国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)とNGOの会合で、東日本大震災の支援ボランティアの経験を報告するミャンマー・カチン族出身のマリップ・センブさん=ジュネーブ市内で2011年6月30日 【ジュネーブ伊藤智永】津波で破壊された岩手県陸前高田市で、日本在住の難民たちが約2カ月間、ボランティア活動を続けている。難民と被災者が助け合う経験は6月30日、スイスのジュネーブで開かれた国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)と難民支援非政府組織(NGO)の年次協議会でも報告され、共感を呼んだ。 「政治難民も津波難民も、多くをなくした境遇は一緒です。被災者の気持ちを一番理解できるのは、私たちかもしれない」。NPO難民支援協会が開いた報告会で、ミャンマー・カチン族出身のマリップ・センブさん(47)は熱い気持ちを語った。ミャンマーの学生だった91年、反政府デモに参加。身の危険を感じて翌年来日し、難民認定を受け
Dozens of African migrants were left to die in the Mediterranean after a number of European military units apparently ignored their cries for help, the Guardian has learned. Two of the nine survivors claim this included a Nato ship. A boat carrying 72 passengers, including several women, young children and political refugees, ran into trouble in late March after leaving Tripoli for the Italian isl
仏伊 国境での規制強化で一致 4月27日 9時48分 不安定な政情が続く北アフリカから大量の移民がヨーロッパに流入している事態を受けて、フランスとイタリアの首脳は、ヨーロッパ諸国の間で人の自由な移動を認めた協定を見直し、必要に応じて国境での規制を強められるよう改定すべきだとの認識で一致しました。 フランスのサルコジ大統領とイタリアのベルルスコーニ首相は、26日、ローマで首脳会談を行い、北アフリカから大量の移民がヨーロッパに流入している事態への対応を協議しました。ことし1月以降、リビアやチュニジアでの混乱を受けて、2万人以上の移民が地中海を渡ってイタリアに入国し、その多くが越境してフランスに押し寄せたことから、フランス政府は一時、国境を閉鎖する措置をとりました。会談を終えた両首脳は記者会見を行い、ヨーロッパ諸国の間で国境での審査を廃止し人の自由な移動を認めたシェンゲン協定を見直し、必要に応じ
A mass airlift of Egyptian refugees from the Libyan-Tunisian border to Cairo involving British, French and Tunisian planes has begun as the international community moved to prevent a humanitarian disaster. An urgent request from the UN to help 85,000 refugees, stranded in hastily organised camps in Tunisia after they fled from Libya, was answered by the three countries. Two British chartered plane
Fatima beamed broadly as she knelt in the mud outside her tent and filled two-year-old Reza Khan's baby bottle with milk. "Look, he's not crying any more," she said, as he sucked down the liquid. It had been a month since the little boy had tasted milk. The mother of eight kept an eye on her son as she lifted the lid on a blackened aluminium pot, her only one, that was bubbling over a campfire and
Standing in the narrow streets of Shatila refugee camp, south Beirut, as battered mopeds speed past and electrical wires dangle messily overhead, seven-year-old Hasan Hameid is clear about what he wants to do when he grows up: "I want to be a doctor and to treat sick people." But despite Lebanon's proclaimed sympathy with the Palestinian people, Lebanese law will prevent him fulfilling his dream w
The UN humanitarian office spokeswoman, Elisabeth Byrs, said an estimated 300,000 people had been driven from their homes but remained inside Kyrgyzstan, and there were about 100,000 refugees in neighbouring Uzbekistan. The last official estimate of refugees who had fled the country was 75,000. No number of internally displaced has previously been available. Violence between the majority Kyrgyz po