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361 - 400 件 / 1307件

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writingの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 1307件

  • Why Patching Globals Is Harmful

    Honestly, I'd never thought I'd be writing about this, but the matter of patching globals turned out to be one of those topics that a lot of engineers seem to misunderstand. Most of us don't do monkey-patching, and even fewer stay around those implementations long enough to witness their impact. All the more reason to talk about it. Throughout the next few thousand words, I will be referring to mo

      Why Patching Globals Is Harmful
    • Introduction

      A simple yet powerful testing framework for Node.js Japa comes with everything you need to test your backend applications. Be it writing JSON API tests using an Open API schema or writing browser tests using Playwright. Unlike other testing frameworks born out of the frontend ecosystem, Japa focuses only on testing backend applications and libraries. Therefore, Japa is simpler, faster, and bloatwa

      • Why Rust in Production? | Corrode Rust Consulting

        Interest in Rust has surged in recent years, with tech leaders such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon coming forward to share their experiences of leveraging Rust for critical systems. Much of the dialogue about Rust, however, is still driven by those who have not leveraged Rust in a significant production capacity or have only done so for non-critical systems. This results in a skewed understandin

          Why Rust in Production? | Corrode Rust Consulting
        • The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) @ tonsky.me

          If you combine this with the Unicode table, you’ll see that English is encoded with 1 byte, Cyrillic, Latin European languages, Hebrew and Arabic need 2, and Chinese, Japanese, Korean, other Asian languages, and Emoji need 3 or 4. A few important points here: First, UTF-8 is byte-compatible with ASCII. The code points 0..127, the former ASCII, are encoded with one byte, and it’s the same exact byt

            The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) @ tonsky.me
          • SIEVE: an Efficient Turn-Key Eviction Algorithm for Web Caches - SIEVE is simpler than LRU

            SIEVE is simpler than LRU¶ Caching is a method of storing temporary data for quick access to keep the online world running smoothly. But with limited space comes a critical decision: what to keep and discard. This is where eviction algorithms come into play. Our team recently designed a new cache eviction algorithm called SIEVE: it is very effective and simple with just one queue. Website Paper Up

            • xz Backdoor CVE-2024-3094 – Open Source Security Foundation

              By Omkhar Arasaratnam, General Manager, OpenSSF; Bennett Pursell, Ecosystem Strategist, OpenSSF; Harry Toor, Chief of Staff, OpenSSF; Christopher “CRob” Robinson, OpenSSF TAC Chair & Director of Security Communications, Intel CVE-2024-3094 documents a backdoor in the xz package. This backdoor was inserted by an actor with the intent to include an obfuscated backdoor into the software. While the mo

              • Codestral: Hello, World!

                Codestral: Hello, World!Empowering developers and democratising coding with Mistral AI. We introduce Codestral, our first-ever code model. Codestral is an open-weight generative AI model explicitly designed for code generation tasks. It helps developers write and interact with code through a shared instruction and completion API endpoint. As it masters code and English, it can be used to design ad

                • RubyKaigi 2024 - ruby-jp

                  これはなに RubyKaigi 2024に関する情報を有志でまとめている非公式ページです。 編集に興味がある方はruby-jpの#scrapboxチャンネルから参加できます。 概要 公式ページ: RubyKaigi 2024 日程: 2024-05-15〜2024-05-17 会場: NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt (那覇文化芸術劇場なはーと) (沖縄県那覇市) オフラインのみ 事前イベント 4/16(火) 19:00 - 22:00 第229回 Okinawa.rb Meetup @ SAKURA innobase Okinawa🌸(in-person) 4/23(火) 19:30 - 21:30 RubyKaigi 2024 タイムテーブル徹底解説(in-person) 4/25(木) 19:00 - 21:30 RubyKaigi 2024事前勉

                    RubyKaigi 2024 - ruby-jp
                  • AI Agents are disrupting automation: Current approaches, market solutions and recommendations

                    The mainstreaming of AI tools has ignited hope for dramatic productivity improvements for knowledge workers and consumers alike. Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated AI capabilities that are transforming workflows with new automation approaches. In the article below, we trace the automation journey in the age of AI and dig into some of the current and evolving platforms

                      AI Agents are disrupting automation: Current approaches, market solutions and recommendations
                    • Our Incredible Journey

                      February 2024: We are excited to share that Skiff is joining Notion. Skiff’s mission is to bring freedom to the internet by helping people collaborate and communicate with freedom and privacy. … We’re extremely excited to accelerate our mission by joining forces with Notion’s world-class team. We sincerely hope that the Skiff community will join us for this next stage of our journey. We’re pursuin

                        Our Incredible Journey
                      • The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy

                        Docker is an invaluable tool for managing containers, but it can be challenging to grasp its inner workings, especially for newcomers. While modern hosting platforms like Vercel and Netlify often eliminate the need for writing Dockerfiles for NodeJS processes, understanding Docker optimization becomes crucial when handling your infrastructure. By achieving optimal efficiency, you can save both tim

                          The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy
                        • Flaky Tests In React: Detection, Prevention and Tools - Semaphore

                          In the context of React, testing is a non-negotiable process to maintain code quality and a smooth user experience. However, there’s one frustrating bad news that is commonly faced when running tests in React. And that is flaky tests. In the simplest of words, flaky tests are tests that seem to pass most of the time but fail sometimes, all without changes to the code or test — just for no reason.

                            Flaky Tests In React: Detection, Prevention and Tools - Semaphore
                          • Epic Games、Googleとの独禁訴訟に「陪審員満場一致」で勝利。Google Playストア手数料30%の強制を巡る争い - AUTOMATON

                            Epic GamesがGoogleを訴えていた裁判について12月12日、米国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ連邦地裁にて、陪審員がGoogleの反トラスト法(独占禁止法)違反を認める評決を下した。海外メディアThe Vergeなどが報じている。 この裁判の発端は、2020年にEpic Gamesがモバイル版『フォートナイト』に独自の決済手段を実装したことにある。規約上これを認めないGoogleは、Google Playストアから同作を削除。そしてEpic Gamesは、自社の決済手段をメーカーに強制し、それによって30%の手数料を徴収していることを市場を独占する行為であると主張し、裁判を起こしていた。 Victory over Google! After 4 weeks of detailed court testimony, the California jury found again

                              Epic Games、Googleとの独禁訴訟に「陪審員満場一致」で勝利。Google Playストア手数料30%の強制を巡る争い - AUTOMATON
                            • 学生のレポートの11%にAI使用疑惑があることが判明、3%はAIが書いた文章が8割以上を占める

                              論文の盗用を検出するツールを開発するTurnitinは、ChatGPTなどの生成AIを使用した文章を検出するAIライティング検知機能を2023年4月から提供しています。このAIライティング検知機能のリリースから1年が経過したことを受け、これまでにレビューした2億件超の学生が提出したレポートの調査結果について、Turnitinが報告しています。 ターンイットインのAIライティング検知機能が、提供開始から1周年を迎え、全世界で数百万本の課題レポートをレビュー https://www.turnitin.com/press/press-detail_17795 With over 200 million papers reviewed since the launch of Turnitin's #AIWriting detection feature in April 2023, Turniti

                              • A decade of developing a programming language

                                In 2013, I had an idea: "what if I were to build my programming language?". Back then my idea came down to "an interpreted language that mixes elements from Ruby and Smalltalk", and not much more. Between 2013 and 2015 I spent time on and off trying different languages (C, C++, D and various others I can't remember) to see which one I would use to build my language in. While this didn't help me fi

                                • CS 6120: The Self-Guided Course

                                  Syllabus Schedule Lessons Zulip Discussions Blog CS 6120: Advanced Compilers: The Self-Guided Online Course CS 6120 is a PhD-level Cornell CS course by Adrian Sampson on programming language implementation. It covers universal compilers topics like intermediate representations, data flow, and “classic” optimizations as well as more research-flavored topics such as parallelization, just-in-time com

                                  • Announcing TypeScript 5.3 - TypeScript

                                    Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.3! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that adds type syntax to JavaScript to bring type-checking. Type-checking can catch all sorts of issues like typos and forgetting to check for null and undefined. But types go beyond type-checking – the same analyses of TypeScript’s type-checker are used for rich editor tooling li

                                      Announcing TypeScript 5.3 - TypeScript
                                    • Mediocre Engineer’s guide to HTTPS

                                      As a mediocre engineer, I took Internet and HTTPS communication for granted and never dove any deeper. Today we’re improving as engineers and learning a rough overview of how internet communication works, specifically focusing on HTTP and TLS. The Internet is “just” a network of interconnected computer networks. The term "Internet" literally means "between networks." It operates as a packet-switch

                                      • To test or not to test, a technical perspective  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                        To test or not to test, a technical perspective Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The previous article covered the basics of test cases and what they should contain. This article delves deeper into the creation of test cases from a technical perspective, detailing what should be included in each test and what to avoid. Essentially, you'll learn

                                          To test or not to test, a technical perspective  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                        • IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view

                                          IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view Copyright 2023 by Jon “maddog” Hall Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA-ND Photo: © Santiago Ferreira Litowtschenko Several people have opined on the recent announcement of Red Hat to change their terms of sales for their software.  Here are some thoughts from someone who has been around a long time and been in the midst of a lot of what occur

                                            IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view
                                          • Go 1.22 is released! - The Go Programming Language

                                            The Go Blog Go 1.22 is released! Eli Bendersky, on behalf of the Go team 6 February 2024 Today the Go team is thrilled to release Go 1.22, which you can get by visiting the download page. Go 1.22 comes with several important new features and improvements. Here are some of the notable changes; for the full list, refer to the release notes. Language changes The long-standing “for” loop gotcha with a

                                              Go 1.22 is released! - The Go Programming Language
                                            • PEP 686 – Make UTF-8 mode default | peps.python.org

                                              PEP 686 – Make UTF-8 mode default Author: Inada Naoki <songofacandy at gmail.com> Discussions-To: Discourse thread Status: Accepted Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Mar-2022 Python-Version: 3.15 Post-History: 18-Mar-2022, 31-Mar-2022 Resolution: Discourse message Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Specification Enable UTF-8 mode by default locale.getencoding() Fixing encoding="locale" option B

                                                PEP 686 – Make UTF-8 mode default | peps.python.org
                                              • Freedom and Portability

                                                The economic advantages of portability are very great. In many segments of the computer industry, the dominant cost is development and maintenance of software. Dennis Ritchie and Stephen Johnson 1978 … many insist that C is the programming language and that it will last forever. Byte Magazine 1983 The August 1983 issue of Byte Magazine devoted its cover, and a large part of its editorial content,

                                                  Freedom and Portability
                                                • 2024-02-25 a history of the tty

                                                  It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator servers to embedded controllers in appliances, there must be uncountable devices that think they are connected to a TTY. I will omit the many interesting details of the Linux terminal infrastructure here, as it could easily fill its own article. But most Linux users are at least peripherally aware that

                                                  • 【低姿勢】失敗前提でライティングに取り組む重要性。成功レベルだと手を止める?

                                                    色々考えて手を止めたくなる 久しぶりに、自分自身、1記事丸々書き上げようとすると、改めていろいろ考えて手を止めたくなります。 資料が足りない まだペルソナを作っていない 時間が足りない ・・・ など。 「ないもの」ばかりに目を向けて手を止めたくなってしまいます。 でも、人間はそういうモノなのかもしれません。 いろいろ考えて手を止めたくなる。 アフィリエイトサイトの記事作成に限った話ではなくて。 つい、なんだかんだと言い訳をして、辞める理由を作ってしまうのが人間なのかもしれません。 アフィリエイトサイト作成において、どうしても記事執筆を途中で断念してしまう方も、そういうケースが多いのかも知れません。 だけどまずは手を動かさないとならない これは自分自身の経験に大いに基づいている話なんですけど、つい手を止めたくなるけど、だけどまずは手を動かさないとならないんですよね。 つい手を止めたくなる。

                                                    • How Does BlueSky Work?

                                                      Home Blog 2024-02-24 One of the reasons I am enthusiastic about BlueSky is because of the way that it works. So in this post, I am going to lay out some of the design and the principles behind this design, as I understand them. I am not on the BlueSky team, so these are my takes only. Let’s begin. Why does BlueSky exist? Here’s what the BlueSky Website says right now: Social media is too important

                                                      • アーティストがAIによるスタイルのコピーを防ぐための無料ツール「Glaze」がクラックされて突破されたことが明らかに

                                                        シカゴ大学の研究チームが提供している、人間が描いた絵画に対し目に見えない改変を加えてAIによる学習から保護するためのツール「Glaze」について、スイスのオンラインセキュリティ研究者らのチームが「Glazeの保護は簡単に回避可能」と指摘する論文を発表しました。 [2406.12027] Adversarial Perturbations Cannot Reliably Protect Artists From Generative AI https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.12027 Glazing over security | SPY Lab https://spylab.ai/blog/glaze/ Why I attack https://nicholas.carlini.com/writing/2024/why-i-attack.html Tool preven

                                                        • Highlights from Git 2.45

                                                          The open source Git project just released Git 2.45 with features and bug fixes from over 96 contributors, 38 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.44 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here is GitHub’s look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time. Preliminary reftable support Git 2.45 introduces preliminar

                                                            Highlights from Git 2.45
                                                          • 第1回目:#Metoo以後のUSポップ・ミュージック | ele-king

                                                            まるでプラトンの「洞窟の寓話」みたいだ。男性優位にもとづいた家父長的な観念の数々が何千年ものあいだ女性の経験をかたちづくってきたために、その外でシスターフッドを概念化することは難しいし、ましてそれを定義することは難しい。 いずれにせよ私は、フェミニズムがこんにち辿りついている地点を疑わしく思っている。いうまでもないことだが、たとえば日本とアメリカのあいだにある社会的・文化的なニュアンスの違いは、結果として女性の行為についての異なる基準を生みだすことになる——つまりジュディス・バトラーが述べたとおり、「ジェンダー[役割の数々]は行為遂行的なものであり[……それらが]行為されるかぎりにおいて実在する*2」ものなのだ。だけどけっきょくのところいま、ニューヨークから東京まで、誰もが同じ経験をしている。つまりいま現在のフェミニズムのなかでは、女性にたいする抑圧のメカニズムそのものが、私たちをエンパワ

                                                              第1回目:#Metoo以後のUSポップ・ミュージック | ele-king
                                                            • WWDC24:Apple プラットフォームでの機械学習の詳細 | NEWS | Mac OTAKARA

                                                              ※本サイトは、アフィリエイト広告および広告による収益を得て運営しています。購入により売上の一部が本サイトに還元されることがあります。 Appleが、WWDC24において「Apple プラットフォームでの機械学習の詳細」を公開しています。 Appleのオンデバイス機械学習チームのAnil Katti氏は、AppleのOSやアプリケーションの多くの革新的な機能の根底には、高度な機械学習とAIモデルがあります。空間コンピューティングのためのジェスチャー認識、画像キャプチャのポートレートモード、健康のためのECGと心拍数のモニタリング。これらの機能はすべて機械学習とAIによって実現されており、これらの機能を支えるモデルはすべてデバイス上で動作すると説明しています。 今年のリリースでは「Apple Intelligence」がアプリやシステム全体の新機能をパワーアップさせ、エキサイティングな進化をも

                                                                WWDC24:Apple プラットフォームでの機械学習の詳細 | NEWS | Mac OTAKARA
                                                              • Transactions blocks with endless methods

                                                                I previously wrote a quick intro to the endless method in Ruby and now I will try to use it to name transaction blocks in Rails. This is a technique Kasper Timm Hansen shared in a reply to my previous post. I will try to refactor some examples from two open-source Rails repositories just to explore how the code looks. This open-ended exercise is a playground for experimenting with the code shape a

                                                                  Transactions blocks with endless methods
                                                                • The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree

                                                                  By Francesco Bertolaccini You’ve reached computer programming nirvana. Your journey has led you down many paths, including believing that God wrote the universe in LISP, but now the truth is clear in your mind: every problem can be solved by writing one more compiler. It’s true. Even our soon-to-be artificially intelligent overlords are nothing but compilers, just as the legends foretold. That sma

                                                                    The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree
                                                                  • Culture Against Apartheid  アパルトヘイトに抗する文化

                                                                    〈Culture Against Apartheid アパルトヘイトに抗する文化〉は、私たちひとりひとりが、パレスチナでの大量虐殺と民族浄化を止める事を早急の課題とし、この問題の根幹にある占領や、アパルトヘイト体制、「日本」をふくむ世界中の、あらゆる抑圧に抗う『文化』を主体的に創造していくことを宣言する声明です。私たちは団体としてではなく、声明に共感する「ちいさな人びと」の意志の集まる場所として、新しい文化を望むすべての人びとの活動のためのネットワークとして存在します。 声明「パレスチナを忘れるな」というのが、エドワード・サイードの最期のことばでした。 パレスチナの未来のために、彼が最期まで重んじたのが、『文化』というものでした。 わたしたちは、Culture Against Apartheid(アパルトヘイトに抗する文化)というチームをつくりました。 わたしたちが、心から追い求めている新

                                                                      Culture Against Apartheid  アパルトヘイトに抗する文化
                                                                    • dax - Cross-platform shell tools for Node.js

                                                                      In July 2022, I released dax for Deno providing a cross-platform shell for JavaScript written in JavaScript: const data = $.path("data.json").readJsonSync(); await $`git add . && git commit -m "Release ${data.version}"`; This is similar and inspired by zx, but because it uses a cross-platform shell with common built-in cross-platform commands, more code is going to work the same way on different o

                                                                      • Rails edgeでCIを回し始めました 〜見つけたエラー編〜 - Timee Product Team Blog

                                                                        こんにちは、マッチング領域でバックエンドエンジニアをしているぽこひで ( @pokohide ) です。 前回はRails edgeでCIを回し始めた話を紹介しました。 tech.timee.co.jp 今回は、実際に弊社でCIをRails edgeで回し始めた事で見つけたエラーの例を紹介していきます。記事公開時点(2023年7月)のバージョンは下記の通りです。 $ ruby -v ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) +YJIT [aarch64-linux] $ rails -v Rails 7.0.6 ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError object_id is defined by Active Record このエラーに関する参考記事はこちらです。 euglena1215.hatenablo

                                                                          Rails edgeでCIを回し始めました 〜見つけたエラー編〜 - Timee Product Team Blog
                                                                        • Assistants API Overview (Python SDK) | OpenAI Cookbook

                                                                          The new Assistants API is a stateful evolution of our Chat Completions API meant to simplify the creation of assistant-like experiences, and enable developer access to powerful tools like Code Interpreter and Retrieval. Chat Completions API vs Assistants API The primitives of the Chat Completions API are Messages, on which you perform a Completion with a Model (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, etc). It is li

                                                                            Assistants API Overview (Python SDK) | OpenAI Cookbook
                                                                          • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

                                                                            Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

                                                                              A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
                                                                            • フォーム要素の縦書きモードがすべての主要ブラウザでサポートされます! 見慣れないせいか違和感が

                                                                              先日リリースされたSafari 17.4をはじめ、まもなくリリースされるChrome 124でフォームコントロールの縦書きモードが正式にサポートされます。これで、すべての主要モダンブラウザでサポートされることになります。 縦書きモードの対象として日本語ユーザーも含まれているのだと思いますが、見慣れぬせいか違和感が、、、縦書きのコンテンツだったらいいのかな。 フォームを縦書きにするには、writing-mode: vertical-rl;を設定します。サポートブラウザは、Safari 17.4+, Firefox 120+をはじめ、Chrome, Edgeも119からサポートされており、間もなくリリース予定のChrome 124で正式にサポートされる予定です。 writing-mode: Vertically-oriented form controlsのサポートブラウザ 詳しくは、下記をご

                                                                                フォーム要素の縦書きモードがすべての主要ブラウザでサポートされます! 見慣れないせいか違和感が
                                                                              • SemVer in Rust: Tooling, Breakage, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024

                                                                                SemVer in Rust: Tooling, Breakage, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024 Last month, I gave a talk titled "SemVer in Rust: Breakage, Tooling, and Edge Cases" at the FOSDEM 2024 conference. The talk is a practical look at what semantic versioning (SemVer) buys us, why SemVer goes wrong in practice, and how the cargo-semver-checks linter can help prevent the damage caused by SemVer breakage. TL;DR: SemVer is

                                                                                  SemVer in Rust: Tooling, Breakage, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024
                                                                                • (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup

                                                                                  Image from UnSplash I’ve led infrastructure at a startup for the past 4 years that has had to scale quickly. From the beginning I made some core decisions that the company has had to stick to, for better or worse, these past four years. This post will list some of the major decisions made and if I endorse them for your startup, or if I regret them and advise you to pick something else. AWS Link to