福岡太朗 @foktr 少林寺三十六房って映画で、少林寺に入った主人公が1年間掃除しかさせてもらえなくて、そのことを寺の住職に行ったら「え!?君、拳法の修行したくて少林寺に入ったの!?言わないと分かんないよ!」って次の日から修行に入れさせてくれたの滅茶苦茶好き。普通そこは掃除の中で修行みたいなヤツだろ。 2023-10-12 15:11:09
If your daily scrum feels more like a status meeting than a synchronization opportunity, you're probably doing your daily scrums wrong. And that might be one reason why team members are asking questions like, do we really have to do daily scrums every day? If your daily scrum meeting is currently about asking each team member to give an update on their progress, plans, and problems (What did you d
Publishing Done Right Our mission is to make educational products that are free, transparent, and lower barriers to education. We also feature supporting resources, such as slides, videos, and more. Ensuring every student has access "65% of students have opted out of buying a college textbook due to its high price", and 94% of those students know they suffer academically from that decision. [Ref 1
Welcome to IMS2 This is the website for Introduction to Modern Statistics, Second Edition by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin. Introduction to Modern Statistics, which we’ll refer to as IMS going forward, is a textbook from the OpenIntro project. IMS2 is currently under construction, it’s planned to be released in Spring 2024. The first edition of the book is available at openintro-ims.net