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Componentsの検索結果81 - 108 件 / 108件

  • Uncontrolled Components でシンプル且つ高パフォーマンスなフォームの実装 - React Hook Form - Qiita

    Uncontrolled Components でシンプル且つ高パフォーマンスなフォームの実装 - React Hook FormJavaScriptTypeScriptReactreact-hooksreact-hook-form この記事は READYFOR Advent Calendar 2020の13日目の記事です。 はじめに こんにちは。今年の11月から READYFOR でフロントエンドエンジニアとして働いている菅原(@kotarella1110)です! React と TypeScript が好きで、React Hook Form のメンバーだったりもします。React Hook Form は TypeScript で記述されているのですが、型の改善を中心にコントリビュートしております。 そこで、本記事では React Hook Form に関連した内容をお話しできればと思い

      Uncontrolled Components でシンプル且つ高パフォーマンスなフォームの実装 - React Hook Form - Qiita
    • iTerm2: Showing the PHP, Ruby or Node version in your status bar - Nick Jones - Product-Focused CTO, Software Engineer and Indie Hacker

      Nick Jones Product-Focused CTO, Founder, Software Engineer, Indie Hacker 04 August 2019 Version 3.3.0 of iTerm2 introduces a cool new feature that allows you to customise the status bar. The status bar allows you to modify the top of your prompt to show information about your terminal session, information that’s always present as you’re working. There are some frequently useful pieces of informati

      • Engadget | Technology News & Reviews

        Rivian offers (up to) $5,000 discount if you trade in your gas-powered truck

          Engadget | Technology News & Reviews
        • Introducing React Spectrum

          We’re excited to announce React Spectrum, a collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences. Check it out on Github! React Spectrum includes three libraries: React Spectrum — A React implementation of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system. React Aria — A library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system. React Sta

            Introducing React Spectrum
          • How Microsoft Is Adopting Rust

            Microsoft has one of the largest C/C++ codebases in the world. All of its core products from Windows and Office to the Azure cloud run on it. Unsurprisingly, since C++ is not a memory-safe language, a lot of memory bugs popup in their codebase, and a lot of time has to be spent fixing them. Last year, Microsoft began looking at alternative programming languages that could help fix their memory saf

              How Microsoft Is Adopting Rust
            • Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド編①|Yuu's Memo

              皆さんこんにちは!! 昨日に引き続き、フロント(Vue.js)側の開発を始めていきます。 前回までで、一応LaravelのBlade上にVue.jsのコンポーネントを表示する事ができました。 今回はカレンダーを作っていきたいと思います! 前回までの記事はこちらからどうぞ Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】準備編Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】API作成編①Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】API作成編②Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド準備編 今回は前回インストールしておいたライブラリーを使用するので、それ

                Laravel + Vue.jsでGoogleカレンダーのクローンを作ろう!!【Laravel8対応】フロントエンド編①|Yuu's Memo
              • FAST

                ADAPTIVE UI SYSTEM, UTILITIES, & TOOLSThe adaptive interface system for modern web experiencesInterfaces built with FAST adapt to your design system and can be used with any modern UI Framework by leveraging industry standard Web Components. Get started FLEXIBLE AND ADAPTABLEDynamic themes with Adaptive UIFAST provides an innovative theming system called Adaptive UI, which builds design system pro

                • Bloo Lo-Fi Wireframe Kit

                  DisclaimerNo designers were hurt in the creation of this wireframe kit. All styles and components were created for fun but are extremely useful for when you want to quickly turn your ideas to design and test with crazy folks. Any resemblance to a real product, available or unknown, is purely coincidental. You are free to design anything for personal or commercial purposes, with the help of this ui

                    Bloo Lo-Fi Wireframe Kit
                  • Wantedly UI Components | Figma

                    UI components and style guides for company-wide product design on Wantedly, inc.

                    • React Server Components with Next.js – Vercel

                      React Server Components allow developers to build applications that span the server and client, combining the rich interactivity of client-side apps with the improved performance of traditional server rendering. In the upcoming Next.js major release, React developers will be able to use Server Components inside the app directory as part of the changes outlined by the Layouts RFC. This post will ex

                        React Server Components with Next.js – Vercel
                      • Structuring Rust Project for Testability

                        Photo by timJ on UnsplashIn this article, we will see how to structure a Rust project so that it’s easily testable. We will build a simple authentication module that is exposed via REST API while storing the data to PostgreSQL and Redis. We will use actix-web for handling the REST API part, sqlx for interacting with PostgreSQL, and redis-rs for interacting with Redis. We will see how the applicati

                          Structuring Rust Project for Testability
                        • GitHub - microsoft/sbom-tool: The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts.

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - microsoft/sbom-tool: The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts.
                          • React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022 – React

                            React 18 was years in the making, and with it brought valuable lessons for the React team. Its release was the result of many years of research and exploring many paths. Some of those paths were successful; many more were dead-ends that led to new insights. One lesson we’ve learned is that it’s frustrating for the community to wait for new features without having insight into these paths that we’r

                              React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022 – React
                            • https://github.com/sqshq/sampler/blob/master/README.md

                              • GitHub - plasmicapp/plasmic: Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.

                                Plasmic combines some seemingly disparate genres: Webflow, Wordpress and other site builders Retool and other tool builders Glide and no-code app builders Contentful and other CMSes Today these are different tools to specialize in, but the line between, say, a website and an application is blurry (consider an ecommerce storefront with user logins). With the right foundations, we think these can be

                                  GitHub - plasmicapp/plasmic: Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.
                                • GitHub - Polight/lego: 🚀 Low-Tech Web-Components Made Lightweight & Future-Proof.

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - Polight/lego: 🚀 Low-Tech Web-Components Made Lightweight & Future-Proof.
                                  • Getting Started with Istio Using Docker Desktop | Docker

                                    This is a guest post from Docker Captain Elton Stoneman, a Docker alumni who is now a freelance consultant and trainer, helping organizations at all stages of their container journey. Elton is the author of the book Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, and numerous Pluralsight video training courses – including Managing Apps on Kubernetes with Istio and Monitoring Containerized Application Health w

                                      Getting Started with Istio Using Docker Desktop | Docker
                                    • Remixing React Router

                                      The first versions of React Router actually had an async hook to help with data loading called willTransitionTo. Nobody really knew how the heck to use React at the time and we were no exception. It wasn't great, but it was at least going in the right direction. For better or for worse, we went all in on components for React Router v4 and removed the hook. With willTransitionTo gone, and component

                                        Remixing React Router
                                      • GitHub - bikeshaving/crank: The Just JavaScript Framework

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - bikeshaving/crank: The Just JavaScript Framework
                                        • Ruby on Rails Components Necessity

                                          I previously wrote a bit about What Rails Components and why don't we have them are at a very high level. Rails Components are shareable, encapsulated, and interoperable pieces of functionality that can be dropped into your Rails application. They are essentially the equivalent of React Components, styled, functional, interactive pieces of frontend that you can just drop into your application and

                                            Ruby on Rails Components Necessity
                                          • Rails UI

                                            RailsUI Professionally designed UI components & templates made exclusively for Ruby on Rails. Save time and headache designing views, scaffolds, components, and making tough design decisions with the help of Rails UI.

                                              Rails UI
                                            • A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

                                              In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS Auditing Tools and CSS Generators, and this time we look into reliable accessible components: from tabs and tables to toggles and tooltips. Table of ContentsBelow you’ll find an alphabetical list of all accessible components. Skip the table of contents, or j

                                                A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine
                                              • CSSLab - Web Components Made Easy

                                                Web Design CatalystCSSLab offers a selection of beautiful components that can be easily slotted into any of your web projects. Learn More

                                                • React Native Elements

                                                  Cross Platform React Native UI toolkitA React Native framework for making cross platform applications

                                                    React Native Elements
                                                  • Laravel 7.xの新コンポーネント機能!実例

                                                    さてさて、Laravelのバージョン7.xがついに公開されるということで一足先にどのような機能が追加になったかをチェックしてみました。 いくつかLaravel 7.xには新しい機能が追加になっていますが、その中でもひときわ興味を引かれたのが、 Bladeの新コンポーネント機能 です。 正確に言うと、以前からBladeにはコンポーネント機能が存在していたのですが、今回はその機能が大幅に拡張され、いろいろと便利に使えるようになっていますので、今回の記事でまとめてみることにしました。 ぜひ皆さんのお役に立てると嬉しいです😊✨ 【追記:2020.3.14】Laravel 7.1.2未満のバージョンにBlade Component由来のXSS(クロスサイトスクリプティング)の脆弱性が報告されています。できるだけ早くアップデートすることをおすすめします。 開発環境: Larave 7.x 何が一番変

                                                      Laravel 7.xの新コンポーネント機能!実例
                                                    • Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables — Smashing Magazine

                                                      How can we get better at naming? This post is dedicated to naming conventions, tips, and real-world examples that help you name things in a robust and flexible way. Naming is hard. As designers and developers, we often struggle finding the right name — for a design token, colors, UI components, HTML classes, and variables. Sometimes, the names we choose are too generic, so it’s difficult to unders

                                                        Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components And Variables — Smashing Magazine
                                                      • Design good practices

                                                        Learn everything you need to become a better designer standards, conventions and more.

                                                          Design good practices
                                                        • GitHub - kuroweb/viewcomponent-hotwire-tailwindcss: Hotwire + ViewComponent + TailwindCSS の組み合わせにより、/componentsでコンポーネント指向な実装を目指す

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                            GitHub - kuroweb/viewcomponent-hotwire-tailwindcss: Hotwire + ViewComponent + TailwindCSS の組み合わせにより、/componentsでコンポーネント指向な実装を目指す
