
writingとWikipediaに関するgentoのブックマーク (1)

  • naglly.com - なぐりこむ

    Chili Tornado Quake(チリ竜巻地震) Breaking news(ニュース速報) 男: A tornado that struck a chili pepper processing plant during an earthquake was rated 55,000 on the Richter-Fujita-Scoville scale. (地震中に唐辛子加工工場を襲った竜巻は、リヒター・フジタ・スコヴィル値で、マグニチュード55,000だった。) Alt-text: Buildings constructed from softer materials were damaged by chili pepper impacts to the storm's high Richter-Fujita-Scoville-Mohs hardness rating. (柔らか

    naglly.com - なぐりこむ
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