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1 - 40 件 / 178件

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hardly everの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 178件

  • The forgotten mistake that killed Japan's software industry - Disrupting Japan

    This is our 200th episode, so I wanted to do something special. Everyone loves to complain about the poor quality of Japanese software, but today I’m going to explain exactly what went wrong.  You’ll get the whole story, and I’ll also pinpoint the specific moment Japan lost its way. By the end, I think you’ll have a new perspective on Japanese software and understand why everything might be about

      The forgotten mistake that killed Japan's software industry - Disrupting Japan
    • Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick

      Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick I joined Google in early 2015 to work on the V8 team as one of the first authors of the WebAssembly specification. This is a partial story of what went wrong with the process and how it permanently damaged me. My hope is that this story will help people recognize toxic cultures in their own workplaces, or help new hires have a better ca

      • リリースした新機能や改善の多くに価値がないという調査結果が意味すること - mtx2s’s blog

        プロダクトに備わる機能の64%がほとんど使われないと言う。あるいは、80%という数字が用いられることもある。これが本当だとすれば、ソフトウェア開発に費やしたコストの多くが無駄だったことになる。ソフトウェア開発は常にスピードが求められるものだが、そもそもこのような無駄がなければ、ユーザーや顧客への価値の提供をもっと速くできたはずだ。 ソフトウェプロダクトをローンチし、それから次々とリリースを繰り返しながら追加されていった変更は、いったいどれだけのものが実際に価値があったのだろうか。本稿では、Standish Groupやマイクロソフトの文献を中心に、ヒントとなる数字をいくつか紹介し、その理解を深める。 64%はめったに、あるいはまったく使われない 80%は価値が低い、あるいはまったくない 3分の2は価値がない、あるいは逆に価値を損なわせる 「勝利宣言」からの脱却 64%はめったに、あるいはま

          リリースした新機能や改善の多くに価値がないという調査結果が意味すること - mtx2s’s blog
        • 【歌詞和訳】ビリー・ジョエルの「Honesty」で英語多聴に挑戦!無料英語多聴講座7~効果抜群の英語学習~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

          洋楽を使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 先日のエド・シーランの「Thinking Out Loud」の記事を投稿させて頂いた際に、ブログで交流させていただいておりますケイゴマンさん(id:keigoman)からコメントを頂きました。 無料で学べる英語多聴講座5:カーペンターズの「I Need To Be In Love」で英語多聴に挑戦~効果抜群の英語学習~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て! カーペンターズの英語は聞き取りやすいですよね。あと、ビリージョエルの英語も好きです。 2020/04/17 10:28 www.jukupapa.com この記事ではビリー・ジョエル(William Martin "Billy" Joel)の「Honesty」を題材に、英語多聴の仕方をご紹介したいと思います。 この記事を読んで頂いてから曲を聞いていただければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多く

            【歌詞和訳】ビリー・ジョエルの「Honesty」で英語多聴に挑戦!無料英語多聴講座7~効果抜群の英語学習~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
          • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

            The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

              The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
            • 『殺されつつある、日本人の国民性』

              アンちゃんから見るニッポン 日本に来て20年のアンちゃんが 仕事、子育てをしながら、その中でアメリカと日本の違いを博多弁でわかりやすく綴ります。 去年の5月に書いたブログだけど、あれからコロナ対策はちっとも変わってないから、もう一回アップする。 ___________________________________________ 去年の今頃、私は [日本に住んでよかった!] と思った。 Last year at about this time, I remember thinking. “I sure am glad I live in Japan.” 母国のアメリカではコロナが蔓延して、毎日マスクをしたくないアメリカ人や、コロナを甘く考えているトランプ大統領をテレビで見ていたからだ。どんどんカオスに落ちていったアメリカは、私にとって、距離的にだけでなく、感情的にも遠いところになってきた

              • Modern iOS Navigation Patterns · Frank Rausch

                This page collects all the familiar navigation patterns for structuring iOS apps, like drill-downs, modals, pyramids, sequences, and more! Think of it as an unofficial bonus chapter for Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, written by someone who cares deeply about well-crafted user interfaces. A typical iOS application has a fixed architecture—often a hierarchical tree with multiple levels. This ri

                  Modern iOS Navigation Patterns · Frank Rausch
                • Legends of Localization: Games with Famous Bad Translations INTO Japanese

                  We’ve looked at lots of notoriously bad game translations into English over the years, so a common question I get is: Does Japan have famous bad game translation quotes too? I’m hardly an expert on the subject, but I’ve listed a few bad English-to-Japanese game translation quotes that I’m familiar with. I hope to update this article once in a while, so if you know of any other examples that belong

                    Legends of Localization: Games with Famous Bad Translations INTO Japanese
                  • 【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「Belle」で英語多聴に挑戦!無料英語多聴講座15~効果抜群の英語学習~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                    洋楽を使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事では実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「Belle」を題材に、英語多聴の仕方をご紹介したいと思います。 この記事を読んで頂いてから曲を聞いていただければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなるかもしれません。 練習の流れ 「Belle」 歌詞 歌詞を読んでからもう一度聞く Amazon Musicで聞ける 他の曲で多聴 最後に 練習の流れ 英語多聴の練習の流れをご説明します。 ①英語の曲を聴く ②歌詞を読む ③英語の曲を聴く 記事はこの流れに沿って構成されていますので、記事を読んで頂ければ自然とこの流れで練習できるようになっています。 ②の歌詞は曲を聴きながら、読んで頂いてもかまいません。 「Belle」 この曲は映画の序盤、村のシーンで使用された曲です。 アニメ版でも使用されており主人公のベルがどのような人物で、村人からどのように思われ

                      【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「Belle」で英語多聴に挑戦!無料英語多聴講座15~効果抜群の英語学習~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                    • How are Unix pipes implemented?

                      This article is about how pipes are implemented the Unix kernel. I was a little disappointed that a recent article titled “How do Unix pipes work?” was not about the internals, and curious enough to go digging in some old sources to try to answer the question. What are we talking about? Pipes are “perhaps the single most striking invention in Unix” — a defining characteristic of the Unix philosoph

                        How are Unix pipes implemented?
                      • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                        Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                          An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
                        • Kafka is dead, long live Kafka

                          TL;DRWarpStream is an Apache Kafka® protocol compatible data streaming platform built directly on top of S3. It's delivered as a single, stateless Go binary so there are no local disks to manage, no brokers to rebalance, and no ZooKeeper to operate. WarpStream is 5-10x cheaper than Kafka in the cloud because data streams directly to and from S3 instead of using inter-zone networking, which can be

                            Kafka is dead, long live Kafka
                          • Learn These Words First

                            Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

                            • Remove Richard Stallman

                              Edited on 03/22/2021: If you are reading this in 2021, it is likely because Stallman has been reinstated as a board member of the free software foundation. Since news like that always comes with renewed interest in this blog post, rather than suffering the litany of responses nitpicking at words that have already started pouring in, I encourage you to instead (or at least in addition) read “Append

                                Remove Richard Stallman
                              • Hayao Miyazaki Prepares to Cast One Last Spell (Published 2021)

                                No artist has explored the contradictions of humanity as sympathetically and critically as the Japanese animation legend. Now, at 80, he’s coming out of retirement with another movie. THE SCREEN IS black, and then comes the first frame: Hayao Miyazaki, the greatest animated filmmaker since the advent of the form in the early 20th century and one of the greatest filmmakers of any genre, is seated i

                                  Hayao Miyazaki Prepares to Cast One Last Spell (Published 2021)
                                • Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

                                  I first got into web design/development in the late 90s, and only as I type this sentence do I realize how long ago that was. And boy, it was horrendous. I mean, being able to make stuff and put it online where other people could see it was pretty slick, but we did not have very much to work with. I’ve been taking for granted that most folks doing web stuff still remember those days, or at least t

                                  • Case study: Analyzing Notion app performance · PerfPerfPerf

                                    Web performance isn’t going to save you in this crisis. But if you’re building a software product, chances are you’re relatively unaffected. And in this case, having a quick app is more important than ever. Internet is slowing down due to increased demand, and people are holding on to their phones for longer – so if your app is slow, your users will be affected by it. And slow app means worse busi

                                    • Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team

                                      The perils of the modern communications conveyor belt that never ends, divides your attention, fractures your time, and chains you to FOMO. Group chat is like being in an all-day meeting, with random participants, and no agenda Over the past few years, persistent group chat tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams have taken hold — and strangled companies. What began as a novel way to quickly communic

                                        Group Chat: The Best Way to Totally Stress Out Your Team
                                      • ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transp|堀 あきこ

                                        ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transphobia in the Japanese Twittersphere - Akiko Hori (English follows Japanese) この記事は『福音と世界』2019年6月号に書いたものです。日本のインターネットにおけるトランス女性への排除言説をまとめ、差別を考え、差別に抗うために書きました。 私は、こうした記事執筆やハッシュタグキャンペーン、反トランスフォビア声明の発表(2,715人が賛同署名)を、ジェンダー/セクシュアリティ研究者たちと一緒にカウンターアクションとして行ってきました。 しかし、これらのアクションを受け、日本におけるトランス排除的言説を擁護する英語の投稿が

                                          ネット公開「誰をいかなる理由で排除しようとしているのか? ―SNSにおけるトランス女性差別現象から」堀あきこ(英訳あり)Excluding Whom for What? A Look at Transp|堀 あきこ
                                        • The Web’s Next Transition

                                          The web is made up of technologies that got their start over 25 years ago. HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JS were all first standardized in the mid-nineties (when I was 8 years old). Since then, the web evolved into a ubiquitous application platform. As the web has evolved, so too has the architecture for the development of these applications. There are many core architectures for building applications for

                                            The Web’s Next Transition
                                          • Ruby Next: Make all Rubies quack alike—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog

                                            If you’re interested in translating or adapting this post, please contact us first. Meet Ruby Next, the first transpiler for Ruby that allows you to use the latest language features, including experimental ones, today—without the stress of a project-wide version upgrade. Read the story behind the gem, discover its inner workings, and see how it can help push Ruby into the future. These days, Ruby

                                              Ruby Next: Make all Rubies quack alike—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
                                            • André Staltz - Time Till Open Source Alternative

                                              Open source is coming for your business. It is just a matter of time before there exists a compelling open source alternative to your software. It won’t happen overnight, it will start out as a poor alternative, but slowly growing to become the robust and cheap (in fact, free!) solution that everyone uses. In this blog post, I’ll prove this to you with data. I present a measurement I call “Time Ti

                                              • Vue 3: mid 2020 status update · Issue #183 · vuejs/rfcs

                                                Vue 3: Mid 2020 Status Update Many of our users have been asking this question: when will Vue 3 be ready? We have refrained from giving a definitive answer because predicting software delivery time is hardly ever accurate. As a non-profit-driven project, we wanted to focus on writing good software instead of hitting deadlines. However, it's been a long wait, and we know the uncertainty can make it

                                                  Vue 3: mid 2020 status update · Issue #183 · vuejs/rfcs
                                                • The Open Source Sustainability Crisis

                                                  Let’s get the XKCD reference out of the way, shall we? Okay, now let’s talk about the Open Source sustainability crisis. The purpose of this post is to define terms. What is Open Source sustainability? Why do I say it is in crisis? My answers are that sustainability is when people are getting paid without jumping through hoops, and we’re in a crisis because people aren’t and they’re burning out. W

                                                  • 60+ Logo Design Stats and Facts – New Fortune 500 List Research (2021) - One987 Creative Services

                                                    Just how much do you know about logos? There are so many “best practices” in logo design that it’s easy to get lost in all that knowledge. But even the most experienced designers and biggest brand enthusiasts among us can always learn something new. That’s why we’ve done the research and are here to shake things up with the most up-to-date logo statistics from the Fortune 500 list. Along with insi

                                                      60+ Logo Design Stats and Facts – New Fortune 500 List Research (2021) - One987 Creative Services
                                                    • The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla

                                                      In 2018 Bryan Cantrill gave a brilliant talk where he shared his recent experiences with the Rust programming language. More profoundly, he explored a facet of software that is oftentimes overlooked: the values of the software we use. To paraphrase him slightly: Values are defined as expressions of relative importance. Two things that we're comparing could both be good attributes. The real questio

                                                        The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla
                                                      • Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine

                                                        Breadcrumbs UX are often neglected, but they can be extremely helpful when designing a complex navigation. We can improve them with sideways navigation, clearer breadcrumbs paths and accordions on mobile. Nobody gets particularly excited about breadcrumbs navigation. You know, those tiny little crumbles of pathways that illustrate where a user currently is in the intricate hierarchy of the website

                                                          Designing Effective Breadcrumbs Navigation — Smashing Magazine
                                                        • Kalyn: a self-hosting compiler for x86-64

                                                          Over the course of my Spring 2020 semester at Harvey Mudd College, I developed a self-hosting compiler entirely from scratch. This article walks through many interesting parts of the project. It’s laid out so you can just read from beginning to end, but if you’re more interested in a particular topic, feel free to jump there. Or, take a look at the project on GitHub. Table of contents What the pro

                                                          • The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It

                                                            As the PlayStation 2 turns 20 in Japan on March 4, followed by Europe and North America later in the year, game outlets of all stripes will undoubtedly be trotting out lists and retrospectives commemorating one of the most culturally significant and successful consoles to ever be produced. Although much of that attention will likely be focused on the many unique and diverse games that helped make

                                                              The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It
                                                            • Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3

                                                              Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3July 27, 2023 • 6277 words Today, I am publishing a guest post from Andy Warfield, VP and distinguished engineer over at S3. I asked him to write this based on the Keynote address he gave at USENIX FAST ‘23 that covers three distinct perspectives on scale that come along with building and operating a storage system the size of S3. In toda

                                                                Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3
                                                              • ビリージョエル 『ニューヨーク52番街』胸を打つ名曲「オネスティ♬」 - 時の化石

                                                                どーもShinShaです。 久々にこのアルバムを聴きました。 ああビリージョエルの世界だ。 40年前にタイムスリップ。 この作品は1978年グラミー賞最優秀アルバム。 「オネスティ」「マイライフ」ヒット曲も入っています。 ビリー・ジョエル のマストアルバムです。 ビリージョエル 『52nd Street』1978年 オネスティ Honesty マイ・ライフ My Life ザンジバル Zanzibar 自由への半マイル Half a Mile Away あとがき ビリージョエル 『52nd Street』1978年 ニューヨーク52番街(期間生産限定盤) アーティスト:ビリー・ジョエル発売日: 2017/08/02メディア: CD \01. ビッグ・ショット Big Shot \02. オネスティ Honesty \03. マイ・ライフ My Life \04. ザンジバル Zanziba

                                                                  ビリージョエル 『ニューヨーク52番街』胸を打つ名曲「オネスティ♬」 - 時の化石
                                                                • Beyond the pale: where are all the films about ‘whiteness’?

                                                                  Surveying the cinematic landscape this awards season, one question keeps coming to mind: where are all the white films for white people? That might seem an odd concern to have in 2024, when white people are well represented at every major awards ceremony and the cultural event of the last 12 months was Barbenheimer, a set-to between the greatest of the Great White Man biopics and a jubilant celebr

                                                                    Beyond the pale: where are all the films about ‘whiteness’?
                                                                  • The Lumpenbourgeoisie

                                                                    There’s a scene in the Norwegian movie The Worst Person In the World in which one of the main characters, a comic book artist, is being interviewed on TV about his early work. The interview quickly turns into an inquisition. The comic that had made the middle-aged artist famous decades before was classic 90s-style underground pop culture: raunchy, rude, vulgar, obscene, and deliberately offensive,

                                                                      The Lumpenbourgeoisie
                                                                    • What I Worked On

                                                                      February 2021 Before college the two main things I worked on, outside of school, were writing and programming. I didn't write essays. I wrote what beginning writers were supposed to write then, and probably still are: short stories. My stories were awful. They had hardly any plot, just characters with strong feelings, which I imagined made them deep. The first programs I tried writing were on the

                                                                      • ECMAScript 2019 and beyond...

                                                                        Newsletter Subscribe to keep up-to-date with the latest content! Last month - June 2019 - 10th edition of ECMA-262 standard was officially published. What does it mean? - Well, ECMAScript 2019 is here! The latest and greatest specification for JavaScript and other derivatives languages to follow. And while you may already have heard of some of its new features, we'll recall all of them! Plus some

                                                                          ECMAScript 2019 and beyond...
                                                                        • 'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'

                                                                          The first season of Japan's J-League began in May 1993, with Lineker one of a selection of overseas stars signed to sell the sport to the publicThe day of my J-League debut for Nagoya Grampus Eight began with an earthquake where our whole hotel shook… and then we lost 5-0 and I didn't get a kick. It was not exactly a dream start. It was half a lifetime ago for me now, but going there felt like a b

                                                                            'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'
                                                                          • The Barbenheimer Phenomenon Is Leaving Out This Important Element

                                                                            Historically significant in its own way, this pop culture event has cast a shadow over one of history's most consequential moments. The Barbenheimer phenomenon has become a global sensation, proving that cross-promotion can benefit competing blockbusters and boost movie theaters. Warner Bros. faced backlash for tone-deaf marketing campaigns, such as a tweet featuring Oppenheimer and Barbie in fron

                                                                              The Barbenheimer Phenomenon Is Leaving Out This Important Element
                                                                            • Booting from a vinyl record – BOGIN, JR.

                                                                              Most PCs tend to boot from a primary media storage, be it a hard disk drive, or a solid-state drive, perhaps from a network, or – if all else fails – the USB stick or the boot DVD comes to the rescue… Fun, eh? Boring! Why don’t we try to boot from a record player for a change? 64 512 byte DOS boot disk on a 10″ record, total playing time 06:10 on 45 rpm Update February 2022: Click here to observe

                                                                              • Epigrams in Programming | Computer Science

                                                                                1. One man’s constant is another man’s variable. 2. Functions delay binding; data structures induce binding. Moral: Structure data late in the programming process. 3. Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. 4. Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits. 5. If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways. 6. Symmetry is a complexity-r

                                                                                • How to Do Great Work

                                                                                  July 2023 If you collected lists of techniques for doing great work in a lot of different fields, what would the intersection look like? I decided to find out by making it. Partly my goal was to create a guide that could be used by someone working in any field. But I was also curious about the shape of the intersection. And one thing this exercise shows is that it does have a definite shape; it's