
ブックマーク / slate.com (2)

  • Isaac Asimov.

    Assessment Isaac Asimov How I, Robot gets the science-fiction grandmaster wrong. Isaac Asimov was the steak-and-buffet restaurant of American authors: What he lacked in quality, he made up for in volume. If you didn’t like what he was serving, you could wait a few minutes for him to bring out something else. By the time he died in 1992, at the age of 72, Asimov had published more than 470 books, r

    Isaac Asimov.
    flak 2005/12/28
  • The "Oil Spot" Theory of Counterinsurgency

    An up-armored Humvee hit by an improvised explosive device in Fallujah FALLUJAH, Iraq—Marine Staff Sgt. Gordon Van Schoik of Battalion 2/7 found the two insurgents digging under the hardtop of Route Boston at 8 in the morning. The discovery wasn’t luck. Weeks earlier, a little farther down the highway, an improvised explosive device had blown up under a Humvee, killing Pfc. Romano Romero, 19, of L

    The "Oil Spot" Theory of Counterinsurgency
    flak 2005/11/04
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