
ブックマーク / zachholman.com (2)

  • Startup Interviewing is Fucked

    Silicon Valley is full of startups who fetishize the candidate that comes into the interview, answers a few clever fantasy coding challenges, and ultimately ends up the award-winning hire that will surely implement the elusive algorithm that will herald a new era of profitability for the fledging VC-backed company. Startup: We’re hiring people to reinvent and change the world! Interviewer: Please

  • Fired

    So I got fired from GitHub two weeks ago. This is the tweet I wrote afterwards while walking to lunch: The last half-decade meant everything to me. Was a hell of a gig. Thanks, GitHub. — Zach Holman (@holman) February 20, 2015 I left it ambiguous because I wasn’t sure what to think about it all at that point. I mean, something I’d been doing for half a decade was suddenly gone. If people knew what

    tknzk 2015/03/07
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