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281 - 320 件 / 406件

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Releaseの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 406件

  • LaunchDarkly による Feature Management - スタディサプリ Product Team Blog

    昨年の6月に入社した Web Engineer の @ravelll です。令和2年になりましたね。どうですか? 今回は私が以前所属していた新規事業開発を担うチームで Feature Management に利用した LaunchDarkly の紹介と利用事例について書こうと思います。 LaunchDarkly とは LaunchDarkly 社が運営する Feature Management Platform です。 LaunchDarkly を利用することでカナリアリリースや A/B テストなどを実現する Feature Toggles*1 の仕組みを容易にソフトウェアへ組み込むことができます。 導入した際のコードは、例えば以下のようになります。 if ld_client.variation("enable-something-updated", { key: user.id } ,

      LaunchDarkly による Feature Management - スタディサプリ Product Team Blog
    • Next.js 10.2

      We are excited to introduce Next.js 10.2, featuring: Faster Builds: Up to ~60% faster subsequent builds with caching. Faster Refresh: 100ms to 200ms faster refresh. Faster Startup: Up to ~24% faster next dev. Improved Accessibility: Route changes are now announced by screen readers. More Flexible Redirects and Rewrites: Match any header, cookie, or query string. Automatic Webfont Optimization: Imp

        Next.js 10.2
      • Serverless Framework V3 Is Live!

        We are excited to announce the release of Serverless Framework v3. This new major version brings a cleaner and redesigned CLI experience as well as a brand new feature: stage parameters. On top of that, we've worked on cleaning up the dependencies to make the serverless package 40% lighter and get rid of NPM security warnings. UpgradingBefore we dive into the new features, let's talk about upgradi

          Serverless Framework V3 Is Live!
        • Go 1.19 is released! - The Go Programming Language

          The Go Team 2 August 2022 Today the Go team is thrilled to release Go 1.19, which you can get by visiting the download page. Go 1.19 refines and improves our massive Go 1.18 release earlier this year. We focused Go 1.19’s generics development on addressing the subtle issues and corner cases reported to us by the community, as well as important performance improvements (up to 20% for some generic p

            Go 1.19 is released! - The Go Programming Language
          • Storybook 6.5

            Teams at GitHub, Adobe, BBC, and many others use Storybook because it streamlines your frontend workflow. You write stories for granular UI states and then use them to verify component appearance during development. From there, you can reuse stories to run snapshot, visual, and accessibility tests during QA. Storybook can even analyze stories to auto-generate documentation. Storybook 6.5 is our bi

              Storybook 6.5
            • Firefox 79: The safe return of shared memory, new tooling, and platform updates – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

              Firefox 79: The safe return of shared memory, new tooling, and platform updates A new stable version of Firefox brings July to a close with the return of shared memory! Firefox 79 also offers a new Promise method, more secure target=_blank links, logical assignment operators, and other updates of interest to web developers. This blog post provides merely a set of highlights; for all the details, c

                Firefox 79: The safe return of shared memory, new tooling, and platform updates – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
              • Compose Multiplatform 1.0 Is Going Live! | The Kotlin Blog

                Compose Multiplatform by JetBrains, the declarative UI framework for Kotlin, has reached version 1.0, which makes it ready for production use! Here are a few highlights that we hope will make you as excited about the release of this framework as we are: On desktop, you can now create Kotlin apps with beautiful user interfaces quickly and efficiently.On the web, you can now build production-quality

                  Compose Multiplatform 1.0 Is Going Live! | The Kotlin Blog
                • スクラムガイド 2020の変更点: Ken Schwaber氏とJeff Sutherland氏とのQ&A

                  Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

                    スクラムガイド 2020の変更点: Ken Schwaber氏とJeff Sutherland氏とのQ&A
                  • Release v1.6.0 : RTK Query! · reduxjs/redux-toolkit

                    This release adds the new RTK Query data fetching APIs to Redux Toolkit. It also adds multiple new options to createAsyncThunk for including meta fields and working with results, updates dependencies to Redux 4.1 and Immer 9, and includes a complete rewrite of our build toolchain with additional "modern" build artifacts in the package. While this is a minor release in terms of semver, this is a hu

                      Release v1.6.0 : RTK Query! · reduxjs/redux-toolkit
                    • 全149個!正式版「Android 13」Google Pixelバグ修正と改善

                      中でも、Google Pixel スマートフォンにてモバイルネットワーク接続時に圏外などでアンテナピクトが[0(ゼロ)]になった場合、圏内復帰時でもアンテナピクトが立たず、デバイスを再起動しないとアンテナピクトが戻らないというバグが発生していたのですが、今回の正式版「Android 13」メジャーアップデートにてそのバグが修正されています。それ以外にも、かなり細かな改善が行われているため、正式版「Android 13」メジャーアップデート後は見違えるようなパフォーマンスとなるでしょう。 「Pixel 4」「Pixel 4 XL」「Pixel 4a(5G)」「Pixel 5」「Pixel 5a(5G)」「Pixel 6」「Pixel 6 Pro」「Pixel 6a」 「Gboard」アプリがテキストフィールドの上に表示される問題を修正 「Pixel Launcher」ランチャーの下部に白いバ

                        全149個!正式版「Android 13」Google Pixelバグ修正と改善
                      • LayerX、MUFGとブロックチェーンを活用した次世代金融取引サービス提供に向け協業

                        LayerX、MUFGとブロックチェーンを活用した次世代金融取引サービス提供に向け協業実証実験を実施、あわせてST研究コンソーシアムへ参画 ​ ブロックチェーン・テクノロジー関連事業を展開する株式会社LayerX(代表取締役CEO 福島良典、以下LayerX)は、株式会社三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ(代表執行役社長 三毛(みけ)兼承(かねつぐ)、以下MUFG)の連結子会社である三菱UFJ信託銀行株式会社(取締役社長 池谷(いけがや) 幹男(みきお))、三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社(取締役社長 荒木(あらき) 三郎(さぶろう))、株式会社三菱UFJ銀行(取締役頭取執行役員 三毛(みけ) 兼承(かねつぐ))と共同で、ブロックチェーン技術を活用した次世代金融取引サービスに関する実証実験(以下 本実証実験)を実施し、結果を踏まえたさらなるサービス提供に向けた協業を実施することを

                        • Jest 28: Shedding weight and improving compatibility 🫶 · Jest

                          Jest 28 is finally here, and it comes with some long requested features such as support for sharding a test run across multiple machines, package exports and the ability to customize the behavior of fake timers. These are just some personal highlights, and we'll be highlighting more in this blog post. Additionally, as announced in the Jest 27 blog post last year, we have removed some packages that

                            Jest 28: Shedding weight and improving compatibility 🫶 · Jest
                          • Firefox 90.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

                            Firefox is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below. Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

                              Firefox 90.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
                            • Shorebirdが開発するFlutter用の『Code Push』とは

                              はじめに Shorebird は Flutter 開発でビジネスを成功できるように、必要な製品を開発するパブリックな組織です。プロダクトはすべてオープンソースであり、開発の状況も Discord で公開されています。チームには、Flutter 創設者の Eric Seidel 氏はじめ、Bloc や Mason の作者でもある Felix Angelov 氏など、言わずと知れた Flutter のエキスパートによって構成されています。 そして、現在プロダクトとして公開されているのが「Code Push」となります。今後は他にもたくさんプロダクトを開発するのだと思いますが、執筆時点で公式サイトに掲載されているのは Code Push のみです(GitHub を見ると他にも開発していることがわかります)。 Code Push は、アプリストアを経由せずにユーザーの手元にインストールされたアプリ

                                Shorebirdが開発するFlutter用の『Code Push』とは
                              • Electron 6.0.0 | Electron

                                The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 6.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. The release is packed with upgrades, fixes, and new features. We can't wait to see what you build with them! Continue reading for details about this release, and please share any feedback you have! What's New​Today marks a fir

                                • </> htmx ~ htmx 2.0.0 has been released!

                                  htmx 2.0.0 Release I’m very happy to announce the release of htmx 2.0. This release ends support for Internet Explorer and tightens up some defaults, but does not change most of the core functionality or the core API of the library. Note that we are not marking 2.0 as latest in NPM because we do not want to force-upgrade users who are relying on non-versioned CDN URLs for htmx. Instead, 1.x will r

                                  • Release 18.2.0 (June 14, 2022) · facebook/react

                                    React DOM Provide a component stack as a second argument to onRecoverableError. (@gnoff in #24591) Fix hydrating into document causing a blank page on mismatch. (@gnoff in #24523) Fix false positive hydration errors with Suspense. (@gnoff in #24480 and @acdlite in #24532) Fix ignored setState in Safari when adding an iframe. (@gaearon in #24459) React DOM Server Pass information about server error

                                      Release 18.2.0 (June 14, 2022) · facebook/react
                                    • New – Replication for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) | Amazon Web Services

                                      AWS News Blog New – Replication for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) allows EC2 instances, AWS Lambda functions, and containers to share access to a fully-managed file system. First announced in 2015 and generally available in 2016, Amazon EFS delivers low-latency performance for a wide variety of workloads and can scale to thousands of concurrent clients or

                                        New – Replication for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) | Amazon Web Services
                                      • Release v6.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer

                                        v6.0.0 (2021-02-02) ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES chromium: The built-in aria/ selector query handler doesn’t return ignored elements anymore. typescript: Puppeteer now ships with built-in TypeScript definitions. This means you no longer need to install @types/puppeteer. We are aware that there are likely improvements that can be made to our types to improve the developer experience when using them; please o

                                          Release v6.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer
                                        • Release v10.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer

                                          v10.0.0 (2021-05-31) ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES Node.js 10 is no longer supported. Features chromium: roll to Chromium 92.0.4512.0 (r884014) (#7288) (f863f4b) requestinterception: remove cacheSafe flag (#7217) (d01aa6c) expose other sessions from connection (#6863) (cb285a2) launcher: add new launcher option waitForInitialPage (#7105) (2605309), closes #3630 Bug Fixes added comments for browsercontext, st

                                            Release v10.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer
                                          • シャオミ、煮込み調理もできるスマホ連携IH炊飯器を9,999円で日本投入 ~スマートバンド4も - 家電 Watch

                                              シャオミ、煮込み調理もできるスマホ連携IH炊飯器を9,999円で日本投入 ~スマートバンド4も - 家電 Watch
                                            • Announcing TypeScript 3.7 RC

                                              We’re pleased to announce TypeScript 3.7 RC, the release candidate of TypeScript 3.7. Between now and the final release, we expect no further changes except for critical bug fixes. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visual Studio Code an

                                                Announcing TypeScript 3.7 RC
                                              • ESLint v7.8.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

                                                Published 31 Aug, 2020 under Release Notes ESLint v7.8.0 released We just pushed ESLint v7.8.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release. Highlights Support for logical assignment operators and numeric separators has landed in ESLint! To enable linting this syntax, please set ecmaVersion to 2021: { "parserO

                                                  ESLint v7.8.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
                                                • MDX 2 | MDX

                                                  Note: This is an old blog post. The below is kept as is for historical purposes. Note: Info on how to migrate is available in our Version 2 migration guide. MDX 2Version 2 of MDX was released after years of hard work, and has many improvements. Here are the highlights: 📝 Improved syntax makes it easier to use markdown in JSX🧑‍💻 JavaScript expressions turn {2 * Math.PI} into 6.283185307179586🔌

                                                    MDX 2 | MDX
                                                  • Firefox 100.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

                                                    Firefox is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below. Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

                                                      Firefox 100.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
                                                    • Introducing cy.intercept - Next Generation Network Stubbing in Cypress 6.0

                                                      Introducing cy.intercept - Next Generation Network Stubbing in Cypress 6.0 Today, we're elevating the power and scope of Cypress' network handling capabilities with the introduction of the cy.intercept command in Cypress 6.0. One of the most powerful and beloved features of Cypress are easy network stubbing and spying APIs via cy.route and cy.server commands. These commands enable mocking of netwo

                                                        Introducing cy.intercept - Next Generation Network Stubbing in Cypress 6.0
                                                      • Prettier 2.4: new bracketSameLine option and TypeScript 4.4 support! · Prettier

                                                        This release renames the jsxBracketSameLine option to bracketSameLine, which supports HTML, Vue, and Angular in addition to JSX. The old name has been deprecated. We’ve also added support for TypeScript 4.4, including new syntax features such as class static blocks. If you enjoy Prettier and would like to support our work, consider sponsoring us directly via our OpenCollective or by sponsoring the

                                                          Prettier 2.4: new bracketSameLine option and TypeScript 4.4 support! · Prettier
                                                        • Release v16.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                            Release v16.0.0 · puppeteer/puppeteer
                                                          • Excelの数式言語がチューリング完全に

                                                            Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

                                                            • Björk ——え? ビョークの新作はガバ? 10枚目の『Fossora』は秋にリリース | ele-king

                                                              しかし、なんでいま“ガバ”なんでしょう。このところ気になっていたんです。例のThe Ephemeron Loopとその変名Petronn Spheneもそうだけど、話題のLady Neptuneなんか聴いてもガバじゃないかと。そういえば、以前yukinoiseも書いていたな。かといって自分はもうガバを聴く年齢でもないし……とか。で、ビョークの新作もガバだって??? この、世界規模で影響力のあるアイスランドのアーティストにとって10枚目のスタジオ録音盤となるアルバムの内容が、ガーディアンの取材で少し明らかになった。見出しにいわく「いかにして、悲しみ、帰郷、そしてガバが彼女の新作を作ったのか」 手短に言えば、コロナ禍で帰省中、自宅で「クレイジーなDJナイト」を開いたときにハードコア・レイヴ・サウンドに魅了されてしまったと。「地面に穴を掘るような」「きのこのアルバム」という新作には、ガバとトライ

                                                                Björk ——え? ビョークの新作はガバ? 10枚目の『Fossora』は秋にリリース | ele-king
                                                              • The KLF | ele-king

                                                                1990年2月5日にリリースされたザ・KLFの『Chill Out』は2021年2月4日に再編集されてリリースされた。そのタイトルは『Come Down Dawn』。 言うまでもなく、ザ・KLFの『Chill Out』は歴史的なアルバムで、おそらく彼らの最高傑作。この“アンビエント作品”は、レイヴ・カルチャーの豊かさを補完する音楽だったが、と同時にサンプリング・ミュージックとしてのアンビエントの最初で最良の成果でもあった。もとよりザ・KLFは、アバからビートルズまで、他からのど派手な盗用(サンプリング)によって作品を作っていたが、『Chill Out』においても手法は同じだった。フリートウッド・マックの“アルバトロス”をこのアルバムで知った人間だって少なくない。しかしながら、今回の『Come Down Dawn』には、オリジナルにあったエルヴィス・プレスリーのサンプリングは削除されている。

                                                                  The KLF | ele-king
                                                                • Amazon Aurora supports MySQL 8.0

                                                                  Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition now supports MySQL major version 8.0. MySQL 8.0 includes improved performance functionality from enhancements such as instant DDL to speed up the overall process of creating and loading a table and its associated indexes and SKIP LOCKED and NOWAIT options to avoid waiting for other transactions to release row locks. MySQL 8.0 adds developer productivity featu

                                                                    Amazon Aurora supports MySQL 8.0
                                                                  • メルカリ・メルペイで行ったリリースサイクルのアップデート | メルカリエンジニアリング

                                                                    はじめまして、メルペイのiOSチームでEngineering Managerをしている玉城です。この記事は、 Merpay Advent Calendar 2021 の11日目の記事です。 はじめに メルカリアプリでは2020年の8月ごろから約1年ほどかけてリリースサイクルを2週間から1週間のサイクルに更新し運用してきました。この記事ではリリースサイクルをアップデートする為にどのような準備をしてきたかをご紹介したいと思います。 リリースサイクルを短くするねらい これまでメルカリアプリのリリースはリリーストレインというルールに基づき2週間に1度のサイクルで継続的にアプリをリリースする運用を続けていました。しかし、一度リリーストレインを逃すと次のリリースである2週間後まで待つかhotfixを検討する必要がありました。前者はお客さまのフィードバックを迅速に得られず、後者はイレギュラーな対応のため

                                                                      メルカリ・メルペイで行ったリリースサイクルのアップデート | メルカリエンジニアリング
                                                                    • Announcing TypeScript 4.4 RC - TypeScript

                                                                      Today we’re excited to announce our Release Candidate (RC) of TypeScript 4.4! Between now and the stable release of TypeScript 4.4, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Trying Visual Studio Code Insiders

                                                                        Announcing TypeScript 4.4 RC - TypeScript
                                                                      • Announcing Rust 1.52.0 | Rust Blog

                                                                        The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.52.0. Rust is a programming language that is empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, getting Rust 1.52.0 is as easy as: $ rustup update stable If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detai

                                                                          Announcing Rust 1.52.0 | Rust Blog
                                                                        • Release TensorFlow 2.0.0 · tensorflow/tensorflow

                                                                          Release 2.0.0 Major Features and Improvements TensorFlow 2.0 focuses on simplicity and ease of use, featuring updates like: Easy model building with Keras and eager execution. Robust model deployment in production on any platform. Powerful experimentation for research. API simplification by reducing duplication and removing deprecated endpoints. For details on best practices with 2.0, see the Effe

                                                                            Release TensorFlow 2.0.0 · tensorflow/tensorflow
                                                                          • Announcing Docusaurus 2 Beta | Docusaurus

                                                                            After a lengthy alpha stage in order to ensure feature parity and quality, we are excited to officially release the first Docusaurus 2 beta. With the announcement of this beta, the team is even more confident that Docusaurus 2 is ready for mainstream adoption! Docusaurus adoption​ Don't fear the beta tag! Docusaurus 2 is widely adopted and growing fast: To get a fuller understanding of the quality

                                                                              Announcing Docusaurus 2 Beta | Docusaurus
                                                                            • Deno 1.6 Release Notes

                                                                              Today we are releasing Deno 1.6.0. This release contains some major features, and many bug fixes. Here are some highlights: Build self contained, standalone binaries: deno compile can build your Deno projects into completely standalone executables Built-in Deno Language Server: fully integrated LSP for code editors Experimental support for Mac Arm64: release binaries that run natively on Apple’s n

                                                                                Deno 1.6 Release Notes
                                                                              • Node.js — Node v15.1.0 (Current)

                                                                                Notable Changes Diagnostics channel (experimental module) diagnostics_channel is a new experimental module that provides an API to create named channels to report arbitrary message data for diagnostics purposes. With diagnostics_channel, Node.js core and module authors can publish contextual data about what they are doing at a given time. This could be the hostname and query string of a mysql quer

                                                                                  Node.js — Node v15.1.0 (Current)
                                                                                • p5.js 1.0 is Here!

                                                                                  Puedes leer la versión en español de este artículo aquí. Você pode ler a versão em português deste artigo aqui. 日本語版はこちらです! Today we are excited to announce the 1.0 Release of p5.js! p5.js is a JavaScript library that aims to make creative expression and coding on the web accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, and beginners. While it’s been nearly seven years since p5.js began

                                                                                    p5.js 1.0 is Here!
