LGは現地時間12月23日、Google TVを搭載したスマートTVの新ラインアップを米国市場で2013年上半期中に発売すると発表しました。発表された製品は2013年1月に米国・ラスベガスで開催されるCES 2013で初披露される予定です。 新ラインアップは、Google TVプラットフォームの第3世代目となる”Google TV 3.0”を標準搭載しており、画面サイズのバリエーションが従来の47/55型の2種類から42/47/50/55/60型の5種類に拡大、さらに、デザイン別にノーマル型とプレミアム型も選べるようになっているそうです。プレミアム型は、これまでシネマ3DスマートTVのみに採用されたゼロベゼルのシネマスクリーンデザインを採用したとのことです。新型にもホイール、音声認識機能、ジェスチャーコマンド機能、QWERTY配列のキーボードを備えたリモコン「マジックリモコン」が付属します
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Google TV: Now faster and easier Last year, your Google TV received an update which added Google Play and simplified the entertainment discovery experience. Our next update makes finding whatever you want on Google TV even faster and easier. The update starts to roll out this week to LG devices and to other devices thereafter. Voice Search: Simply speak to watch anyth
Google TV still exists. It's important to be reminded once in a while because, while Google TV promised to be our deliverer from the evil world of crappy cable box interfaces, so far the company has yet to deliver. Today's update to the TV & Movies app, though, is a step in the right direction. For starters, Google has finally done what we've all wanted since there were more than three channels: n
Thursday, February 16, 2012 Able Remote Brings Voice Control, Remote Personalization, And More To Google TV Today’s guest post to the Google TV blog comes from Leon Nicholls, creator of the Able Remote app that turns your Android device into a customized remote. Boss your TV around. Now you can use voice commands like "channel CNN" or “app Pandora.” Or launch channels and apps with the touch of
The future of television is always a hot topic of speculation at the Consumer Electronics Show. Though hype over 3D televisions cooled quickly after the show last year, this year’s TV’s trend taps into a movement that’s become the watchword of the consumer electronics industry: convergence. Companies are scrambling to be the one-stop shop for Web, media consumption, social networking and gaming. I
Sometimes what happens in Vegas is best enjoyed in your living room. New devices powered by Google TV coming in 2012.
Thursday, January 5, 2012 From the Las Vegas Strip to your living room: Google TV partners at CES Last October, we launched an update to Google TV: a simpler interface, a new way to discover great web and TV content, a more TV-like YouTube experience, and Android Market. Since launching the update, we’ve seen our activation rates more than double. New features and new apps are coming to the living
Offering an impressive suite of productivity applications and management tools, Google Workspace is fast becoming the favored cloud-based productivity platform for all manner of businesses. Though small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often get the most out of it, there’s plenty on offer for larger enterprises, including one of the best email providers out there, Gmail. Workspace can be a lot t