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201 - 240 件 / 792件

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internalsの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 792件

  • Go, Clojure, マイクロサービス…コロナを技術で乗り越えろ!飲食スタートアップの挑戦

    テックカンパニーをテックカンパニーたらしめているものはなにか?技術か、人か、それともチームなのか。 連載「Technology Company Internals」では、テックカンパニーの内側で働くエンジニアに、技術に精通したエキスパートが対面で話を聞き、テックカンパニーとは何か?を探るだけでなく、テックカンパニーを目指す企業の指針となることを目指します。 コロナ禍は飲食業界のDXを促進する 白石: 本日はよろしくお願いします。自己紹介からお願いします。 鄧: 鄧 皓亢(デン ハオカン)と申します。CTOを務めています。普段の仕事は、一言でいうと「なんでも屋」ですね。アーキテクト的な役割を担うこともあれば、お客様に価値を少しでも早くお届けするためにソリューションをチームに提案したり、場合によっては自分でもコードを書いたりします。 北川: 北川 真理(キタガワ マコト)です。フロントエンドエ

      Go, Clojure, マイクロサービス…コロナを技術で乗り越えろ!飲食スタートアップの挑戦
    • 週刊Railsウォッチ(20210209後編)Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る、Kernel#getsの意外な機能、CSSのcontent-visibilityほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

      週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙇 TechRachoではRubyやRailsの最新情報などの記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Ruby 🔗 Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る 元記事: RubyでオレオレVMとアセンブラとコード生成器を2週間で作ってライフゲームを動かした話 -

        週刊Railsウォッチ(20210209後編)Rubyでミニ言語処理系を作る、Kernel#getsの意外な機能、CSSのcontent-visibilityほか|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
      • How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog

        Several weeks ago, the .NET Blog featured a post What is .NET, and why should you choose it?. It provided a high-level overview of the platform, summarizing various components and design decisions, and promising more in-depth posts on the covered areas. This post is the first such follow-up, deep-diving into the history leading to, the design decisions behind, and implementation details of async/a

          How Async/Await Really Works in C# - .NET Blog
        • php.internals: Changes to Git commit workflow

          Hi everyone, Yesterday (2021-03-28) two malicious commits were pushed to the php-src repo [1] from the names of Rasmus Lerdorf and myself. We don't yet know how exactly this happened, but everything points towards a compromise of the git.php.net server (rather than a compromise of an individual git account). While investigation is still underway, we have decided that maintaining our own git infras

          • The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It

            As the PlayStation 2 turns 20 in Japan on March 4, followed by Europe and North America later in the year, game outlets of all stripes will undoubtedly be trotting out lists and retrospectives commemorating one of the most culturally significant and successful consoles to ever be produced. Although much of that attention will likely be focused on the many unique and diverse games that helped make

              The Story of the PS2’s Backwards Compatibility From the Engineer Who Built It
            • We Made Puma Faster With Sleep Sort

              Puma 5 (codename Spoony Bard1(When Puma gets a new ‘supercontributor’ that submits lots of important work to the project, we let them name the next release. This release features a lot of code from Will Jordan, who named this release ‘Spoony Bard’. Will said: ‘Final Fantasy IV is especially nostalgic for me, the first big open-source project I ever worked on was a fan re-translation of the game ba

                We Made Puma Faster With Sleep Sort
              • The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System - The Security Design of the AWS Nitro System

                Publication date: February 15, 2024 (Document revisions) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers. The AWS Nitro System is the underlying platform for all modern EC2 instances. This whitepaper provides a detailed description of the security design

                • Git Internals part 1: The git object model

                  This is the first of several posts exploring how git works under the hood. While lots of programmers are familiar with using git, I wanted to do a deep dive into how git is implemented. git employs many clever ideas to optimize common version control operations. I'm a big fan of trying to understand software by playing around with it rather than reading lots of documentation. To that end, I've wri

                    Git Internals part 1: The git object model
                  • WebRTC 入門|npaka

                    以下の記事を参考に書いてます。 ・Getting Started with WebRTC 1. プラグインなしのリアルタイム通信電話、テレビ、コンピュータが共通のプラットフォームで通信できる世界を想像してみてください。ビデオチャット、P2PをWebアプリに簡単に追加できることを想像してみてください。それが「WebRTC」のビジョンです。 「WebRTC」は、デスクトップとモバイルの「Google Chrome」「Safari」「Firefox」「Opera」で利用できるようになりました。はじめに試してみるべきは、シンプルなビデオチャット「appr.tc」です。 (1) ブラウザで「appr.tc」を開く。 (2) 「Joinボタン」をクリックしてチャットルームに参加。 (3) Webカメラを有効化。 (3) ページ下部に表示されているURLを別のタブまたはPCで開く。 2. クイックスター

                      WebRTC 入門|npaka
                    • Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany

                      I was browsing social media this morning, and I saw a claim I’ve seen go past a few times now – that there’s a maximum size for a PDF document: Terrible Maps @TerribleMaps Maximum size of a PDF, version 7: 381 km × 381 km. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Seit… 5:14 PM - 30 Jun 2023 Some version of this has been floating around the Internet since 2007, probably earlier. This tweet is pret

                        Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany
                      • Year in Review 2022: Tenderlove's Ruby and Rails Reflections and Predictions

                        Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Hi everyone! How are you doing? It's me, Aaron (some people know me on the internet as Tenderlove)! I hope you're doing well. ❤️ Since we're coming up on the end of the year, I thought it might be a good idea to take a moment to reflect on cool stuff that's happened or is happening in the Ruby community right now. Ac

                          Year in Review 2022: Tenderlove's Ruby and Rails Reflections and Predictions
                        • Remix Vite is Now Stable

                          Today we’re excited to announce that support for Vite is now stable in Remix v2.7.0! After the initial unstable release of Remix Vite, we’ve been hard at work refining and extending it over the past few months with help from all of our early adopters and community contributors. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Closed 75 issues and merged 136 pull requests related to Vite. Migrated the website you’re

                            Remix Vite is Now Stable
                          • Rootless Containers: The Next Trend in Container Security

                            This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese) Executive Summary As cloud computing evolves, containers continue to become more and more popular. New solutions and ideas to the way we implement containers are being introduced. One of these new ideas is rootless containers. Rootless containers is a new concept of containers that don’t require root privileges in order to formulate. Many solutions ha

                              Rootless Containers: The Next Trend in Container Security
                            • Flutter - Flutter internals

                              IntroductionWhen I started up my journey into the fabulous world of Flutter beginning 2018, very little documentation could be found on Internet compared to what exists today. Despite the number of articles that have been written, very few talk about how Flutter actually works. What are finally the Widgets, the Elements, the BuildContext ? Why is Flutter fast and why does it sometimes work differe

                                Flutter - Flutter internals
                              • The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) @ tonsky.me

                                If you combine this with the Unicode table, you’ll see that English is encoded with 1 byte, Cyrillic, Latin European languages, Hebrew and Arabic need 2, and Chinese, Japanese, Korean, other Asian languages, and Emoji need 3 or 4. A few important points here: First, UTF-8 is byte-compatible with ASCII. The code points 0..127, the former ASCII, are encoded with one byte, and it’s the same exact byt

                                  The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) @ tonsky.me
                                • Angular struggles in 2020

                                  Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen for This is Angular Posted on Jul 21, 2020 • Updated on Nov 15, 2020 Cover photo by Pixabay on Pexels. The views expressed in this opinion piece are entirely my own. They do not represent any organization. You're going down a dark, murky, slippery road and you've lost your way. What do you do? Keep moving while acting like everything is alright? Or stop and ask for help? T

                                    Angular struggles in 2020
                                  • Why You Shouldn't Buy a MacBook With Only 256GB Storage

                                    How much storage do you need for a MacBook? Is 256GB of storage enough for a MacBook Pro or Air? Let's find out. When Apple unveiled the first MacBook Pro with Retina display in 2012, it shipped with 256GB of flash storage at a minimum. Nearly a decade later, in 2022, the entry-level 13-inch MacBook Pro (as well as the MacBook Air) still only includes 256GB of storage, unless you upgrade it. Meanw

                                      Why You Shouldn't Buy a MacBook With Only 256GB Storage
                                    • Open Source Web Engine Servo to be Hosted at Linux Foundation - Linux Foundation

                                      3 MIN READ Open Source Web Engine Servo to be Hosted at Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation | 17 November 2020 The popular and lightning-fast web engine built using the Rust programming language will grow the community and expand its platform footprint KubeCon, November 17, 2020 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced it wi

                                      • PHP 7.4の新機能(推奨されなくなるもの、機能、スピード)

                                        PHP 7.4の新機能(推奨されなくなるもの、機能、スピード) PHP 7の次のマイナーリリースであるPHP 7.4は、2019年11月28日にリリースされました。そこで今日は、PHPをより速くより信頼性の高いものにした最もエキサイティングな新しい機能についてご説明します。 最新情報)現在、PHP 8.1(正式リリース)がすべてのプランでサポートされており、PHP 7.4のサポートは終了しています。KinstaがサポートするPHPバージョンは、8.0, 8.1, 8.2 , 8.3です。 PHP 7.4がパフォーマンスとコードの読みやすさを大幅に向上させたとしても、JITの追加の提案はすでに承認されているため、PHPのパフォーマンスにとって重要なマイルストーンとなるのは明らかにPHP 8です。 とにかく、今日はPHP 7.4に期待している最も興味深い機能と変更点のいくつかをご紹介します。ち

                                          PHP 7.4の新機能(推奨されなくなるもの、機能、スピード)
                                        • C2Rust is Back :: Immunant, Inc

                                          tl;dr: c2rust (a transpiler from C to unsafe Rust) is once more being actively developed, now works with recent nightlies, has some new features and bugfixes, and has dropped the c2rust-refactor tool in preparation for an exciting new approach to generating safe rust. As always, we welcome new users and are eager for any feedback! After a long while without much time or funding to dedicate to the

                                          • Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything

                                            Update: this piece was featured on the NBTV YouTube Channel Manifest v3 may have taken some of the juice out of browser extensions, but I think there is still plenty left in the tank. To prove it, let’s build a Chrome extension that steals as much data as possible. I’m talking kitchen sink, whole enchilada, Grinch-plundering-Whoville levels of data theft. This will accomplish two things: Explore t

                                              Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
                                            • The iPhone 14 Feature Apple Didn’t Tell You About | iFixit News

                                              Teardowns Inside Apple’s Secret iPhone 14 Redesign What if we told you this is the iPhone 14 you should buy? The best feature of the iPhone 14 is one that Apple didn’t tell you about. Forget satellite SOS and the larger camera, the headline is this: Apple has completely redesigned the internals of the iPhone 14 to make it easier to repair. It is not at all visible from the outside, but this is a b

                                                The iPhone 14 Feature Apple Didn’t Tell You About | iFixit News
                                              • 壊れたルーティングを検出する route_mechanic gem と、その内部実装の話 - valid,invalid

                                                壊れたルーティングの検出、routing specを自動化するroute_mechanic gem を作って公開しました。この gem の紹介と内部実装の話を書きます。 rubygems.org 背景 Rails 開発者のうちの N% は、Rails application のルーティングを検証するために以下のようなコードを書いたことがあるかもしれません。 Rails が提供する assertions を使うなら: assert_routing({ path: 'photos', method: :post }, { controller: 'photos', action: 'create' }) rspec-rails なら: expect(:get => "/articles/2012/11/when-to-use-routing-specs").to route_to( :cont

                                                  壊れたルーティングを検出する route_mechanic gem と、その内部実装の話 - valid,invalid
                                                • The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy

                                                  Docker is an invaluable tool for managing containers, but it can be challenging to grasp its inner workings, especially for newcomers. While modern hosting platforms like Vercel and Netlify often eliminate the need for writing Dockerfiles for NodeJS processes, understanding Docker optimization becomes crucial when handling your infrastructure. By achieving optimal efficiency, you can save both tim

                                                    The complexity of writing an efficient NodeJS Docker image - Specfy
                                                  • Accessing hardware devices on the web  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                    Accessing hardware devices on the web Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The goal of this guide is to help you pick the best API to communicate with a hardware device (e.g. webcam, microphone, etc.) on the web. By "best" I mean it gives you everything you need with the shortest amount of work. In other words, you know the general use case you wan

                                                    • You Don't Need a Build Step

                                                      One of the first XKCD comics to go viral was this one, #303: Today, the web developer version would be “my site’s building” and they would be playing swords in VR. Sites take time to build these days. A large Next.js 11 site will take several minutes to build. This is wasted time in the development cycle. Build tools like Vite or Turbopack highlight their ability to get this number down. But the d

                                                        You Don't Need a Build Step
                                                      • IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view

                                                        IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view Copyright 2023 by Jon “maddog” Hall Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA-ND Photo: © Santiago Ferreira Litowtschenko Several people have opined on the recent announcement of Red Hat to change their terms of sales for their software.  Here are some thoughts from someone who has been around a long time and been in the midst of a lot of what occur

                                                          IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view
                                                        • Guidelines for reusing abstractions | GitLab

                                                          Why these guidelines are necessary End goal Abstractions Controllers API endpoints Service classes ServiceResponse Finders Presenters Serializers Models Model class methods Model instance methods Active Record Worker Guidelines for reusing abstractions As GitLab has grown, different patterns emerged across the codebase. Service classes, serializers, and presenters are just a few. These patterns ma

                                                          • GitHub - Arize-ai/phoenix: AI Observability & Evaluation

                                                            Phoenix provides MLOps and LLMOps insights at lightning speed with zero-config observability. Phoenix provides a notebook-first experience for monitoring your models and LLM Applications by providing: LLM Traces - Trace through the execution of your LLM Application to understand the internals of your LLM Application and to troubleshoot problems related to things like retrieval and tool execution.

                                                              GitHub - Arize-ai/phoenix: AI Observability & Evaluation
                                                            • Freedom and Portability

                                                              The economic advantages of portability are very great. In many segments of the computer industry, the dominant cost is development and maintenance of software. Dennis Ritchie and Stephen Johnson 1978 … many insist that C is the programming language and that it will last forever. Byte Magazine 1983 The August 1983 issue of Byte Magazine devoted its cover, and a large part of its editorial content,

                                                                Freedom and Portability
                                                              • It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest

                                                                It may not be possible for us to ever reach empirical definitions of "good code" or "clean code", which means that any one person's opinions about another person's opinions about "clean code" are necessarily highly subjective. I cannot review Robert C. Martin's 2008 book Clean Code from your perspective, only mine. That said, the major problem I have with Clean Code is that a lot of the example co

                                                                  It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
                                                                • Company - Bluesky

                                                                  What is Bluesky? Bluesky is a social app that is designed to not be controlled by a single company. We’re creating a version of social media where it's built by many people, and it still comes together as a cohesive, easy-to-use experience. We've done this by building Bluesky on the AT Protocol, an open source toolbox for building social apps that can all talk to each other. We want modern social

                                                                    Company - Bluesky
                                                                  • Announcing TypeScript 3.9 RC - TypeScript

                                                                    Today we’re announcing the availability of TypeScript 3.9 RC, the release candidate of TypeScript 3.9. Between now and the final release, we expect no further changes apart from critical bug fixes. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or use npm with the following command: You can also get editor support by Downloading for Visual Studio 2019/2017 Following directions for Visu

                                                                      Announcing TypeScript 3.9 RC - TypeScript
                                                                    • Solving common problems with Kubernetes

                                                                      I first learned Kubernetes ("k8s" for short) in 2018, when my manager sat me down and said "Cloudflare is migrating to Kubernetes, and you're handling our team's migration." This was slightly terrifying to me, because I was a good programmer and a mediocre engineer. I knew how to write code, but I didn't know how to deploy it, or monitor it in production. My computer science degree had taught me a

                                                                        Solving common problems with Kubernetes
                                                                      • Security assessment techniques for Go projects

                                                                        The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying areas where developers may not fully understan

                                                                          Security assessment techniques for Go projects
                                                                        • Brendan@Intel.com

                                                                          Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                                                                          • The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree

                                                                            By Francesco Bertolaccini You’ve reached computer programming nirvana. Your journey has led you down many paths, including believing that God wrote the universe in LISP, but now the truth is clear in your mind: every problem can be solved by writing one more compiler. It’s true. Even our soon-to-be artificially intelligent overlords are nothing but compilers, just as the legends foretold. That sma

                                                                              The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree
                                                                            • どうやって英語の情報収集しているか - Qiita

                                                                              2021年8月に書いたFirefox OSの軌跡のコメント欄で、どうやって英語の情報収集しているか教えてほしいと聞かれたので書いてみたものです。 なんで1年も経ってるんだよ。 いやー1週間で8割方書いてたんだけど、どうにも話が面白くならなくてそのまま寝かせてたんですよね。 なお寝かせたら熟成して面白くなったかというと別にそんなことはないです。 それどころか放置しすぎたせいで元コメントの人も呆れて消えてしまい、私が謎の独り言を言ってるだけに見えてしまうという悲劇。 はじめに キャリアアップ? スキルアップ? キャッチアップ? 知るか。 そもそも私は『トレンドに追いつくため常に広く深く情報収集していかねばならない』みたいなことは全く考えてないので、毎日定期的に見て回ってチェックして、なんて面倒なことはやっていません。 気が向いたときにだらだら眺める程度です。 というか勉強なんてしたくないし仕事

                                                                                どうやって英語の情報収集しているか - Qiita
                                                                              • React Internals Explorer | Deep Dive Into React

                                                                                React Internals Explorer to easily inspect React internals, created by JSer.

                                                                                  React Internals Explorer | Deep Dive Into React
                                                                                • Git's database internals II: commit history queries

                                                                                  Avoiding the expensive commit parsing results in a nice constant factor speedup (about 6x in these examples), but we need something more to get even better performance out of certain queries. Reachability indexes One of the most important questions we ask about commits is “can commit A reach commit B?” If we can answer that question quickly, then commands such as git tag --contains and git branch

                                                                                    Git's database internals II: commit history queries