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All of Percona’s open source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.
Top 84 MySQL Performance Tips -- Debian Admin MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries. MySQLパフォーマンスに関する84のTIPS. 次のような感じのTIPSが84紹介されてるということで一度は目を通しておきたいですね。 以下、流し読みでメモ クエリのプロファイルにはExplain文を使おう スロークエリログを活用しよう GROUP BY を使うときは DISTINCTを使わない LIMIT m,n はそんなに速くないかも inno
MODx Content Management System | Home MODx is an open source PHP Application Framework that helps you take control of your online content. It empowers developers and advanced users to give as much control as desired to whomever they desire for day-to-day website content maintenance chores. PHP+MySQLな超高機能CMS:MODx。 管理画面がAjaxになっていたり、検索エンジンフレンドリURLやキャッシュ機能、簡易アクセス解析機能等、かなり高機能なCMSのようです。 MODxを使ったサイトの例 MO
This tutorial deals with the various security issues a PHP developer, or any person who writes web applications, might face. The tutorial is aimed towards beginners, but other people may find some of the information the tutorial contains useful as well. Topics such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, remote file inclusion attacks and session security are covered. The tutorial also covers how