
ブックマーク / longtailworld.blogspot.com (1)

  • 僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR

    Maybe it's a generational thing, but, Mr. Peter Bregman, I feel exactly the same way you do, thank you for writing this. I, too, don't wear electronic devices, while running.  I just want to listen to the wind, chirping birds, feeling the sun, enjoying ever-changing scent of flowers and grasses.  That way, I can empty my mind.  I, too, treasure the quiet moment I spend staring at my daughter. Kids

    Yoshita_1973 2010/06/20
    退屈。 退屈は大事。本当は誰もが追求すべき心の状態だ。退屈になると心は行き場を失って、何かエキサイティングなもの、何か面白い着地点を求めて、ひとり歩きを始める。そしてそこからクリエイティビティが生まれ
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