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  • 【新卒研修資料】基礎統計学 / Basic of statistics


      【新卒研修資料】基礎統計学 / Basic of statistics
    • Microsoft R Server now available for Academics and Students via DreamSpark - big data statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning capabilities - Microsoft UK Faculty Connection - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

      In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...

        Microsoft R Server now available for Academics and Students via DreamSpark - big data statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning capabilities - Microsoft UK Faculty Connection - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
      • COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

        NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

          COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
        • Facebook Statistics, Application Statistics, Page Statistics - Socialbakers

          SolutionsEmplifi is there to help you take on any marketing, commerce, or care challenge with confidence. Learn More

            Facebook Statistics, Application Statistics, Page Statistics - Socialbakers
          • AWStats - Open Source Log File Analyzer for advanced statistics (GNU GPL)

            AWStats official web site Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced statistics (GNU GPL). What is AWStats AWStats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. This log analyzer works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. It uses a partial

            • Coveralls.io - Test Coverage History and Statistics

              We help you deliver code confidently by showing which parts of your code aren’t covered by your test suite. Free for open source repos. Pro accounts for private repos. Instant sign up through GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab.

              • Alexaholic: Website Statistics and Website Traffic Graphs

                Coming Soon A new site for Alexa, Amazon's cloud based AI. Learn more about Alexa features, skills, and products.

                • わかった気にさせる研究発表スライドを作る たった1つのルールとそれを実現させる4つの方法 - music, statistics, and my life

                  research, tips |  最近,研究室でのゼミで後輩のプレゼンのスライドでいろいろ思うところがあったのですが,こうしたほうがいいよというルールって何かあるかな?と自分が作っているときのことを思い出しつつ考えてみました. 考えた結果,ひとつのルールとそれを実現するための4つの方法にまとまりました.ただしここで紹介するスライドの作り方はあくまで研究の発表(学会とかゼミとかでの発表)向きです.ビジネスだとまた違う工夫が必要だと思います.それからあくまで私の工夫のポイントなだけなので,こいうところ工夫したらもっとよくなるよというところがあったらぜひぜひ教えてください(^^)それでは,どうぞ☆ ルール:素人に10秒で「わかった!」気にさせること(解説)(1)素人に 見せる相手が誰でどんな人であるか,ということを把握することが大事です.研究発表のスライドの場合,そのテーマについて自分より詳し

                  • YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, & Instagram Statistics - SocialBlade.com

                    Facebook Top Charts - Talked About Top 50 Talked About Facebook Pages

                      YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, & Instagram Statistics - SocialBlade.com
                    • Facebook Statistics, Application Statistics, Page Statistics - Socialbakers

                      SolutionsEmplifi is there to help you take on any marketing, commerce, or care challenge with confidence. Learn More

                        Facebook Statistics, Application Statistics, Page Statistics - Socialbakers
                      • Wikipedia Statistics

                        This site is currently undergoing upgrades and will be back soon! Until then you can use WikiShark Wikipedia Stats Click here to go to WikiShark Contact me at : elad.vardi@mail.huji.ac.il

                        • Browser Statistics

                          W3Schools offers a wide range of services and products for beginners and professionals, helping millions of people everyday to learn and master new skills. Free Tutorials Enjoy our free tutorials like millions of other internet users since 1999

                            Browser Statistics
                          • ॐ Worldometers - real time world statistics

                            reached 8 billion on November 15, 2022 according to the latest United Nations estimates. is projected to reach 9 billion in 2037, and 10 billion in 2058. has doubled in 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion). is currently (2024) growing at a rate of around 0.91% per year, adding around 73 million people per year to the total. growth rate reached its peak in the late 1960s, when it was

                              ॐ Worldometers - real time world statistics
                            • Browser Statistics - Axiis : Data Visualization Framework

                              • 手で読む統計 - 書評 - STATISTICS HACKS(和訳) : 404 Blog Not Found

                                2008年01月26日02:30 カテゴリ書評/画評/品評Math 手で読む統計 - 書評 - STATISTICS HACKS(和訳) オライリー・ジャパンの矢野様より献本御礼。 STATISTICS HACKS Bruce Frey 鴨澤眞夫監訳 / 西沢直木訳 [原著:STATISTICS HACKS] これは面白くて使える。 ただし、競争も激しい分野でもある。 本書、「STATISTICS HACKS」は、統計をハック、すなわち実践を通して学ぶ本。「クラック」の意味で流通している「ハック」を統計に応用したものに関しては、すでに「統計でウソをつく法」というロングセラーがあるのでそちらを参照。 目次 - oreilly.co.jp -- Online Catalog: Statistics Hacksより クレジット はじめに 統計の基本 秘密を盗め 2つの数字で世界を記述 オッズの計

                                  手で読む統計 - 書評 - STATISTICS HACKS(和訳) : 404 Blog Not Found
                                • Statistics Hacks

                                  TOPICS Hacks , Database , Math 発行年月日 2007年12月 PRINT LENGTH 292 ISBN 978-4-87311-335-7 原書 Statistics Hacks FORMAT 本書『Statistics Hacks』は、統計(Statistics)の基礎と実生活で活用する方法(Hack)を解説する書籍です。前半では、統計的な考え方になじみのない読者や、再確認したい読者のために、基本的な考え方や統計ハッカーの必須ツールを分かりやすく解説。後半では、良い標本の抽出方法、適切なアンケートの設問内容、テスト結果で自分のランクを正確に知る手法など、統計をビジネスや教育など実生活で活かす方法を解説し、さらに企業の寿命の予測や、医学的な診断結果を正しく理解する方法、スポーツの結果予測、文章解析など、ユニークな応用方法まで紹介します。本書で解説する手法は、

                                    Statistics Hacks
                                  • 十分統計量 (Sufficient Statistics) って何なのさ? - あらびき日記

                                    この記事は abicky.net の 十分統計量 (Sufficient Statistics) って何なのさ? に移行しました

                                      十分統計量 (Sufficient Statistics) って何なのさ? - あらびき日記
                                    • Amazon.co.jp: Statistics Hacks ―統計の基本と世界を測るテクニック: Bruce Frey (著), 西沢直木 (翻訳), 鴨澤眞夫 (監修), 鴨澤眞夫 (読み手): 本

                                        Amazon.co.jp: Statistics Hacks ―統計の基本と世界を測るテクニック: Bruce Frey (著), 西沢直木 (翻訳), 鴨澤眞夫 (監修), 鴨澤眞夫 (読み手): 本
                                      • NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons

                                        Find Market Sizing and Trends on any sector, in any country 50,000 Industry Stats Get access to an exclusive database of key statistics across 300 Industry Verticals (Agriculture, Consumer Goods, ICT, Pharma etc.) Daily Updates from Official Sources Track thousands of statistics as and when they are released. All from sources such as National statistic agencies, Governments, International organiza

                                          NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons
                                        • Statista - The Statistics Portal

                                          Order nowAnd get full access to all statistics. Starting from $948 USD per year!

                                            Statista - The Statistics Portal
                                          • 博士課程の就職活動まとめ - music, statistics, and my life

                                            job hunting |  かねてから大学という組織で研究していくことに思うところあって企業への就職活動をしていましたが,先日2社より内々定を頂き,悩んだ末来年度から某メーカーの研究部門で働く予定となりました.学部時代に就職活動していたこともあって「就活」自体のプロセスはだいたいは知っていたものの,就職活動始めたばかりの頃に読んだ博士から就職した方のblogのエントリーは,研究や業績がすごすぎる方or海外までインターンに行っちゃうようなアグレッシブな方,もしくはとっても大変そう…前者には当てはまらないし,震災の影響もあって苦戦するかと思っていただけに,どうしようかと思いましたが「DはDなりに」をうまく掴んでからはわりとうまくいってたと思います.   就職活動は超シンプルに考えると自分を企業に売り込みに行くこと.つまり1. どこに自分を売り込みに行きたいか2.何を売りのポイントにするか,

                                            • Statistics 110: Introduction to Probability - Download free content from Harvard University on iTunes

                                              Description Statistics 110 (Introduction to Probability), taught at Harvard University by Joe Blitzstein in Fall 2011. Lecture videos, homework, review material, practice exams, and a large collection of practice problems with detailed solutions are provided. This course is an introduction to probability as a language and set of tools for understanding statistics, science, risk, and randomness. Th

                                              • Android Market statistics from AndroLib, Androlib, Android Applications and Games

                                                Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating system, with over 3 billion active devices and millions of apps available on the Google Play Store. But not all apps are created equal, and some are worth paying for to get the best features, performance, and user experience. In this blog post, we will list and review the best free and paid Android apps which are the most grossing in 2023, accor

                                                  Android Market statistics from AndroLib, Androlib, Android Applications and Games
                                                • 理系だからってことはない - music, statistics, and my life

                                                  book |  id:mamorukさんの日記で紹介されていて気になっていたので旅に持っていって帰りの新幹線の中で読破.先生編はまあないな,と思ったのでこの2冊.素敵にサイエンス 研究者編―かがやき続ける女性キャリアを目指して 女性のための理系進路選択作者: 鳥養映子,横山広美出版社/メーカー: 近代科学社発売日: 2008/05メディア: 単行本クリック: 4回この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る素敵にサイエンス 企業編―かがやき続ける女性キャリアを目指して 女性のための理系進路選択作者: 中村立子出版社/メーカー: 近代科学社発売日: 2008/09メディア: 単行本クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る どちらも主眼におかれているのは「文理選択を迷っている女子高生」というところなので研究を始めるまでのところはかなりぴんとこなかった.自分はデザインや音楽といった芸術の

                                                  • 史上最強か、ウィキペディアのキーワードアドバイスツール – Wikipedia article traffic statistics | 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ

                                                    すごいキーワードアドバイスツールを見つけてしまいました。 これです。 何がすごいかというと、キャプチャ画像のタイトルの「Wikipedia」です。 そう、このグラフはWikipedia日本で先月2月の、「バラック・オバマ」の日々の検索数を表しています。 ※画像のリンク先ページで「ALL SIZES」ボタンをクリックすると、拡大表示が見られます。縦軸の数値の「k」は、「kilo」で「1,000」のことです。 ツールの名称は、「Wikipedia article traffic statistics」と言います。 Wikipediaのアクセス数は1,2を争うレベルのはずです。 古いデータしか見つかりませんでしたが、Wikipediaの2006年の推定ユニーク訪問者数は、「1851万人」だったそうです。 利用者の数から考えると、気になるキーワードの検索数を知るのには、いまだかつてないほどの信憑性

                                                      史上最強か、ウィキペディアのキーワードアドバイスツール – Wikipedia article traffic statistics | 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ
                                                    • GitHub - t32k/stylestats: StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.

                                                      $ stylestats path/to/stylesheet.css StyleStats! ┌─────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┐ │ Published │ June 14, 2017 10:35 AM │ ├─────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │ Paths │ path/to/stylesheet.css │ ├─────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │ Style Sheets │ 1 │ ├─────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │ Sty

                                                        GitHub - t32k/stylestats: StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.
                                                      • Graph | The best way to search statistics.

                                                        こちらの「統計情報の検索を驚くほど簡単にするサービス Graph」の開発プロジェクトは2015年6月をもって完全に終了させていただきました。 応援していただいた方々の多大なる支援、誠にありがとうございました。 株式会社coco 代表取締役社長 高橋 Our search engine will help you get any statisical information. This simple UI is able to analyze the market scales, make business documents, and lets you find quantitive dates for assignments easily.

                                                          Graph | The best way to search statistics.
                                                        • Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing

                                                          “…make both calculations and graphs. Both sorts of output should be studied; each will contribute to understanding.” F.J. Anscombe, 1973 Anscombe’s Quartet It can be difficult to demonstrate the importance of data visualization. Some people are of the impression that charts are simply “pretty pictures,” while all important information can be divined through statistical analysis. An effective (and

                                                            Same Stats, Different Graphs: Generating Datasets with Varied Appearance and Identical Statistics through Simulated Annealing
                                                          • Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers

                                                            by Allen B. Downey, published by O'Reilly Media. The second edition of this book is available now. We recommend you switch to the new (and improved) version! Order Think Stats from Amazon.com. Download this book in PDF. Read this book online. Code examples and solutions are available from this zip file. Download data files for use with the book. Read the related blog Probably Overthinking It. Desc

                                                            • World Internet Users Statistics and 2023 World Population Stats

                                                              Internet Internet description from Wikipedia, history, creation, growth, structure, uses and other basic data. Web Browser Statistics Statistics and trends for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, UC Browser (USWeb), Opera and IE. ICANN The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, better known as ICANN, is responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) to ensure that every

                                                              • Welcome — Statistics Done Wrong

                                                                The woefully complete guide¶ by Alex Reinhart If you’re a practicing scientist, you probably use statistics to analyze your data. From basic t tests and standard error calculations to Cox proportional hazards models and propensity score matching, we rely on statistics to give answers to scientific problems. This is unfortunate, because statistical errors are rife. Statistics Done Wrong is a guide

                                                                • 財務省貿易統計 Trade Statistics of Japan

                                                                  令和6年2月の貿易総額(速報値)詳細な資料はこちら 輸出額   8兆2,492億円(前年同月比  7.8%) 輸入額   8兆6,286億円(前年同月比  0.5%) 差引額   ▲3,794億円 次回公表予定日 4月17日 詳細な公表予定日はこちら

                                                                  • 4sqmap - Foursquare Maps and Statistics

                                                                    © 4sqmap 2011-2024 HomeAboutContact Follow @4sqmap Python, Foursquare API, jQuery, Google Maps API v3, MarkerClusterer for Google Maps API v3, Google Charts API, MaxMind GeoIP

                                                                    • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

                                                                      An official website of the United States government Here is how you know The .gov means it's official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted se

                                                                        U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                                                      • Usage Statistics and Market Share of Content Management Systems, September 2024

                                                                        Top Site Usage Market Position PerformancePage Speed BreakdownRanking Server-side Languages Client-side Languages JavaScript Libraries CSS Frameworks Web Servers Web Panels Operating Systems Web Hosting Data Centers Reverse Proxies DNS Servers Email Servers SSL Certificate Authorities Content Delivery Traffic Analysis Tools Advertising Networks Tag Managers Social Widgets Site Elements Structured

                                                                        • SaiyaMan.NET :: BT RAW / Statistics

                                                                          • Futbol24: Livescore, soccer results, fixtures, statistics

                                                                            Disclaimer: Although every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our services we accept no responsibility for any kind of use made of any kind of data and information provided by this site.

                                                                            • Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics

                                                                              Introduction Various people have, over the last few years, done studies into the popularity of authoring techniques. For example, looking at what HTML ids and classes are most common, and at how many sites validate (and yes, we know that we're not leading the way in terms of validation). John Allsopp's study is the most recent one we're aware of, where he looked at class and id attribute values on

                                                                              • GitHub - reorx/httpstat: curl statistics made simple

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - reorx/httpstat: curl statistics made simple
                                                                                • Statistics and Data Analysis| Coursera

                                                                                  The language used throughout the course, in both instruction and assessments.

                                                                                    Statistics and Data Analysis| Coursera