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41 - 80 件 / 1589件

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walkthroughの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 1589件

  • Astro 4.0 | Astro

    Introducing Astro 4.0! New APIs, faster builds, redesigned docs, and a unique new development tool for Astro that enhances your local dev environment in new and exciting ways. What is Astro? Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites including blogs, marketing, and e-commerce. If you need a website that loads fast with great SEO, then Astro is for you. Release highlights inclu

      Astro 4.0 | Astro
    • Webcam Hacking - Technical Walkthrough | Ryan Pickren

      This post contains the real BugPoC links used to report the bugs to Apple. Download Safari 13.0.4 if you want to check out the live demos that Apple used to reproduce the issues. The goal of this project is to hack the iOS/macOS webcam. All other vulnerabilities uncovered during this hunt are just bonus bugs. ​ Before I jump in, I want to start with a quote from an old colleague of mine - "Bug hun

        Webcam Hacking - Technical Walkthrough | Ryan Pickren
      • 個人情報販売サイトから自分のデータを削除させる「Mozilla Monitor Plus」をMozillaが発表

        ウェブブラウザのFirefoxなどを開発するMozillaが提供している「Mozilla Monitor」(旧Firefox Monitor)に、情報漏えいした個人情報を自動で削除したり継続的に監視したりする新しい有料サブスクリプションサービスの「Mozilla Monitor Plus」が登場しました。 Introducing Mozilla Monitor Plus, a new tool to automatically remove your personal information from data broker sites https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/introducing-mozilla-monitor-plus-a-new-tool-to-automatically-remove-your-personal-informatio

          個人情報販売サイトから自分のデータを削除させる「Mozilla Monitor Plus」をMozillaが発表
        • NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 | Amazon Web Services

          Containers NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 Today, we are announcing the ability for all Amazon ECS users including developers and operators to “exec” into a container running inside a task deployed on either Amazon EC2 or AWS Fargate. This new functionality, dubbed ECS Exec, allows users to either run an interactive shell or a single command agai

            NEW – Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 | Amazon Web Services
          • Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops | Amazon Web Services

            AWS DevOps Blog Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops This post was written in collaboration with Kapil Thangavelu, CTO at Stacklet Amazon DevOps Guru is a machine learning (ML) powered service that helps developers and operators automatically detect anomalies and improve application availability. DevOps Guru utilizes machine learning models, informed by y

              Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops | Amazon Web Services
            • Announcing Vite 4.3

              Vite 4.3 is out! ​ April 20, 2023 Quick links: Docs: English, 简体中文, 日本語, Español, Português Vite 4.3 Changelog Performance Improvements ​ In this minor, we focused on improving the dev server performance. The resolve logic got streamlined, improving hot paths and implementing smarter caching for finding package.json, TS config files, and resolved URL in general. You can read a detailed walkthrough

                Announcing Vite 4.3
              • Qase | Test management software for quality assurance

                Join our free walkthrough webinar on May 13 at 10 AM CEST or 12 PM EDT to learn more! All-in-one QA platformQase is a modern test management platform for manual + automated QA testing, tracking, and reporting that helps deliver higher quality software, faster.

                  Qase | Test management software for quality assurance
                • Reduce Unwanted Traffic on Your Website with New AWS WAF Bot Control | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS News Blog Reduce Unwanted Traffic on Your Website with New AWS WAF Bot Control According to research done by the AWS Shield Threat Research Team, up to 51% of traffic heading into typical web applications originates from scripts running on machines, also known as bots. A wide variety of bots – some wanted, some unwanted – are hitting your endpoints. Wanted bots are crawling your sites to index t

                    Reduce Unwanted Traffic on Your Website with New AWS WAF Bot Control | Amazon Web Services
                  • Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) | Amazon Web Services

                    Containers Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) is a new tool that lets you directly manage AWS services from Kubernetes. ACK makes it simple to build scalable and highly-available Kubernetes applications that utilize AWS services. Today, ACK is available as a developer preview on GitHub. In this post we will give you a brief introduction to the

                      Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) | Amazon Web Services
                    • Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services | Amazon Web Services

                      Containers Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services Introduction Container image tags offer a user-friendly way to manage and keep track of different versions of container images. However, they also present a security risk to organizations due to their mutable nature. Without protections in place, a container image tag can be changed in a container image repository to point

                        Announcing software version consistency for Amazon ECS services | Amazon Web Services
                      • Visual Studio Code July 2022

                        Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. July 2022 (version 1.70) Update 1.70.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.3: This update is only available for Windows 7 users and is the last release supporting Windows 7. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarba

                          Visual Studio Code July 2022
                        • Running MacOS on Windows 10 with WSL2, KVM and QEMU

                          Running MacOS on Windows 10 with WSL2, KVM and QEMU Note - Unfortunately this no longer works due to movement in the WSL offering for Windows 11 Dev Channel. Am leaving this here incase some of the workarounds for issues below help others in their projects! I needed to record a demo on a Mac, I don't own a Mac and was contemplating borrowing one from a friend. Then I realised, I finally had an exc

                            Running MacOS on Windows 10 with WSL2, KVM and QEMU
                          • Just JavaScript

                            Explore the JavaScript UniverseRebuild your mental model from the inside out. On a good day, programming feels like magic.You patiently enchant the machine with a tapestry of digital spells. With a few confident keystrokes, you breathe life into the colorful dots on the screen. Oh, what a marvellous illusion you have created! It works… Except when it doesn’t. It strikes you just as you were about

                              Just JavaScript
                            • Kalyn: a self-hosting compiler for x86-64

                              Over the course of my Spring 2020 semester at Harvey Mudd College, I developed a self-hosting compiler entirely from scratch. This article walks through many interesting parts of the project. It’s laid out so you can just read from beginning to end, but if you’re more interested in a particular topic, feel free to jump there. Or, take a look at the project on GitHub. Table of contents What the pro

                              • Quick Start — Enhance

                                Welcome! Enhance is an HTML-first full-stack web framework that gives you everything you need to build standards-based multi-page web apps that perform and scale. Enhance apps and their elements are server-side rendered for incredible performance and seamless progressive enhancement. Video walkthrough Powered by <mux-player> Get started To create a project, ensure you have Node.js 16.x or higher i

                                • Building a recommendation engine inside... | Crunchy Data Blog

                                  I'm a big fan of data in general. Data can tell you a lot about what users are doing and can help you gain all sorts of insights. One such aspect is in making recommendations based on past history or others that have made similar choices. In fact, years ago I wrote a small app to see if I could recommend wines based on how other ones were rated. It was a small app that I shared among just a handfu

                                    Building a recommendation engine inside... | Crunchy Data Blog
                                  • Proactively keep resources secure and compliant with AWS CloudFormation Hooks | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog Proactively keep resources secure and compliant with AWS CloudFormation Hooks Organizations want their developers to provision resources that they need to build applications while maintaining compliance with security, operational, and cost optimization best practices. Most solutions today inform customers about noncompliant resources only after those resource

                                      Proactively keep resources secure and compliant with AWS CloudFormation Hooks | Amazon Web Services
                                    • AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager でパッチ適用前後にアクションが実行できるようになりました! | DevelopersIO

                                      AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager でパッチ適用前後にアクションが実行できるようになりました! AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager(以下、 Patch Manager) で、アップデートがありました! Take actions before and after patching to improve safety during patch installation パッチ適用する際に、適用以外にも付随する作業があるケースが多いのではないかと思います。例えば、設定ファイルバックアップやクラスターのような構成からの一時的な除外、また実行後の結果確認や影響確認などなど。このようなちょっとした前処理や後処理を Patch Manager の中で任意のアクション( Run Command )として指定し、実行出来るようになりました! 引

                                        AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager でパッチ適用前後にアクションが実行できるようになりました! | DevelopersIO
                                      • Introducing the Anthos Developer Sandbox | Google Cloud Blog

                                        Introducing the Anthos Developer Sandbox—free with a Google account Your colleagues in IT operations talk about needing a platform that can run a wide variety of apps: new or existing, running on Linux or Windows, long-running or serverless, capable of rapidly scaling up and down according to demand. Anthos is Google Cloud's answer to these requirements for hybrid and multi-cloud. With Anthos, you

                                          Introducing the Anthos Developer Sandbox | Google Cloud Blog
                                        • How we designed Dropbox’s ATF - an async task framework

                                          I joined Dropbox not long after graduating with a Master’s degree in computer science. Aside from an internship, this was my first big-league engineering job. My team had already begun designing a critical internal service that most of our software would use: It would handle asynchronous computing requests behind the scenes, powering everything from dragging a file into a Dropbox folder to schedul

                                            How we designed Dropbox’s ATF - an async task framework
                                          • CloudFormation Update – CLI + Third-Party Resource Support + Registry | Amazon Web Services

                                            AWS News Blog CloudFormation Update – CLI + Third-Party Resource Support + Registry CloudFormation was launched in 2011 (AWS CloudFormation – Create Your AWS Stack From a Recipe) and has become an indispensable tool for many AWS customers. They love the fact that they can define a template once and then use it to reliably provision their AWS resources. They also make frequent use of Change Sets, a

                                              CloudFormation Update – CLI + Third-Party Resource Support + Registry | Amazon Web Services
                                            • JSエコシステムぶらり探訪(目次) - Qiita

                                              概要 webpackとかbabelとか、JSのすごいエコシステムを基本 (ブラウザ、Node.js, npm) から順番に調べていきます。 経緯 最近は npx create-react-app ... とやるといい感じに環境ができていいのですが、複雑なことをやろうとしたり、既に複雑になってしまったものを触るにはきちんと中身がわかってたほうがいいな……と思い始めたのでぼちぼち自分で調べ始めました。アウトプットしながら調べたほうが効率がいいので、このように記事として残します。 目次 (予定) とりあえず思いつくだけ書き出したもので、全ての内容を確約するものではありません。また、調査を進めるにつれて目次も変化します。 原初のJavaScript Node.jsとCommonJS modules npm, yarn, node_modules npmとコマンドライン CommonJSモジュールバ

                                                JSエコシステムぶらり探訪(目次) - Qiita
                                              • IPアドレスすら分からなかった文系事務員がOSCPを手にするまで - Qiita

                                                はしがき ・著者は、文章を書くのが苦手です。 ・この記事は、大変長く冗長になっています。 ・この記事は、間違っていることを多く含んでいる可能性があります。 ・この記事は、あなたの学習における大きなネタバレとなる可能性があります。 ・この記事は、誤字・脱字が多いです。 記事の目的 本記事は、IPアドレスすらわからなかった著者が歩いたOSCP取得までの過程を残した記事です。 記事の妥当性 私自身は、今もなおただの事務員です。業務で診断業務やペネトレーション・Red Teamingをしたこともなければ、大規模なシステムやサーバの管理・プログラム開発をしたことはありません。よって記事の内容の妥当性には大いに疑問が残ると思います。一方で完全な未経験ながらの視点や疑問を残しつつ、入門者がどういった行動に出るのかという点を残すことは意味があることだと著者は思います。 突っ込みどころが満載かと思いますが、

                                                  IPアドレスすら分からなかった文系事務員がOSCPを手にするまで - Qiita
                                                • Security assessment techniques for Go projects

                                                  The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying areas where developers may not fully understan

                                                    Security assessment techniques for Go projects
                                                  • A Multithreaded Fork of Redis That’s 5X Faster Than Redis | KeyDB - The Faster Redis Alternative

                                                    What if I told you there is a fork of Redis that can run 5x faster with nearly 5x lower latency. What if you no longer needed sentinel nodes and your replicas could accept both reads and writes? This could provide the potential to achieve a 10x reduction in the amount you shard. This article looks at KeyDB which is an open source, multithreaded fork of Redis. We will review the latest benchmarking

                                                      A Multithreaded Fork of Redis That’s 5X Faster Than Redis | KeyDB - The Faster Redis Alternative
                                                    • Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds

                                                      Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds07/10/2024 We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare Zaraz support of server-side rendering of embeds, featuring two Managed Components: X and Instagram. You can now use Cloudflare Zaraz to effortlessly embed posts from X or Instagram on your website in a performant, privacy-preserving, and secure way. Many traditional t

                                                        Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds
                                                      • Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts | Amazon Web Services

                                                        AWS Open Source Blog Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts Here at AWS we focus first and foremost on customer needs. In the context of access control in Amazon EKS, you asked in issue #23 of our public container roadmap for fine-grained IAM roles in EKS. To address this need, the community came up with a number of open source solutions, such as kube2iam, kiam, and Zalando’s IAM

                                                          Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts | Amazon Web Services
                                                        • Better together: AWS SAM CLI and HashiCorp Terraform | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS Compute Blog Better together: AWS SAM CLI and HashiCorp Terraform This post is written by Suresh Poopandi, Senior Solutions Architect and Seb Kasprzak, Senior Solutions Architect. Today, AWS is announcing the public preview of AWS Serverless Application Model CLI (AWS SAM CLI) support for local development, testing, and debugging of serverless applications defined using HashiCorp Terraform con

                                                            Better together: AWS SAM CLI and HashiCorp Terraform | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Getting Started - Rust Compiler Development Guide

                                                            Getting Started Thank you for your interest in contributing to Rust! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate all of them. Asking Questions Experts Etiquette What should I work on? Easy or mentored issues Recurring work Clippy issues Diagnostic issues Contributing to std (standard library) Contributing code to other Rust projects Other ways to contribute Cloning and Building Contributo

                                                            • From Create-React-App to Next

                                                              I recently moved a significant codebase from Create-React-App (CRA for short) to Next and thought I would share my experience, because believe me or not, it was quite a journey (and not necessarily a pleasant one). There are plenty reasons why you might want to move to Next from a CRA app. It provides server-side rendering (SSR), and even incremental static regeneration (ISR) when hosted on Vercel

                                                                From Create-React-App to Next
                                                              • I Am No Longer Speaking at RustConf 2023

                                                                I will no longer be speaking at RustConf 2023 about A (Possible) Future for Compile-Time Programming. What? The decision happened after I was reached out to by RustConf 2023 organizers in a call on May 26, 2023 around 11:45 AM US Pacific Time. The call was about taking my talk and degrading it from a “Keynote” to a “Regular Talk”. I figured this was for scheduling or timeslot reasons or because th

                                                                • Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) | Amazon Web Services

                                                                  AWS News Blog Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) March 31, 2023 – Amazon VPC Lattice is now generally available with new capabilities. Modern applications are built using modular and distributed components. Each component is a service that implements its own subset of functionalities. To make these services communicate with each other, you

                                                                    Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) | Amazon Web Services
                                                                  • Rethinking Serverless with FLAME

                                                                    Rethinking Serverless with FLAME Author Name Chris McCord @chris_mccord @chris_mccord Imagine if you could auto scale simply by wrapping any existing app code in a function and have that block of code run in a temporary copy of your app. The pursuit of elastic, auto-scaling applications has taken us to silly places. Serverless/FaaS had a couple things going for it. Elastic Scale™ is hard. It’s eve

                                                                      Rethinking Serverless with FLAME
                                                                    • Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.

                                                                      We build a Generatively Pretrained Transformer (GPT), following the paper "Attention is All You Need" and OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3. We talk about connections to ChatGPT, which has taken the world by storm. We watch GitHub Copilot, itself a GPT, help us write a GPT (meta :D!) . I recommend people watch the earlier makemore videos to get comfortable with the autoregressive language modeling framework

                                                                        Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
                                                                      • Temporary elevated access management with IAM Identity Center | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        AWS Security Blog Temporary elevated access management with IAM Identity Center AWS recommends using automation where possible to keep people away from systems—yet not every action can be automated in practice, and some operations might require access by human users. Depending on their scope and potential impact, some human operations might require special treatment. One such treatment is temporar

                                                                          Temporary elevated access management with IAM Identity Center | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • Zhenghao's site

                                                                          Published on 18 March, 2022Last updated on 17 April, 2022 This post has been translated into Korean This post is my version of Mark Erikson's essay A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior where I try to answer one of the most commonly asked questions in this React community – "when or why does React render my component?" – with a tiny amount of React source code walkthrough. Normally

                                                                          • Introducing Inkscape 1.0 | Inkscape

                                                                            Smoother performance, HiDPI support, new & improved Live Path Effects & native macOS app After a little over three years in development, the team is excited to launch the long awaited Inkscape 1.0 into the world. Built with the power of a team of volunteers, this open source vector editor represents the work of many hearts and hands from around the world, ensuring that Inkscape remains available f

                                                                            • The DynamoDB Book

                                                                              DynamoDB is exploding in popularity. It's fast, scalable, and fully-managed. But it's not your father's database. Data modeling in DynamoDB is different than the relational data model you're used to. Learn how to properly design your data model with DynamoDB to avoid problems later. The DynamoDB Book is available now! Get it here. Want a sneak peek? Enter your email below to receive free preview c

                                                                                The DynamoDB Book
                                                                              • 『エルデンリング』、「もっとも人を困らせるゲーム」であると調査サイトに認定される。惑いながらGoogleに頼る褪せ人たち - AUTOMATON

                                                                                ホーム ニュース 『エルデンリング』、「もっとも人を困らせるゲーム」であると調査サイトに認定される。惑いながらGoogleに頼る褪せ人たち 英国の通信・インフラサービスなどの比較情報サイトUswitchは9月22日、「今年プレイヤーを当惑(confuse)させたゲームランキング」を発表。同サイトの調べでは、『エルデンリング』が1位となったという。さまざまな人気タイトルのプレイヤーの攻略情報検索回数をもとに、独自の調査結果を伝えている。 『エルデンリング』は、フロム・ソフトウェアが手がけたアクションRPG。海外パブリッシングを含めたプロデュースは、バンダイナムコホールディングスが担当する。本作は『ダークソウル』シリーズなどフロム・ソフトウェア過去作のゲームプレイを色濃く受け継ぎつつ、舞台を広大なオープンフィールドへ変更。多くの新要素も盛り込んだ新作となっている。 そしてこのたび、Uswitc

                                                                                  『エルデンリング』、「もっとも人を困らせるゲーム」であると調査サイトに認定される。惑いながらGoogleに頼る褪せ人たち - AUTOMATON
                                                                                • Whitepaper Title

                                                                                  Security Overview of AWS Fargate First published April, 2022 Notices Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments or assurances from AWS an