the surest way a website has of measuring interest in its content. The All-TIME 100 Movies feature—compiled by Richard Schickel and me, and handsom

      Secrets Behind the ALL-TIME 100 Movies List
    • Technology Magazine » Full WEB 2.0 API List

      Film trailers, cast, images, and related information

      • twitterのlistに一気にユーザーを追加するスクリプト - Yamashiro0217の日記

        書いたよ require 'net/http' require 'kconv' require 'yaml' require 'pp' require 'rexml/document' config_file = ARGV.shift || 'config.yaml' config = YAML.load_file(config_file) screen_names = config['screen_names'] group = config['group'] username = config['username'] password = config['password'] def get_userid(screen_name) body = Net::HTTP.get('twitter.com', "/users/show.xml?screen_name=#{screen_name

          twitterのlistに一気にユーザーを追加するスクリプト - Yamashiro0217の日記
        • xxx Resources on Complete List of Web 2.0 Products and Services-Listible!

          In honor of Lifehack’s partnership with Moleskine, I’ve decided to post all Moleskine-related posts this week. Today, I’ll describe 10 cool ways to get a little more out of your Moleskine. While most of these hacks are aimed at the pocket-sized, hardbound Moleskine (what I think of as the “traditional” Moleskine), they can easily be adapted to the medium and large-sized notebooks… Continue reading

          • LIST-IT | HI MOJIMOJI

            うっかりを防ぐリストバンド型メモ LIST-IT つい手にメモしてしまう人、いませんか。 リストバンド型アイテム「LIST-IT(リストイット)」は忘れちゃいけない用事を書きとめて、腕に巻けるメモ。 「リスト」にはLISTとWRISTの2つの意味を込め、実用性とファッション性を両立。 用事を済ませたら「ビッ」と外して達成感を味わえます。 Release : 2010.08.20 Sold Out

              LIST-IT | HI MOJIMOJI
            • A List Apart: Articles: Paper Prototyping

              As interfaces become ever more complex and development schedules seem to get shorter and shorter, you may find it useful to give up your user-interface modeling software for awhile in favor of something simpler. All you need is paper, pens, scissors, and your imagination. Everyone loves paper#section2 Just as a political party aims to be a “big tent,” product development teams should seek input fr

                A List Apart: Articles: Paper Prototyping
              • Firefoxアドオンで機能拡張--アドオン一覧を出力するExtension List Dumper - builder by ZDNet Japan

                今時プライベートクラウドの作り方 2020年代のプライベートクラウド環境を AzureとVMwareを例に紹介 注目急上昇中のDaaS最新情報 コロナ禍を背景に利用者と機能を拡大中 Azure Virtual Desktop最新情報 仮想デスクトップサービスの最新事情 複数の選択肢のあるMSのVDIサービス どう違うのかをわかりやすく解説 最新ストレージで変わるIT運用 仮想化テクノロジーとFlashArrayの組合せで 運用負荷軽減と高性能化を実現したDMM RPA見直される”業務”と”人”の関係 人的リソースを単純作業から解放! 高付加価値業務への転換のために リモートワークを成功させる方法 必須となるセキュリティをどう強化するか 必要な対策5つを紹介 DNSを守り、DNSで守る 高度・巧妙化し危険度を増すサイバーリスク いま考えるべきモダンセキュリティのあり方 クラウド導入が進まない

                  Firefoxアドオンで機能拡張--アドオン一覧を出力するExtension List Dumper - builder by ZDNet Japan
                • PEAR Package List

                  Several other PHP projects provide packages of their software that are installable using the PEAR infrastructure. A list of these projects can be found in the channels section.

                  • List of English words of Japanese origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    This article may contain unverified or indiscriminate information in embedded lists. Please help clean up the lists by removing items or incorporating them into the text of the article. (November 2019) Words of Japanese origin have entered many languages. Some words are simple transliterations of Japanese language words for concepts inherent to Japanese culture. The words on this page are an incom

                    • Deep Learning Gallery - a curated list of awesome deep learning projects

                      Combined a dozen random Drumpf gifs with a dozen random images using Deep Neural Net based Style Transfer.

                      • GitHub - lauris/awesome-scala: A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - lauris/awesome-scala: A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
                        • The General Service List

                          About the GSL This page: http://jbauman.com/gsl.html 1 69975 the 2 39175 be 3 36432 of 4 28872 and 5 26800 a 6 26190 to 7 21338 in 8 20033 he 9 12458 have 10 11247 it 11 10790 that 12 9495 for 13 8555 they 14 8516 I 15 7289 with 16 7254 as 17 6976 not 18 6742 on 19 6164 she 20 5377 at 21 5307 by 22 5146 this 23 4931 we 24 4695 you 25 4389 do 26 4383 but 27 4371 from 28 4204 or 29 3560 which 30 348

                          • [Android アプリの UI デザイン] Layer List の作りかたのまとめと Tips | DevelopersIO

                            Layer List について Layer List とは画像などをレイヤー構成で重ねることができるリソースです。複数の画像をひとつのリソースとして取り扱うことができます。 うまく使うととっても便利ですし、リソースの削減にもなるのでぜひとも使いこなしたいところです。 そんな便利な Layer List の作りかたと Tips をまとめてみました! Layer List の作りかたの基本 ということで早速 Layer List の作りかたを学んでいきましょう。ご存知のかたは復習がてらにさらりと目を通していただければ幸いです。 お試しとして以下のような2つの画像から構成される Layer List を作ってみたいと思います!角丸の付きの黒いグラデーションの背景に Droid くんが乗っかってるような構成です。 XML で作る XML で作る場合は layer-list タグを使います。そのタグ

                              [Android アプリの UI デザイン] Layer List の作りかたのまとめと Tips | DevelopersIO
                            • GitHub - auctors/free-lunch: A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources. Feel free to contribute!

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                                GitHub - auctors/free-lunch: A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources. Feel free to contribute!
                              • The Ray Harryhausen Creature List

                                The four and a half minute compilation of every Ray Harryhausen animated creature in feature films, presented in chronological order. Click "Show More" for the complete list. The song is "Mon Ti," from the incomparable Tito Puente's album "Top Percussion." The creatures, by order of appearance: Mighty Joe Young - Mighty Joe Young (1949) Rhedosaur - The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953) It (g

                                  The Ray Harryhausen Creature List
                                • GitHub - pluja/awesome-privacy: Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.

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                                    GitHub - pluja/awesome-privacy: Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
                                  • Color Design Blog / Ultimate HTML Color HEX Code List by COLOURlovers

                                    HTML 3.2 specifications identified sixteen colors that can be used by name to define color in HTML and CSS. But don’t worry you can use more than sixteen colors in HTML… you’ll just need to know the six character HEX values and we’ve listed pretty much all of the ones you’ll need on one page. Standard 16 Named Color Codes

                                    • Awesome PHP — A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.

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                                        Awesome PHP — A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
                                      • GitHub - prakhar1989/awesome-courses: :books: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!

                                        CS 61C Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) UC Berkeley The subjects covered in this course include: C and assembly language programming, translation of high-level programs into machine language, computer organization, caches, performance measurement, parallelism, CPU design, warehouse-scale computing, and related topics. Lecture Videos Lecture Notes Resources Old Exams CS 107

                                          GitHub - prakhar1989/awesome-courses: :books: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
                                        • List of mergers and acquisitions by Alphabet - Wikipedia

                                          Google's logo Google is a computer software and a web search engine company that acquired, on average, more than one company per week in 2010 and 2011.[1] The table below is an incomplete list of acquisitions, with each acquisition listed being for the respective company in its entirety, unless otherwise specified. The acquisition date listed is the date of the agreement between Google and the acq

                                            List of mergers and acquisitions by Alphabet - Wikipedia
                                          • Pythonのlistをもっと便利に +α 【大規模ソフトウェアを手探る】

                                            これは何? この記事は、東京大学工学部電子情報工学科/電気電子工学科の後期実験「大規模ソフトウェアを手探る」のレポートとして作成されました。この実験では、各班がOSSを1つ選び、開発技法を学びながら新たな機能追加やバグ修正などを試みます。私たちの班(@irungo_ic, @yutyan_ut, @ncrpy)はCPython を選びました。 CPythonとは プログラミング言語であるPythonの、C言語による実装です。つまり、C言語で書かれたPythonのインタプリタです。 CPythonを選んだ理由 班員全員にCとPythonの経験があり、言語処理系などの基盤的なソフトウェアに興味があるメンバーが集まったためです。特にCPythonは公式ドキュメントが非常に充実していること、Buildの方法がそれほど大変ではないことなども選択の大きな理由になりました。 追加した機能 私たちの班は次

                                              Pythonのlistをもっと便利に +α 【大規模ソフトウェアを手探る】
                                            • Newest Dress Up Games [Full List]

                                              What is Doll Divine? Doll Divine was created as a safe place for people of all ages to explore their creative side. I curate a beautiful collection of dress up games, doll makers, character creators and avatar generators and make exclusive meikers myself. I specialize in Girl Games, although the title is a misnomer because dress ups are for everyone, children, adults, women and men! Come and play

                                              • GitHub - vsouza/awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects

                                                Analytics platforms, SDK's, error tracking and real-time answers about your app Aptabase - Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Swift Apps. Answers by Fabric - Answers gives you real-time insight into people’s experience in your app. Bugsnag - Error tracking with a free tier. Error reports include data on device, release, user, and allows arbitrary data. Countly - Open source, mobil

                                                  GitHub - vsouza/awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
                                                • WindowsのACL(Access Control List)を解説する【準備編】 (1/2)

                                                  今回から複数回に分けて、WindowsのAccess Control List(ACL、アクセス制御リスト)を解説することにする。ACLは、Windowsの中でも面倒な部分の1つで理解しなくても特に困るというものでもないが、複雑なファイルアクセス権の管理(あの人たちにファイルを見せたくないけど、自分たちは編集できる)をする場合、避けて通れないことがある。 ACLが面倒なのは、Windowsでは直接見えにくいものだからだ。ただし、すべてのオブジェクトのACLを説明することはかなり大変なので、ここでは対象をファイルシステム(ファイルとディレクトリ)に限定することにする。と言っても、ファイルシステム固有の部分があるだけで、基本はどのACLも同じである。 Windowsでファイルやディレクトリにアクセスできないことがあるが、それはアクセス権を持っていないから。それぞれのファイルやディレクトリに対す

                                                    WindowsのACL(Access Control List)を解説する【準備編】 (1/2)
                                                  • GitHub - visenger/awesome-mlops: A curated list of references for MLOps

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                                                      GitHub - visenger/awesome-mlops: A curated list of references for MLOps
                                                    • The CSS Gallery List ™ - Submission Made Easy

                                                      Q: Do you submit to paid galleries? A: We have close relationships with some of our paid galleries and include some in our submission list at no additional cost. Please browse our list, the sites included have a checkmark next to them. Q: When will my site be accepted? A: We have no control over acceptance since each site is unique. If your site follows todays standards and design trends or is cre

                                                      • Bethesda List Center – Turn Data Into Customers

                                                        Marketing Lists | Email Lists | Direct Marketing | Direct Mail | Education Lists | Medical List | Mailing List Expert | Direct Mail List Broker | Digital Marketing | School Lists | Doctor List | Mail List Broker | Direct Marketing Broker | Marketing Data | School Marketing Lists | Lists | Direct Mail | Healthcare Lists | Teacher Email List | Business List | Association Marketing | Prospecting | He

                                                        • PHPアプリケーションからGoogle Document Listを利用しよう

                                                          PHP上で動作するアプリケーションフレームワーク「Zend Framework」のZend_Gdataというパッケージを使用することでGoogleカレンダーなどを利用したアプリケーションを簡単に開発できます。今回はGoogle Documents List Data APIを使用してGoogle Documentsサービスにアクセスしましょう。ファイルのアップロード、ダウンロード、サーバ上でのファイル編集が可能です。 はじめに 本連載では、PHP上で動作するアプリケーションフレームワーク「Zend Framework」と、Googleの提供するサービスを扱うための関数の集合体である「Google Data API」との連携について紹介します。Zend FrameworkのZend_Gdataというパッケージを使用することでGoogleカレンダーなどを利用したアプリケーションを開発することが

                                                            PHPアプリケーションからGoogle Document Listを利用しよう
                                                          • The Hit List for Mac: Handles life’s little tasks & big projects

                                                            Get more done with the time you have. The Hit List helps you manage the daily chaos of modern life. It’s easy to use — as easy as making lists. And it’s powerful enough to let you plan, let it go, and then act at the right time. The perfect balance of app power and ease of use. Also for iPhone iPad + Apple Watch The tool to manage your life shouldn’t be. The Hit List keeps things simple by not for

                                                            • The list of top Development tools for Android

                                                              Use the market share of Android Development tools below to find the best and most popular Development tools. AppBrain analyzes all Android apps on Google Play and checks what code is built into the package file (APK). We match that with known package names from development tools. Therefore, these statistics reflect whether the code of a certain library is present in an app. It doesn't guarantee th

                                                                The list of top Development tools for Android
                                                              • Licenses List - Creative Commons

                                                                Help us protect the commons. Make a tax deductible gift to fund our work in 2025. Donate today!

                                                                • GitHub - JPCERTCC/phishurl-list: Phishing URL dataset from JPCERT/CC

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                                                                    GitHub - JPCERTCC/phishurl-list: Phishing URL dataset from JPCERT/CC
                                                                  • THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS LIST by TC Candler | Home of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces

                                                                    The Independent Critics List of… The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2016 & The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2016OUT NOW!!! Do you want to make a suggestion for the list? Please visit any of our social media sites and leave a comment! Do you want to make a suggestion for the list? Please visit any of our social media sites and leave a comment!

                                                                      THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS LIST by TC Candler | Home of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces
                                                                    • Free Keyword Phrase List Generator

                                                                      If you need feedback or have any burning questions please ask in the community forum so we can get them sorted out.

                                                                      • GitHub - viatsko/awesome-vscode: 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.

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                                                                          GitHub - viatsko/awesome-vscode: 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
                                                                        • Todo.ly Simple Todo List

                                                                          Please note that Google and Yahoo Logins are no longer supported. Please reset your password to access your account.

                                                                          • GitHub - denysdovhan/wtfjs: 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples

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                                                                              GitHub - denysdovhan/wtfjs: 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
                                                                            • A Reading List for Postgraduates

                                                                              計算可能性、計算量、アルゴリズム Highly Recommended N.D. Jones, Computability and Complexity: From a Programming Perspective. MIT Press, 1997. ● 計算可能性と計算量について、プログラミング言語を基礎に置いて 平易かつ統一的に説明するのに成功している良書。 もちろん、部分計算など、Jonesならではの話題も充実。 (ただし誤植がかなり多いので注意 - 再版でかなり修正されるそうです) [ 所蔵図書館 ] (研究室にもあります) J.E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani and J.D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, Second Edition. Addison-W

                                                                              • Best Bulk Email Marketing Services - Bethesda List Center

                                                                                Email Campaign Marketing Services All the Tools You Need for Effective Email Marketing. Email Marketing Services Email made easy.  Bethesda List Center has the tools to help your business succeed in email marketing. Email Template Design – Responsive email template designs tailored to your email marketing campaign Email Transmission – Email Deliverability, HTML/TEXT, Content Analysis, Personalizat

                                                                                  Best Bulk Email Marketing Services - Bethesda List Center
                                                                                • Todo Cloud by Appigo - The Original To-do List App & Task Manager

                                                                                  “Appigo Todo oozes with awesomeness” – MacWorld, 4.5 stars

                                                                                    Todo Cloud by Appigo - The Original To-do List App & Task Manager