JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. JWT.IO allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT. Learn more about jwtSee jwt libraries Warning: JWTs are credentials, which can grant access to resources. Be careful where you paste them! We do not record tokens, all validation and debugging is done on the client side.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to improve the performance of slow MySQL queries using Apache Spark. In my previous blog post, I wrote about using Apache Spark with MySQL for data analysis and showed how to transform and analyze a large volume of data (text files) with Apache Spark. Vadim also performed a benchmark comparing the performance of MySQL and Spark with Parquet columnar format (usi
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? 2016年9月17日に、 Haskell Day 2016 が開催されます。このエントリでは午前中のHaskell チュートリアルの参加者向けに、チュートリアルの概要と、参加するために必要な準備について説明します。なお、チュートリアルはTurtle.Tutorialに沿って進めますので、本エントリはTurtle.Tutorialを始めるための日本語資料としても利用できるでしょう。 【追記】本編が開催されました。【/追記】 チュートリアルの概要 他言語の経験者を対象に、Haskellでコマンドラインツールを作る演習を開催します。本チュート
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どうも、らこです。 ついにAngular 2.0.0が正式リリースされました!めでたい!! 今回はRC.7も含めた変更点の解説に加えて、正式リリース後のAngularの予定についても紹介します。 RC.6からの変更点 RC.7、2.0.0ともに、ほとんどがバグ修正とドキュメンテーションの追加で、破壊的な変更はRC.7にひとつあるだけです。 2.0.0-RC.7 2.0.0 破壊的変更 ...Metadata系のクラスを廃止 refactor(core): remove `…Metadata` for all decorators and use the dec… · angular/angular@63e15ff RC.6までは、@Componentデコレーターに渡すオブジェクトの型はComponentMetadataというクラスになっていて、 Component以外にもそれぞれのデコレー
Build native OS X Apps with Web Technologies View the Project on GitHub MacGapProject View On GitHub What is MacGap? MacGap provides HTML/JS/CSS developers an Xcode project for developing native OS X App. These Apps run in OS X's WebView and take advantage of WebKit technologies. MacGap exposes a JavaScript API for OS X integration, such as displaying native notifications or writing data to a file
Save over 40% when you secure your tickets today to TNW Conference 💥 Prices will increase on November 22 → If you’re like anyone at TNW, you’re probably using Slack every day, all day long. I don’t mind; it’s a well designed app. But their newly released beta is bringing it to another level. Their current macOS app is built using MacGap, which is a wrapper for web apps — so technically, it was ju
Last updated at Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:52:58 GMT This article originally appeared on Basho. It is adapted from a lightning talk Sean gave at the Boston Golang meetup in December of 2015. For a while, it seemed like everyone was crazy for microservices. You couldn’t open up your favorite news aggregator of choice without some company you had never heard of touting how the move to microservices had sav
Blog Turning Customer Data into a Company-Wide Asset: Insights from Nestlé Discover how Nestlé is using a CDP to transform customer data into a company-wide asset that breaks down silos and drives business strategy. Filter by Topic Filter by Topic AI & Machine Learning CDP CDP Use Cases Company News Customer Data Strategy Customer Service Data Privacy & Security Marketing Partners Treasure Data CD