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  • teyuに届いたPullRequestで使われているRubyの高速化手法 - takanamitoのブログ

    この記事は ZOZOテクノロジーズ #1 Advent Calendar 2019 21日目の記事です。 昨日の記事は @awsmgsさんによる「Classic ASPによるRESTful APIのルーティング実装例」でした。 この記事では、会社の開発合宿でつくったgem teyu に届いたPullRequestで使われていた高速化手法の紹介と、なぜ速くなるのか?の考察をします。 techblog.zozo.com 届いたPullRequest 高速化その1 each → while 高速化その2 define_method → class_eval 最後に 届いたPullRequest sonots さんから2件の高速化PullRequestが届きました。 Improve performance and readability #2 Fastest version #3 前者では eac

      teyuに届いたPullRequestで使われているRubyの高速化手法 - takanamitoのブログ
    • Write your own Zod

      8/29/2023 Write your own Zod Write your own Zod from scratch Table of Contents Introduction Primitive types Complex types: ZodArray<T> Complex types: ZodObject<T> Building schemas Validating schemas Next steps Footnotes Introductionλ Zod is a Typescript library where defining a schema gives you both runtime validation and type safety. As an exercise in type-level gymnastics, lets make our own Zod

      • AnthropicAI Tool で Retrieval-Augmented Generation を実装してみた

        LangChain なんか使わなくてもシュッと作れたので記事にしておく。 RAG とは 生成AIに検索能力をもたせるやつ。 要は検索機能をこちらで提供してやって、AIにそれを読ませる。 AnthropicAI Tool OpenAI でいう Function Calling JSONSchema で関数シグネチャを与えると、それを使うDSLを生成する。実際の関数は自分で実装して、AI が生成した引数(JSONSchema に従う)を渡す。 TypeScript の Mapped Types でツールの実装部分に型をつける簡単なラッパーを書いた。 RAG の CLI を作る Google検索をするAPIを実装 Google Custom Engine API を使った 本文要約をするAPIを実装 Mozilla の実装を使った 与えられた URL を fetch して、その本文部分を抽出する

          AnthropicAI Tool で Retrieval-Augmented Generation を実装してみた
        • My First Kernel Module: A Debugging Nightmare

          This is the story of the time I wrote some code, deployed it to production, and ended up bricking the server it was running on by frying the kernel. Beautiful rendition of me frying the kernel This post is about perils of concurrency and race conditions. My code was nearly correct, but ultimately, there were two major synchronization bugs that killed it. This is a really long post that gets into t

          • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta - TypeScript

            Today we’re excited to announce our beta release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript, smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundlers, new ways for library authors to control generic inference, expanded our JSDoc functionality, simplified configuratio

              Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta - TypeScript
            • Changing std::sort at Google’s Scale and Beyond

              TL;DR; We are changing std::sort in LLVM’s libcxx. That’s a long story of what it took us to get there and all possible consequences, bugs you might encounter with examples from open source. We provide some benchmarks, perspective, why we did this in the first place and what it cost us with exciting ideas from Hyrum’s Law to reinforcement learning. All changes went into open source and thus I can

                Changing std::sort at Google’s Scale and Beyond
              • 【Groq】一秒で500トークン、GPT-4の25倍のスピードで出力できるAIを使ってみた | WEEL

                WEELメディア事業部LLMリサーチャーの中田です。 ここ数日で、言語生成AIの「Groq」が話題になりました。 これにより、GPTよりも高速でテキストを生成できるんです、、、! "GPT-3.5 class LLMs are too slow." Sure, that was true last week. Here is Groq (not the same as Musk's Grok) running Llama 2. Watch for the moment I click send. If you want to try: https://t.co/aZKkWVsamS pic.twitter.com/gOlB4cL5MC — Ethan Mollick (@emollick) February 19, 2024 XでのGroq関連の投稿のいいね数は、すで1100を超えており、

                • Announcing TypeScript 5.2 - TypeScript

                  Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.2! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like typos, issues with null and undefined, and more. Types also power TypeScript’s edi

                    Announcing TypeScript 5.2 - TypeScript
                  • An Introduction to Streaming on the Web – Vercel

                    An Introduction to Streaming on the WebChunking data, handling backpressure, server-side events, and more. The ability to process data as it streams has always been a fundamental concept in computer science. JavaScript developers had access to streaming through XMLHttpRequest, but it wasn't until 2015 that it was accessible natively through the Fetch API. Web streams provide a standardized way to

                      An Introduction to Streaming on the Web – Vercel
                    • Keeping Your Modules Compatible - The Go Programming Language

                      Jean de Klerk and Jonathan Amsterdam 7 July 2020 Introduction This post is part 5 in a series. Part 1 — Using Go Modules Part 2 — Migrating To Go Modules Part 3 — Publishing Go Modules Part 4 — Go Modules: v2 and Beyond Part 5 — Keeping Your Modules Compatible (this post) Note: For documentation on developing modules, see Developing and publishing modules. Your modules will evolve over time as you

                        Keeping Your Modules Compatible - The Go Programming Language
                      • High throughput Fizz Buzz

                        x86-64+AVX2 assembly language (Linux, gcc+gas) Build and usage instructions This program is most conveniently built using gcc. Save it as fizzbuzz.S (that's a capital S as the extension), and build using the commands gcc -mavx2 -c fizzbuzz.S ld -o fizzbuzz fizzbuzz.o Run as ./fizzbuzz piped into one command, e.g. ./fizzbuzz | pv > /dev/null (as suggested in the question), ./fizzbuzz | cat, or ./fi

                          High throughput Fizz Buzz
                        • Powered by AI: Instagram’s Explore recommender system

                          Over half of the Instagram community visits Instagram Explore every month to discover new photos, videos, and Stories relevant to their interests. Recommending the most relevant content out of billions of options in real time at scale introduces multiple machine learning (ML) challenges that require novel engineering solutions. We tackled these challenges by creating a series of custom query langu

                            Powered by AI: Instagram’s Explore recommender system
                          • New GitHub CLI extension tools | The GitHub Blog

                            EngineeringProductNew GitHub CLI extension toolsSupport for GitHub CLI extensions has been expanded with new authorship tools and more ways to discover and install custom commands. Learn how to write powerful extensions in Go and find new commands to install. Since the GitHub CLI 2.0 release, developers and organizations have customized their CLI experience by developing and installing extensions.

                              New GitHub CLI extension tools | The GitHub Blog
                            • An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ

                              Introduction Recently I've had to work on code which seemed to be based on clean architecture, but after a while I concluded that it is probably not and it made me think about clean coding in general and the principles of clean architecture in particular. Is it about a set of rules, and we are guaranteed to achieve cleanness as long as we follow them? Or is it about abstract principles, which we c

                                An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ
                              • Text2Landscape: Visualize a Text in Multiple Spaces with R — Force-directed networks, Biofabric, Word Embeddings, Principal Component Analysis and Self-Organizing Maps

                                First Visualizations: Frequencies Let us first visualize word frequencies. We can get these frequencies with the quanteda package, which implies transforming the column of lemmas (text.lemmas$lemma) into a quanteda tokens object, then to a document-feature matrix. Doing so, we only retain significant parts of phrases (nous, proper nouns, verbs and adjectives). This only partially spares us the tas

                                  Text2Landscape: Visualize a Text in Multiple Spaces with R — Force-directed networks, Biofabric, Word Embeddings, Principal Component Analysis and Self-Organizing Maps
                                • 【感想】『読みやすいコードのガイドライン―持続可能なソフトウェア開発のために』:Kotlinでモダンなコード指南 - Rのつく財団入り口

                                  リーダブルコード的な本が新たに登場っす! (しかもKotlinなの) 読書記録と感想です。著者の石川宗寿さんはLINEでご活躍中のシニアエンジニア。元は2019年に公開されたプレゼンテーション「Code Readability」を元に書籍化されたとのことで、モダンな大規模開発やコードレビューやリファクタリングで得られた現場の経験を通して、可読性の高いコードを大テーマに知見が詰まった一冊となっています。 リーダブルコード的な本が新たに登場っす! (しかもKotlinなの) 第1章 可読性の高いコードを書くために 第2章 命名 第3章 コメント 第4章 状態 第5章 関数 第6章 依存関係 第7章 コードレビュー まとめ:Kotlinを題材にした2020年代のモダンなコード指南の書 おまけ リンクと関連書籍 読みやすいコードのガイドライン -持続可能なソフトウェア開発のために 作者:石川 宗寿

                                    【感想】『読みやすいコードのガイドライン―持続可能なソフトウェア開発のために』:Kotlinでモダンなコード指南 - Rのつく財団入り口
                                  • From 48k lines of code to 10—the story of GitHub's JavaScript SDK

                                    EngineeringFrom 48k lines of code to 10—the story of GitHub’s JavaScript SDKLearn about the legacy, architecture, and methods used to reduce 48k lines of code to 10 as we take a deep dive into GitHub’s Javascript SDK. Gregor is the maintainer of the JavaScript Octokit. He’s a seasoned open source maintainer with a passion for automating repetitive tasks and lowering the barrier for contributors of

                                      From 48k lines of code to 10—the story of GitHub's JavaScript SDK
                                    • 時系列解析に散った子羊たちへの鎮魂歌 - AIソリューションアーキテクトのおしゃべり

                                      2つのブログを初投稿させていただいてから早いもので数週間。 自己紹介 - AIソリューションアーキテクトのおしゃべり データ活用人材とはどんな人々か - AIソリューションアーキテクトのおしゃべり 思っていた以上に反響があり、 「面白くて、あっという間に読めた」 「ブログとリアルのキャラが一致しなくて困惑した」 「怪しい壺が買いたくなった」*1 など、数々のご好評をいただきまして非常に感謝してます。 時系列解析って何か色々あってわかりません!(憤怒) さて、本日取り上げたいのは時系列解析。 最近では新型コロナウイルスの感染者数という大々的に報じられる時系列データがあるのでイメージしやすくなったかもしれませんが、手法自体を学んでみると何だか色んな名前が飛び交っていて訳が分からない人も多いのでは。 時系列予測の手法1つとっても 「状態空間モデルはベイジアンなんや、ベイズが一番や!」 「どんな時

                                        時系列解析に散った子羊たちへの鎮魂歌 - AIソリューションアーキテクトのおしゃべり
                                      • Reducing Memory Allocations in Golang

                                        Go’s place between C and Python in terms of abstraction and garbage collection memory management model has made it attractive to programmers looking for a fast but reasonably high level language. However, there is no free lunch. Go’s abstractions, especially with regards to allocation, come with a cost. This article will show ways to measure and reduce this cost. Measuring On posts about performan

                                        • Version 1.0 released

                                          Version 1.0 released 23 September 2019 The Nim Team Today is the day. The Nim Team is very proud and happy to announce the much-anticipated version 1.0 of the language. Nim has always been focused on providing a compiled statically typed language focusing on efficiency, readability and flexibility. Version 1.0 marks the beginning of a stable base which can be used in the coming years, knowing that

                                            Version 1.0 released
                                          • How Stripe builds interactive docs with Markdoc

                                            At Stripe, our product docs are designed to feel like an application rather than a traditional user manual. For example, we incorporate a user's own API test key into code samples, making it possible to copy and paste code that seamlessly works with the user's own account. We have client-side interactivity, like checklists and collapsible sections. We tailor the content to the individual user, con

                                              How Stripe builds interactive docs with Markdoc
                                            • The Humble <img> Element And Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine

                                              Images have also been a key part of the web. They communicate ideas instantly, but they are also a lot heavier than text to load. This means that it’s essential to get loading and displaying them right, if you want to give your users a fantastic first impression. An excerpt from Addy’s new book (also, check a free PDF preview). The humble <img> element has gained some superpowers over the years. G

                                                The Humble <img> Element And Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine
                                              • All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years

                                                TypeScript as envisioned by Stable DiffusionThis article goes through almost all of the changes of the last 3 years (and some from earlier) in JavaScript / ECMAScript and TypeScript . Not all of the following features will be relevant to you or even practical, but they should instead serve to show what’s possible and to deepen your understanding of these languages. There are a lot of TypeScript fe

                                                  All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years
                                                • Python open source libraries for scaling time series forecasting solutions

                                                  By Francesca Lazzeri. This article is an extract from the book Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting with Python, also by Lazzeri, published by Wiley. In the first and second articles in this series, I showed how to perform feature engineering on time series data with Python and how to automate the Machine Learning lifecycle for time series forecasting. In this third and concluding article,

                                                    Python open source libraries for scaling time series forecasting solutions
                                                  • Making slow Rust code fast

                                                    Performance tuning using Criterion.rs and flamegraphs Performance is one of the top reasons developers choose Rust for their applications. In fact, it's the first reason listed under the "Why Rust?" section on the rust-lang.org homepage, even before memory safety. This is for good reason too--many benchmarks show that software written in Rust is fast, sometimes even the fastest. This doesn't mean

                                                    • GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.

                                                      💎 It’s a hand-picked collection of resources for solving practical marketing tasks, such as: finding beta testers growing first user base advertising project without a budget scaling marketing activities for building constant revenue streams. We faced these questions, when we made our first product (tool for iOS engineers). It took us almost 2 years to learn how to market our project. 😤 During t

                                                        GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
                                                      • Next.js 13.2

                                                        Back to BlogThursday, February 23rd 2023 Next.js 13.2Posted by Next.js 13.2 includes major improvements to the App Router (app) in preparation for stability: Built-in SEO Support: New Metadata API to set static and dynamic meta tags. Route Handlers: Custom request handlers, built on Web Request and Response. MDX for Server Components: Use React components inside Markdown, server-side only. Rust MD

                                                          Next.js 13.2
                                                        • Golang Mini Reference 2022: A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY)

                                                          Golang Mini Reference 2022 A Quick Guide to the Modern Go Programming Language (REVIEW COPY) Harry Yoon Version 0.9.0, 2022-08-24 REVIEW COPY This is review copy, not to be shared or distributed to others. Please forward any feedback or comments to the author. • feedback@codingbookspress.com The book is tentatively scheduled to be published on September 14th, 2022. We hope that when the release da

                                                          • Optional chaining · V8

                                                            Long chains of property accesses in JavaScript can be error-prone, as any of them might evaluate to null or undefined (also known as “nullish” values). Checking for property existence on each step easily turns into a deeply-nested structure of if-statements or a long if-condition replicating the property access chain: // Error prone-version, could throw. const nameLength = db.user.name.length; //

                                                            • Terraform 1.8 provider functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes

                                                              Today, we are announcing the general availability of provider-defined functions in the AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes providers in conjunction with the HashiCorp Terraform 1.8 launch. This release represents yet another step forward in our unique approach to ecosystem extensibility. Provider-defined functions will allow anyone in the Terraform community to build custom functions within provider

                                                                Terraform 1.8 provider functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes
                                                              • GitHub - googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-mincho

                                                                モリサワのBIZ UD明朝は、教育やビジネス文書作成などに活用できるよう、より多くの方にとって読みやすく使いやすいように設計されたユニバーサルデザインフォントです。格調高い明朝体の伝統を保ちながら、見やすさ、読みやすさを実現した書体です。一般的な明朝体は、横線が細くデザインされているため、視力が弱い方やディスプレイの表示などでは読みにくいことがあります。BIZ UD明朝は従来の明朝体よりも横線が太い明朝体をベースにしており、濁点や半濁点を大きく見やすいデザインに変更しているほか、字面やふところを大きくとりながらも文字のフォルムを崩さないデザインに調整しています。 BIZ UD Mincho is a universal design typeface designed to be easy to read and ideal for education and business docum

                                                                  GitHub - googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-mincho
                                                                • Go 1.13 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language

                                                                  Introduction to Go 1.13 The latest Go release, version 1.13, arrives six months after Go 1.12. Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. As of Go 1.13, the go command by default downloads and authenticates modul

                                                                    Go 1.13 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
                                                                  • XZ Utilsのインシデントを教訓に、ソーシャルエンジニアリングによるオープンソースプロジェクトの乗っ取りに関する注意喚起。OpenSSFとOpenJS Foundationsが共同で

                                                                    XZ Utilsのインシデントを教訓に、ソーシャルエンジニアリングによるオープンソースプロジェクトの乗っ取りに関する注意喚起。OpenSSFとOpenJS Foundationsが共同で Open Source Security(OpenSSF)とOpen JS Foundationは、先日発生したXZ Utilsのインシデントを教訓に、ソーシャルエンジニアリングによるオープンソースプロジェクトの乗っ取りに関する注意喚起を行っています。 注意喚起の中では、オープンソースプロジェクトの乗っ取りをはかる動きは現在もいくつかのプロジェクトで起きつつある可能性があることが示され、ソーシャルエンジニアリングによる乗っ取りを防ぐためのガイドラインが紹介されています。 XZ Utilsのようなプロジェクトの乗っ取りはいまも起きている XZ Utilsのインシデントでは、正体不明の人物がメンテナとしてプロ

                                                                      XZ Utilsのインシデントを教訓に、ソーシャルエンジニアリングによるオープンソースプロジェクトの乗っ取りに関する注意喚起。OpenSSFとOpenJS Foundationsが共同で
                                                                    • GitHub - rui314/chibicc: A small C compiler

                                                                      chibicc: A Small C Compiler (The old master has moved to historical/old branch. This is a new one uploaded in September 2020.) chibicc is yet another small C compiler that implements most C11 features. Even though it still probably falls into the "toy compilers" category just like other small compilers do, chibicc can compile several real-world programs, including Git, SQLite, libpng and chibicc i

                                                                        GitHub - rui314/chibicc: A small C compiler
                                                                      • 2021年のKaggle NLPコンペソリューションの共通戦略から学ぶ - Qiita

                                                                        この記事について この記事は Kaggleアドベントカレンダー の21日目の記事です。 昨日は u++ さんの【Weekly Kaggle News 2周年】クリック記事ランキング2021 でした。Transformer 強し。明日は @wokassis さんのワナビーからKagglerに〜コンペ所感〜です。 本記事では、2021年の NLP コンペの上位ソリューションから共通して使われている手法や方針を紹介します。 新しくNLPコンペに取り組む際に、基本的なことは試して次に何をすればよいかわからない、といった初学者向けに初期方針として参考になるかと思います。ある程度コンペに参加している人には「当たり前やろ〜」といった内容かもしれません。 2021年 NLP コンペ概要 2021年に終了したコンペは Coleridge Initiative - Show US the Data, Comm

                                                                          2021年のKaggle NLPコンペソリューションの共通戦略から学ぶ - Qiita
                                                                        • A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS | CSS-Tricks

                                                                          CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. In this guide, let’s cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. Here’s an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In this guide, let’s cover just about everything there is to know about this very useful function. calc() is for values The only place you can use th

                                                                            A Complete Guide to calc() in CSS | CSS-Tricks
                                                                          • Announcing TypeScript 5.2 RC - TypeScript

                                                                            Today we’re excited to announce our Release Candidate of TypeScript 5.2! Between now and the stable release of TypeScript 5.2, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@rc Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.2! using Declarations and Explic

                                                                              Announcing TypeScript 5.2 RC - TypeScript
                                                                            • Advanced Dockerfiles: Faster Builds and Smaller Images Using BuildKit and Multistage Builds | Docker

                                                                              Advanced Dockerfiles: Faster Builds and Smaller Images Using BuildKit and Multistage Builds Multistage builds feature in Dockerfiles enables you to create smaller container images with better caching and smaller security footprint. In this blog post, I’ll show some more advanced patterns that go beyond copying files between a build and a runtime stage, allowing to get most out of the feature. If y

                                                                                Advanced Dockerfiles: Faster Builds and Smaller Images Using BuildKit and Multistage Builds | Docker
                                                                              • openai-message-to-board.md

                                                                                NOTE TO READERS I did not originate this text. It came from https://board.net/p/r.e6a8f6578787a4cc67d4dc438c6d236e but that has fallen over. This is an archive for readability's sake. Check out my soundcloud: https://xeiaso.net 11/21/2023 To the Board of Directors of OpenAI: We are writing to you today to express our deep concern about the recent events at OpenAI, particularly the allegations of m

                                                                                • 【インターンレポート】LINE証券アプリのパフォーマンス改善

                                                                                  こちらは読み込み時のProfileです。 読み込み時には、リストの生成が起こります。 赤枠で囲っている部分がTruncatedTextの処理にかかっていたものです。 この処理が無くなったため、読み込みやタブの切り替え時のリスト生成が速くなりました。 タブの切り替えの修正 このポートフォリオページは、タブの切り替え時に毎回リストを描画しています。 リストの描画は1回で済むはずなので、この修正をします。 リストの再描画の防止 このページの描画では、表示中でないタブは、Loading画面を表示するようにしていました。 この影響で、1度表示したタブであっても、タブを切り替えると描画した要素がunmountされるようになっていました。これを、表示中でないタブも表示するように修正しました。 この修正によって、リスト上にあるswitcherによるタブの切り替えではリストの再描画がなくなりました。 しかし
