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toolの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 282件

  • これから学ぶ人のための ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ入門: Software architecture is a tool to enhance our humanity

    Developers Summit2023 Summer #devsumi での発表資料です https://event.shoeisha.jp/devsumi/20230727/session/4471/ #devsumiC

      これから学ぶ人のための ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ入門: Software architecture is a tool to enhance our humanity
    • GitHub - fujiapple852/trippy: A network diagnostic tool

      Trace using multiple protocols: ICMP, UDP & TCP IPv4 & IPv6 Customizable tracing options: packet size & payload pattern start and maximum time-to-live (TTL) minimum and maximum round duration round end grace period & maximum number of unknown hops source & destination port (TCP & UDP) source address and source interface TOS (aka DSCP + ECN) Support for classic, paris and dublin Equal Cost Multi-pa

        GitHub - fujiapple852/trippy: A network diagnostic tool
      • カスペルスキーがLinux専用の無料アンチウイルスソフト「Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for Linux」公開

        カスペルスキーがLinux専用の無料アンチウイルスソフト「Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for Linux」公開 アンチウイルスソフトウェアで知られるカスペルスキーは、Linux専用のアンチウイルスソフトウェア「Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for Linux」の無料公開を発表しました。 Introducing our Virus Removal Tool for Linux! Our FREE application scans and cleans Linux systems for known cyber threats, ensuring your machines remain secure. #LinuxSecurity #CyberDefense All you need to know about KVRT for L

          カスペルスキーがLinux専用の無料アンチウイルスソフト「Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for Linux」公開
        • GitHub - drawdb-io/drawdb: Free, simple, and intuitive online database design tool and SQL generator.

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            GitHub - drawdb-io/drawdb: Free, simple, and intuitive online database design tool and SQL generator.
          • 「Snipping Tool」にテキスト認識、スクショの文字をクリップボードへ簡単コピー/プレビュー版Windows 11(Canary/Dev)でテスト開始

              「Snipping Tool」にテキスト認識、スクショの文字をクリップボードへ簡単コピー/プレビュー版Windows 11(Canary/Dev)でテスト開始
            • GitHub - cezaraugusto/extension.js: 🧩 Plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension development tool.

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                GitHub - cezaraugusto/extension.js: 🧩 Plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension development tool.
              • OS標準のデスクトップ撮影・録画ツール「Snipping Tool」に図形の描画機能/四角形、円、直線、矢印……Canary/Devチャネルでテスト開始

                  OS標準のデスクトップ撮影・録画ツール「Snipping Tool」に図形の描画機能/四角形、円、直線、矢印……Canary/Devチャネルでテスト開始
                • htmz - a low power tool for html

                  =>htmz> a low power tool for html htmz is a minimalist HTML microframework for creating interactive and modular web user interfaces with the familiar simplicity of plain HTML. [GitHub] plain🍦 Use straight up HTML. No supersets. No hz- ng- hx- v- w- x-; no special attributes. No DSLs. No <custom-elements>. Just vanilla HTML. lightweight🪶 166 bytes in total. Zero dependencies. Zero JS bundles to l

                  • Command-line interface tool design / PHPerKaigi 2024


                      Command-line interface tool design / PHPerKaigi 2024
                    • キャプチャー画像をOCRで素早くテキスト化 いざというとき便利なSnipping Toolの活用法【Windows 11】

                      Snipping Toolの便利な機能を紹介 Windows 11の標準スクリーンキャプチャーツール「Snipping Tool」には、スクリーンキャプチャーや画面の録画をするだけでなく、ちょっとした編集も可能になっている。本Tech TIPSでは、いつの間にか追加された「OCR機能」と「墨消し機能」の2つの使い方を紹介しよう。 Windows 11でスクリーンキャプチャーを撮る場合、[Windows]+[Shift]+[S]キーを使っている人も多いのではないだろうか。[Windows]+[Shift]+[S]キーを押すと、Windows 11の標準スクリーンキャプチャーツール「Snipping Tool」が呼び出される。このツールは、着々と進化しており、単純にスクリーンキャプチャーや画面の録画をするだけでなく、ちょっとした編集も可能になっている。 本Tech TIPSでは、「Snippi

                        キャプチャー画像をOCRで素早くテキスト化 いざというとき便利なSnipping Toolの活用法【Windows 11】
                      • GitHub - HexaCluster/pgdsat: PostgreSQL Database Security Assessment Tool

                        PGDSAT is a security assessment tool that checks around 70 PostgreSQL security controls of your PostgreSQL clusters including all recommendations from the CIS compliance benchmark but not only. This tool is a single command that must be run on the PostgreSQL server to collect all necessaries system and PostgreSQL information to compute a security assessment report. A report consist in a summary of

                          GitHub - HexaCluster/pgdsat: PostgreSQL Database Security Assessment Tool
                        • GitHub - GreenmaskIO/greenmask: PostgreSQL dump anonymization tool

                          Greenmask is a powerful open-source utility that is designed for logical database backup dumping, obfuscation, and restoration. It offers extensive functionality for backup, anonymization, and data masking. Greenmask is written entirely in pure Go and includes ported PostgreSQL libraries, making it platform-independent. This tool is stateless and does not require any changes to your database schem

                            GitHub - GreenmaskIO/greenmask: PostgreSQL dump anonymization tool
                          • AnthropicAI Tool で Retrieval-Augmented Generation を実装してみた

                            LangChain なんか使わなくてもシュッと作れたので記事にしておく。 RAG とは 生成AIに検索能力をもたせるやつ。 要は検索機能をこちらで提供してやって、AIにそれを読ませる。 AnthropicAI Tool OpenAI でいう Function Calling JSONSchema で関数シグネチャを与えると、それを使うDSLを生成する。実際の関数は自分で実装して、AI が生成した引数(JSONSchema に従う)を渡す。 TypeScript の Mapped Types でツールの実装部分に型をつける簡単なラッパーを書いた。 RAG の CLI を作る Google検索をするAPIを実装 Google Custom Engine API を使った 本文要約をするAPIを実装 Mozilla の実装を使った 与えられた URL を fetch して、その本文部分を抽出する

                              AnthropicAI Tool で Retrieval-Augmented Generation を実装してみた
                            • New Recovery Tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints

                              The Microsoft Recovery Tool was updated 7/22/2024 as version 3.1. While fundamentally there are no functional changes to the tool, for the Recover from WinPE option, we have expanded the logging, reattempt logic, and error handling. For the Recover from safe mode for USB delivery, we’ve added in better user awareness cues for when to run the repair command. 7/23/2024: Microsoft notes that CrowdStr

                                New Recovery Tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints
                              • HAR Sanitizer tool by Cloudflare

                                At Cloudflare, we're committed to building a better Internet. We want to make it possible to troubleshoot with HAR files without the threat of a stolen session. The HAR File Sanitizer will remove sensitive data using “clientside” logic.

                                  HAR Sanitizer tool by Cloudflare
                                • Choosing an infrastructure as code tool for your organization - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

                                  Choosing an infrastructure as code tool for your organization Amazon Web Services (AWS) February 2024 (document history) Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the process of provisioning and managing an application's infrastructure through a set of configuration files. IaC is designed to help you centralize infrastructure management, standardize resources, and scale quickly so that new environments are

                                  • Appleの修理防止ロックを突破するツール「Nerd.Tool.1」を修理店が開発

                                    近年のMacBook ProとMacBook Airはセキュリティチップ「T2」を搭載し、Apple以外が修理することができないようになっています。ドイツで修理店を営むシュテファン・シュタインズ氏が、このT2チップによる修理防止のロックを突破するツールを開発したことを明らかにしています。 DIY Tinkerer Invents MacBook Tool That Breaks Apple’s Repair Locks https://www.404media.co/diy-tinkerer-invents-tool-that-breaks-apples-macbook-repair-locks/ We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN! - YouTube MacBook Proと

                                    • Windowsにスクショ内の電話番号やメアドを自動で黒塗りする新機能、Snipping Tool更新で追加 「写真」アプリに背景ぼかしも | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge

                                      著書に『宇宙世紀の政治経済学』(宝島社)、『ガンダムと日本人』(文春新書)、『教養としてのゲーム史』(ちくま新書)、『PS3はなぜ失敗したのか』(晋遊舎)、共著に『超クソゲー2』『超アーケード』『超ファミコン』『PCエンジン大全』(以上、太田出版)、『ゲーム制作 現場の新戦略 企画と運営のノウハウ』(MdN)など。 マイクロソフトはWindows 11の標準搭載アプリ「写真」と画面キャプチャアプリ「Snipping Tool」の新機能を提供開始しました。それぞれ背景ぼかしと、画像内のテキストを自動認識して操作できる内容です。 いずれも先行テストプログラムWindows InsiderのCanaryおよびDevチャネルを通じて配布しています。写真アプリはバージョン2023.11090.13001.0、Snipping Toolはバージョン11.2308.33.0です。 まず写真アプリでは、編

                                        Windowsにスクショ内の電話番号やメアドを自動で黒塗りする新機能、Snipping Tool更新で追加 「写真」アプリに背景ぼかしも | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge
                                      • GitHub - farm-fe/farm: Extremely fast Vite-compatible web build tool written in Rust

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                                          GitHub - farm-fe/farm: Extremely fast Vite-compatible web build tool written in Rust
                                        • GitHub - h4l/json.bash: Command-line tool and bash library that creates JSON

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                                            GitHub - h4l/json.bash: Command-line tool and bash library that creates JSON
                                          • GitHub - dlt-hub/dlt: data load tool (dlt) is an open source Python library that makes data loading easy 🛠️

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                                              GitHub - dlt-hub/dlt: data load tool (dlt) is an open source Python library that makes data loading easy 🛠️
                                            • BugBug.io | Intuitive and Reliable Test Automation Tool | BugBug.io

                                              Low-code test automation tool for QA, Developers, and Product Managers. Ensure the quality of your web app or website without repetitive manual testing. Create your first end-to-end test easily in less than 5 minutes.

                                                BugBug.io | Intuitive and Reliable Test Automation Tool | BugBug.io
                                              • GitHub - linuxmint/timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is runni

                                                Timeshift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS. Timeshift protects your system by taking incremental snapshots of the file system at regular intervals. These snapshots can be restored at a later date to undo all changes to the system. In RSYNC mode, snapshots are taken using rsync and hard-links

                                                  GitHub - linuxmint/timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is runni
                                                • GitHub - mattrighetti/envelope: An environment variables cli tool backed by SQLite

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                                                    GitHub - mattrighetti/envelope: An environment variables cli tool backed by SQLite
                                                  • 7 Advanced Google Maps Features That Make It a Travel Power Tool

                                                    Google Maps gets you from A-to-B, but it can do so much more than that. Google Maps puts live navigation at your fingertips, capable of taking you almost anywhere in the world. However, Google Maps is capable of so much more, and with these advanced features, you have one of the most powerful travel tools for planning and managing trips. 1. Check the Weather for Any Location You can use Google Map

                                                      7 Advanced Google Maps Features That Make It a Travel Power Tool
                                                    • WindowsのWi-Fiパネルから要らないSSIDを消してスッキリ「Wi-Fi Filter Tool」/GUIで初心者でも簡単、間違って他のネットワークにつなぐ心配なし【レビュー】

                                                        WindowsのWi-Fiパネルから要らないSSIDを消してスッキリ「Wi-Fi Filter Tool」/GUIで初心者でも簡単、間違って他のネットワークにつなぐ心配なし【レビュー】
                                                      • GraphRAG: New tool for complex data discovery now on GitHub

                                                        Download GraphRAG Download GraphRAG Accelerator Earlier this year, we introduced GraphRAG (opens in new tab), a graph-based approach to retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) that enables question-answering over private or previously unseen datasets. Today, we’re pleased to announce that GraphRAG is now available on GitHub (opens in new tab), offering more structured information retrieval and compre

                                                          GraphRAG: New tool for complex data discovery now on GitHub
                                                        • 「Snipping Tool」が絵文字の挿入、QRコードの検出・読み取りに対応。ものさしも復活/Canary/Devチャネルでテスト開始

                                                            「Snipping Tool」が絵文字の挿入、QRコードの検出・読み取りに対応。ものさしも復活/Canary/Devチャネルでテスト開始
                                                          • fx – command-line tool for JSON

                                                            Interactive JSON ViewerVisualize and explore JSON data interactively in the command line.

                                                            • Design tool canvas handles

                                                              Design tools often pack a lot of functionality around the bounding box of selected objects. Some of this functionality is represented by handles or icons, but a lot of it is hidden. This can make learning the behaviour and interacting with objects pretty tricky. The only way to know if you can perform an action is to hover near the edge of a selected shape and note cursor changes. It’s like inspec

                                                                Design tool canvas handles
                                                              • GitHub - rohitdhas/shittier: Shittier is an unconventional code formatting tool

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                                                                  GitHub - rohitdhas/shittier: Shittier is an unconventional code formatting tool
                                                                • htmz - a low power tool for html

                                                                  =>htmz> a low power tool for html htmz is a minimalist HTML microframework for creating interactive and modular web user interfaces with the familiar simplicity of plain HTML. [GitHub] plain🍦 Use straight up HTML. No supersets. No hz- ng- hx- v- w- x-; no special attributes. No DSLs. No <custom-elements>. Just vanilla HTML. lightweight🪶 166 bytes in total. Zero dependencies. Zero JS bundles to l

                                                                  • So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool?

                                                                    So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool? Mill is a Scala build tool that offers an alternative to the venerable SBT toolchain. Mill aims for simplicity by reusing concepts you are already familiar with, borrowing ideas from Functional Programming and modern tools like Bazel. Feedback from users of Mill is often surprisingly positive, with people saying it is "intuitive" or feels "jus

                                                                    • Introducing Code Llama, an AI Tool for Coding | Meta

                                                                      Code Llama is an AI model built on top of Llama 2, fine-tuned for generating and discussing code. It’s free for research and commercial use. Today, we’re releasing Code Llama, a large language model (LLM) that can use text prompts to generate and discuss code. Code Llama is state-of-the-art for publicly available LLMs on coding tasks. It has the potential to make workflows faster and more efficien

                                                                        Introducing Code Llama, an AI Tool for Coding | Meta
                                                                      • GitHub - liriliri/chii: Remote debugging tool

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                                                                          GitHub - liriliri/chii: Remote debugging tool
                                                                        • — WEBの便利ツール『Web Tool Hack』

                                                                          RGBから16進数(HEX) 変換ツール RGBカラーをHEX(#ffffff,#333333 など)に変換します。

                                                                          • Git as debugging tool

                                                                            Are you sure? Debugging with Git? What are the tools that comes on your mind when someone say “debug”? Let me guess: a memory leak detector (e.g. Valgrind); a profiler (e.g. GNU gprof); a function that stops your program and gives you a REPL (e.g. Python’s breakpoint and Ruby’s byebug); something that we call a “debugger” (like GDB, or something similar embedded on the IDEs); or even our old frien

                                                                              Git as debugging tool
                                                                            • GitHub - amaiya/onprem: A tool for running on-premises large language models with non-public data

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                                                                                GitHub - amaiya/onprem: A tool for running on-premises large language models with non-public data
                                                                              • GPTsをMVPに使うアジャイルな社内LLMツール開発 / Agile in-house LLM tool development using GPTs as MVPs

                                                                                生成AI新年会2024 LT資料 https://algomatic.connpass.com/event/306870/

                                                                                  GPTsをMVPに使うアジャイルな社内LLMツール開発 / Agile in-house LLM tool development using GPTs as MVPs
                                                                                • GitHub - commandprompt/pgmanage: Web tool for database management

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                                                                                    GitHub - commandprompt/pgmanage: Web tool for database management