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  • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

    Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

      The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
    • はじめての自然言語処理 T5 によるテキスト生成の検証 | オブジェクトの広場

      前回はテキストマイニングの手法と OSS を用いた実践について紹介しました。今回は、Google の T5(Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) によるテキスト生成について、学習や推論のコード例と実験結果を交えてご紹介します。 1. はじめに 本記事では Google の T5(Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) 1によるテキスト生成について、学習や推論のコード例と実験結果を交えてご紹介します。実験としては livedoor ニュースコーパス2での文章分類、やさしい日本語コーパス3及びやさしい日本語拡張コーパス4を用いたやさしい日本語変換を行いました。今回も Google Colaboratory で動かすことを想定したコードスニペットを入れていきますので、実際に動かしたり対象を変えてみたりして試して頂けると良いかと思います

        はじめての自然言語処理 T5 によるテキスト生成の検証 | オブジェクトの広場
      • Understanding Garbage Collection in JavaScriptCore From Scratch

        JavaScript relies on garbage collection (GC) to reclaim memory. In this post, we will dig into JSC’s garbage collection system. Before we start, let me briefly introduce myself. I am Haoran Xu, a PhD student at Stanford University. While I have not yet contributed a lot to JSC, I found JSC a treasure of elegant compiler designs and efficient implementations, and my research is exploring ways to tr

        • The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation | The PhpStorm Blog

          IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

            The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation | The PhpStorm Blog
          • Container security best practices: Comprehensive guide

            There will be cases like the serverless compute engine ECS Fargate, Google Cloud Run, etc., where some of these pieces are out of our control, so we work on a shared responsibility model. The provider is responsible for keeping the base pieces working and secured And you can focus on the upper layers. Prevention: 8 steps for shift left security Before your application inside a container is execute

              Container security best practices: Comprehensive guide
            • Amazon Fraud Detectorが本日GAになりました! | DevelopersIO

              昨年(2019年)のre:Inventでプレビュー版として発表されたAmazon Fraud Detectorが本日から晴れて一般利用できるようになりました!! 概要は上記のブログに書かれていますが簡単に説明すると、オンラインのカード不正利用や偽アカウントなどの詐欺行為を機械学習モデルを使って検出できるマネージドサービスです。 早速試してみたいと思います! 試してみた なお、東京リージョンではまだ使えないので今日はバージニアリージョンで試します。 不正を評価するイベントを定義 履歴イベントデータセットをAmazon S3にアップロードし、不正検出モデルタイプを選択 履歴データを使用してカスタムモデルを構築する。 アルゴリズムを選択し、モデルをトレーニングして調整、モデルをホストする モデルの予測に基づいて、情報の受け入れ、確認、または収集するためのルールを作成 Amazon Fraud D

                Amazon Fraud Detectorが本日GAになりました! | DevelopersIO
              • 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2019

                2019年のOSS活動の振り返り記事です。 今までの振り返り。 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2018 | Web Scratch 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2017 | Web Scratch 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2016 | Web Scratch 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2015 | Web Scratch 今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2014 | Web Scratch 2019年のGitHubのContributionsは7000~10000ぐらいを推移していました。 ちょっとプライベートリポジトリのコミット比率が上がって、原因はasocial-bookmarkでのブックマークシステムな気がします。後は、仕事のリポジトリがPrivate比率多い。 GitHubのCurrent Streakは2246日で6.153424658年コミットは続いています。 データ

                  今年のOSS活動振り返り @ 2019
                • Xbox Architecture | A Practical Analysis

                  OriginalMarkedMotherboard Showing first revision. Controllers are plugged using a separate daughterboard. Missing SDRAM chips are on the back and there are four unpopulated SDRAM slots.Motherboard with important parts labelled A quick introductionIt seems that Microsoft has decided to pick up where Sega left off. Their offer? A system with familiarities appreciated by developers and online service

                    Xbox Architecture | A Practical Analysis
                  • Deno is a Browser for Code

                    I started contributing to Deno soon after Ry made the prototype visible in May 2018. The most frequent question that people have is "where is the package manager?" which often times isn't even in the form of a question. It is statements like "I thought Deno took security seriously, and just downloading resources off the internet is insecure." or "How can I possibly manage my dependencies?" In my o

                      Deno is a Browser for Code
                    • RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)

                       Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) K. Davis Request for Comments: 9562 Cisco Systems Obsoletes: 4122 B. Peabody Category: Standards Track Uncloud ISSN: 2070-1721 P. Leach University of Washington May 2024 Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) Abstract This specification defines UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers) -- also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers) -- and a Uniform Resou

                        RFC 9562: Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)
                      • Crimes with Go Generics - Xe Iaso

                        Published on 04/24/2022, 2363 words, 9 minutes to read Go 1.18 added generics to the language. This allows you to have your types take types as parameters so that you can create composite types (types out of types). This lets you get a lot of expressivity and clarity about how you use Go. However, if you are looking for good ideas on how to use Go generics, this is not the post for you. This is fu

                        • Go 1.17 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language

                          Introduction to Go 1.17 The latest Go release, version 1.17, arrives six months after Go 1.16. Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before. Changes to the language Go 1.17 includes three small enhancements to the l

                            Go 1.17 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
                          • Chapter 12 - Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design, Google SRE Book

                            Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design By Salim Virji, James Youngman, Henry Robertson, Stephen Thorne, Dave Rensin, and Zoltan Egyed with Richard Bondi With responsibilities that span production operations and product engineering, SRE is in a unique position to align business case requirements and operational costs. Product engineering teams may not be aware of the maintenance cost of syste

                            • The Netflix Cosmos Platform

                              by Frank San Miguel on behalf of the Cosmos team IntroductionCosmos is a computing platform that combines the best aspects of microservices with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions. Its sweet spot is applications that involve resource-intensive algorithms coordinated via complex, hierarchical workflows that last anywhere from minutes to years. It supports both high throughput services

                                The Netflix Cosmos Platform
                              • Running LLaMA 7B and 13B on a 64GB M2 MacBook Pro with llama.cpp

                                Running LLaMA 7B and 13B on a 64GB M2 MacBook Pro with llama.cpp See also: Large language models are having their Stable Diffusion moment right now. Facebook's LLaMA is a "collection of foundation language models ranging from 7B to 65B parameters", released on February 24th 2023. It claims to be small enough to run on consumer hardware. I just ran the 7B and 13B models on my 64GB M2 MacBook Pro! I

                                  Running LLaMA 7B and 13B on a 64GB M2 MacBook Pro with llama.cpp
                                • D1: We turned it up to 11

                                  This post is also available in Deutsch, 简体中文, 日本語, Español, Français. We’re not going to bury the lede: we’re excited to launch a major update to our D1 database, with dramatic improvements to performance and scalability. Alpha users (which includes any Workers user) can create new databases using the new storage backend right now with the following command: $ wrangler d1 create your-database --ex

                                  • FragAttacks: Security flaws in all Wi-Fi devices

                                    Introduction 11 May 2021 — This website presents FragAttacks (fragmentation and aggregation attacks) which is a collection of new security vulnerabilities that affect Wi-Fi devices. An adversary that is within range of a victim's Wi-Fi network can abuse these vulnerabilities to steal user information or attack devices. Three of the discovered vulnerabilities are design flaws in the Wi-Fi standard

                                    • Making the Tokio scheduler 10x faster | Tokio - An asynchronous Rust runtime

                                      Making the Tokio scheduler 10x fasterOctober 13, 2019 We've been hard at work on the next major revision of Tokio, Rust's asynchronous runtime. Today, a complete rewrite of the scheduler has been submitted as a pull request. The result is huge performance and latency improvements. Some benchmarks saw a 10x speed up! It is always unclear how much these kinds of improvements impact "full stack" use

                                      • A Guide To CSS Debugging — Smashing Magazine

                                        Debugging in CSS means figuring out what might be the problem when you have unexpected layout results. We’ll look at a few categories bugs often fit into, see how we can evaluate the situation, and explore techniques that help prevent these bugs. We’ve all been there, at the end of completing CSS for a layout and — what’s that? Ah! An extra scrollbar! Or maybe an element is an unexpected color. An

                                          A Guide To CSS Debugging — Smashing Magazine
                                        • Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS News Blog Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing Nearly a decade ago I wrote about the Quantum Compute Cloud on April Fool’s Day. The future has arrived and you now have the opportunity to write quantum algorithms and to run them on actual quantum computers. Here’s what we are announcing today: Amazon Braket – A fully managed service that allows scientists, researchers, and develop

                                            Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing | Amazon Web Services
                                          • Understanding Large Language Models

                                            Large language models have taken the public attention by storm – no pun intended. In just half a decade large language models – transformers – have almost completely changed the field of natural language processing. Moreover, they have also begun to revolutionize fields such as computer vision and computational biology. Since transformers have such a big impact on everyone’s research agenda, I wan

                                              Understanding Large Language Models
                                            • A Picture of Java in 2020 | The IntelliJ IDEA Blog

                                              IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

                                                A Picture of Java in 2020 | The IntelliJ IDEA Blog
                                              • Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers – starting with Async Context Tracking, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert, and util

                                                Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers – starting with Async Context Tracking, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert, and util03/23/2023 Over the coming months, Cloudflare Workers will start to roll out built-in compatibility with Node.js core APIs as part of an effort to support increased compatibility across JavaScript runtimes. We are happy to announce today that the first of these Node.js APIs –

                                                  Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers – starting with Async Context Tracking, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert, and util
                                                • ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!

                                                  To enable the functionality described here, select and install the Wolfram plugin from within ChatGPT. Note that this capability is so far available only to some ChatGPT Plus users; for more information, see OpenAI’s announcement. In Just Two and a Half Months… Early in January I wrote about the possibility of connecting ChatGPT to Wolfram|Alpha. And today—just two and a half months later—I’m exci

                                                    ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!
                                                  • Designing a Ruby Serverless Runtime

                                                    Last week, Google announced the public beta of the Ruby runtime for Cloud Functions, Google’s functions-as-a-service (FaaS) hosting platform. Ruby support has lagged a bit behind other languages over the past year or so, but now that we’ve caught up, I thought I’d share some of the design process behind the product. This article is not a traditional design document. I won’t go through the design i

                                                    • How Meta built the infrastructure for Threads

                                                      On July 5, 2023, Meta launched Threads, the newest product in our family of apps, to an unprecedented success that saw it garner over 100 million sign ups in its first five days. A small, nimble team of engineers built Threads over the course of only five months of technical work. While the app’s production launch had been under consideration for some time, the business finally made the decision a

                                                        How Meta built the infrastructure for Threads
                                                      • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200525前編)2020年のRailsマストgem 19個、スライド『Fat Modelの倒し方』、AR mergeのrewhereオプションを変更ほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                        2020.05.25 週刊Railsウォッチ(20200525前編)2020年のRailsマストgem 19個、スライド『Fat Modelの倒し方』、AR mergeのrewhereオプションを変更ほか こんにちは、hachi8833です。JavaScriptが25歳の誕生日を迎えたそうです🎉。10日そこそこで最初のプロトタイプを作ったとは😳。Rubyはちょっとだけ年上なんですね。 25 years ago this month the first prototype of JavaScript was created over ten days. Most likely May 6-15, 1995. Read about how it happened in “JavaScript: The First 20 Years” https://t.co/aCMFx28GX0@Bren

                                                          週刊Railsウォッチ(20200525前編)2020年のRailsマストgem 19個、スライド『Fat Modelの倒し方』、AR mergeのrewhereオプションを変更ほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                        • Testing sync at Dropbox

                                                          …and how we rewrote the heart of sync with confidence. Executing a full rewrite of the Dropbox sync engine was pretty daunting. (Read more about our goals and how we made the decision in our previous post here.) Doing so meant taking the engine that powers Dropbox on hundreds of millions of user’s machines and swapping it out mid-flight. To pull this off, we knew we would need a serious investment

                                                            Testing sync at Dropbox
                                                          • Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too

                                                            04.28.2020 Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too By Corey Quinn Updated: May 1, 2020. See the bottom of this article for some clarifications. Today, news broke that Zoom signed a deal with Oracle Cloud to host their cloud infrastructure, beating out AWS,… Updated: May 1, 2020. See the bottom of this article for some clarifications. Today, news broke that Zoom signed a deal

                                                              Why Zoom Chose Oracle Cloud Over AWS and Maybe You Should Too
                                                            • New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS News Blog New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services I first wrote about EC2 Reserved Instances a decade ago! Since I wrote that post, our customers have saved billions of dollars by using Reserved Instances to commit to usage of a specific instance type and operating system within an AWS region. Over the years we have enhanced the Reserved Instance model to make it easier for you to take ad

                                                                New – Savings Plans for AWS Compute Services | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Low-Level Software Security for Compiler Developers

                                                                1 Introduction Compilers, assemblers and similar tools generate all the binary code that processors execute. It is no surprise then that these tools play a major role in security analysis and hardening of relevant binary code. Often the only practical way to protect all binaries with a particular security hardening method is to have the compiler do it. And, with software security becoming more and

                                                                • Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot

                                                                  Netflix has developed a Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework and it is now open source. The DGS framework simplifies the implementation of GraphQL, both for standalone and federated GraphQL services. Our framework is battle-hardened by our use at scale. By open-sourcing the project, we hope to contribute to the Java and GraphQL communities and learn from and collaborate with everyone who will be u

                                                                    Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot
                                                                  • Visual Studio Code April 2022

                                                                    Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code April 2022 (version 1.67) Update 1.67.1: The update addresses this security issue. Update 1.67.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the April 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in thi

                                                                      Visual Studio Code April 2022
                                                                    • Introduction to SELinux

                                                                      EducationSecurityIntroduction to SELinuxSELinux is the most popular Linux Security Module used to isolate and protect system components from one another. Learn about different access control systems and Linux security as I introduce the foundations of a popular type system. At GitHub Security Lab, our main mission is helping secure the open source software we all rely on. While securing applicatio

                                                                        Introduction to SELinux
                                                                      • Don't attach tooltips to document.body

                                                                        10 Mar, 2021 Don’t attach tooltips to document.body TL;DR Instead of attaching tooltips directly to document.body, attach them to a predefined div in document.body. BAD <body> <!-- temporary div, vanishes when tooltips vanishes --> <div>my tooltip</div> <body> GOOD <body> <!-- this div stays forever, just for attaching tooltips --> <div id="tooltips-container"> <!-- temporary div, vanishes when to

                                                                        • The Open Source Sustainability Crisis

                                                                          Let’s get the XKCD reference out of the way, shall we? Okay, now let’s talk about the Open Source sustainability crisis. The purpose of this post is to define terms. What is Open Source sustainability? Why do I say it is in crisis? My answers are that sustainability is when people are getting paid without jumping through hoops, and we’re in a crisis because people aren’t and they’re burning out. W

                                                                          • Speedometer 3.0: The Best Way Yet to Measure Browser Performance

                                                                            As announced on browserbench.org today, in collaboration with other browser engine developers, Apple’s WebKit team is excited to introduce Speedometer 3.0, a major update that better reflects the Web of today. It’s built together by the developers of all major browser engines: Blink, Gecko, and WebKit with hundreds of contributions from companies like Apple, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Mozilla.

                                                                              Speedometer 3.0: The Best Way Yet to Measure Browser Performance
                                                                            • Custom Editor API

                                                                              Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. Custom editors allow extensions to create fully customizable read/write editors that are used in place of VS Code's standard text editor for specific types of resources. They have a wide variety of use cases, such as: Previewing assets, such as shaders or 3D models, directly in VS Code. Creating WYSIWYG editors for la

                                                                                Custom Editor API
                                                                              • AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation

                                                                                233 AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation OCTAVE LAROSE, University of Kent, UK SOPHIE KALEBA, University of Kent, UK HUMPHREY BURCHELL, University of Kent, UK STEFAN MARR, University of Kent, UK Thanks to partial evaluation and meta-tracing, it became practical to build language implementations that reach state-of-the-art peak performance by implementing only an interprete

                                                                                • Vue.js

                                                                                  TIP This FAQ assumes prior experience with Vue - in particular, experience with Vue 2 while primarily using Options API. Composition API is a set of APIs that allows us to author Vue components using imported functions instead of declaring options. It is an umbrella term that covers the following APIs: Reactivity API, e.g. ref() and reactive(), that allows us to directly create reactive state, com
