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281 - 320 件 / 1088件

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multiの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 1088件

  • 【Diffusers】Multi-ControlNetで人物をきれいに描く - パソコン関連もろもろ

    SDXL版はこちら。 はじめに前回の進化版です。 touch-sp.hatenablog.com 手をきれいに描くためにはcanny2imageでのエッジ検出の閾値を低く設定する必要がありました。 そうするとその他の部分も忠実に元画像が再現されてしまうので似たような画像が大量にできていしまいます。 一方scribble2imageを使うとある程度バラエティに富んだ画像ができますが手がきれいに描がけませんでした。 今回はMulti-ControlNetで「いいとこどり」をしてみます。元画像 元画像はぱくたそから使わせて頂きました。 こちらの画像です。方法canny2image用の画像とscribble2image用の画像の作成canny2image用の画像を作る方法はこちら。 scribble2image用の画像を作る方法はこちら。マスク画像の作成以下のようなマスク画像を作成します。 簡単に

      【Diffusers】Multi-ControlNetで人物をきれいに描く - パソコン関連もろもろ
    • GitHub - elixir-nx/nx: Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        GitHub - elixir-nx/nx: Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
      • Kubernetes: Efficient Multi-Zone Networking with Topology Aware Routing

        apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: Name: my-app-web spec: selector: app: my-app ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8080 topologyKeys: - "topology.kubernetes.io/zone" - "topology.kubernetes.io/region" In this example, the service makes use of some commonly used labels for its topology preferences. It signals that when kube-proxy is routing traffic for that service, it should only route

          Kubernetes: Efficient Multi-Zone Networking with Topology Aware Routing
        • Multi-page web apps

          I received this email recently: Subject: multi-page web apps Hi Jeremy, lately I’ve been following you through videos and texts and I’m curious as to why you advocate the use of multi-page web apps and not single-page ones. Perhaps you can refer me to some sources where your position and reasoning is evident? Here’s the response I sent… Hi, You can find a lot of my reasoning laid out in this (shor

            Multi-page web apps
          • amazon_reviews_multi · Datasets at Hugging Face

            Dataset Card for The Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus Dataset Summary Defunct: Dataset "amazon_reviews_multi" is defunct and no longer accessible due to the decision of data providers. We provide an Amazon product reviews dataset for multilingual text classification. The dataset contains reviews in English, Japanese, German, French, Chinese and Spanish, collected between November 1, 2015 and Nov

              amazon_reviews_multi · Datasets at Hugging Face
            • Azure private multi-access edge compute

              Azure private multi-access edge compute (MEC) is a solution that brings together a portfolio of Microsoft compute, networking, and application services managed from the cloud. The solution enables operators and system integrators to deliver high performance, low-latency connectivity, and IoT applications at the enterprise edge for the next wave of enterprise digital transformation. Azure private M

                Azure private multi-access edge compute
              • AlphaStar: Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning

                Research AlphaStar: Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning Published 30 October 2019 Authors The AlphaStar team TL;DR: AlphaStar is the first AI to reach the top league of a widely popular esport without any game restrictions. This January, a preliminary version of AlphaStar challenged two of the world's top players in StarCraft II, one of the most enduring and

                  AlphaStar: Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning
                • MRKL(Multi-Round Knowledge Loop)システムの実現方法理解し、ChatGPTを自社のためにカスタマイズする方法とは(第一回:理論編)|yoshiyuki saito

                  MRKL(Multi-Round Knowledge Loop)システムの実現方法理解し、ChatGPTを自社のためにカスタマイズする方法とは(第一回:理論編) 驚きとともにLangChainのプロジェクトを見つけ、チュートリアルでコードを打ち込んでみて大変驚いたのがMRKL(Multi-Round Knowledge Loop)システムの仕組みでした。こんな問いにChatGPTが答えることができます。 現在の日本の首相の年齢から現在のフランスの首相の年齢を引いたらいくつですか? (答えは章末にあります) ChatGPTがビジネスで使いづらい点は、データが最新ではないところで、刻々と日々変化するデータには対応できないことでした。ビジネス的にChaptGPTのようなLLM(large language model)のモデルが更新されるのを1年待つなんてことは現実的ではないです。 またファイン

                    MRKL(Multi-Round Knowledge Loop)システムの実現方法理解し、ChatGPTを自社のためにカスタマイズする方法とは(第一回:理論編)|yoshiyuki saito
                  • Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using AWS Serverless Services | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using AWS Serverless Services By Anubhav Sharma, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory By Ujwal Bukka, Partner Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory The move to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model is accompanied by a desire to maximize cost and operational efficiency. This can be especially challenging in

                      Building a Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution Using AWS Serverless Services | Amazon Web Services
                    • Achieving Global Observability in Multi-Account and Multi-Region AWS Environments Using Sumo Logic | Amazon Web Services

                      AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Achieving Global Observability in Multi-Account and Multi-Region AWS Environments Using Sumo Logic By Katie Gray, Partner Marketing Manager at Sumo Logic By Rishi Divate, Principal Product Manager at Sumo Logic By Bashyam Anant, Sr. Director of Product Management at Sumo Logic By Srinivas Kesanapally, Principal Partner Solution Architect at AWS There is a demand plac

                        Achieving Global Observability in Multi-Account and Multi-Region AWS Environments Using Sumo Logic | Amazon Web Services
                      • WireGuard + Multi-Path TCP Were Merged Tonight Into Linux 5.6 - Phoronix

                        Show Your Support: Have you heard of Phoronix Premium? It's what complements advertisements on this site for our premium ad-free service. For less than $4 USD per month, you can help support our site while the funds generated allow us to keep doing Linux hardware reviews, performance benchmarking, maintain our community forums, and much more. WireGuard + Multi-Path TCP Were Merged Tonight Into Lin

                          WireGuard + Multi-Path TCP Were Merged Tonight Into Linux 5.6 - Phoronix
                        • [小ネタ] RDSのMulti-AZ構成を切り替える手順 | DevelopersIO

                          しばたです。 例えばですが、システム開発においてRDSを利用するにあたり開発期間中はSingle-AZ構成にしてランニングコストを節約、受入テストや本番稼働の際にMulti-AZにして可用性を確保するといった運用は良くあるかと思います。 本記事ではこういった場合のためにRDSのMulti-AZ構成を切り替える手順について解説します。 検証環境 本記事では私が慣れているRDS for Oracle(Oracle 19c SE2, db.m5.large)で説明します。 他のRDBMSでも基本同様の手順となります。 また、RDSを構成するネットワーク設定およびRDSインスタンス自体は構築済みの前提です。 1. Multi-AZ構成からSingle-AZ構成に変更する まずはMulit-AZ構成の環境をSingle-AZ構成にする方法を紹介します。 最初にマネジメントコンソールからRDSサービス

                            [小ネタ] RDSのMulti-AZ構成を切り替える手順 | DevelopersIO
                          • Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video

                            We propose a novel approach for 3D video synthesis that is able to represent multi-view video recordings of a dynamic real-world scene in a compact, yet expressive representation that enables high-quality view synthesis and motion interpolation. Our approach takes the high quality and compactness of static neural radiance fields in a new direction: to a model-free, dynamic setting. At the core of

                            • Rails 6よりサポートされたMulti Environment Credentialsをプロジェクトに導入する

                              $ docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1.25.5 $ ruby -v ruby 2.7.1p83 (2020-03-31 revision a0c7c23c9c) [x86_64-linux] $ bin/rails -v Rails はじめに Rails 5.2よりサポートされているCredentialsは、Rails 6より環境毎に秘匿情報を設定できるようになりました。gem 'dotenv-rails'で環境変数やAPIキーを管理すると、環境変数を追加する度に.envの更新内容を他の開発メンバーに共有する必要があります。Herokuを使用している場合は、開発環境とは異なる環境変数をHeroku上に追加設定する必要があるためちょっと面倒...これらの煩わしさから解放してくれる点で、Multi Environment Cr

                                Rails 6よりサポートされたMulti Environment Credentialsをプロジェクトに導入する
                              • 2020年6月1日(月)午前12時開催のプロスペクト社臨時株主総会の内容について|Multi_layer|note

                                本日開催されたプロスペクト社の臨時株主総会の内容について、僕の方で簡易的にまとめましたので共有したいと思います。 名前は申し上げられませんが、作成にあたり僕に直接、情報提供いただいた全ての方に感謝申し上げます。 内容につきましては僕の判断で一部割愛した箇所、簡略化した箇所、表現を修正した箇所がございますことを先に申し上げておきます。 尚、具体的な数字につきましては、誤りがある可能性もあり参考程度に留めてください。 また、文中の現経営陣とは臨時株主総会で主要株主側の提案が可決し、取締役会が開催される前の現経営陣を指していることをご留意願いします。 それでは時系列に沿って行きたいと思います。 流れとしましてはまず始めに筆頭株主である西村浩氏からご挨拶があり、本臨時株主総会において議長も兼任される旨の話がありました。 続きまして事務局の方から集計結果についてのご報告がございました。 2020年4

                                • GitHub - bentoml/BentoML: The most flexible way to serve AI/ML models in production - Build Model Inference Service, LLM APIs, Inference Graph/Pipelines, Compound AI systems, Multi-Modal, RAG as a Service, and more!

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - bentoml/BentoML: The most flexible way to serve AI/ML models in production - Build Model Inference Service, LLM APIs, Inference Graph/Pipelines, Compound AI systems, Multi-Modal, RAG as a Service, and more!
                                  • How to Build a Full-Stack Multi-Tenant App Using Next.js

                                    How to Build a Multi-Tenant App with Custom Domains Using Next.js In this guide, you'll learn how to build a full-stack multi-tenant application by using the Platforms Starter Kit and the following technologies: Next.js App Router as the React frameworkTailwind for CSS stylingTremor for beautiful chartsPrisma as the ORM for database accessNovel for the WYSIWYG editorVercel Postgres as the database

                                      How to Build a Full-Stack Multi-Tenant App Using Next.js
                                    • Optimal Targeted Lockdowns in a Multi-Group SIR Model

                                      We study targeted lockdowns in a multi-group SIR model where infection, hospitalization and fatality rates vary between groups—in particular between the “young”, “the middle-aged” and the “old”. Our model enables a tractable quantitative analysis of optimal policy. For baseline parameter values for the COVID-19 pandemic applied to the US, we find that optimal policies differentially targeting risk

                                        Optimal Targeted Lockdowns in a Multi-Group SIR Model
                                      • GitHub - crosstype/crosstype: CrossType is a multi-language translation engine for cross-compiling data structure types

                                        Date: April 19th 2022 Much has happened in life and the world since beginning this project! I regret that this is one thing which ended up being set aside for awhile. To answer the immediate question — I still very much intend to finish this project and to see that it can thrive. As the overall ambition of the project grew, so also went the knowledge and time dedication requirements. However, I st

                                          GitHub - crosstype/crosstype: CrossType is a multi-language translation engine for cross-compiling data structure types
                                        • GitHub - analyticalmindsltd/smote_variants: A collection of 85 minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning with multi-class oversampling and model selection features

                                          A collection of 85 minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning with multi-class oversampling and model selection features

                                            GitHub - analyticalmindsltd/smote_variants: A collection of 85 minority oversampling techniques (SMOTE) for imbalanced learning with multi-class oversampling and model selection features
                                          • 特許取得技術!超低遅延!映像・音声・制御信号伝送ソフトウェア「Live Multi Studio」無償提供開始|TBSテレビ

                                            株式会社TBSテレビと、株式会社WOWOWは、TBSで特許取得済みの独自技術を用いた、映像・音声・制御信号伝送ソフトウェアLive Multi Studioを共同で開発し、一般向けに無償提供を開始。

                                              特許取得技術!超低遅延!映像・音声・制御信号伝送ソフトウェア「Live Multi Studio」無償提供開始|TBSテレビ
                                            • 【Vuetify導入時のエラー解決】Component name "Home" should always be multi-word  vue/multi-word-component-names - アルの備忘録

                                              Vuetify導入時にエラーが発生 前回の記事でVuetifyを入れてみました。 www.matematetea.com その時にこんなvueのエラーが発生。 error  Component name "Home" should always be multi-word  vue/multi-word-component-names コンポーネントの名前についてエラーがでましたので無視しようと思います。 解決方法 .eslintrc.jsにあるrules部分に次のを追加します。 'vue/multi-word-component-names': 0 こんな感じにrules中の最後、16行目に追加しました。 そのあと、npm run serve したところVuetifyが起動されました。 Component name "Home" should always be multi-word v

                                                【Vuetify導入時のエラー解決】Component name "Home" should always be multi-word  vue/multi-word-component-names - アルの備忘録
                                              • Designing a Multi-Tenant SFTP Server with AWS Transfer Family | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Designing a Multi-Tenant SFTP Server with AWS Transfer Family By Hiroto Sakuraya, Partner Solutions Architect – AWS Data security is a particularly important topic for multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications that handle customers’ sensitive data. How to securely segregate tenant data and how to provide data access to customers will vary depending on th

                                                  Designing a Multi-Tenant SFTP Server with AWS Transfer Family | Amazon Web Services
                                                • OceanWP WordPress Multi-Purpose Theme

                                                  7,262,912 downloads | 5K+ reviews | 1m+ websites | world-class support It's what we do best OceanWP is an extremely versatile theme with excellent support systems in place. Any user, beginner to pro, will have the tools to build and plenty of ways to get help as needed. I am a relative beginner at WordPress site-building and wasn’t looking for a ‘free’ option (though OceanWP has one). I wanted all

                                                    OceanWP WordPress Multi-Purpose Theme
                                                  • Vid2Seq: a pretrained visual language model for describing multi-event videos

                                                    Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

                                                      Vid2Seq: a pretrained visual language model for describing multi-event videos
                                                    • Fake Multi-Product vs. Real Multi-Product | SaaStr

                                                      Go multi-product too early, it’s a huge distraction Go multi-product too late, growth stalls Getting it right is a key part of the CEO’s job after $10m-$20m ARR — Jason ✨Be Kind✨ Lemkin  🇮🇱 (@jasonlk) January 2, 2024 So one thing that’s changed radically in SaaS over the past few years is everyone has realized to truly scale, you need to be multi-product.  Sometimes by as early as $20m ARR, som

                                                        Fake Multi-Product vs. Real Multi-Product | SaaStr
                                                      • MagicVideo-V2: Multi-Stage High-Aesthetic Video Generation

                                                        "A beautiful woman, with a pink and platinum-colored ombre mohawk, facing the camera, wearing a composition of bubble wrap, cyberpunk jacket." "A fat rabbit wearing a purple robe walking through a fantasy landscape."

                                                        • Laravelで汎用的Multi Authを実装する1 | FOURIER TECH BLOG 〜 IT技術ブログ 〜

                                                          Laravelにはデフォルトで認証機能が用意されており、大抵の場合はLaravel Fortifyなどのパッケージを使用して実装するのが一番ラクです。 ただ、Fortifyを使用してみると分かるのですが、このパッケージはWebサイトに来るユーザーを全員同じUserモデルとして扱うことを前提としているため、Multi Authには対応していません。 また、Fortifyに限らずLaravelではあまりMulti Authを推奨しておらず、Multi Authを実装した公式パッケージはありません。 そこで、本ブログでMulti Authの実装方法と、その実装を汎用化する方法についての方法を連載形式で解説したいと思います。 第一回目である本記事では、複数のユーザーを認証するログイン機能を実装します。 実装内容本記事ではUserとAdminの2モデルを使用して実装します。AdminはUserをコピ

                                                            Laravelで汎用的Multi Authを実装する1 | FOURIER TECH BLOG 〜 IT技術ブログ 〜
                                                          • Poly-GAN: Multi-Conditioned GAN for Fashion Synthesis

                                                            We present Poly-GAN, a novel conditional GAN architecture that is motivated by Fashion Synthesis, an application where garments are automatically placed on images of human models at an arbitrary pose. Poly-GAN allows conditioning on multiple inputs and is suitable for many tasks, including image alignment, image stitching, and inpainting. Existing methods have a similar pipeline where three differ

                                                            • XNect: Real-time Multi-Person 3D Motion Capture with a Single RGB Camera

                                                              We present a real-time approach for multi-person 3D motion capture at over 30 fps using a single RGB camera. It operates successfully in generic scenes which may contain occlusions by objects and by other people. Our method operates in subsequent stages. The first stage is a convolutional neural network (CNN) that estimates 2D and 3D pose features along with identity assignments for all visible jo

                                                              • Animated Representation of Multi-Planet Systems Discovered by Kepler Space Telescope - YouTube

                                                                An animated representation of all the multi-planet systems discovered in the Milky Way galaxy by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope as of Oct. 30, 2018. The systems are shown together at the same scale as our Solar System (dashed lines). Read more: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/nasa-takes-a-cue-from-silicon-valley-to-hatch-artificial-intelligence-technologies Video credits: Ethan Kruse/NA

                                                                  Animated Representation of Multi-Planet Systems Discovered by Kepler Space Telescope - YouTube
                                                                • Shipping multi-tenant SaaS using Postgres Row-Level Security | Nile

                                                                  At Nile, we’re making it easier for companies to build world-class control planes for their infra SaaS products. Multi-tenancy is core to all SaaS products and especially those with control-plane architectures. At Nile, we’ve built multi-tenancy into our product from day one. If you are working on an infra SaaS product and need a multi-tenant control plane, you should talk to us. From previous exp

                                                                  • 丸内翔子 @shoko_multi 【悲報】徳島県職員の矢…青識亜論将、ヤマザキパンさんに対するデマなどを流し好き勝手にやっていたので今回の敗訴がきっかけで徳島新聞に特集されてしまう痛恨のミス。

                                                                    • The trolley problem Covid-19 government people vs economy multi track drifting

                                                                        The trolley problem Covid-19 government people vs economy multi track drifting
                                                                      • ERC-1155: Multi Token Standard

                                                                        Witek Radomski <witek@enjin.io>, Andrew Cooke <ac0dem0nk3y@gmail.com>, Philippe Castonguay (@phabc) <pc@horizongames.net>, James Therien <james@turing-complete.com>, Eric Binet <eric@enjin.io>, Ronan Sandford (@wighawag) <wighawag@gmail.com> Simple Summary A standard interface for contracts that manage multiple token types. A single deployed contract may include any combination of fungible tokens,

                                                                        • GitHub - winsiderss/systeminformer: A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider Seminars & Solutions, Inc. @ http://www.windows-internals.com

                                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                            GitHub - winsiderss/systeminformer: A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider Seminars & Solutions, Inc. @ http://www.windows-internals.com
                                                                          • セゾン情報のファイル転送サービス「HULFT Multi Connect Service」、中小規模向けのライト版を新たに提供

                                                                              セゾン情報のファイル転送サービス「HULFT Multi Connect Service」、中小規模向けのライト版を新たに提供
                                                                            • Cliam - Multi Cloud IAM Permissions Enumeration Tool

                                                                              Description Cliam is a simple cloud permissions identifier. There are two main components to the CLI. Most of the enumerated permissions are list, describe or get permissions. Only permissions that does not require a specific resource are tested. enumerate which can be used to enumerate specific permissions (recommended) Some service providers have service groups that can check for permissions for

                                                                                Cliam - Multi Cloud IAM Permissions Enumeration Tool
                                                                              • GitHub - IndexXuan/vite-plugin-mpa: MPA(multi page application) for vite.

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - IndexXuan/vite-plugin-mpa: MPA(multi page application) for vite.
                                                                                • MyBatis+Spring Bootで、複数行のinsert(Multi Row Insert)とバッチ更新(Batch Insert)を試す - Qiita

                                                                                  MyBatis+Spring Bootで、複数行のinsert(Multi Row Insert)とバッチ更新(Batch Insert)を試すMyBatisSpringBoot What's? MyBatisで複数行のinsert文の実行と、バッチ更新を扱ったことがなかったので試してみようかなと。 やってみて、MyBatisのバッチ更新はちょっと扱いにくいな、という気がしました。 ひとつのトランザクション内で、複数のExecutorTypeを使い分けることができないのと、ExecutorType#BATCHを使用した時にselect文を実行すると、そこまで溜め込んだステートメントがフラッシュされてしまうのが難点に感じました。 環境 今回の環境。 $ java --version openjdk 17.0.5 2022-10-18 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (

                                                                                    MyBatis+Spring Bootで、複数行のinsert(Multi Row Insert)とバッチ更新(Batch Insert)を試す - Qiita