I sometimes get this message in the logs of Xcode 8b3 when running my app, everything seems to work, but I'd like to know where this comes from. Google did not help at all.
Best current version, without need to deal with numeric search within NSString is to define macros (See original answer: Check iPhone iOS Version) Those macros do exist in github, see: https://github.com/carlj/CJAMacros/blob/master/CJAMacros/CJAMacros.h Like this: #define SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame) #def
I am trying to capture an image during a live preview from the camera, by AVFoundation captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection. So far the program works as expected. However, how can I mute the shutter sound?
The following code works up through iOS 6: UIButton *myButton = nil; myButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; myButton.bounds = CGRectMake(0,0,44,30); // setup myButton's images, etc. UIBarButtonItem *item = nil; item = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:customButton]; This is how the button is supposed to be aligned: However, on iOS 7, the button appears to be offset from
We have an employee whose surname is Null. Our employee lookup application is killed when that last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now). The error received is: <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <faultstring>coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException : The SEARCHSTRING parameter to the g
I have a problem where my UITableView (group style) has a black "tip" above it's rounded corner. I'm setting up the background of the tableview like so: [meetingTableView setBackgroundColor:[[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"background.png"]]]; And my table view ends up looking like this: black pointy edge on rounded corner http://papernapkin.org/pasteb
I was going through the release notes for Xcode 4.4 and noticed this: LLVM 4.0 Compiler Xcode now includes the Apple LLVM Compiler version 4.0, including the following newObjective-C language features: [...] - Objective-C literals: create literals for NSArray, NSDictionary, and NSNumber, just the same as the literals for NSString I'm intrigued about this feature. It's not entirely clear to me just