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apisに関するエントリは161件あります。 apiAPIjavascript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Good Bye Web APIs』などがあります。
  • Good Bye Web APIs

    When building a single-page application or a mobile application, we usually need to implement a web API (REST, GraphQL, etc.) to connect the frontend and the backend. Technically, it's not very difficult, but it has some unfortunate consequences. Imagine two planets. The planet "frontend" speaks JavaScript and the planet "backend" also speaks JavaScript or any other advanced language. Now let's sa

      Good Bye Web APIs
    • すぐにAPIを体験!public-apis 100以上のJavaScript axiosサンプル集

      はじめに このページは、プロトアウトスタジオのAPIにつなげる授業に関連して、よりAPIの多様さ、広がりを深掘りします。 まだ、JavaScriptに慣れていなくても「なるべくシンプルにAPIを体験する」ことを目指して、 public-apis というフリーで使えるAPIを集めてリストにしているサイトから、手順が少なくAPIにつなげられるシンプルに取得できるものを中心に、直接取得できるURL・Node.js axios await/async ソースコードを一つ一つトライしています。 慣れてきたら、自分で public-apis のサイトを直接読んでみて、巡ってみましょう! APIピックアップ数 最終更新日 2020/6/8 104 個のAPIをピックアップ中! 参考資料 public-apis の豊富なAPIリストをベースにAPIつなげていきます。 ピックアップルール 手順が少なくAPI

        すぐにAPIを体験!public-apis 100以上のJavaScript axiosサンプル集
      • Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs

        Developers can now integrate ChatGPT and Whisper models into their apps and products through our API. ChatGPT and Whisper models are now available on our API, giving developers access to cutting-edge language (not just chat!) and speech-to-text capabilities. Through a series of system-wide optimizations, we’ve achieved 90% cost reduction for ChatGPT since December; we’re now passing through those

          Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs
        • NASAやSpotifyも提供する600以上のオープンAPIを集めたライブラリサイト「Public APIs」

          Public APIs https://public-apis.io/ Public APIsの特徴 「Public APIs」は、600以上のオープンAPIを集めたライブラリサイトです。 音楽やブロックチェーン、オープンデータなど50のカテゴリが使いたいAPIを見つけることができます。 1つ1つのAPIはリンク集になっており 公式サイトに飛ぶことができます。 コーディングにも使えそうなノーコードAPIがまとめられていたり NASAが公開している宇宙の画像や ひたすら犬の写真を集めたデータベースもあったり、見ているだけでもなかなか楽しめそう。 Public APIs https://public-apis.io/

            NASAやSpotifyも提供する600以上のオープンAPIを集めたライブラリサイト「Public APIs」
          • tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy. | tRPC

            Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.Experience the full power of TypeScript inference to boost productivity for your full-stack application.

              tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy. | tRPC
            • How to (and how not to) design REST APIs

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
              • URL Pattern API - Web APIs | MDN

                Experimental: This is an experimental technology Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The URL Pattern API defines a syntax that is used to create URL pattern matchers. These patterns can be matched against URLs or individual URL components. The URL Pattern API is used by the URLPattern interface. The pattern syntax is based on the syntax from the path-to

                  URL Pattern API - Web APIs | MDN
                • Performance testing HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 vs HTTP/2 + Server Push for REST APIs

                  January 02, 2020 Performance testing HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 vs HTTP/2 + Server Push for REST APIs When building web services, a common wisdom is to try to reduce the number of HTTP requests to improve performance. There are a variety of benefits to this, including less total bytes being sent, but the predominant reason is that traditionally browsers will only make 6 HTTP requests in parallel for a sin

                    Performance testing HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 vs HTTP/2 + Server Push for REST APIs
                  • JavaScript で Google Books APIs 使って本を検索して結果一覧を表示するツールを作ってみた

                    はじめに 弊社のメンバーが, 社内開発イベントで本を検索するサービスを作ってみたいということだったので調査がてら Google Books APIs を触ってみました. 思いのほか簡単に使えたのでサンプルを交えて使い方を紹介しようと思います. Google Books APIs とは? Google Books APIs とは, 書籍検索 API のひとつで Google が提供しているサービスになります. 認証いらずで, インターフェースもシンプルなのでちょっとしたサービスの検証やプログラミング初学者への課題として使えます. var res = await fetch('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=鬼滅'); var data = await res.json(); console.log(data); // "鬼滅" と付

                      JavaScript で Google Books APIs 使って本を検索して結果一覧を表示するツールを作ってみた
                    • HTML Sanitizer API - Web APIs | MDN

                      Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that thi

                        HTML Sanitizer API - Web APIs | MDN
                      • Protecting GraphQL APIs from malicious queries

                        Starting today, Cloudflare’s API Gateway can protect GraphQL APIs against malicious requests that may cause a denial of service to the origin. In particular, API Gateway will now protect against two of the most common GraphQL abuse vectors: deeply nested queries and queries that request more information than they should. Typical RESTful HTTP APIs contain tens or hundreds of endpoints. GraphQL APIs

                          Protecting GraphQL APIs from malicious queries
                        • AWS Lambda からサービスアカウントで Google APIs を叩くまでにやったこと | DevelopersIO

                          コンサルティング部の西野です。 AWS Lambda からサービスアカウントを使用して Google APIs を叩く機会がありましたので、その手順を紹介します。 やりたいこと G Suite ドメイン内のユーザーによって Google Drive 上に保存されたファイルの名称を AWS Lambda 経由で取得することをゴールとします。 構成図 server-to-server (Lambda to Google API) で API をコールするためサービスアカウントを用いる Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications AWS リージョンはアジアパシフィック(東京)/ ap-northeast-1 を使用 API コール用のサービスアカウントキーを SSM Parameter Store に SecureString として保存す

                            AWS Lambda からサービスアカウントで Google APIs を叩くまでにやったこと | DevelopersIO
                          • Next.js 14 で導入された React Taint APIs を試してみた

                            Next.js の公式ブログの How to Think About Security in Next.js という記事で Next.js 14 で導入される React Taint APIs について紹介されていました。 この記事では、Next.js 14 で React Taint APIs 実際に試してみて、どのような機能なのかを確認してみたいと思います。 React Taint APIs とは? React Taint APIs とは、React が experimental バージョンで提供する新しいセキュリティ保護機能の一つです。このAPIを使用することで、誤って Client Component にセキュリティ上の重要なデータが渡されることを防げるようになります。 具体的には、以下の2つの API が提供されています。 experimental_taintObjectRefe

                              Next.js 14 で導入された React Taint APIs を試してみた
                            • Building resilient private APIs using Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS Compute Blog Building resilient private APIs using Amazon API Gateway This post written by Giedrius Praspaliauskas, Senior Solutions Architect, Serverless. Modern architectures meet recovery objectives (recovery time objective, RTO, and recovery point objective, RPO) by being resilient to routine and unexpected infrastructure disruptions. Depending on the recovery objectives and regulatory req

                                Building resilient private APIs using Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
                              • Thunder Client CLI — A new way to test APIs inside VSCode

                                In 2021, we launched Thunder Client extension for VSCode which was a game changer as we were the first to launch a GUI based API client inside VSCode. Today we are launching Thunder Client CLI which will have many innovative features for API testing. Key FeaturesSimple & Easy to Use CLI toolSeamless Integration with Thunder Client ExtensionRun Requests/Collections and View Test resultsSyntax Highl

                                  Thunder Client CLI — A new way to test APIs inside VSCode
                                • すぐにAPIを体験!public-apis 100以上のJavaScript axiosサンプル集

                                  はじめに このページは、プロトアウトスタジオのAPIにつなげる授業に関連して、よりAPIの多様さ、広がりを深掘りします。 まだ、JavaScriptに慣れていなくても「なるべくシンプルにAPIを体験する」ことを目指して、 public-apis というフリーで使えるAPIを集めてリストにしているサイトから、手順が少なくAPIにつなげられるシンプルに取得できるものを中心に、直接取得できるURL・Node.js axios await/async ソースコードを一つ一つトライしています。 慣れてきたら、自分で public-apis のサイトを直接読んでみて、巡ってみましょう! APIピックアップ数 最終更新日 2020/6/8 104 個のAPIをピックアップ中! 参考資料 public-apis の豊富なAPIリストをベースにAPIつなげていきます。 ピックアップルール 手順が少なくAPI

                                    すぐにAPIを体験!public-apis 100以上のJavaScript axiosサンプル集
                                  • GitHub - alufers/mitmproxy2swagger: Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic

                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                      GitHub - alufers/mitmproxy2swagger: Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic
                                    • GitHub - vitalik/django-ninja: 💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs

                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                        GitHub - vitalik/django-ninja: 💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
                                      • GitHub - progfay/benefit-from-end-of-ie: List of APIs that will be available due to IE termination

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - progfay/benefit-from-end-of-ie: List of APIs that will be available due to IE termination
                                        • structuredClone() global function - Web APIs | MDN

                                          Since March 2022, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers. Learn moreSee full compatibilityReport feedback The global structuredClone() method creates a deep clone of a given value using the structured clone algorithm. The method also allows transferable objects in the original value to be transferred rather than c

                                            structuredClone() global function - Web APIs | MDN
                                          • Rust and C filesystem APIs [LWN.net]

                                            Please consider subscribing to LWNSubscriptions are the lifeblood of LWN.net. If you appreciate this content and would like to see more of it, your subscription will help to ensure that LWN continues to thrive. Please visit this page to join up and keep LWN on the net. As the Rust-for-Linux project advances, the kernel is gradually accumulating abstraction layers that enable Rust code to interface

                                            • 使いたい API がきっと見つかる!public-apis リポジトリ - kakakakakku blog

                                              フロントエンドのプロトタイプ実装をするときや API を使ったアプリケーションを実装するときなど「ササッと使える API があると便利なんだけどー!」という場面はよくある!本当によくある.今回紹介する GitHub の public-apis リポジトリは,2022年8月時点で「1400 以上」の API が載っていて,使いたい API がきっと見つかるはず! 僕自身は2019年頃から public-apis リポジトリを参考にしていて,今までブログで紹介していなかったことに気付いた!今回は public-apis リポジトリと個人的によく使っているおすすめ API を紹介する.ちなみに GitHub issue を見るとすぐに気付くけど,リポジトリ運営に課題があるらしく,特に今年になって状況は悪くなっていると思う.今後どうなることやら... github.com public-apis

                                                使いたい API がきっと見つかる!public-apis リポジトリ - kakakakakku blog
                                              • FontFaceSet: check() method - Web APIs | MDN

                                                CSS Font Loading APIFontFaceSetInstance propertiesreadysizestatusInstance methodsadd()check() clear()delete()entries()forEach()has()keys()load()values()EventsloadingloadingdoneloadingerrorInheritanceEventTargetRelated pages for CSS Font Loading APIDocument.fontsFontFaceFontFaceSetLoadEventWorkerGlobalScope.fonts The check() method of the FontFaceSet returns true if you can render some text using t

                                                  FontFaceSet: check() method - Web APIs | MDN
                                                • Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns

                                                  Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns Apple said these 16 new Web APIs add new user fingerprinting opportunities for online advertisers. Apple said this week that it declined to implement 16 new web technologies (Web APIs) in Safari because they posed a threat to user privacy by opening new avenues for user fingerprinting. Technologies that Apple declined to inc

                                                    Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns
                                                  • Announcing Nexus 1.0: Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs | Prisma

                                                    December 14, 2020 Nexus 1.0: A Major Release for Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs Prisma is a core contributor to Nexus, a library for building code-first and type-safe GraphQL APIs. Nexus has just reached 1.0. In this post, we'll recap what Nexus is and the value it brings and what's new at 1.0. Nexus is a library originally authored by Tim Griesser that allows developers to build code-first an

                                                      Announcing Nexus 1.0: Type-Safe, Code-First GraphQL APIs | Prisma
                                                    • Announcing HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services

                                                      AWS Compute Blog Announcing HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway Amazon API Gateway helps developers easily create, publish, and maintain secure APIs at any scale.  API Gateway handles all of the heavy lifting of managing thousands of API calls.  There are no minimum fees and you only pay for the API calls you receive. Announcing the API Gateway HTTP API We talk to customers every day that use API Gat

                                                        Announcing HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
                                                      • APIキー、OAuthクライアントID、サービスアカウントキーの違い:Google APIs - 無粋な日々に

                                                        GoogleのサービスをAPI経由で利用する際、大きく3つの認証情報が登場します。「APIキー」、「OAuth2.0クライアントID」、「サービスアカウントキー」です。本投稿ではこれらの用途をざっくりと整理し、取得方法、Pythonでの使い方の違いを説明します。 まとめ 基本事項のおさらい APIの性質 認証情報の役割 3つの認証情報は想定される利用シーンが異なる 1. APIキー 取得方法 1. プロジェクトを選択 2. APIキーの作成 3. キーで利用するAPIを制限する(オプショナル) Pythonでの利用例 2.OAuth2.0クライントID 取得方法 1.同意画面の設定 2.OAuthクライアントIDの作成 Pythonでの利用例 3. サービスアカウントキー 取得方法 1. プロジェクトを選択 2. サービスアカウントキーの作成 3. 鍵ペアの作成 Pythonでの利用例 ま

                                                          APIキー、OAuthクライアントID、サービスアカウントキーの違い:Google APIs - 無粋な日々に
                                                        • Announcing new AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO) APIs to manage users and groups at scale

                                                          AWS is launching additional APIs to create, read, update and delete users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On). The new APIs expand existing capabilities to help reduce administrative effort and save time, and provide greater visibility into the users and groups that are available in IAM Identity Center. You can use the APIs for provisioning, de-provisioning or u

                                                            Announcing new AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO) APIs to manage users and groups at scale
                                                          • React Router v6のルーティング方法を解説 - createBrowserRouterとData APIsの活用法 | DevelopersIO

                                                            こんにちは、戸田です。 今回は React Router v6.4 以降を使用する際にどのルーティング方法を使えばいいのか自分の言葉でブログにまとめました。 まず結論 シンプルなルーティングのBrowserRouterかcreateBrowserRouterで迷ったら基本的にcreateBrowserRouterを使いましょう! 以下がサンプルコードです。 import React from 'react'; import { Outlet, RouterProvider, createBrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; const Parent = () => { return ( <div> <h1>Parent</h1> <Outlet /> </div> ) } const App = () => { const router = cr

                                                              React Router v6のルーティング方法を解説 - createBrowserRouterとData APIsの活用法 | DevelopersIO
                                                            • Dashboards as code: A new approach to visualizing AWS APIs | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS Open Source Blog Dashboards as code: A new approach to visualizing AWS APIs You manage your infrastructure with code, why not manage your dashboards the same way? With Steampipe’s dashboards-as-code approach you write HCL to define dashboard widgets, and you write SQL to fill them with data extracted from APIs. Here are some common questions about your AWS resources: How many resources do I ha

                                                                Dashboards as code: A new approach to visualizing AWS APIs | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • GitHub - TanStack/router: 🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - TanStack/router: 🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
                                                                • Simplescraper — Scrape Websites and turn them into APIs

                                                                  Web scraping made easy — a powerful and free Chrome extension for scraping websites in your browser, automated in the cloud, or via API. No code required.

                                                                    Simplescraper — Scrape Websites and turn them into APIs
                                                                  • GitHub - progrium/macdriver: Native Mac APIs for Go. Soon to be renamed DarwinKit!

                                                                    package main import ( "github.com/progrium/macdriver/objc" "github.com/progrium/macdriver/macos" "github.com/progrium/macdriver/macos/appkit" "github.com/progrium/macdriver/macos/foundation" "github.com/progrium/macdriver/macos/webkit" ) func main() { // runs macOS application event loop with a callback on success macos.RunApp(func(app appkit.Application, delegate *appkit.ApplicationDelegate) { ap

                                                                      GitHub - progrium/macdriver: Native Mac APIs for Go. Soon to be renamed DarwinKit!
                                                                    • Durability: Linux File APIs (evanjones.ca)

                                                                      [ 2020-October-12 10:26 ] As part of investigating the durability provided by cloud systems, I wanted to make sure I understood the basics. I started by reading the NVMe specification, to understand the guarantees provided by disks. The summary is that you should assume your data is corrupt between when a write is issued until after a flush or force unit access write completes. However, most progr

                                                                      • NoCodeAPI – The easiest way to connect APIs without code

                                                                        Save time & money to set up your Google Sheet, Airtable, Google Analytics, Twitter, Telegram, Open Graph API, MailChimp, 50 + apps without any backend.

                                                                          NoCodeAPI – The easiest way to connect APIs without code
                                                                        • Making Win32 APIs More Accessible to More Languages

                                                                          Introduction Win32 APIs provide powerful functionality that let you get the most out of Windows in your applications. While these APIs are readily accessible to C and C++ developers, other languages like C# and Rust require wrappers or bindings in order to access these APIs. In C#, this is commonly known as platform invoking or P/Invoke. Historically this has required developers to handcraft the w

                                                                            Making Win32 APIs More Accessible to More Languages
                                                                          • API Hub - Free Public & Open Rest APIs | Rapid

                                                                            Welcome to the Rapid API Hub Discover and connect to thousands of APIs

                                                                              API Hub - Free Public & Open Rest APIs | Rapid
                                                                            • Types for Python HTTP APIs: An Instagram Story

                                                                              And we’re back! As we mentioned in the first part of our blog post series, Instagram Server is a Python monolith with several million lines of code and a few thousand Django endpoints. This post is about how we use types to document and enforce a contract for our Python HTTP APIs. In the next few weeks, we’ll share details on more tools and techniques we’ve developed to manage our codebase’s quali

                                                                                Types for Python HTTP APIs: An Instagram Story
                                                                              • Moralis Web3 - Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs

                                                                                Use powerful cross-chain data APIs for NFTs, tokens, balances, DeFi and more.

                                                                                  Moralis Web3 - Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs
                                                                                • GraphQL vs. REST APIs: Why you shouldn’t use GraphQL - LogRocket Blog

                                                                                  Editor’s note: This post was last updated on 14 December 2023 to inform readers about REST API and GraphQL security concerns, as well as alternatives to GraphQL, such as tRPC and gRPC. GraphQL is great if you want to work in a declarative style, as it enables you to select only the information or operations you need. However, depending on your use case, performance requirements, and tolerance for

                                                                                    GraphQL vs. REST APIs: Why you shouldn’t use GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
