A cross-platform native runtime for web apps.Capacitor is an open source native runtime for building Web Native apps. Create cross-platform iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
What is Sudachi? Sudachi is a timetable editor to list up your tasks in a day and organises their priorities at the beginning of the day. Make a timetable with Markdown Sudachi allows you to write a timetable with Markdown. The tasks in the editor area are shown in the timetable area. Edit a timetable easily The start time and required time of tasks can be edited easily by drag and drop in the tim
この記事はElectron Advent Calendar 2016の11日目の記事です。 この記事では僕がプライベートで開発しているJasperというGitHub用のIssue Readerについて書きました。 JasperはElectronで作られており、どういうものかを一行で説明すると「任意の条件にマッチしたIssueが流れてくるIssue Reader」です。 https://jasperapp.io/ https://github.com/jasperapp/jasper 今回はそのJasperの開発初期、リリース期、運用期での出来事を時系列でまとめました。 なので、技術的な話はあまり多くありません。 どちらかというと僕自身の備忘録としてJasperの開発史をまとめたものになっており、すごく長い記事になっています。 ご注意ください。 目次 開発初期 コンセプト 初期実装 フィード
SecureStrong 256bit AES encrypted vaults that meet today's security standards. Rest assured that your credentials are safe. SimpleEasy-to-use interfaces with basic concepts make storing and finding your login details a piece of cake. FreeButtercup's software is free to download and use, forever. It's also available for all major platforms. Buttercup for desktop is a beautifully-simple password man
Because PR & code review should be more 🎉 & less 🤬 multi-repo setups shouldn’t make you feel 🤢 too much context switching makes you feel 😤 merge conflicts can turn into a real 💩 show fear of Git mistakes has you all like 🫣 and 😱 lousy DevEx will make your top devs run for the🚪 lack of visibility kills progress and eats up ⏳