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  • GitHubは200万行規模のRailsアプリケーションであり、毎週RailsとRubyを最新版にアップデートし続けている

    GitHubは200万行規模のRailsアプリケーションであり、毎週RailsとRubyを最新版にアップデートし続けている 4月10日でサービス開始からちょうど15周年を迎えたGitHubは、当初からRuby on Railsを用いたモノリシックなアプリケーションとして作られてきました。現在では200万行近い規模のコードになっているそうです。 今年1月にはGtHubを利用しているデベロッパーが1億人に到達したことも発表しました。GitHubはまさに世界最大級のRailsアプリケーションだと言っていいでしょう。 そのGitHubは5年前の2018年、Railsのバージョンを3.2から5.2に上げる作業に1年半を費やし。そして二度とこのようなことにならないよう、より頻繁にアップデートを行うべき、などの教訓を得たとしていました。 そして現在、GitHubは毎週月曜日にRailsのアップデート作業

    • 音楽食品 | ONKYO

      1946年創業以来、当社は音を扱う専門メーカーとして測定器だけの評価に頼らず、感覚量を技術に落とし込む といったオーディオ設計を行ってまいりました。“物理的な正しさで再生純度を高め、音楽表現力を引き出すオーディオ設計を食品に応用し、音楽がもつ自然の力を使って素材のポテンシャルを最大限に引き出す” をテーマに音楽振動が酵母に与える影響について 東京農業大学とともに研究解明を進めております。それぞれの環境に合わせた最適な音楽加振と味への追求を「Matured by Onkyo」として掲げ、今後多くの分野において付加価値のある提案を行ってまいります。

        音楽食品 | ONKYO
      • Redis Explained

        Redis (“REmote DIctionary Service”) is an open-source key-value database server. The most accurate description of Redis is that it's a data structure server. This specific nature of Redis has led to much of its popularity and adoption amongst developers. 👋🏾 You are reading Architecture Notes! Crave some byte-sized bites of this? Join me on Twitter. If it's not completely burned down by now. 😬 R

          Redis Explained
        • お知らせ・最新情報 | もっと、美味しく、美しく。日本盛株式会社

          HOME > お知らせ・最新情報 > 「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」×「日本盛」×「ONKYO」 楽曲加振熟成酒「おにころカップ酒」数量限定販売 日本盛株式会社(本社:兵庫県西宮市、代表取締役社長:森本 太郎、以下「当社」)は、オンキヨー株式会社(本社:大阪市中央区、代表取締役社長:大朏 宗徳、以下「オンキヨー」)と協業し、企画、製造しましたアニメ「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!※1」楽曲加振熟成酒「おにころカップ酒」の発売が決定しましたのでお知らせいたします。 本商品は、日本盛株式会社の銘柄「鬼ころし」をベースとし、加振楽曲「ワタシダケユウレイ ※2」を水中加振器にて、じっくり聴かせ熟成させた特別な日本酒です。アニメ「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」に登場する「おにころ」と、日本盛株式会社の「鬼ころし」とのコラボレーションである事から「おにころカップ酒」と命名しました。「おにころ」ラベル、300mlカップになり、

          • How Pokémon GO scales to millions of requests? | Google Cloud Blog

            Priyanka VergadiaStaff Developer Advocate, Google Cloud Have you caught Pokémons? Pokémon GO is a popular game played by millions, but it scales extremely well. This blog is a behind-the-scenes look into how the Pokémon GO engineering team manages and maintains the scale. Joining me is James Prompanya, Senior Engineering Manager at Niantic Labs who leads the server infrastructure team for  Pokémon

              How Pokémon GO scales to millions of requests? | Google Cloud Blog
            • Concurrency in modern programming languages: Rust vs Go vs Java vs Node.js vs Deno vs .NET 6

              This is part of my "Concurrency in Modern Programming Languages" series Concurrency in modern programming languages: IntroductionConcurrency in modern programming languages: RustConcurrency in modern programming languages: GolangConcurrency in modern programming languages: JavaScript on NodeJSConcurrency in modern programming languages: TypeScript on DenoConcurrency in modern programming languages

                Concurrency in modern programming languages: Rust vs Go vs Java vs Node.js vs Deno vs .NET 6
              • Ruby 3.0.0 Preview 1 Released

                Posted by naruse on 25 Sep 2020 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0-preview1. It introduces a number of new features and performance improvements. RBS RBS is a language to describe the types of Ruby programs. Type checkers including type-profiler and other tools supporting RBS will understand Ruby programs much better with RBS definitions. You can write down the definition of clas

                • Silicon Valley’s very masculine year

                  Zoë Bernard writes about technology, crime, and culture. Formerly, she covered technology for The Information and Business Insider. Silicon Valley is embracing a new era of masculinity. Its leaders are powerful, virile, and swole. They practice Brazilian jiujitsu and want to fight each other in a cage. They can do 200 push-ups while wearing a 20-pound weighted vest. They can spend $44 billion on a

                    Silicon Valley’s very masculine year
                  • The Future (and the Past) of the Web is Server Side Rendering

                    The Future (and the Past) of the Web is Server Side Rendering When servers were in Swiss basements, all they had to serve was static HTML. Maybe, if you were lucky, you got an image. Now, a webpage can be a full-blown app, pulling in data from multiple sources, doing on the fly manipulations, and allowing an end-user full interactivity. This has greatly improved the utility of the web, but at the

                      The Future (and the Past) of the Web is Server Side Rendering
                    • PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2023

                      Should you use PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2023? This guide walks through the major pros and cons of PyTorch vs TensorFlow, and how you can pick the right framework. PyTorch and TensorFlow are far and away the two most popular Deep Learning frameworks today. The debate over which framework is superior is a longstanding point of contentious debate, with each camp having its share of fervent supporters

                        PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2023
                      • Why I quit using Google

                        So I was recently asked why I prefer to use free and open source software over more conventional and popular proprietary software and services. A few years ago I was an avid Google user. I was deeply embedded in the Google ecosystem and used their products everywhere. I used Gmail for email, Google Calendar and Contacts for PIM, YouTube for entertainment, Google Newsstand for news, Android for mob

                          Why I quit using Google
                        • Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

                          This all started with a blog post back in 2020, from a tech curiosity: what's the fastest way to scale containers on AWS? Is ECS faster than EKS? What about Fargate? Is there a difference between ECS on Fargate and EKS on Fargate? I had to know this to build better architectures for my clients. In 2021, containers got even better, and I was lucky enough to get a preview and present just how fast t

                            Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
                          • A Guide to Secrets Management with GitOps and Kubernetes

                            Rationale The entire premise behind GitOps is to use Git as the source of truth for infrastructure and application configuration, taking advantage of Git workflows, while at the same time, having automation that realizes the configurations described in Git repositories (GitOps operators when we are deploying to Kubernetes). That said, both infrastructure configuration and application configuration

                              A Guide to Secrets Management with GitOps and Kubernetes
                            • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                              Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                                An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
                              • Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure

                                “@Netflixhelps Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?” — a Netflix member via Twitter This is an example of a question our on-call engineers need to answer to help resolve a member issue — which is difficult when troubleshooting distributed systems. Investigating a video streaming failure consists of inspecting all aspects of a member account. In our previous blog post we introduced Edgar, our t

                                  Building Netflix’s Distributed Tracing Infrastructure
                                • Supporting Linux kernel development in Rust

                                  August 31, 2020 This article was contributed by Nelson Elhage LPC The Rust programming language has long aimed to be a suitable replacement for C in operating-system kernel development. As Rust has matured, many developers have expressed growing interest in using it in the Linux kernel. At the 2020 (virtual) Linux Plumbers Conference, the LLVM microconference track hosted a session on open questio

                                  • Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner

                                    You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction The Fulfillment Platform is a foundational Uber domain that enables the rapid scaling of new verticals. The platform handles billions of database transactions each day, ranging from user actions (e.g., a driver starting a trip) and system actions (e.g., cre

                                      Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner
                                    • Ruby 3.0.0 Released

                                      Posted by naruse on 25 Dec 2020 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.0.0. From 2015 we developed hard toward Ruby 3, whose goal is performance, concurrency, and Typing. Especially about performance, Matz stated “Ruby3 will be 3 times faster than Ruby2” a.k.a. Ruby 3x3. With Optcarrot benchmark, which measures single thread performance based on NES’s game emulation workload, it achieved

                                      • pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks

                                        April 25, 2022 Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks April 25, 2022 I started coding primarily in JavaScript back in 2012. I had built a PHP app for a local business from the ground up, a basic CMS and website, and they decided that they wanted to rewrite it and add a bunch of features. The manager of the project wanted me to use .NET, partially because it’s what he knew, but also because he wanted i

                                          pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks
                                        • From Node to Ruby on Rails | DUNK

                                          I learned to code in the Javascript stack [1] and am building a Javascript based product [2]. I never questioned this stack: many companies default to it, JS everywhere seems good, and the community is big. But for my new side project I decided to try Rails because despite some perception that Ruby on Rails is ‘over’, people in HN comments say it was somehow more enjoyable than the newer Node base

                                          • SVT-AV1: an open-source AV1 encoder and decoder

                                            SVT-AV1 is an open-source AV1 codec implementation hosted on GitHub https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-AV1/ under a BSD + patent license. As mentioned in our earlier blog post, Intel and Netflix have been collaborating on the SVT-AV1 encoder and decoder framework since August 2018. The teams have been working closely on SVT-AV1 development, discussing architectural decisions, implementing new

                                              SVT-AV1: an open-source AV1 encoder and decoder
                                            • Hideaki Anno on Ending ‘Evangelion,’ Using Live-Action Techniques, and Leaving Animation

                                              After 25 years, the story of Evangelion has finally come to an end. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time premieres this week on Amazon Prime, with creator Hideaki Anno bringing to an end the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy, which remade the story of Neon Genesis Evangelion while slowly adding in new material until becoming its own thing. Thrice Upon a Time picks up immediately after the events o

                                                Hideaki Anno on Ending ‘Evangelion,’ Using Live-Action Techniques, and Leaving Animation
                                              • Unlocking the Power of JunoDB: PayPal’s Key-Value Store Goes Open-Source

                                                Today we are delighted to share JunoDB as an open-source project on Github, allowing others to benefit from our efforts to have an extremely scalable, secure and highly available NoSQL infrastructure. JunoDB is a distributed key-value store that plays a critical role in powering PayPal’s diverse range of applications. Virtually every core back-end service at PayPal relies on JunoDB, from login to

                                                  Unlocking the Power of JunoDB: PayPal’s Key-Value Store Goes Open-Source
                                                • Introducing Danfo.js, a Pandas-like Library in JavaScript

                                                  A guest post by Rising Odegua, Independent Researcher; Stephen Oni, Data Science Nigeria Danfo.js is an open-source JavaScript library that provides high-performance, intuitive, and easy-to-use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data. Danfo.js is heavily inspired by the Python Pandas library and provides a similar interface/API. This means that users familiar with the Panda

                                                    Introducing Danfo.js, a Pandas-like Library in JavaScript
                                                  • Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology

                                                    Confessions of an Ex Philosopher 元哲学者の告白 To begin with, I have yet to ask the author for the translation permission as the article was written anonymously. If any request arises to retract this translation by the author or anyone concerned, I hereby promise that I will do so as immediately as possible. 初めに、私はこの記事の著者に翻訳許可を得ていません。記事が匿名で書かれていたためです。もしも、著者及びその関係者からこの翻訳を取り下げるよう要請があれば、可能な限りすぐにそうすると、ここに私は

                                                      Confessions of an Ex Philosopher - リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology
                                                    • Vite 4.0 is out!

                                                      Vite 4.0 is out! ​ December 9, 2022 - Check out the Vite 5.0 announcement Vite 3 was released five months ago. npm downloads per week have gone from 1 million to 2.5 million since then. The ecosystem has matured too, and continues to grow. In this year's Jamstack Conf survey, usage among the community jumped from 14% to 32% while keeping a high 9.7 satisfaction score. We saw the stable releases of

                                                        Vite 4.0 is out!
                                                      • Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native

                                                        Our project name for the RN app rewrite, DenaliBackgroundHi, I am Naoya, a Senior Engineering Manager at Mercari. Along with my small but mighty team of frontend developers, I am responsible for delivering the Mercari app experience to our customers. Today, I’m here to explain why we’ve made the ambitious decision to completely rewrite our apps using React Native. Growth drives changeCurrently, we

                                                          Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native
                                                        • Bundler: Generate gem skeleton with Rust extension

                                                          Do you think dynamically typed interpreted Ruby language and statically typed compiled Rust language could be friends? Yes, they can! And actually, they are! Officially it all started when YJIT was ported to Rust and Ruby codebase has officially onboarded Rust code. This friendship matured when RubyGems 3.3.11 (with a new Add cargo builder for rust extensions feature) was released capable of compi

                                                          • Progress toward a GCC-based Rust compiler [LWN.net]

                                                            This article brought to you by LWN subscribersSubscribers to LWN.net made this article — and everything that surrounds it — possible. If you appreciate our content, please buy a subscription and make the next set of articles possible. The gccrs project is an ambitious effort started in 2014 to implement a Rust compiler within The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Even though the task is far from comp

                                                            • Engineering Org Design: Code-centric vs. Product Goal-centric

                                                              There are many facets to engineering and product org designs, and a full discussion could easily fill a book. One thing that is certain though, is that there is no such thing as a perfect org structure. Whatever is chosen is a compromise with a set of tradeoffs. And being crisp and explicit about what tradeoffs you are making is probably the single best thing you can do. Probably the most common t

                                                                Engineering Org Design: Code-centric vs. Product Goal-centric
                                                              • A letter from Larry and Sergey

                                                                Our very first founders’ letter in our 2004 S-1 began: “Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. Throughout Google’s evolution as a privately held company, we have managed Google differently. We have also emphasized an atmosphere of creativity and challenge, which has helped us provide unbiased, accurate and free access to information for those who rely on us around th

                                                                  A letter from Larry and Sergey
                                                                • Introducing Flutter 3

                                                                  We’re delighted to announce the launch of Flutter 3 as part of the Google I/O keynote. Flutter 3 completes our roadmap from a mobile-centric to a multiplatform framework, with the availability of macOS and Linux desktop app support, along with improvements to Firebase integration, new productivity and performance features, and support for Apple Silicon. The journey to Flutter 3We started Flutter a

                                                                    Introducing Flutter 3
                                                                  • Why Create a New Unix Shell? (2021)

                                                                    Introduction Before explaining why I created Oil, let's review what it is. You can think of a Unix shell in two ways: As a text-based user interface. You communicate with the operating system by typing commands. As a language. It has variables, functions, and loops. Shell programs are text files that start with #!/bin/sh. In this document, we'll think of Unix shells as languages. The Oil project a

                                                                    • Next.js App Router Update

                                                                      Back to BlogThursday, June 22nd 2023 Next.js App Router UpdatePosted by The App Router represents a new foundation for the future of Next.js, but we recognize there are opportunities to make the experience better. We'd like to give an update on what our current priorities are. For the upcoming releases of Next.js, we are focusing on the following areas: Improving Performance Improving Stability Im

                                                                        Next.js App Router Update
                                                                      • The Maturing of QUIC

                                                                        Why FastlyProductsServicesSolutionsDevelopersPartnersResourcesPricing The Maturing of QUICIt’s no secret Fastly loves QUIC. Not only because we believe it is a necessary step toward a better, more trusted internet. But also because some of us here have been actively involved in the process of taking QUIC from an experiment to an internet standard for more than six years. QUIC continues to evolve t

                                                                          The Maturing of QUIC
                                                                        • The Death of Hype: What's Next for Scala

                                                                          A recent tweet by a friend of mine noted how the public interest in the Scala programming language seems to have plateaued or waned, which matches my feeling of the latest trends and zeitgeist. This blog post will go into why I think that has happened, where Scala stands now, and what the future holds for the Scala community. About the Author: Haoyi is a software engineer, and the author of many o

                                                                          • 海外VTuber事務所「VShojo」運営代表Justin氏インタビュー VTuberの可能性を広げるために重要なこと

                                                                            Home » 海外VTuber事務所「VShojo」運営代表Justin氏インタビュー VTuberの可能性を広げるために重要なこと 海外VTuber事務所「VShojo」運営代表Justin氏インタビュー VTuberの可能性を広げるために重要なこと 英語圏で特に人気の高いVTuber事務所「VShojo」。日本では、飴宮なずなさん、Ksonさんが所属していることでも知られている。今回は、その運営がどのような考えのもとで運用され、VTuber文化をどのように発展させていきたいと考えているのか、運営代表者の Justin Ignacio氏に詳しい話を聞いた(※メールインタビュー。英語翻訳は編集部で実施)。 (VShojo運営代表のJustin Ignacio氏:Twitch創設関係者のひとり。2020年にVShojoを創設) ――「VShojo」ではironmouseさんなどをはじめとして

                                                                              海外VTuber事務所「VShojo」運営代表Justin氏インタビュー VTuberの可能性を広げるために重要なこと
                                                                            • Scala 2 Roadmap Update: the Road to Scala 3

                                                                              Wednesday 18 December 2019 Lukas Rytz, Adriaan Moors, Martin Odersky Together with the Scala 3 team at EPFL (aka the Dotty team), led by Martin Odersky, we have decided that, rather than developing Scala 2.14, our efforts should go to Scala 3 instead. While we’re very excited to shift our focus to Scala 3, we will continue to maintain Scala 2.13 to ensure the community has ample time to carefully

                                                                                Scala 2 Roadmap Update: the Road to Scala 3
                                                                              • A handy new Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure product map | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                                A handy new Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure product map Any craftsman will tell you that choosing the right tool for the job is essential for getting it done right. Cloud technologies are no different. Many cloud professionals look for the best products across vendors, but they remember ‘best’ is always subjective. It depends on highly-individualized criteria like language support, compatibility with

                                                                                  A handy new Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure product map | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                                • 20 ways to become a better Node.js developer in 2020

                                                                                  Don’t be that ‘screwdriver guy’, enrich your toolbox, diversify yourself Short IntroI’ve compiled below 20 skills, technologies and considerations on choosing between them. Picking the right tools became one of our greatest challenges — the Node.js ecosystem has matured and present attractive options in almost every field. Vanilla or TypeScript? Ava, Mocha or Jest? Express, Fastify or Koa? or mayb

                                                                                    20 ways to become a better Node.js developer in 2020