Investigation of hindwing folding in ladybird beetles by artificial elytron transplantation and microcomputed tomography
- バナー広告なし
- ミュート機能あり
- ダークモード搭載
Investigation of hindwing folding in ladybird beetles by artificial elytron transplantation and microcomputed tomography
Investigation of hindwing folding in ladybird beetles by artificial elytron transplantation and m... Investigation of hindwing folding in ladybird beetles by artificial elytron transplantation and microcomputed tomography View ORCID ProfileKazuya Saito, Shuhei Nomura, Shuhei Yamamoto, Ryuma Niiyama, and Yoji Okabe aInstitute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Tokyo, 153-8505 Japan;bNational Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0005 Japan
2017/05/17 リンク