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stanfordに関するエントリは38件あります。 機械学習HotEntry学習 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『【JS/ Python両方OK!】「データ可視化」が歴史から実装まで体系的に学べるStanford講座の独習ノート - Qiita』などがあります。
  • 【JS/ Python両方OK!】「データ可視化」が歴史から実装まで体系的に学べるStanford講座の独習ノート - Qiita

    【JS/ Python両方OK!】「データ可視化」が歴史から実装まで体系的に学べるStanford講座の独習ノートJavaScriptd3.jsデータ分析データサイエンスcolaboratory CS 448B Visualization (2020 Winter)は、Maneesh Agrawala氏による、Stanford大で行われた、データの可視化に関する体系的な講義です。 スタンフォード大の"CS 448B Visualization (2020 Winter)" がすごい。 データ可視化の体系的講義。どう図表に変換するかの理論、探索的データ分析、ネットワーク分析等の実践と盛り沢山。 スライドに加え、Observable(JavaScript), Colab(Python)どちらでも例を試せる。https://t.co/lGyPElrihg pic.twitter.com/mWZn

      【JS/ Python両方OK!】「データ可視化」が歴史から実装まで体系的に学べるStanford講座の独習ノート - Qiita
    • べいえりあ🌙🌙🌙 on Twitter: "自分は機械学習を学びたい全ての人類に(CourseraのAndrew Ngのコースをやった後に)Andrew NgのStanfordのCS229の講義を見ることをオススメしてるんですけど、その講義の2018年度バージョンが公開され… https://t.co/OUokFft3ea"

      自分は機械学習を学びたい全ての人類に(CourseraのAndrew Ngのコースをやった後に)Andrew NgのStanfordのCS229の講義を見ることをオススメしてるんですけど、その講義の2018年度バージョンが公開され… https://t.co/OUokFft3ea

        べいえりあ🌙🌙🌙 on Twitter: "自分は機械学習を学びたい全ての人類に(CourseraのAndrew Ngのコースをやった後に)Andrew NgのStanfordのCS229の講義を見ることをオススメしてるんですけど、その講義の2018年度バージョンが公開され… https://t.co/OUokFft3ea"
      • スタンフォード大学が日本の高校生に提供しているオンライン講座、「Stanford e-Japan」とは?|Sangmin Ahn

        こんにちは、Choimirai School のサンミンです。 【主要なアップデート】 (2020.10.20)「英語で学ぶ、ジュニア」を宣伝欄に追加 (2020.10.19)講義内容をまとめるツールとしてRoam Researchを紹介 (2020.10.18)2021年春学期の募集は、11月15日から (2020.08.04)Sultanaさんの記事を追加 0  はじめに2015年から毎年春と秋シーズンに日本の高校生に提供しているオンライン授業が、「Stanford e-Japan」です。 これは素晴らしい👏!講座はユニクロの柳井正財団のサポートを受け、毎年春と秋シーズンに開講(👉https://t.co/n4Q7oNUaoW)。先生は@Stanfordの教授をはじめ、各分野の最前線で活躍されている実務者など幅広い専門家達。参加生徒は課題提出と最終論文を提出することでプログラムの修

          スタンフォード大学が日本の高校生に提供しているオンライン講座、「Stanford e-Japan」とは?|Sangmin Ahn
        • Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course taught by Andrew Ng | Autumn 2018

          Led by Andrew Ng, this course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: supervised learning (gen...

            Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course taught by Andrew Ng | Autumn 2018
          • GiNZAで始める日本語依存構造解析 〜CaboCha, UDPipe, Stanford NLPとの比較〜

            GiNZAで始める日本語依存構造解析 〜CaboCha, UDPipe, Stanford NLPとの比較〜

              GiNZAで始める日本語依存構造解析 〜CaboCha, UDPipe, Stanford NLPとの比較〜
            • 旋回やジャンプも自由自在なオープンソースの四足歩行ロボット「Stanford Pupper」を実際に組み立てられる詳細な説明書が公開

              スタンフォード大学の研究チームが小型四足歩行ロボット「Stanford Pupper」の製作に必要なパーツやソフトウェアなどを公開して、自作方法を詳しく解説しています。 Pupper — Stanford Student Robotics https://stanfordstudentrobotics.org/pupper Stanford Pupper - Google ドキュメント https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ofrtlmh0dQoEvRji5PUVH9bgwHnR-8KkTXR1eMLzXh0/ 以下のムービーを見ると、Stanford Pupperがどんなロボットなのかがすぐに理解できます。 Stanford Pupper - YouTube Stanford Pupperは、首のない犬のような四足歩行のロボット。弧を描くような移動や……

                旋回やジャンプも自由自在なオープンソースの四足歩行ロボット「Stanford Pupper」を実際に組み立てられる詳細な説明書が公開
              • Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course taught by Andrew Ng | Autumn 2018

                Led by Andrew Ng, this course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: supervised learning (gen...

                  Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Full Course taught by Andrew Ng | Autumn 2018
                • Stanford CS course on data visualization techniques (Winter 2020)

                  • Stanford CS 224N | Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

                    Logistics Lectures: are on Tuesday/Thursday 4:30 PM - 5:50 PM Pacific Time in NVIDIA Auditorium. The lectures will also be livestreamed on Canvas via Panopto. Lecture videos for enrolled students: are posted on Canvas (requires login) shortly after each lecture ends. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make these videos viewable by non-enrolled students. Publicly available lecture videos and vers

                    • Yuta Kashino on Twitter: "Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment https://t.co/1VXF6rJGlG ジンバルドーのスタンフォード監獄実験に対しての最終告発的な報告が出てきましたね.彼は3ヶ月前から仕込… https://t.co/RrYcm9m2CD"

                      Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment https://t.co/1VXF6rJGlG ジンバルドーのスタンフォード監獄実験に対しての最終告発的な報告が出てきましたね.彼は3ヶ月前から仕込… https://t.co/RrYcm9m2CD

                        Yuta Kashino on Twitter: "Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment https://t.co/1VXF6rJGlG ジンバルドーのスタンフォード監獄実験に対しての最終告発的な報告が出てきましたね.彼は3ヶ月前から仕込… https://t.co/RrYcm9m2CD"
                      • Stanford Student Robotics

                        An Inexpensive & Open-source Quadruped RobotStanford Pupper is an quadruped robot designed to help K-12 and undergraduate students get involved in exciting robotics research. Documentation: https://pupper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Kits: Both Cypress Software  and MangDang sell part kits and pre-assembled robots. We’ve personally verified the quality of both vendors. Please check out both vendors t

                        • GitHub - tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca: Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.

                          This is the repo for the Stanford Alpaca project, which aims to build and share an instruction-following LLaMA model. The repo contains: The 52K data used for fine-tuning the model. The code for generating the data. The code for fine-tuning the model. The code for recovering Alpaca-7B weights from our released weight diff. Note: We thank the community for feedback on Stanford-Alpaca and supporting

                            GitHub - tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca: Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
                          • Stanford CRFM

                            Alpaca: A Strong, Replicable Instruction-Following Model Authors: Rohan Taori* and Ishaan Gulrajani* and Tianyi Zhang* and Yann Dubois* and Xuechen Li* and Carlos Guestrin and Percy Liang and Tatsunori B. Hashimoto We introduce Alpaca 7B, a model fine-tuned from the LLaMA 7B model on 52K instruction-following demonstrations. On our preliminary evaluation of single-turn instruction following, Alpac

                            • 【ソウル】スタンフォードホテル ソウル Stanford Hotel Seoul 宿泊レビュー

                              漢江パークで行われるK-HIPHOPイベント「OFF ROUTE FEST」を観るためにデジタルシティーにあるホテルに宿泊しました。 案外この周辺にホテルがなくて駅から少し離れたところにあるホテル、スタンフォードホテル ソウルに泊まりました。 スタンフォードホテル ソウル Stanford Hotel Seoulアクセス方法は、デジタルメディアシティー駅からタクシーかホテルのリムジンバスを利用するか徒歩です。 私はリュックひとつなので徒歩で街を観光しながらホテルに行きました。 時間にして15分ぐらいなので歩ける距離でした。

                                【ソウル】スタンフォードホテル ソウル Stanford Hotel Seoul 宿泊レビュー
                              • GitHub - d2l-ai/d2l-en: Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - d2l-ai/d2l-en: Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.
                                • How You Should Read Research Papers According To Andrew Ng (Stanford Deep Learning Lectures)

                                  How You Should Read Research Papers According To Andrew Ng (Stanford Deep Learning Lectures) Instructions on how to approach knowledge acquisition through published research papers by a recognized figure within the world of machine learning and education

                                    How You Should Read Research Papers According To Andrew Ng (Stanford Deep Learning Lectures)
                                  • Stanford researcher: Hallucinatory 'voices' shaped by local culture

                                    Tanya Luhrmann, professor of anthropology, studies how culture affects the experiences of people who experience auditory hallucinations, specifically in India, Ghana and the United States. (Image credit: Steve Fyffe) People suffering from schizophrenia may hear “voices” – auditory hallucinations – differently depending on their cultural context, according to new Stanford research. In the United St

                                      Stanford researcher: Hallucinatory 'voices' shaped by local culture
                                    • GitHub - stanfordnlp/stanza: Stanford NLP Python library for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, and parsing of many human languages

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - stanfordnlp/stanza: Stanford NLP Python library for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, and parsing of many human languages
                                      • sangmin.eth @ChoimiraiSchool on Twitter: "スタンフォード大学が日本の高校生に提供する、Stanford e-Japan🏫。 全ての授業は、 ①無料 ②完全英語🇺🇸 ③日本時間に合わせたオンライン 修了時に修了証+高成績者は現地招待も。2022年秋学期の出願は8月12… https://t.co/2m3mUewU89"

                                        スタンフォード大学が日本の高校生に提供する、Stanford e-Japan🏫。 全ての授業は、 ①無料 ②完全英語🇺🇸 ③日本時間に合わせたオンライン 修了時に修了証+高成績者は現地招待も。2022年秋学期の出願は8月12… https://t.co/2m3mUewU89

                                          sangmin.eth @ChoimiraiSchool on Twitter: "スタンフォード大学が日本の高校生に提供する、Stanford e-Japan🏫。 全ての授業は、 ①無料 ②完全英語🇺🇸 ③日本時間に合わせたオンライン 修了時に修了証+高成績者は現地招待も。2022年秋学期の出願は8月12… https://t.co/2m3mUewU89"
                                        • 【世界最高峰の教育をオンラインで】Stanford e-Japan 2020 Spring | 校外プログラム大全

                                          ・講義 10〜20分の動画を視聴します。 ・読み物 新聞記事や本からの抜粋などを読みます。 ・宿題 講義や読み物の内容の理解度を確かめるような課題が出されます。提出期限厳守で成績もつきます。 ・掲示板での討論 テーマごとの設問に対して生徒間で議論する掲示板です。 ・バーチャル授業 月に2〜3回、合計約10回、土曜日の13:00〜14:30にネットを介した授業を受けます。 これらを行うために週に3、4時間は割くことになります。それだけの時間を確保できるということも出願資格の一つになります。

                                            【世界最高峰の教育をオンラインで】Stanford e-Japan 2020 Spring | 校外プログラム大全
                                          • Designing a New Rust Class at Stanford: Safety in Systems Programming

                                            Writing quality software is hard. Sometimes, software breaks in entertaining ways. However, when software runs everything from personal assistants like Alexa and Google Home to banking to elections, some bugs can be much more severe. This past quarter, Armin Namavari and I tried teaching a class about how to write software that sucks just a little less. We focused on common problems in computer sy

                                            • Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Course | Winter 2019

                                              For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: https://stanford.io/ai

                                                Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Course | Winter 2019
                                              • Untitled — Streaming live Indiana Hoosiers - Stanford...

                                                Competition: Stanford - Indiana live http://live.welcome.bet/1967629s57 http://live.welcome.bet/1967629s57 Texas A&M-CC - UTRGV match overview, prediction&tips Texas A&M-CC could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days. In this match Texas A&M-CC is a favorite. Last 4 head-to-head matches Texas A&M-CC won 2 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 2 matches and goals 251-246. Including m

                                                • Stanford CRFM

                                                  Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the Draft EU AI Act? Authors: Rishi Bommasani and Kevin Klyman and Daniel Zhang and Percy Liang Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like OpenAI and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI. Requirements Rubrics Grades GitHub Foundation models like ChatGPT are transforming society with their remarkable capabilities, seriou

                                                  • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                    How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                    • Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers

                                                      Andrew Ng, Adjunct Professor & Kian Katanforoosh, Lecturer - Stanford University http://onlinehub.stanford.edu/ Andrew Ng Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Kian Katanforoosh Lecturer, Computer Science To follow along with the course schedule and syllabus, visit: http://cs230.stanford.edu/ To get the latest news on Stanford’s upcoming professional programs in Artificial Intelligence, visi

                                                        Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers
                                                      • Untitled — Arizona Wildcats - Stanford Cardinal basketball...

                                                        Competition: Arizona - Stanford live Arizona Wildcats basketball - Stanford Cardinal basketball live stream Arizona Wildcats basketball - Stanford Cardinal basketball live stream Cincinnati - Georgia match overview, prediction&tips Cincinnati has not chance of win league. In the last matches we may see a scene of defeats of two teams. Georgia could have problems with physics compare with it oppone

                                                        • Product Management: Transforming Opportunities into Great Products | Stanford Online

                                                          Description Game-changing products come from all sorts of companies, and often reshape industries overnight. But what do these products have in common? They’re all created and crafted by product managers who focus on the right problems, understand their audience, make smart decisions and prioritize features that excite their customers. In this introductory course you’ll learn to master the product

                                                          • I'm a Stanford professor who's studied organizational behavior for decades. The widespread layoffs in tech are more because of copycat behavior than necessary cost-cutting.

                                                            An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                              I'm a Stanford professor who's studied organizational behavior for decades. The widespread layoffs in tech are more because of copycat behavior than necessary cost-cutting.
                                                            • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                              How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                              • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                                How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                                • Stanford大学流科学技術論文の書き方 | Y.Yamamoto's Website

                                                                  研究論文の書き方は重要にも関わらず研究室で体系的に教えられることはほとんどない(と予想される).従って個々人で情報を集める,書籍を購入するなどして論文執筆能力を向上させるしかない. 論文の書き方に関するウェブページ,書籍などは探せば色々見つかる.以下に僕が実際に参考にしているものをピックアップしておく: Writing for Computer Science 情報検索の分野で有名な研究者Justin Zoble氏の著作 コンピュータサイエンスの英語文書の書き方 “Writing for Computer Science”の訳書 Tips for Writing Technical Papers Stanford大学InfoLabのJeniffer Widom氏が公開しているウェブページ 以下は,Stanford大学InfoLabのJennifer Widom氏が公開している”Tips f

                                                                  • GitHub - StanfordSNR/gg: The Stanford Builder

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                                                                      GitHub - StanfordSNR/gg: The Stanford Builder
                                                                    • GitHub - stanford-oval/WikiChat: WikiChat stops the hallucination of large language models by retrieving data from Wikipedia.

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - stanford-oval/WikiChat: WikiChat stops the hallucination of large language models by retrieving data from Wikipedia.
                                                                      • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                                        How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                                        • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                                          How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                                          • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                                            How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

                                                                            • ~#WATCH##Stanford vs Notre Dame Live <Stanford vs Notre Dame Live> #NCAAF-2019#Stanford vs Notre Dame Live: Stanford vs Notre Dame Live @Notre Dame vs Stanford Live Tv(Stanford vs Notre Dame Football)[LIVE-TV]* Stanford Cardinal vs Notre Dame Fighting Ir

                                                                              How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame: Live stream, TV channel, start time for Today's NCAAF game How to watch Stanford vs Notre Dame football game Stanford vs Notre Dame Current Records: Stanford vs Notre Dame The Crystal Palace vs Burnley will take on the Stanford vs Notre Dame Rams on the road at Stanford vs Notre Dame Memorial Coliseum. Chicago has a defense that allows only points per game, so

