
2017年1月30日のブックマーク (1件)

  • “[…] is a toy”

    As many have recognized, when inventions and innovations first appear they are often (always) labeled as “toys” or “incapable” of doing “real work” or providing “real entertainment”. Of course, many new inventions don’t work out the way inventors had hoped, though quite frequently it is just a matter of timing and the coming together of a variety of circumstances. It can be said that being labeled

    “[…] is a toy”
    ktakaki 2017/01/30
    登場初期「…なんて実用性のないオモチャだ」と言われた技術の羅列。2017 - VR is a toyを付け加えようとしたら既に原文のコメ欄に(微笑)。/Internetを94年当時「こんな設定面倒くさい物が流行る訳ない」と思ってた僕苦笑。