
ブックマーク / www.economist.com (3)

  • Tongue tried

    skam666 2018/01/05
    “I chose to learn Ainu, a Far Eastern language hovering on the cusp of extinction. According to UNESCO, there are only 15 native speakers left alive. Then I learned that not only were there three varieties of Ainu, but each of these has multiple dialects.”
  • Biohackers of the world, unite

    Biohackers of the world, uniteFollowing the example of maker communities worldwide, hobbyists keen on biology have started to get together IT LOOKS like an experimental cooking class as participants taste a green powder, pull faces and then mix it into a concoction of fruit and milk. But the event organised by Open Wetlab in Amsterdam has a more serious goal than to come up with new recipes for sm

    Biohackers of the world, unite
    skam666 2014/09/07
    “some people worry that amateur laboratories could create killer bugs or provide training for bio terrorists. For the moment, at least, such fears seem premature. (中略) Only 13% of the biohackers have synthesised a gene and just 3% have genetically engineered a mammalian cell.”
  • Crowning the dragon

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsBritish election 2024Israel and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsBritish election 2024Israel and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist expla

    skam666 2014/05/01
    “China’s PPP exchange rate is now higher than economists had previously estimated using data from the previous survey in 2005: a whopping 20% higher. So China (中国) will be crowned the world's pre-eminent country by the end of this year according to The Economist’s calculations.”
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