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programming gameの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 99件

  • アメリカでソフトウェアエンジニアの職を探した - pco2699’s blog

    はじめに 前提 アメリカで働くためのビザ 業務経験 2023年のアメリカのテック業界の状況 具体的な就活のステップ ソフトウェアエンジニアのインタビューで求められることの抽象的な理解 レジュメ Job Descriptionから逆算してレジュメを作る 一枚におさめる 数字を用いてスケールとビジネスインパクトを示す なるべく隙間を埋める フォーマット添削ツールにかける レビューを受ける ネットワーキング・リファラル 応募する アメリカの就活はNumber Game 採用のトレンドを追う 時期を見計らう Linkedinで最新の求人を見つける方法 Promotedをすべて非表示にする "Most Recent"順にする 検索クエリを工夫する 設定をブックマークする 時間を決めて巡回する コーディングインタビュー対策 アルゴリズムの地図を脳内に作る 大学やCouseraでアルゴリズムの授業を取る

      アメリカでソフトウェアエンジニアの職を探した - pco2699’s blog
    • ルールズ・オブ・プログラミング

      TOPICS Programming , Game , C/C++ 発行年月日 2023年08月 PRINT LENGTH 452 ISBN 978-4-8144-0041-6 原書 The Rules of Programming FORMAT Print PDF EPUB 全世界で1,000万本に迫る実売数を誇り、日本でも累計実売数100万本を突破(2023年5月時点)した大ヒットゲーム『Ghost of Tsushima (ゴースト・オブ・ツシマ) 』をはじめ、『怪盗スライ・クーパー』などで著名なゲーム制作スタジオ、Sucker Punch Productions(サッカーパンチプロダクションズ)の共同創設者であるChris Zimmermanによる、プログラミングのベストプラクティス集。 全部で21の「ルール」から成り立っており、すべてのプログラマーが知っておくべき本質的な知恵と、

      • BudouX: 読みやすい改行のための軽量な分かち書き器

        .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

          BudouX: 読みやすい改行のための軽量な分かち書き器
        • バンダイナムコ知新「第8回 第2章ナムコサウンドの発展の足跡を追う【後編①】」 | ファンファーレ

          FM音源からナムコ独自のPCM音源へ。テクノロジーの進化はナムコのアーケード基板のサウンドシステムを急速に発展。その様子を第8回バンダイナムコ知新の第2章の前編、中編でお伺いしました。今回は、同時期に進化を遂げていった家庭用ゲーム機のサウンド制作環境についてお伺いしていきます。 小川 徹 1979年、ナムコ(当時)に入社、半年の営業研修後、ビデオゲーム開発部署に配属(当時『パックマン』を試作中)。『ギャラガ』プログラマーを担当後、ハードウエア開発、3Dハード前までの各種ハード、システム基板、カスタムICなどの設計を担当。JAMMA VIDEO規格専門小委員会に参加(副委員長)、通信プロトコル草案の策定にも携わる。PlayStation®︎互換アーケード基板「SYSTEM11」をSCE(ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント:当時)と共同開発。量産治具「フラッシュライタ」を製作。その後、役職

            バンダイナムコ知新「第8回 第2章ナムコサウンドの発展の足跡を追う【後編①】」 | ファンファーレ
          • romgrk

            I often feel like javascript code in general runs much slower than it could, simply because it’s not optimized properly. Here is a summary of common optimization techniques I’ve found useful. Note that the tradeoff for performance is often readability, so the question of when to go for performance versus readability is a question left to the reader. I’ll also note that talking about optimization n

            • What it was like working for GitLab

              I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

              • Ultimate Guide to Visual Testing with Playwright

                As your web app matures, it becomes challenging to ensure your GUI doesn’t break with any given update. There are a lot of browsers and devices, and countless states for every one of your components. Unit tests ensure your code remains consistent, and E2E tests will ensure your system remains consistent, but neither will catch visual anomalies, layout issues, or platform compatibility issues. Ente

                • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                  Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                    Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                  • Async Rust Is A Bad Language

                    But to get at whatever the hell I mean by that, we need to talk about why async Rust exists in the first place. Let’s talk about: Modern Concurrency: They’re Green, They’re Mean, & They Ate My Machine Suppose we want our code to go fast. We have two big problems to solve: We want to use the whole computer. Code runs on CPUs, and in 2023, even my phone has eight of the damn things. If I want to use

                      Async Rust Is A Bad Language
                    • [GDC 2024]CPUを使わずにGPUが自発的に描画するパイプライン「Work Graph」がDirectX 12に正式採用

                      [GDC 2024]CPUを使わずにGPUが自発的に描画するパイプライン「Work Graph」がDirectX 12に正式採用 ライター:西川善司 セッションタイトルを訳すなら,「ようこそ,未来のGPUプログラミングモデル『GPU Work Graph』へ」 米国時間2024年3月18日に行われたGDC 2024の技術セッション「Advanced Graphics Summit: GPU Work Graphs: Welcome to the Future of GPU Programming」において,AMDとMicrosoftは共同で,DirectX 12の新機能「Work Graph」を発表した(関連リンク)。本稿では,Work Graphとは何で,どのような利点をもたらすのかを解説したい。 セッションを担当したMicrosoftのShawn Hargreaves氏(Dev Man

                        [GDC 2024]CPUを使わずにGPUが自発的に描画するパイプライン「Work Graph」がDirectX 12に正式採用
                      • ChatGPTのセキュリティへの影響 | Cloud Security Alliance Japan

                        © Copyright 2023, Cloud Security Alliance.All rights reserved. 1 Acknowledgements Authors: Kurt Seifried Sean Heide Bogdan Filip Vishwa Manral Lars Ruddigkeit Walter Dula Eric E. Cohen Billy Toney Supro Ghose Marina Bregkou Additional Staff: Stephen Lumpe (Cover illustration, with assistance from Midjourney) This is a Release Candidate version and is subject to change. © 2023 Cloud Security Allian

                        • LogLog Games

                          The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

                          • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

                            Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

                              What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)
                            • 【Groq】一秒で500トークン、GPT-4の25倍のスピードで出力できるAIを使ってみた | WEEL

                              WEELメディア事業部LLMリサーチャーの中田です。 ここ数日で、言語生成AIの「Groq」が話題になりました。 これにより、GPTよりも高速でテキストを生成できるんです、、、! "GPT-3.5 class LLMs are too slow." Sure, that was true last week. Here is Groq (not the same as Musk's Grok) running Llama 2. Watch for the moment I click send. If you want to try: https://t.co/aZKkWVsamS pic.twitter.com/gOlB4cL5MC — Ethan Mollick (@emollick) February 19, 2024 XでのGroq関連の投稿のいいね数は、すで1100を超えており、

                              • Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction - cl-fast-ecs by Andrew

                                Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction In this series of tutorials, we will delve into creating simple 2D games in Common Lisp. The result of the first part will be a development environment setup and a basic simulation displaying a 2D scene with a large number of physical objects. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with some high-level programming language, has a gener

                                  Gamedev in Lisp. Part 1: ECS and Metalinguistic Abstraction - cl-fast-ecs by Andrew
                                • kyju.org - Piccolo - A Stackless Lua Interpreter

                                  Piccolo - A Stackless Lua Interpreter 2024-05-01 History of piccolo A "Stackless" Interpreter Design Benefits of Stackless Cancellation Pre-emptive Concurrency Fuel, Pacing, and Custom Scheduling "Symmetric" Coroutines and coroutine.yieldto The "Big Lie" Rust Coroutines, Lua Coroutines, and Snarfing Zooming Out piccolo is an interpreter for the Lua language written in pure, mostly safe Rust with a

                                  • Decker

                                    Decker Decker is a multimedia platform for creating and sharing interactive documents, with sound, images, hypertext, and scripted behavior. You can try it in your web browser right now. Decker builds on the legacy of HyperCard and the visual aesthetic of classic MacOS. It retains the simplicity and ease of learning that HyperCard provided, while adding many subtle and overt quality-of-life improv

                                    • Essays on programming I think about a lot

                                      Every so often I read an essay that I end up thinking about, and citing in conversation, over and over again. Here’s my index of all the ones of those I can remember! I’ll try to keep it up to date as I think of more. There's a lot in here! If you'd like, I can email you one essay per week, so you have more time to digest each one: Nelson Elhage, Computers can be understood. The attitude embodied

                                      • Onyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssembly

                                        Back to articlesOnyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssemblyLearn about Onyx, a new imperative programming language that leverages WebAssembly and Wasmer for seamless cross-platform support What is Onyx? Onyx is a new programming language featuring a modern, expressive syntax, strict type safety, blazingly-fast build times, and out-of-the-box cross platform support thanks to WebAssembly

                                          Onyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssembly
                                        • TypeScript and the dawn of gradual types

                                          The FullScreenMario project burned brightly for a few short weeks in October 2013 after Boing Boing lauded it as “a pretty impressive example of what HTML5, in-browser functionality can do.” A few days later, it went viral on Reddit and by November, attention turned to scrutiny, and Nintendo took the project down with a DMCA request. Josh Goldberg speaks of his former project with a bit of pride—i

                                            TypeScript and the dawn of gradual types
                                          • Python is a Compiled Language

                                            This blog post hopes to convince you that Python is a compiled language. And by “Python”, I don’t mean alternate versions of Python like PyPy, Mypyc, Numba, Cinder, or even Python-like programming languages like Cython, Codon, Mojo1—I mean the regular Python: CPython! The Python that is probably installed on your computer right now. The Python that you got when you searched “python” on Google and

                                            • MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5

                                              A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was released 40.5 years before this post, and is a pretty cool machine especially considering that the hardware is very simple. I

                                              • Flappy Bird Implemented in Typescript types

                                                10/19/2023 Flappy Bird Implemented in Typescript types The ultimate type-level trickery I wrote a 2D flappy bird game, purely in Typescript types: Yes you heard that right, this game is written entirely in Typescript type annotations, which—if you didn’t know—are Turing complete. So how the hell am I runnning it in the browser and rendering the game in Typescript types? The basic rundown is that I

                                                • What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code?

                                                  Hi there! This is Oleg from Luden.io. We decided to have a deep and meaningful conversation about Lua programming language with Ivan Trusov, lead programmer of the video game Craftomation 101. It contains ~60,000 lines of Lua code and is made with Defold game engine. I asked Ivan to talk about the real issues and show real code, not the “hypothetical code, carefully prepared for the public to illu

                                                    What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code?
                                                  • HTML: The Programming Language

                                                    Introduction HTML, the programming language, is a practical, turing-complete[1], stack-based programming language based on HTML, the markup language. It uses elements defined in HTML, the markup language, in order to do computations. To give you a sense of what HTML, the programming langauge, looks like, below is a sample program that prints the values from 1 to 10 to standard out (console.log) A

                                                    • Biscuit Language

                                                      Biscuit Language The Biscuit Language (BL) is simple imperative programming language using LLVM backend implemented in C. Language syntax and all it's features are still in development and not ready for 'real' use yet. Biscuit is designed to be simple, fast and explicit. Simple small language. Manual memory management. ABI compatibility with C libraries. Game development oriented. Compilation to n

                                                      • My favourite animation trick: exponential smoothing

                                                        There’s a certain simple animation thing that I’ve been using almost since I’ve ever started doing anything related to graphics. I use it for rotating & moving the camera, for moving figures in a turn-based game, for moving UI elements, for smoothing volume changes in my audio lib, everywhere! So I decided I’ll write about it. The trick itself is nothing new, - in fact, you’ve probably already hea

                                                          My favourite animation trick: exponential smoothing
                                                        • Codestral: Hello, World!

                                                          Codestral: Hello, World!Empowering developers and democratising coding with Mistral AI. We introduce Codestral, our first-ever code model. Codestral is an open-weight generative AI model explicitly designed for code generation tasks. It helps developers write and interact with code through a shared instruction and completion API endpoint. As it masters code and English, it can be used to design ad

                                                          • A* Tricks for Videogame Path Finding | Tim Mastny

                                                            My wife and I decided to make an 8-bit, top-down, Zelda-like game written for the PPU466 (from CMU 15-466 Computer Game Programming course). The PPU466 is a graphics API kind of like the PICO-8 fantasy console, in the sense that it’s restricted to 8-bit graphics, 4 colors per tile, fixed backgrounds, and a low number of sprites. As a part of the game, I wanted our monsters to chase the player. So

                                                            • Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things

                                                              This is my claim: we, as a civilization, forgot how to center things. I mean, we know how to do it. It has never been simpler: display: flex; justify-content: center; /* Horizontal centering */ align-items: center; /* Vertical centering */ (don’t ask why you need to remember four words instead of just horizontal/vertical, it’s still better than before) Or you can use grids if you want: display: gr

                                                                Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
                                                              • How video games use LUTs and how you can too

                                                                Look-up-tables, more commonly referred to as LUTs, are as old as Mathematics itself. The act of precalculating things into a row or table is nothing new. But in the realm of graphics programming, this simple act unlocks some incredibly creative techniques, which both artists and programmers found when faced with tough technical hurdles. We’ll embark on a small journey, which will take us from simp

                                                                  How video games use LUTs and how you can too
                                                                • The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree

                                                                  By Francesco Bertolaccini You’ve reached computer programming nirvana. Your journey has led you down many paths, including believing that God wrote the universe in LISP, but now the truth is clear in your mind: every problem can be solved by writing one more compiler. It’s true. Even our soon-to-be artificially intelligent overlords are nothing but compilers, just as the legends foretold. That sma

                                                                    The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree
                                                                  • Epigrams in Programming | Computer Science

                                                                    1. One man’s constant is another man’s variable. 2. Functions delay binding; data structures induce binding. Moral: Structure data late in the programming process. 3. Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. 4. Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits. 5. If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways. 6. Symmetry is a complexity-r

                                                                    • Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS News Blog Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock We are living in the generative artificial intelligence (AI) era; a time of rapid innovation. When Anthropic announced its Claude 3 foundation models (FMs) on March 4, we made Claude 3 Sonnet, a model balanced between skills and speed, available on Amazon Bedrock the same day. On March 13, we launched the Claude 3 Hai

                                                                        Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • AWK As A Major Systems Programming Language — Revisited

                                                                        AWK As A Major Systems Programming Language — Revisited Preface I started this paper in 2013, and in 2015 sent it out for review to the people listed later on. After incorporating comments, I sent it to Rik Farrow, the editor of the USENIX magazine ;login: to see if he would publish it. He declined to do so, for reasonably good reasons. The paper languished, forgotten, until early 2018 when I came

                                                                        • Why Cities: Skylines 2 performs poorly

                                                                          The teeth are not the only problem 2023-11-05 Table of contents (This is not) a performance review Pulling back the curtain Engine and architecture Attachment issues Renderdoc analysis DOTS instance data update Simulation Virtual texturing cache update Skybox generation Pre-pass The teeth controversy Pre-pass continued, featuring the high poly hall of shame Motion vectors Roads and decals Main pas

                                                                          • So You Want To Build A Browser Engine

                                                                            Eyes Above The Waves Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker. Archive 2024 June So You Want To Build A Browser Engine Real-Time Settlers Of Catan April Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2024 Whanganui River Journey 2024 2023 December Rees-Dart Track 2023 Caples/Routeburn Track 2023 Abel Tasman Kayaking November Mount Pirongia 2023 Blog Migrated April Why I Signed The "Pause" Letter A

                                                                            • 【2023年版】今年生まれた新しいプログラミング言語を紹介! - Qiita

                                                                              はじめに あなたの好きなプログラミング言語は何ですか? これまで多くのプログラミング言語が生まれてきました。Wikipedia の言語一覧を見てみると、非常に多くのプログラミングが存在することを読み取れます。 しかし、近年、「人気な言語」や「よく使われる言語」のランキングを見てみると、順位の変化はありますが、出てくる言語はほとんど変わらなくなってきました。もちろん、人気の言語は人気たる理由がありますが、マイナーな言語にも個性があり、学んでみる価値があると思います。新たなプログラミング言語との出会いで、人生が変わることもあるかもしれません。 この記事では、最近生まれた新しいプログラミング言語をいくつか紹介します。人生を変えるようなプログラミング言語との出会いのきっかけとなれば幸いです。 また、おまけとして、「新しいプログラミングを探す方法」についても考えてみたので、新たな言語を探す旅に出たい

                                                                                【2023年版】今年生まれた新しいプログラミング言語を紹介! - Qiita
                                                                              • What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong

                                                                                This is my closing talk (video) from the GopherConAU conference in Sydney, given November 10, 2023, the 14th anniversary of Go being launched as an open source project. The text is interspersed with the slides used in the presentation. What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong INTRODUCTION Hello. Let me start by thanking Katie and Chewy for the giving me the honor of presenting the closing talk for the

                                                                                  What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
                                                                                • Visual Studio Code November 2023

                                                                                  Version 1.87 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from February. November 2023 (version 1.85) Update 1.85.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.85.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the November 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this v

                                                                                    Visual Studio Code November 2023