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81 - 120 件 / 263件

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literature reviewの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 263件

  • Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?

    Summary: In people with normal vision (or corrected-to-normal vision), visual performance tends to be better with light mode, whereas some people with cataract and related disorders may perform better with dark mode. On the flip side, long-term reading in light mode may be associated with myopia. Introduction Recently, spurred by the introduction of dark mode in IOS 13, a reporter asked me to comm

      Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
    • llegal Tramadol @ Preço de Tramadol 0 5 – Qubel

      Este debate contiene 0 respuestas, tiene 1 mensaje y lo actualizó  Bailey hace 1 semana. Farmácia europeia llegal Tramadol – Produtos 100% legais.<p> – Qualidade e dosagem farmacêutica.<p> – Entrega rápida garantida.<p> – Vários métodos de pagamento: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin!<p> Preço de Tramadol 0 5 Pressure present to responsibility type as de monoaminergic with devoted only s

        llegal Tramadol @ Preço de Tramadol 0 5 – Qubel
      • The Next 7000 Programming Languages

        In 1966 the ACM published Peter Landin’s landmark paper “The next 700 programming languages” [22]. Seven years later, Springer’s “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” (LNCS) was born with Wilfred Brauer as editor of the first volume [5]. Impressively, the contributed chapters of this first volume covered almost every topic of what we now see as core computer science—from computer hardware and operat

          The Next 7000 Programming Languages
        • サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary

          というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Why Survey-Based Subjective Expectations are Meaningful and Important」で、著者はFrancesco D’Acunto(ジョージタウン大)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。 以下はその要旨。 For decades, households' subjective expectations elicited via surveys have been considered meaningless because they often differ substantially from the forecasts of professionals and ex-post realizations. In sharp contrast, the literat

            サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary
          • The AI Founder Taking Credit For Stable Diffusion’s Success Has A History Of Exaggeration

            Emad Mostaque is the modern-day Renaissance man who kicked off the AI gold rush. The Oxford master’s degree holder is an award-winning hedge fund manager, a trusted confidant to the United Nations and the tech founder behind Stable Diffusion — the text-to-image generator that broke the internet last summer and, in his words, pressured OpenAI to launch ChatGPT, the bot that mainstreamed AI. Now he’

              The AI Founder Taking Credit For Stable Diffusion’s Success Has A History Of Exaggeration
            • ヴィンセント・ゲローソ他『パンデミック、経済的自由、制度のトレードオフ』

              Pandemics, economic freedom, and institutional trade-offs 19 July 2021 by Vincent Geloso (King’s University College at Western University Canada), discussing Werner Troesken’s ‘The Pox of Liberty’ 〔訳者まえがき:本サイトで、ジョージ・メイソン大のマーク・コヤマ教授の論考を翻訳したことをきっかけに、その論考で取り上げられていたピッツバーグ大のヴェルナー・トレスケン教授の著作『自由の国と感染症――法制度が映すアメリカのイデオロギー(みすず書房)』が翻訳出版されることになりました。サイトの参加訳者の2人が翻訳を担当しています。邦訳版の出版に際して、関連した論考を複数投稿します。〕 パンデミック、経済的

              • Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics

                English | Chinese (simplified) 简体中文 | Chinese (traditional) 繁體中文 | Japanese 日本語 | Korean 한국어 Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics Please click here to sign this letter Frequently Asked Questions and More resources Statements by Al Roth and Paul Milgrom, Pinelopi Goldberg, Roger Noll, the twelve editors of

                • ギャンブラーの誤謬 - Wikipedia

                  ギャンブラーの誤謬(ギャンブラーのごびゅう、英語: gambler's fallacy)とは、ある事象の発生頻度が特定の期間中に高かった場合に、その後の試行におけるその事象の発生確率が低くなる(あるいは逆に、ある事象の発生頻度が低かった場合に、その事象の発生確率が高くなる)と信じてしまうという誤謬である。観察される結果が真にランダムであり、かつそれぞれの試行が独立した確率過程である場合には、このような考えは誤りである。 この誤謬は様々な状況で発生し得るが、特にギャンブルに関する事象についてよく使われる。1913年にモンテカルロカジノ(英語版)で発生した現象(後述)の説明によく使われる[1]ことから、モンテカルロの誤謬(Monte Carlo fallacy)ともいう。 例[編集] コイントス[編集] コイントスのシミュレーション:1フレームごとにコイントスが行われる。赤は表、青は裏が出たこ

                  • レビュー:ゲームをすることのメリット - 井出草平の研究ノート

                    pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov doubleplus.gg Granic, Isabela, Adam Lobel, and Rutger C. M. E. Engels. 2014. “The Benefits of Playing Video Games.” The American Psychologist 69 (1): 66–78. もともとは"The American Psychologist"に掲載されていた論文だが、HTMLで公開されている。 概要 ビデオゲームは、ほとんどすべての子供や青少年の生活の一部となっており、米国では97%が1日1時間以上遊んでいると言われている。「ゲーム」の影響に関する心理学者の研究の大半は、暴力、依存症、うつ病に関連する潜在的な害に関する否定的な影響に関するものである。しかし、私たちは、このような悪影響だけでなく、ゲームをするこ

                      レビュー:ゲームをすることのメリット - 井出草平の研究ノート
                    • 中国政府、有害コンテンツ提供を理由に3つの電子書籍プラットフォームにサービス停止命令 ほか

                      中国政府、有害コンテンツ提供を理由に3つの電子書籍プラットフォームにサービス停止命令 ほか Magazine News August 2nd week,2019 2019.08.21 Updated by Wataru Nakamura on August 21, 2019, 17:00 pm JST 中国政府、有害コンテンツ提供を理由に3つの電子書籍プラットフォームにサービス停止命令【Nikkei Asian Review 7/19】 中国政府は先ごろ、有害なコンテンツを提供した疑いで3つの人気電子書籍アプリに新作リリース停止を命令。中国ニュースアプリ大手の趣頭条が提供する「Midu Novels」、「TikTok」を提供するバイトダンス(Bytedance)の「Tomato Novel」の2つのアプリは2019年10月15日まで、3000万以上のユーザー数を持つ「Jinjiang Li

                        中国政府、有害コンテンツ提供を理由に3つの電子書籍プラットフォームにサービス停止命令 ほか
                      • 子宮頸がんとその他のヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV) 関連がんの予防 | 国立がん研究センター

                        目次 要 約 1章 HPV感染とがん 1.1 HPV感染 1.2 HPV関連疾患 1.3 子宮頸がんの症状・診断・治療 1章 引用文献 2章 HPV関連がんの疫学 2.1 日本のHPV関連がんの罹患・死亡の動向:子宮頸がん 2.2 日本のHPV関連がんの罹患・死亡の動向:子宮頸がん以外のがん 2章 引用文献 3章 HPVワクチンによるHPV関連がんの1次予防 3.1 HPVワクチン 3.2 HPVワクチンによるHPV関連がん予防の有効性と安全性 3.2.1 HPVワクチンによる感染予防効果 3.2.2 HPVワクチンによるHPV関連がん予防効果 3.2.3 HPVワクチンの安全性 3.3 日本におけるHPVワクチン接種の経緯・現状 3.4 HPVワクチン接種後の症状とその対応 3.4.1 HPVワクチン接種後に生じた症状:日本の事例 3.4.2 HPVワクチン接種後に生じた症状に関する診療

                        • 『ドキドキ文芸部プラス!』レビュー 「本を表紙で判断するな」の証明である傑作

                          ※本レビューには、完全なネタバレが含まれています。プレイを終えたのちにお読みになることをお勧めします。 ※本作をまったく知らない人へ――『ドキドキ文芸部プラス!』は、2017年に発表されたPC作品『Doki Doki Literature Club!』を、2021年に家庭用ゲーム機へ移植するために製作されたものです。ふつうのゲームであればそのことは何の問題にもなりませんが、本作に限っては、可能であればオリジナルのPC版(Steam)を先にプレイすることをお勧めします(オリジナル版に日本語のサポートはありませんが、有志によるすばらしい品質の日本語化MODが存在し、フリーウェアです)。というのも、このゲームを起動するハードが「あなたのパーソナル・コンピュータ」であることが、本作の面白さに深くかかわっているからです。このオリジナル版のプレイの後であれば、『ドキドキ文芸部プラス!』をあらためて購入

                            『ドキドキ文芸部プラス!』レビュー 「本を表紙で判断するな」の証明である傑作
                          • 文化的マルクス主義陰謀論 - Wikipedia

                            この項目「文化的マルクス主義陰謀論」は翻訳されたばかりのものです。不自然あるいは曖昧な表現などが含まれる可能性があり、このままでは読みづらいかもしれません。(原文:en:Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory 04:16, 9 August 2022 (UTC)) 修正、加筆に協力し、現在の表現をより自然な表現にして下さる方を求めています。ノートページや履歴も参照してください。(2022年8月) 文化的マルクス主義陰謀論(ぶんかてきマルクスしゅぎいんぼうろん、英語: cultural Marxism conspiracy theory)は、フランクフルト学派にまつわる陰謀論である。そこでは、西側世界の中のマルクス主義(英語で言うところのen:Western Marxism)(またはアメリカンマルキシズム)が、西洋文化を転覆させようとする学問的・知的な継続的策動

                            • NHK and “Black Lives Matter”: Structural Racism in Japan - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

                              Abstract: On June 7, 2020, NHK aired a TV program to explain racial divisions in the United States, following protests after the killing of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police. However, a computer graphic aired during the program and posted on NHK’s official Twitter account drew widespread criticism for distorting the image of black people and the reasons for their anger. NHK quickly retracted

                                NHK and “Black Lives Matter”: Structural Racism in Japan - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
                              • More Kawaii than a Real-Person Live Streamer: Understanding How the Otaku Community Engages with and Perceives Virtual YouTubers

                                More Kawaii than a Real-Person Live Streamer: Understanding How the Otaku Community Engages with and Perceives Virtual YouTubers Zhicong Lu City University of Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong zhicong.lu@cityu.edu.hk Chenxinran Shen University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada elise.shen@mail.utoronto.ca Jiannan Li University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada jiannanli@dgp.toronto.edu Hong Shen Carnegie Mell

                                • Internet Search Tips · Gwern.net

                                  A description of advanced tips and tricks for effective Internet research of papers/books, with real-world examples. Over time, I developed a certain google-fu and expertise in finding references, papers, and books online. I start with the standard tricks like Boolean queries and keyboard shortcuts, and go through the flowchart for how to search, modify searches for hard targets, penetrate paywall

                                    Internet Search Tips · Gwern.net
                                  • Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead

                                    Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead [ writing learning productivity 🔥 ] · 6 min read In the previous post, I shared about reading -> note-taking -> writing. Note-taking is a key step that converts what you read and learn into writing. This post expands on note-taking. What’s wrong with regular note-taking? From personal experience, regular note-taking doesn’t work. Okay, that’s

                                      Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead
                                    • NLP Year in Review — 2019

                                      2019 was an impressive year for the field of natural language processing (NLP). In this blog post, I want to highlight some of the most important stories related to machine learning and NLP that I came across in 2019. I will mostly focus on NLP but I will also highlight a few interesting stories related to AI in general. The headlines are in no particular order. Stories may include publications, e

                                        NLP Year in Review — 2019
                                      • Why I'm leaving Elm

                                        Over the past year or so, I've reluctantly come to the conclusion I need to leave Elm and migrate to some other language (most likely Bucklescript via philip2), and I definitely cannot recommend it to anyone else. This post is about my reasons for that, which are mostly about the way in which the leadership behave. I'm not going to talk about the good points of Elm as a technology. You can read th

                                        • The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?

                                          The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus arrive by car at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on February 3. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images) The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will soon reach th

                                            The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?
                                          • How we built Text-to-SQL at Pinterest

                                            Adam Obeng | Data Scientist, Data Platform Science; J.C. Zhong | Tech Lead, Analytics Platform; Charlie Gu | Sr. Manager, Engineering Writing queries to solve analytical problems is the core task for Pinterest’s data users. However, finding the right data and translating an analytical problem into correct and efficient SQL code can be challenging tasks in a fast-paced environment with significant

                                              How we built Text-to-SQL at Pinterest
                                            • Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking

                                              RESEARCH REPORT Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz Stanford University Four experiments demonstrate that walking boosts creative ideation in real time and shortly after. In Experiment 1, while seated and then when walking on a treadmill, adults completed Guilford’s alternate uses (GAU) test of creative divergent thin

                                              • Reference Collection to push back against "Common Statistical Myths"

                                                Note: This topic is a wiki, meaning that this main body of the topic can be edited by others. Use the Reply button only to post questions or comments about material contained in the body, or to suggest new statistical myths you’d like to see someone write about. I am not claiming to be the leading authority on any or all of the things listed below, but several of us on Twitter have repeatedly floa

                                                  Reference Collection to push back against "Common Statistical Myths"
                                                • Hallucination (artificial intelligence) - Wikipedia

                                                  A screenshot from a video generated by artificial intelligence Sora. The image contains a mistake: it shows the Glenfinnan Viaduct, a famous bridge, but with an extra train track added that isn't there in reality. The train itself looks like a real train called the Jacobite train, but it has an extra chimney that shouldn't be there. In the field of artificial intelligence (AI), a hallucination or

                                                    Hallucination (artificial intelligence) - Wikipedia
                                                  • Science Left Behind

                                                    Beginning of July, Meta AI published an outstanding work: No Language Left Behind (NLLB). Update (v2): The v2 of the NLLB paper is out on ArxiV. Meta AI’s reaction to my review was very quick and cordial (despite the salt and errors in my review…). Comparisons spBLEU-BLEU and chrf-chrf++ have been replaced. Now, for most tables in the automatic evaluation section, NLLB compares its own scores with

                                                      Science Left Behind
                                                    • Agent Design Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Architectural Patterns for Foundation Model based Agents

                                                      Foundation model-enabled generative artificial intelligence facilitates the development and implementation of agents, which can leverage distinguished reasoning and language processing capabilities to takes a proactive, autonomous role to pursue users' goals. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic knowledge to guide practitioners in designing the agents considering challenges of goal-seeking

                                                      • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


                                                          HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
                                                        • Coronavirus: the first three months as it happened

                                                          Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. The first US deaths related to coronavirus might have occurred wee

                                                            Coronavirus: the first three months as it happened
                                                          • Communicating with Interactive Articles

                                                            Examining the design of interactive articles by synthesizing theory from disciplines such as education, journalism, and visualization. Computing has changed how people communicate. The transmission of news, messages, and ideas is instant. Anyone’s voice can be heard. In fact, access to digital communication technologies such as the Internet is so fundamental to daily life that their disruption by

                                                              Communicating with Interactive Articles
                                                            • In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm

                                                              In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout Stanford University Abstract Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundat

                                                              • A review of transitional agreements in the UK - Jisc

                                                                The review found savings were being made through sector-wide negotiations and showed the UK has achieved exceptional levels of funder compliance during a period when there were few alternative immediate routes to open access. As an early adopter of transitional agreements, the UK appears to be transitioning to open access more effectively than the global average. In 2022, the number of UK open acc

                                                                  A review of transitional agreements in the UK - Jisc
                                                                • 頭内爆発音症候群 - Wikipedia

                                                                  頭内爆発音症候群 (とうないばくはつおんしょうこうぐん、英語: Exploding head syndrome、EHS) は、寝入る直前や目覚めた直後に短時間の大きな幻聴が発生する状態のこと[1][2]。不規則に発生し、通常痛みなどの深刻な健康問題は無い[1]ものの、閃光が見えるなどといった一時的な視覚障害が発生する場合がある[3]。 原因は不明である[4]。現在考えられているものでは耳の問題や側頭葉発作(英語版)、神経の機能障害、突然変異などがあり[1]、潜在的な要因としては心理的なストレスが関わっている[1]とされている。睡眠障害や頭痛障害に分類されている[1][3]が診断が確定しないこともよくある[3]。 治療方法は確立されていない[1]。安心させるだけで十分[1]ともされ、対症療法としてクロミプラミンやカルシウム拮抗剤が投与されてきた[1]。患者の割合についてはあまり研究されていな

                                                                  • Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in Japan - Data Science Journal

                                                                    1.1 Background With the recent Open Science movement and the rise of data-intensive science (Kelling, S. et al. 2009), many efforts are in progress to make research results available on the web (Kowalczyk and Shanker, 2011). Numerous research papers have been digitized and published with Open Access options. A similar trend in research data underlying the papers has recently been observed. Moreove

                                                                      Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in Japan - Data Science Journal
                                                                    • A Distributed Systems Reading List

                                                                      2024/02/07A Distributed Systems Reading ListThis document contains various resources and quick definition of a lot of background information behind distributed systems. It is not complete, even though it is kinda sorta detailed. I had written it some time in 2019 when coworkers at the time had asked for a list of references, and I put together what I thought was a decent overview of the basics of

                                                                      • Biases in AI Systems - ACM Queue

                                                                        May 12, 2021 Volume 19, issue 2 PDF Biases in AI Systems A survey for practitioners Ramya Srinivasan and Ajay Chander A child wearing sunglasses is labeled as a "failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person." This is just one of the many systemic biases exposed by ImageNet Roulette, an art project that applies labels to user-submitted photos by sourcing its identification system from the origin

                                                                        • Growing Neural Cellular Automata

                                                                          Growing models were trained to generate patterns, but don't know how to persist them. Some patterns explode, some decay, but some happen to be almost stable or even regenerate parts! [experiment 1] Persistent models are trained to make the pattern stay for a prolonged period of time. Interstingly, they often develop some regenerative capabilities without being explicitly instructed to do so [exper

                                                                            Growing Neural Cellular Automata
                                                                          • ヒプナゴジア - Wikipedia

                                                                            ヒプナゴジア(hypnagogia)とは、覚醒(英語版)から睡眠状態への移行(入眠)時における半覚醒状態のことである。逆に睡眠状態から覚醒状態への移行時(起床時)の半覚醒状態をヒプノポンピア(英語版)(hypnopompia)というが、広義にはこれもヒプナゴジアに含まれる。この「閾値意識」の段階で起こる可能性のある精神現象として、幻覚、明晰思考、明晰夢、金縛り(睡眠麻痺)などがある。ヒプナゴジアの状態における幻覚を入眠時幻覚(にゅうみんじげんかく、hypnagogic hallucination)という。 定義[編集] 「ヒプナゴジア」という言葉は、狭義には入眠時について使われ、フレデリック・マイヤースが提唱した起床時の半覚醒状態を指す「ヒプノポンピア」の対義語として使われる[1]。しかし、広義には、入眠時と起床時の両方の意識状態、すなわち、ヒプノポンピアを含めた意味としても使われる。どち

                                                                            • Woke invades the sciences | Alan Sokal | The Critic Magazine

                                                                              The intrusion of irrational ideology is distorting and censoring science A quarter-century ago, the “Science Wars” — an unfortunate military metaphor applied to an intellectual debate — pitted a motley crew of postmodernist-influenced literary scholars and social scientists, often (but not always) of a leftist and feminist political bent, espousing an extreme social-constructivist view of science

                                                                                Woke invades the sciences | Alan Sokal | The Critic Magazine
                                                                              • The Science of Transgender Treatment

                                                                                The Science of Transgender Treatment This is part I in what will be a short series of articles reviewing the science of transgender care and how it has been distorted by critics. Editors’ note: The link to the original book review, which is now a retraction notice, can be found here. Dr. Hall’s book review has been republished by Michael Shermer on Skeptic here. On July 13, Dr. Hall republished a

                                                                                  The Science of Transgender Treatment
                                                                                • データ可視化はどんなツールや手法がいい? Bonfire Data Analyst #2 イベントレポート

                                                                                  データ可視化はどんなツールや手法がいい? Bonfire Data Analyst #2 イベントレポート Yahoo!ショッピングエンジニアの木村です。 8月29日(木)に弊社のオープンコラボレーションスペース LODGE で開催された Bonfire Data Analyst #2 の様子を振り返ります。 Bonfire Data Analyst はデータ分析を専門的に行っている人だけでなく、分析基盤を支えるエンジニアやデータを見ながらビジネスを成長させるビジネス層からの関心が高く、今回も会場いっぱいの参加者に来ていただきました。 今回のテーマはデータの可視化です! 創業2年目スタートアップ エンジニア組織 可視化のカンファレンス「EuroVis」 の3つのテーマで講演が行われました。 「ベンチャーから始めるデータの可視化」 吉田 裕宣さん 株式会社HR Force / データアナリス

                                                                                    データ可視化はどんなツールや手法がいい? Bonfire Data Analyst #2 イベントレポート