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81 - 120 件 / 2137件

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cross-platformの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 2137件

  • The Initial Preview of GUI app support is now available for the Windows Subsystem for Linux

    The Initial Preview of GUI app support is now available for the Windows Subsystem for Linux A year ago at BUILD 2020 we introduced our goal to bring Linux GUI applications to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run Linux GUI applications. We are proud to announce the first preview of this highly anticipated and open source feature! We’ve given this feature the nickname: “WSLg”. Please check o

      The Initial Preview of GUI app support is now available for the Windows Subsystem for Linux
    • 90年代のクラシックなデザインを追い求めた「SerenityOS」の開発者が新たにブラウザを公開

      by the SerenityOS team 90年代のPCのようなデザインを再現した「SerenityOS」を開発するアンドレアス・クリング氏が、新たにウェブブラウザ「Ladybird」を開発していることを明らかにしました。Linux、macOS、Windows(WSL)、およびAndroidで実行可能で、記事作成時点で開発の初期段階にあるそうです。 Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project – Andreas Kling – I like computers! https://awesomekling.github.io/Ladybird-a-new-cross-platform-browser-project/ LadybirdはSerenityOSのLibWebエンジンとLibJSエンジンをベースにしています。 クリング氏がSer

      • TechCrunch

        Tree planting search engine Ecosia launched a new cross-platform browser today to increase its online footprint. The new browser, available for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, is built on top of Chrom

        • Visual Studio for Mac Retirement Announcement - Visual Studio Blog

          Building new functionality, writing unit tests, and learning new technologies has never been easier or more fun. Today we are announcing the retirement of the Visual Studio for Mac IDE. Visual Studio for Mac 17.6 will continue to be supported for another 12 months, until August 31st, 2024, with servicing updates for security issues and updated platforms from Apple. While the decision has been made

            Visual Studio for Mac Retirement Announcement - Visual Studio Blog
          • State of GUI 2022 - KAS blog

            Rust: state of GUI, December 2022 There was a recent call for blogs about Rust GUI. So, Are we GUI yet? Contents: Categorised listing of toolkits State of KAS State of GUI Categorised listing of toolkits Lets start by categorising entries from Are we GUI yet, ignoring those which appear abandoned or not very functional. Bindings Wrappers around platform-specific toolkits: Mac OS / iOS - cacao - Ru

            • Goodbye, Node.js Buffer

              The Buffer type has been the cornerstone for binary data handling in Node.js since the beginning. However, these days we have Uint8Array, which is a native JavaScript type and works cross-platform. While Buffer is an instance of Uint8Array, it introduces numerous methods that are not available in other JavaScript environments. Consequently, code leveraging Buffer-specific methods needs polyfilling

              • .NET Core上で実数演算すると結果がズレる - Qiita

                TL;DR .NET Core(2.2)上で倍精度浮動小数点を使った演算を行うと、同じ順序で計算させても環境によって計算結果がズレるから、比較するときとか注意すべきではないかと考える1。 実際やったこと 実行したテストの内容は以下の通り [-90°,+90°]の区間を1°につき128分割してその弧度を計算した。 予め計算されている上記に対応した弧度を元にして、sin,cos,tan及び、sin/cosを標準のSystem.Mathを使い計算した。 弧度の計算方法 弧度の計算は、以下の二種類を利用した。以下、対応するDegreesをdとする。 単純にd*(Math.Pi/180)を計算させた。 jglmを参考に倍精度浮動小数点の上位32bitを分割した上で、仮数域を拡張して、高精度計算を行った2。 実行環境一覧 今回も多数のご協力を得る事が出来た。 また、この検証を進めるに当たり、多くの方か

                  .NET Core上で実数演算すると結果がズレる - Qiita
                • OpenVX API for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi

                  Raspberry Pi is excited to bring the Khronos OpenVX 1.3 API to our line of single-board computers. Here’s Kiriti Nagesh Gowda, AMD‘s MTS Software Development Engineer, to tell you more. OpenVX for computer vision OpenVX™ is an open, royalty-free API standard for cross-platform acceleration of computer vision applications developed by The Khronos Group. The Khronos Group is an open industry consort

                    OpenVX API for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi
                  • スマホ向けオンラインツールアプリ開発で対応したこと・アセットなど総まとめ【Unity】|アマガミナブログ

                    この記事では、Unityを使って1人で開発したツールアプリ『リモートダイス3D』で対応したことや、使ったアセット・ライブラリなどをひたすら列挙していきます。 このアプリ特有の話はあまり出てこないので、ダイス系のアプリを触ったことがない方(が圧倒的に多いですよね)でも参考になるでしょう。いろいろな技術要素が含まれています。 「そんなアセット・ライブラリもあるんだ」「それは自分のアプリでも対応してみようかな」と知見を広げるきっかけになれば幸いです。 僕には売れるアプリの作り方は分かりませんがプロダクトを完成させる知識と技術だけはありますので、技術面を中心とした内容になっています。 各項目は詳しく説明しているものもあれば物足りない感じに留めているものも多いので「このあたりもうちょっと詳しく知りたい」というものがあればTwitterでシェアして頂くか、はてブのコメントを付けてもらえれば詳細記事が出

                    • TechCrunch

                      Venture capital activity in Africa has shown resilience over the past six months, with major firms backing startups on the continent closing their funds despite the ongoing funding winter.  In the la Ecosia, the search engine that funds tree-planting initiatives with its search ad profits, has launched a new cross-platform browser to grow its online footprint. The new browser, available for Mac, W

                      • WezTerm - Wez's Terminal Emulator

                        WezTerm is a powerful cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust Download Features¶ Runs on Linux, macOS, Windows 10 and FreeBSD Multiplex terminal panes, tabs and windows on local and remote hosts, with native mouse and scrollback Ligatures, Color Emoji and font fallback, with true color and dynamic color schemes. Hyperlinks A full list of features ca

                          WezTerm - Wez's Terminal Emulator
                        • パスワード認証のリスクを軽減するための「FIDO2」をFirebeseで実装していく

                          LINE株式会社が開催する技術者向けミートアップ「LINE Developer Meetup」。第62回となる今回のテーマは「Android」です。セッション「パスワードのない未来のためのFirebaseで実装するFIDO2」では、LINE株式会社のコキチーズ氏が登壇し、Androidアプリの登録やレジストレーションの実装などFIDO2をFirebeseで実装していくステップについて解説しました。講演資料はこちら セキュリティエンジニアからコードが書ける仕事へ コキチーズ氏:よろしくお願いします。「パスワードのない未来のためのFirebaseで実装するFIDO2」ということで話していきます。 まず簡単に自己紹介をさせてもらいます。インターネットではコキチーズという名前で活動しています。TwitterとGitHubのIDは@k2wankoでやっています。興味のある人はぜひフォローしてもらえる

                          • GitHub - alexhallam/tv: 📺(tv) Tidy Viewer is a cross-platform CLI csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.

                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                              GitHub - alexhallam/tv: 📺(tv) Tidy Viewer is a cross-platform CLI csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.
                            • Git Credential Manager Core: Building a universal authentication experience

                              SecurityGit Credential Manager Core: Building a universal authentication experienceAuthentication is a critical component to your daily development. When working in open source, you need to prove that you have rights to update a branch with git push. Additionally… Authentication is a critical component to your daily development. When working in open source, you need to prove that you have rights t

                                Git Credential Manager Core: Building a universal authentication experience
                              • Node.js Command Line Interface Applications Best Practices: A Guide | OpenJS Foundation

                                CommunityNode.js Command Line Interface Applications Best Practices: A Guide Posted On: February 20, 2020Blog Contributed by Liran Tal, Developer Advocate at Snyk and Node.js Security Working Group Member Node.js Command Line Interface Applications Best Practices: A Guide Blog Contributed by Liran Tal, Developer Advocate at Snyk and Node.js Security Working Group Member I recently started a collec

                                  Node.js Command Line Interface Applications Best Practices: A Guide | OpenJS Foundation
                                • Actually Portable Executable

                                  24 aug 2020 @ justine's web page αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε One day, while studying old code, I found out that it's possible to encode Windows Portable Executable files as a UNIX Sixth Edition shell script, due to the fact that the Thompson Shell didn't use a shebang line. Once I realized it's possible to create a synthesis of the binary formats being used by Unix, Windows, and MacOS, I couldn't

                                  • Python 3.13 gets a JIT

                                    Happy New Year everyone! In late December 2023 (Christmas Day to be precise), CPython core developer Brandt Bucher submitted a little pull-request to the Python 3.13 branch adding a JIT compiler. This change, once accepted would be one of the biggest changes to the CPython Interpreter since the Specializing Adaptive Interpreter added in Python 3.11 (which was also from Brandt along with Mark Shann

                                      Python 3.13 gets a JIT
                                    • How Turborepo is porting from Go to Rust – Vercel

                                      How Turborepo is porting from Go to RustOur strategy for making updates and maintaining stability while we migrate languages. In a previous blog post, we talked about why we are porting Turborepo, the high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, from Go to Rust. Now, let's talk about how. Today, our porting effort is in full swing, moving more and more code to Rust. But when we wer

                                        How Turborepo is porting from Go to Rust – Vercel
                                      • A Deep Dive into Airbnb’s Server-Driven UI System

                                        How Airbnb ships features faster across web, iOS, and Android using a server-driven UI system named Ghost Platform 👻. By Ryan Brooks Background: Server-Driven UIBefore we dive into Airbnb’s implementation of server-driven UI (SDUI), it’s important to understand the general idea of SDUI and how it provides an advantage over traditional client-driven UI. In a traditional world, data is driven by th

                                          A Deep Dive into Airbnb’s Server-Driven UI System
                                        • Talking TypeScript with the engineer who leads the team - Stack Overflow

                                          In our 2020 Developer Survey results, one of the most tracked statistics is the Most-Loved Language. As it has for several years now, Rust is number one. But coming in at number two is TypeScript, a strongly typed superset of JavaScript, edging out Python by a hair. We wanted to find out what about TypeScript makes it so dang lovable, so we reached out to Ryan Cavanaugh, the principal engineering

                                            Talking TypeScript with the engineer who leads the team - Stack Overflow
                                          • GitHub - GreenmaskIO/greenmask: PostgreSQL dump anonymization tool

                                            Greenmask is a powerful open-source utility that is designed for logical database backup dumping, obfuscation, and restoration. It offers extensive functionality for backup, anonymization, and data masking. Greenmask is written entirely in pure Go and includes ported PostgreSQL libraries, making it platform-independent. This tool is stateless and does not require any changes to your database schem

                                              GitHub - GreenmaskIO/greenmask: PostgreSQL dump anonymization tool
                                            • NuShell: the shell where traditional Unix meets modern development, written in Rust

                                              NuShell: the shell where traditional Unix meets modern development, written in Rust We interviewed its creators We interviewed its creatorsShells have been around forever and, for better or for worse, haven’t changed much since their inception. Until NuShell appeared to reinvent shells and defy our muscle memory. It brought some big changes, which include rethinking how pipelines work, structured

                                                NuShell: the shell where traditional Unix meets modern development, written in Rust
                                              • A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines

                                                custom_game_engines_small_study.md CUSTOM GAME ENGINES: A Small Study A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a

                                                  A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines
                                                • Five Years of Rust | Rust Blog

                                                  With all that's going on in the world you'd be forgiven for forgetting that as of today, it has been five years since we released 1.0! Rust has changed a lot these past five years, so we wanted to reflect back on all of our contributors' work since the stabilization of the language. Rust is a general purpose programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Rust ca

                                                    Five Years of Rust | Rust Blog
                                                  • Node.js version 14 available now

                                                    This blog was written by Michael Dawson and Bethany Griggs, with additional contributions from the Node.js Community Committee and the Node.js Technical Steering Committee. We’re excited to announce that Node.js 14 was released today! The highlights in this release include improved diagnostics, an upgrade of V8, an experimental Async Local Storage API, hardening of the streams APIs, removal of the

                                                      Node.js version 14 available now
                                                    • GitHub - rogerwelin/cassowary: :rocket: Modern cross-platform HTTP load-testing tool written in Go

                                                      📌   2 Load Testing modes: one standard and one spread mode where URL Paths can be specified from a file (ideal if you want to hit several underlying microservices) 📌   CI Friendly: Well-suited to be part of a CI pipeline step 📌   Flexible metrics: Cloudwatch metrics, Prometheus metrics (pushing metrics to Prometheus PushGateway), JSON file 📌   Configurable: Able to pass in arbitrary HTTP heade

                                                        GitHub - rogerwelin/cassowary: :rocket: Modern cross-platform HTTP load-testing tool written in Go
                                                      • Moonbit: the fast, compact & user friendly language for WebAssembly

                                                        The importance of WebAssembly (Wasm), a cross-platform Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), is escalating in Cloud and Edge computing, given its efficiency, security, compactness, and open standard. However, its true potential remains untapped. Low level Wasm languages like Rust and C/C++ are challenging to learn and can be slow for developers because of their long compilation time. On the other ha

                                                          Moonbit: the fast, compact & user friendly language for WebAssembly
                                                        • Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development

                                                          Build Spin up new environments quickly Develop your own unique applications with Docker images and create multiple containers using Docker Compose. Integrate with your existing tools Docker works with all development tools such as VS Code, CircleCI, and GitHub. Containerize applications for consistency Run in any environment consistently from on-premises Kubernetes to AWS ECS, Azure ACI, Google GK

                                                            Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development
                                                          • Free Fortnite FAQ

                                                            Why We Fight Epic gave Fortnite players on iOS and Google Play a choice between Apple/Google payment and Epic direct payment, passing on savings to direct purchasers. Both Apple and Google retaliated by blocking Fortnite updates. Further, Apple threatened to prevent Epic from creating software for all Apple devices — not just on Fortnite but all of our games, and Unreal Engine too. Apple demanded

                                                              Free Fortnite FAQ
                                                            • HTTP/3 support in .NET 6 - .NET Blog

                                                              Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! .NET 6 includes preview support for HTTP/3: In Kestrel, HTTP.Sys & IIS for ASP.NET for server scenarios In HttpClient to make outbound requests

                                                                HTTP/3 support in .NET 6 - .NET Blog
                                                              • GitHub - microsoft/garnet: Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with exis

                                                                Garnet is a new remote cache-store from Microsoft Research, that offers several unique benefits: Garnet adopts the popular RESP wire protocol as a starting point, which makes it possible to use Garnet from unmodified Redis clients available in most programming languages of today, such as StackExchange.Redis in C#. Garnet offers much better throughput and scalability with many client connections an

                                                                  GitHub - microsoft/garnet: Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with exis
                                                                • iCloudやGoogleドライブなど複数のクラウドストレージやデバイスのファイルを一括管理できるファイルマネージャー「Spacedrive」のアルファ版が公開される

                                                                  iCloudやGoogleドライブ、Dropboxなどのクラウドストレージサービスから、所有している物理デバイスや外部ドライブに至るまで、複数のストレージにインデックスを作成してすべてのファイルを一カ所で参照することができるファイルマネージャーが「Spacedrive」です。開発開始から1年がたち、ついにアルファ版(バージョン0.1.0)が公開されたので実際に導入してみました。 Spacedrive — A file manager from the future. https://www.spacedrive.com/ GitHub - spacedriveapp/spacedrive: Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesyste

                                                                  • VS Code and WebAssemblies

                                                                    Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. Run WebAssemblies in VS Code for the Web June 5, 2023 by Dirk Bäumer VS Code for the Web (https://vscode.dev) has been available for some time now and it has always been our goal to support the full edit / compile / debug cycle in the browser. This is relatively easy for languages like JavaScript and TypeScript since

                                                                      VS Code and WebAssemblies
                                                                    • Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform

                                                                      By David Henry & Mel Yahya Over the last few years Netflix has been developing a mobile app called Prodicle to innovate in the physical production of TV shows and movies. The world of physical production is fast-paced, and needs vary significantly between the country, region, and even from one production to the next. The nature of the work means we’re developing write-heavy software, in a distribu

                                                                        Netflix Android and iOS Studio Apps — now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform
                                                                      • Announcing the Tauri Mobile Alpha Release | Tauri Apps

                                                                        Tauri mobile is here! The first alpha release 2.0.0-alpha.0 has been published. Updating dependencies​Make sure to update both NPM and Cargo dependencies to the 2.0.0-alpha.0 release. You can update the NPM dependencies with:

                                                                          Announcing the Tauri Mobile Alpha Release | Tauri Apps
                                                                        • GitHub - microsoft/msquic: Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust.

                                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                            GitHub - microsoft/msquic: Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust.
                                                                          • Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4

                                                                            In today's measurement landscape, businesses need to navigate new challenges to understand the complex, multi-platform journeys of their customers — all while prioritizing user privacy. Two and a half years ago, we introduced Google Analytics 4 to address these evolving measurement standards and help businesses succeed. Google Analytics 4 has the flexibility to measure many different kinds of data

                                                                              Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4
                                                                            • 宇宙人狼『Among Us』Nintendo Switch向けにリリースへ。愛と信頼の友情破壊バトルがコンソールに登場 - AUTOMATON

                                                                              インディースタジオInnerslothは12月16日、『Among Us』をNintendo Switch向けにリリースすると発表した。本日中に配信が開始される。任天堂の公式情報番組「Indie World 2020.12.16」で明かされた。本作は12月11日のThe Game Awards 2020にて新マップを発表したばかりだ(関連記事)。 【UPDATE 2020/12/16 03:26】 本作はクロスプレイに対応することが『Among Us』の公式Twitterで明かされた。PC版・モバイル版のプレイヤーとも遊べるようだ。 【UPDATE 2020/12/16 10:10】 日本向け「Indie World 2020.12.16」にて、国内向けに日本語版が配信されることが発表された。本日より520円でリリースされる。 Prep the airlock and join your

                                                                                宇宙人狼『Among Us』Nintendo Switch向けにリリースへ。愛と信頼の友情破壊バトルがコンソールに登場 - AUTOMATON
                                                                              • Highlights from Git 2.31

                                                                                CommunityEngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.31The open source Git project just released Git 2.31 with features and bug fixes from 85 contributors, 23 of them new. Last time we caught up with you, Git 2.29… The open source Git project just released Git 2.31 with features and bug fixes from 85 contributors, 23 of them new. Last time we caught up with you, Git 2.29 had just been released. Tw

                                                                                  Highlights from Git 2.31
                                                                                • 決定論的な物理演算を実現するdeterministic-physicsを導入する上でつまづいたこと【Unity】|アマガミナブログ

                                                                                  Unityで決定論的(同じ入力から同じ結果を得られる)な物理演算をしたい場合、標準の物理エンジンであるPhysXでは実現できず、現状Unity公式からサポートされているものとしてはDOTSのUnityPhysicsがあります(以降はDOTS-Physicsと表記します)。 しかしDOTS-Physicでは内部でfloatを扱うため、同じハードウェア上では決定論的になってもクロスプラットフォームではfloat誤差により実現できません。 これに対してDOTS-Physicの中身をfloatではなく内部的にuintを使うように置き換えてくれたものがdeterministic-physicsです。 GitHub 外部サイト GitHub – Kimbatt/unity-deterministic-physics: Cross-platform deterministic ph… Cross-pla
